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Pros and cons of texting. By Carlos Cheuquepan Maldonado.

Text messaging has become one of the most massive communication media in the world. However, from my
perspective, there are numerous pros and cons that need to be discussed.
The advantages:

Firstly, texting is a swift and low cost form of communication. While making phone calls and sending postcards to
might be expensive and dilatory, text messages allow you to produce a note and send it with just one touch..
Secondly, text messaging is convenient when you need to express a quick and specific thing. Instead of going
through the tedious process of sending a letter or making a phone call, sending a text permits you to communicate
what you want or need in a very short and precise way.
Finally, texting allows the receiver to respond whenever he wants. When you receive a phone call, for example,
you are obliged to answer at the moment. However, sometimes you cannot answer immediately. Text messages
allow the addresser to reply when is most appropriate for him.
The disadvantages:
First of all, the use of abbreviations may decline people's writing skill. Since texting is mostly used in informal
contexts, the use of abbreviations is very common. This, could eventually, make people's writing skills get worse
due to the omission of completed written words..
The second point is that text messaging might decrease relationships. The excessive use of this technological tool
could replace the face-to-face communication. As a consequence, people would not use or develop social skills.
Last but not least, many accidents has been associated to texting. Due to the irresponsible behavior which many
text senders have, the amount of accidents of people texting while walking, skating and even driving has increased.
To conclude, I consider that text messaging is a very useful and effective way of communication taking into
account the life style we live by these days. However, I strongly believe that we need to learn how to use it
properly, in order to make it our friend, more than our enemy.

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