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Students from group A already discuss on the suitable topic which is

quality of air in Malaysia. We choose this topic because recently Malaysia has
faced a dangerous haze situation that causes some of ASEAN country to take
serious action. Besides haze, further survey on the differences of quality of air in
rural area and also urban area going to be done. Students also want to know the
effect of bad air quality towards students health and also to implement the
importance of protecting the environment for the sake of our health and future
The research method that has been discussed by group A is:
a) Surveying

Students are going to hand out several questions to students in the
Faculty of Engineering. There are 30 sets of questionnaire that consists of
several questions on the quality of air around, the effect of low air quality
towards their health and also the difference of air quality between their
hometown and in Faculty of Engineering.

Students are going to interview students of Faculty of Engineering with to
target which is students from rural area and students from urban area.
From this interview, the difference of air quality in two places can be

Students from group A are going to conduct direct observation on the
quality of our hometown and quality of air in Faculty of Engineering.

Expected Outcome
Students from group A expected some result from the surveying which are:
a) the quality of air in Malaysia at urban area more pollute than rural area
b) the bad quality of air will affect the students health especially in their
respiratory system
c) most of the respondents want to live in a good quality air in Malaysia to
protect their
health and for the future generation

d) most of the bad quality of air in Malaysia comes from vehicles and

In short, haze is a global problem that should be dealt immediately. The
quality of air in Malaysia is getting worse might be due to increasing in number
of vehicles and factories especially in urban area. The smoke from the vehicles
and factories lead to the health problem such as difficulty in breathing, can
irritate our eyes, nose and throat and affect cardiovascular system. It is because
the smoke contains carbon monoxide which is dangerous to our health. Hence,
the government should take serious action to overcome this problem so that the
environment can be preserved and can protect our life and future generation.

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