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1 - Hobbies
Target lang: What do you usually do in your free time? / I usually / If I have time, I like to
Lesson Plan:
Warm-up: Wingdings
Review: Talk about vacation (How was your vacation? What did you do?)
Introduction: I Collect Hobbies video
Students must watch and find all of the hobbies
I write the list on the board (new vocabulary slides accordion, juggle, DJ)
Elicit hobbies from students, make a list on the board
Sports, musical instruments (), etc. (play, do, )
ACTIVITY: Last One Standing
Everyone stands up. Teacher picks a random number. The class asks that person
their hobby.
The person must answer (can use list on the board, lying okay no repeats!).
Row: I usually / Column: If I have time, I like to (people must sit down)
The last person standing wins a prize.
Groups of 6, first group to go stands in a line in front of the class.
First person gets a card, must act for the second person. The second person must
act for the third. So on
The last person must make a dialogue with the teacher.
What do you usually do in your free time?
I usually ____________ / (?) I dont have any hobbies.
Cool! / No way!
NO talking (sounds okay)! NO going back (if you turned around, you cant help)!
Points: every ten seconds = -1 point (from 20 points)
If first three people are wrong, stop the clock and other teams can steal.
Ex: 2:15.08 / :10 = 13 20-13 = 7 points

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