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Mayans Greatest Achievements

Destani Lara

365 days! The Mayans were a group of Native

Americans located in Meso America. What was their
most remarkable achievement? Although people
might argue that the Mayan trade network, building
cities, and the number system is the greatest
achievement. However, because of accuracy and
knowledge thus, the calendar is the most remarkable
The Mayan trade network was one of their
achievements. In doc (A), trade allowed a balance of
goods throughout the empire. The Mayans also built
cities. In doc (B), the buildings were large and tall.
They put a lot of effort, it took over 100 workers to
finish a single home of a nobleman. The Mayans also
created a numeric system. In doc (C), they arranged a
system name made of lines, dots, and shells. They
used symbols to represent numbers. In doc (D) they
made two calendars, solar and a ritual calendar. Their
calendar was the most accurate than anyone elses.
Using their knowledge, they Mayans developed a
calendar. They studied astrology to help with their
calendars. Their calendars had information such as,
when to harvest and when to plant their crops. They
predicted eclipses of the moon by tracking and
observing. Other civilizations around there had gotten
ideas of the calendar from the Mayans. Their calendar
was the most accurate than any other.
People use the calendar in everyday life. The
Mayans came up with their own system. They might
have not always been right but, they used their
knowledge and hardworking effort. They Mayans had

Mayans Greatest Achievements

Destani Lara

many remarkable achievements, but out of all the

achievements, the calendar was the most remarkable.

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