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This Partition Agreement entered into by and between:
ARTHUR P. BANASEN, of legal age, single, Filipino Citizen with residence and postal
address at JB-124 Central Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines and herein referred to as the
WILSON BANASEN married to Sharon R. Banasen, both of legal age, Filipino Citizens
and residents of JB-124 Central Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines and herein referred to
AMOR B. SEGUNDO married to Ferdinand B. Segundo, both of legal age, Filipino
Citizens and residents of JB-124 Central Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines and herein
referred to as the THIRD PARTY;
WHEREAS, by virtue of that DEED OF DONATION OF REGISTERED LOT entered in
the notarial registry of SHIRLEY JANE MALAYA-NACHOR as Doc. No. 85: Page No. 45: Book
No. V: Series of 2006 dated June 14, 2006; the above-named PARTIES are the co-owners of
that parcel of land situated at Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet containing an area of THREE
HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE (379) SQUARE METERS covered by Transfer Certificate
of Title No. T-18349 and more particularly described as follows, to wit::
No. T-18349
A parcel of land (Lot 1-F-1-C, Psd-1-06520, being a portion of Lot 1-F-1, Psd-1-06067, L.R.C.
REC No. _____) situated at Bo. Pico, Mun. of La Trinidad, Prov. of Benguet, Island of Luzon.
Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2-3 by Lot 1-D, Psd-1-05141, on the W., N., NE., E, & S.,
along lines 3-4-5-6-7-8-1 by Lot 1-F-1-E, Psd-1-06520. Beginning at a point marked 1 on
Lot 1-F-1-C, on plan being N. 37 deg., 48 E., 1478.03 M. from Triangulation Sta. CENTER,
La Trinidad, Benguet. Thence N. 16 deg., 57 W., 19.99 m. to point 2; thence S. 77 deg., 11
W., 9.82 m. to point 3; thence N. 8 deg., 51 W., 14.05 m. to point 4; thence N. 74 deg. 19
E., 10.95 m. to point 5; thence S., 42 deg., 10 E., 8.72 m. to point 6, thence S. 22 deg., 24
E., 22.50 m. to point 7l; thence S., 14 deg., 39 E., 4.35 m. to point 8; thence S., 74 deg., 47
W., 8.8 m. to point of beginning, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE
(379) SQUARE METERS. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on
the ground as follows: points 4,5,7 & 8 by P.S. Cyl. Conc. Mons. 15 x 60 cm., point 6 by X on
stone and the rest by Old P.S. cyl. Conc. mons 15 x 60 cm. bearing true, date of original
survey on June 26-27, 1941; date of subdivision survey on July 3, 1982 and approved on
Aug. 5, 1982..
WHEREAS, the PARTIES herein caused the subdivision of the aforementioned parcel
of land into THREE (3) lots;
WHEREAS, by virtue of that Approved Consolidation Subdivision Plan of LOTS 1-F-C1, 1-F-C-2, 1-F-C-3 Psd-CAR-013970 bearing number Pcs-CAR-001126 as prepared for Arthur
P. Banasen,, the parties herein hereby Subdivide, Partition and Adjudicate among
themselves the aforementioned parcel of land as follows, to wit:
-Lot 1-F-C-1, Psd-CAR-013970 with an area of ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN (116)
SQUARE METERS shall be adjudicated in favor of AMOR B. SEGUNDO, THIRD PARTY
herein. A copy of the Technical Description of Lot 1-F-C-1, Psd-CAR-013970 is hereto
attached and made part hereof.
- Lot 1-F-C-2, Psd-CAR-013970 with an area of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SIX
(136) SQUARE METERS, shall be adjudicated in favor of ARTHUR P. BANASEN the FIRST
PARTY, herein. Copy of the Technical Description of i Lot 1-F-C-2, Psd-CAR-013970 is
hereto attached and made part hereof; and
-Lot 1-F-C-3, Psd-CAR-013970 with an area of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN
(127) SQUARE METERS, shall be adjudicated in favor of WILSON P. BANASEN the FIRST
PARTY, herein. Copy of the Technical Description of i Lot 1-F-C-2, Psd-CAR-013970 is
hereto attached and made part hereof

WHEREAS, the parties hereto hereby request, the Registrar of Deeds of Benguet to
issue individual Titles in accordance with this partition agreement and as per the Approved
Consolidation Subdivision Plan of LOTS 1-F-C-1, 1-F-C-2, 1-F-C-3 Psd-CAR-013970
bearing number Pcs-CAR-001126 a copy of which is hereto attached for reference.

WHEREAS, the above-described parcel of land is in the possession of the PARTIES

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures this ____
day of November 2006 in La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines.
Co-owner/First Party
Co-owner/Third Party
CTC. No. 16938451
CTC. No.16913063
Issued on 2-02-06
Issued on 1-23-06
Issued at La Trinidad
Issued at La Trinidad
Co-owner/Second Party
CTC. No. 16933578
Issued on 1-16-06
Issued at La Trinidad
This Partition Agreement of Registered Land entered into by and between:
ALBINA SMITH-ABELLERA, of legal age, widow, Filipino Citizen, with residence and
postal address at Datakan, Kapangan, Benguet, Philippines;
FILOMINA SMITH-BULAHAO, of legal age, widow, Filipino Citizen, with residence and
postal address at Datakan, Kapangan, Benguet, Philippines;
CARMEN SMITH-PABLO, of legal age, widow, Filipino Citizen, with residence and postal
address at Datakan, Kapangan, Benguet, Philippines;
AUREA SMITH-MONTE, of legal age, married to Fidel Monte, Filipino Citizen, with
residence and postal address at Datakan, Kapangan, Benguet, Philippines; and
AIDA BAWAS-SMITH, of legal age, widow, Filipino Citizen, with residence and postal
address at Datakan, Kapangan, Benguet, Philippines.
WHEREAS, the above-mentioned parties are the co-owners of that parcel of land
situated at Datakan, Kapangan, Benguet, Philippines and covered by TCT No.T-1086
containing an area of FIVE (5) HECTARES by virtue of that Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement
of Estate, which was entered in the Notarial Registry of Jose Velasco as Doc. No. 359; Page
No. 23; Book No. I; Series of 1959, and more particularly described as follows:
Lot 1
Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-1086Lot 1 Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan F49403, N. 86-09 E. 2680.24 m. more or less from B.L.L.M. No.1, Mpl. Dist. of Kapangan, Mt.
Province, thence N. 48-43 E. 62.05 m. to point 2; N. 67-07 E. 77.72 m. to point 3; N. 64-43
E. 53.70 m. to point 4; S. 46-22 W. 98.84 m. to point 5; N. 89-46 W. 101.27 m. to point 1,
point of beginning. With an area of 0.4629 hectare. Point 3 Old G.I.S. in a tree; point 4 Nail in
tree; and the rest are B.L. Conc. Mons. Bounded on the North, by property of Severino

Malitas and Public Land; on the Southeast and South, by Creek; and on the Northwest, by
property of Sudimay.
Lot 2
Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan F-49403, N. 86-24 E. 2493.38 m. more or less
from B.L.L.M. No. 1, Mpl. Dist. of Kapangan, Mt. Prov., thence N. 50-37 E. 95.96 m. to
point 2; S. 50-06 E. 51.70 m. to point 3; S. 46-06 E. 45.31 m. to point 4; S. 34-48 W.
107.07 m. to point 5; S. 58-14 W. 94.21 m. to point 6; N. 26-53 W. 119.52 m. to point
7; S. 81-56 W. 48.37 m. to point 8; N. 49-32 W. 32.95 m. to point 9; N. 36-15 E. 21.68
m. to point 10; N. 85-37 E. 105.98 m. to point 1, point of beginning. Containing an
area of 2.3318 hectares. Point 2, B.L. on Boulder; points 3,5,6 and 7, Nails in trees;
Points 4, 8 and 9, B.L. on Rocks; and the rest are B. L. Conc. Mons. Bounded on the
Northeast, by property of Tomas; on the Southeast, by creek; on the Northwest, by
properties of Insas and Mariano Casio; and on the Northwest, by Creek.
Lot 3
Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan F-49403, N. 85-27 E. 2473.33 m. more
or less from B.L.L.M. No. 1, Mpl. Of Kapangan, Mt. Province, thence N. 77-08 E. 222.88
m. to point 2; S. 57-17 W. 182.42 m. to point 3; S. 80-58 W. 62.41 m. to point 4; N. 206 W. 58.81 m. to point 1, point of beginning. Containing an area of 0.8726 hectare.
Points 1 and 2, Old B.L. Conc. Mons.; and the rest are B.L. Conc. Mons. Bounded on the
North, by property of Severino Malitas; on the Southeast, by Creek; on the South, by
property of Casio; and on the West, by property of Rosalia Vda. De Pacalso. Bearings
true. Declination 1-30 E. Points referred to are marked on plan F-49403, Sheet No. 1
Surveyed under authority of Sections 41-43 Act 2874 and in accordance with existing
regulations of the Bureau of Lands, by Nemesio Albano, Jr. Surveyor, under the
supervision of Gregorio L. Arizabal, Public Land Surveyor, on July 22-25, 1931 and
approved on May 20, 1933.
Lot 4
Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan F-49403, N. 87-22 E. 2173.10 m. more
or less from B.L.L.M. No. 1 Mpl. Dist. of Kapangan, Mt. Province, thence N. 66-42 W.
56.61 m. to point 2; N. 6-19 E. 26.37 m. to point 3; N. 30-15 W. 10. 52 m. to point 4;
N. 51-16 E. 19.50 m. to point 5; S. 84-02 E. 17.30 m. to point 6; N. 60-16 E. 36.25 m.
to point 7; S. 29-05 m. to point 8; N. 75-58 E. 54.50 m. to point 9; S. 39-03 W. 110.75
m. to point 1, point of beginning. Containing an area of 0.5608 hectare. Point 9, Old X
on Rock; and the rest are B.L. Conc. Mons. Bounded on the North by Properties of Daaya, Sabelo and Insas; on the Southeast, by property of Locloc Serafino; on the
Southwest, by property Locloc Serafino; and on the West, by properties of Bagtang and
Da-aya. Bearings True. Declination 1-30 E. Points referred to are marked on plan F49403, Sheet No. 2 Surveyed under authority of Sections 41-43 Act No. 2874 and in
accordance with existing regulations of the Bureau of Lands, by Nemesio Albano, Jr.
Surveyor, under the supervision of Gregorio L. Arizabal, Public Land Surveyor, on July
22-25, 1931 and approved on May 20, 1933.
Lot 5
Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan F-49403, S. 87-13 E. 1943.96 m. more
or less from B.L.L.M. No. 1 Mpl. Dist. of Kapangan, thence S. 45-32 m. 9.07 m. to point
2; N. 21-47 E. 7.52 m. to point 3; N. 42-20 W. 8.54 m. to point 4; N. 55-20 W. 11.04
m. to point 5; S. 73-29 W. 14.31 m. to point 6; N. 25-01 W. 63.13 m. to point 7; N. 7611 E. 53.73 m. to point 8; S. 57-07 E. 43.90 m. to point 9; S. 10-26 W. 15.14 m. to
point 10; S. 29-35 W. 33.59 m. to point 11; N. 80-74 W. 6.24 m. to point 12; S. 20-46
W. 13.11 m. to point 1, point of beginning. Containing an area of 0.4355 hectare.
Pointsnd 9, B.L. Conc. Mons.; and the rest are Old B.L. Conc. Mons. Bounded on the
Northwest, by property of Tella; on the Southeast, by properties of Tella and Laoyan
Baporo; on the Southwest, by property of Geraldo Pilpilic; and on the Northwest, by
Public Land. Bearings True. Declination 0-21 E. Points referred to are marked on Plan F49403, Sheet No. 3. Surveyed under authority of sections 41-43 Act No. 2874 and in
accordance with existing regulations of the Bureau of Lands, by Teodoro Salanga,
Public Land Surveyor, on April 3,1935 and approved on May 4, 1937.
Lot 6
Beginning at a point marked 1 on plan 49403, S. 87-14 E. 2624.71 m. more or
less from B.L.L.M. No. 1 Mpl. Dist. of Kapangan, thence S. 27-59 E. 95.19 m. to point 2;
S. 34-42 E. 9.49 m. to point 3; S. 39-32 w. 36.26 m. to point 4; N. 59-38 W. 26.85 m.
to point 5; N. 15-59 W. 77.88 m. to point 6; N. 29-22 E. 36.01 m. to point 1, point of
beginning. Containing an area of 0.3910 hectare. Point 4, B.L. on stone; point 5, Old X

on Stone; Point 6, Old B.L. Conc. Mon.; and the rest are B.L. Conc. Mons. Bounded on
the Northwest, Public Land; on the Southeast, by Public Land; on the Southwest, by
property of of Locloc Serafino; and on the Northwest, by property of Vintiria. Bearing
true. Declination 0-21 E. Points referred to are marked on plan F-49403, Sheet No. 4.
Surveyed under the authority of Section 41-43 Act No. 2874 and in accordance with
existing regulations of the Bureau of Lands, by Ricardo R. Quilop, Jr. Surveyor, under
the supervision of Gaudencio Fantony, Public Land Surveyor, on April 6, 1936 and
approved on May 4, 1937.
WHEREAS, the parties have caused the subdivision of the above-described real
property into SIX (6) lots as per Subdivision Plan of _______________________ as surveyed for
___________________________ and they have partitioned and adjudicated among themselves
the said property and as indicated in Transfer Certificate of Title No. 1086 as follows:
LOT 1 with an area of 0.4629 HECTARES shall be adjudicated in favor
WHEREAS, the copy of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 1086 is hereto attached and
made as integral part hereof;
WHEREAS, the co-owner ALBINA SMITH-ABELLERA, for and in consideration of her
love and affection to her children namely: JOSEPH S. ABELLERA, married to Emilia Dimot,
single, LEONARDO S. ABELLERA, Jr., married to Remegia Bautista-Abellera, JOHNSON S.
ABELLERA, married to Cynthia Cabradilla-Abellera and ZENAIDA S. ABELLERA, single, all
of legal age, Filipino Citizens and all residents of La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines, except
THEODORE ABELLERA, who is a resident of Kapangan, Benguet, Philippines, do hereby
WAIVE, as she hereby WAIVED, pro indiviso, all her rights, share and participation over the
said parcel of land to her aforementioned children;
WHEREAS, the parties hereby request, the Register of Deeds of Benguet to issue
individual Titles in accordance with this partition agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures this 31 st
day of January 2002 in La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines.

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