Marketing Principles

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3.1. Explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage......................2

3.2 Explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience......................2
3.3 Explain how the prices are set to reflect an organisation's objectives and
market conditions.........................................................................................................3
3.4 Illustrate how promotional activity is integrated to achieve marketing objectives.....4
3.5 Analyse the additional elements of the extended marketing mix................................5
4.1. Plan marketing mixes for two different segments in the consumer markets...............6
4.2 Illustrate differences in marketing products and services to businesses rather
than consumers............................................................................................................7
4.3 Show ho and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing.............8

3.1. Explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage:

Sustainable competitive element is the main element of the strategy of a corporation.
It enables the sustainable and development of an organisations' rivalry level in the
market. It is the privilege which allows the business to survive against its rivalry over the
large time period. A competitive edge is the edge over the competitors attained by
proposing customers great value, either in the mode of lesser prices or by issuing more
benefits and service which justifies the greater prices. While a corporation maintains the
profits which exceed the average for the business, the corporation is said to posses a
rivalry edge over the competitors. Main objective of the business tactic is to accomplish a
sustainable,e rivalry edge.
According to Micheal Porter there are tow types of competitive advantage cost
Competitive advantage prevails while the corporation is capable of delivering the similar
benefits as the rivals but at the lower cost (cost advantage), or provide benefits which
exceed those of the rivalry products (differentiations advantages).
The differentiation advantages and the costs are called as the positional advantages since
they demonstrate the position of the corporation in the business as a leader in either the
differentiation or cost. A resource oriented view explains that a corporation employs its
resources and capabilities to devel a rivalry edge which ultimately impacts in the superior
value development.
3.2 Explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience:
Distribution in the marketing performs significantly to attract consumers
convenience hence; the setup of division of an organisation may show the major ability
for the corporation. Division is beneath the group of position and hence the corporations
developed an accurate division methodology so that it is simply approachable to the
customers and it may enhance probable sales for the organisation.
The distribution mediums acts a very vital part as to provide the easiness to the
consumers. Formulating from this reality, the channel of distribution an appear as the one
main competency source for the organisation.(Brocke, 2012). The distribution channel
keeps this vital as it is a segment of making visibility and accessibility to the consumer.

Moreover, it also supports in improving the possible sale for the corporation. The
corporation probably view at the 5 rights of the division. These are as follows:
Division channel comes under the classification of the place marketing mix. Division is
thought to be as the main cost of the airline business. By dint of online sales intervention,
the distribution face is varying. The company can arrange the channels of distribution by
developing the usage of international distribution system, by the travel agents, corporate
sales and through the websites. (Tinson, 2004)
3.3 Explain how the prices are set to reflect an organisation's objectives and market
The pricing policy of the corporation normally draws the market where it is projecting to
sale out their products and services. (Tinson, 2004). Prices are set not just to enhance the
sales or yiled margin of the corporations, but there are most other elements, which are
also thought by the corporations. Like, an airline can offer higher prices from the
consumers as they are projecting to sale the services and products as unique, not just the
cost of production is higher. Hence, from the reality it can be attributed that the charges
must be set by viewing in the thought numerous elements, some of those includes:
Competition level in the market
Variable and fixed cost of the corporation
Aimed group
Willingness and capability of the possible consumers to pay for the services and
According to the organisational objectives
Offered positioning tactics
The corporation can have different tactics about pricing. Such tactics must be chosen

according to the objectives of the corporation.

Skimming Pricing: Below this tactics, the corporation primarily charge greater prices
for the services and products and thereafter lowers the prices with a prospect to make
the goods available in the greater market.
Penetration Pricing: in this pricing strategy, the corporation sets the lesser prices for
the services and products for increasing the profits and sales. Moreover, by
implementing this tactic, corporation can also enhance the share in the market.
Competition pricing: as per this strategy, prices of the services and products are fixed
by the corporation according to the rivalry existing in the market.
3.4 Illustrate how promotional activity is integrated to achieve marketing
Promotion denotes to the procedure of interacting the benefits and products in the
probable market. The major objective of the promotion are twofold. Like supplying
information with respect to the product to prevailing consumers as well as convincing
them to buy the product or service. It also is being thought as the vital aspect from all the
other marketing mix segments. (Bowman and Gatignon, 2010)
Deprived of this element, consumers would not be aware in the association with the
service and products and its possibility to complete the requirements. Usually, there
occupies four main tools for the promotion, public relation, personal selling, sales
promotion and advertising. Henve, it can be said that the promotion mix is dealt as the
overall communication program of the corporation which composed of numerous blends
of its elements. (Brocke, 2012). It also moreover employed to achieve the organisational
Developing the targets and setting the budget for the promotion. Vitality of the objectives,
particular objectives, related to the decision making and planing, evaluation and
measurement, feature of the objectives are as follows:

Marketing Objectives
Usually given in the marketing plan of an organisation. Realised by the entire marketing
plan. Experimental, like sales, share of the market. For being capable in a specific period
should be attainable practically to be successful.
3.5 Analyse the additional elements of the extended marketing mix:
Marketing mix is amalgamation of marketing performs which a corporation associated in
for achieving better requirements of aimed market. Consistently marketing mix is
compose of 4Ps .
Produces the products which are of the greatest superiority and fulfills the requirements
of various groups of customers.
Proposes a variety of products at prices which value the money, relying on the segment of
the market they are aimed at. Selling the products via proper outlets like the showrooms
and dealerships in the major locations.
Facilitates the products marketing by appropriate advertising and marketing perform
The marketing mix hence composed on the four major elements:
Getting the mix of such elements right allows the corporation to attain the marketing
objectives and to gratify the consumer needs. Moreover, to the tractional 4Ps, presently it
is customary to include few more Ps making the Seven Ps mix. Further Ps have been
included as presently marketing is much more consumer based as compare to past, and as

they segment for the service of the economy for prevailing economic actions in the
nation. Such additional Ps are specifically related to the new enlarged marketing mix.
These additional Ps are:
Physical Format:
While the production was dominated the country's economy the physical structure of the
manufacturing units like the factories were not extreme vital for the user as they never
visited the factory. Therefore , presently customers usually come into the interaction with
the goods in whole sale departments. And they predict a great presentation standard in the
modern stylish stores. Not just they required to simply search their means across the
store, but they mostly predict a best level too.
Provision of Consumer Service:
Consumer service prevails at core of modern service businesses. Consumers are probable
to be credible from the mean a telephone query is tackled, to straight one to one
interaction. Though have a nice day attempt is a bit corny, it is definitely better than a
couldn't careless attempt to the customer relations.
Linked with the customer service are a group of procedures comprised in developing an
effective marketing in a corporation like procedures for handling the complaints from
customer, procedures for pointing out the needs of the customer, procedures for coping
with the orders etc.
The 7Ps - composed on present marketing mix which is specifically related in the service
business but is related too to the any type of organisation where achieving desires of the
consumer is prioritised.
4.1. Plan marketing mixes for two different segments in the consumer markets:
As we know that the marketing mix comprises on 7 elements, price, place, product,
promotion, process, promotion and physical evidence. Usually the corporations divides
the market based on the geographically, demographically and physiographically

consumer behaviour. The products differences in different countries like UK and Middle
East as different culture, climate. Prices are also different in both places. The marketing
physical evidences and marketing procedures are similar in both places but the people,
price, product, promotion, and places varies. The price, quality, and the promotional
proposes are not similar. Staff and management are also not similar for all the locations.
Various consumers have various requirements, and it eventually is probable for making
all happy. Most of the segments of the consumer markets variables may be put to as it
can be employed to support a plan enforced by the manager. On 1 or 2 close market
sections and self making market mix to the strategic marketing objectives prelude
scenario poor as little rich. Aims and the problems of marketing mix and the marketing
strategy and performance developers on the single consumer packaged good
classification. 44 percent of the customers are with the various marketing segments and
are individual consumers. For requesting the association at a various emails, updating it
here consumer markets personal buying services or goods for their individual usage of
business, plan the initiation of novel products to substitute the prevailing products they
can destroy the marketing strategy of the producer.
4.2 Illustrate differences in marketing products and services to businesses rather
than consumers:
Marketing for the business is observance of the marketing the services or products to
the rest of the corporations, sell again the services or products in association with their
personal employed products in the procedures of their business. In co-relation, customer
marketing is the promotion aimed at the customer, or the end user. Importance of both
sorts of marketing are actually alike, but problems comes are varied. All markers chose
the aimed markets and makes their decisions about the price, sort of the marketing and
distribution campaigns composed on such aimed markets. But scope of the business
buying is affected by numerous decision developers, professional purchasers and possible
for individuals.
Different businesses have different sort of products. Organisations develop services and
the goods as per the demand in the market. The consumers number in market is almost
similar. In a market there are a broad variety of products. Products are divided in differetn

sectors. Following are the differences in the services and products marketing to the
businesses instead of the customers;

Majority of the customer advertising proposes people products they might enjoy but

don't actually require that. But in the marketing for business to business, the scenario
varies. The business purchasers needs to purchases. Certainly, all business enterprises
should daily buy services and goods which support them for being profitable, rival, and
effective. The proof is the presences of buying agents, whose sole perform in to buy

Business buyer is the information seeker, usually on the view for the advices and

information which may support buyer do the task better, enhance the profits, or grow the
career. They seems hungry for the info and react better to the news and letters which
explain, in technical modes, what are the products, and how it resolves the issues in our
4.3 Show ho and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing:
As we debate in routine, the global and international terminologies are interchangeably
employed in the modern era. But as the discussion is in the means of marketing
ideologies and concepts, the international marketing have a standard in out coming of
global marketing.
Local marketing:
Corporations producing the goods and selling them inside a country. So, there is not any
global phenomenon entirely.
Export Marketing:
Corporation commences exporting goods to foreign nations too. This is the major basic
level of the global marketing. Approaches of the marketer in the present scenario is called
as 'ethnocentric' as though they are selling to the foreign nations, development of the
product is entirely composed on the taste of domestic consumer. Hence, the
concentrations is so far at the local market.

International Marketing:
Presently, corporation commences distributing products to the numerous states and this
attempt is 'Polycentric' that is developing various commodities for the various nations.
So, the major distinction among the Global and international marketing comes to the
distributer. An actually global business rather than of proposing various items to various
nations enhances and proposes a one International and Global marketing is the come near
to marketer. An actually global business rather than of proposing various products to
various nations enhances and proposes a single good or service to the world.
The above conducted research considers the elements of the marketing management
sections explaining about the commencement into the global market and various facets
where one may put concentration regarding the marketing mix. Here though, marketing
mix occupies 7 management marketing processes. Lastly, it is derived through the PEST
analysis of the macro and micro environmental elements those are impacted by the
marketing judgments.

Bowman, D., and Gatignon, H. (2010), "Market Response and Marketing Mix
Models,, Now Publishers Inc.
Kleindl, B. (2006), "International Marketing", Cengage Learning
Kotler, P. (2008), "Principles of Marketing
Tinson, J., (2004), " Marketing Strategies A 21 st century approach", FT/Prentic hall,
Pearson education India.

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