District 57 Strategic Plan

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LT = Long-term, 3-5 years 2010-2015 May 2010 Final – 1

Strategic Strategic
KSF Related Key Goals Key Action Plans
Objectives Challenges
1) Ensure all students in the • Meet internal 1a) Monitor achievement on internal • Analyze ISAT, NWEA/MAP, Explore, and the District’s
aggregate and in performance performance measures; address curriculum-based measures (CBM’s) of all students and
subgroups meet or exceed targets and individual needs of students who provide appropriate support programs for students annually
Outstanding Student

internal and state AYP changing AYP do not meet targets (ST/LT)
student performance requirements of 1b) Monitor performance on state

targets annually NCLB achievement tests; address

individual needs of students who
do not meet state standard
2) Ensure all exiting 8th 1c) Monitor Key Indicators for the • Identify and analyze annually Key Indicators for monitoring
graders are prepared for transition of students exiting first, the performance of exiting first, fifth, and eighth graders
high school transition fifth, and eighth to determine (ST/LT)
possible curriculum and
instruction improvements.

Key Success Factors (KSF) are those principal factors that determine the District’s success relative to other school districts. 5/21/2010
Strategic Objectives set the school district’s longer-term directions and guide resource allocations and redistributions to ensure long-term sustainability.
Strategic Challenges are pressures that exert a decisive influence on the school district’s likelihood of future success.
Goals are the future condition or performance level that the District intends to attain.
Action Plans refer to specific actions that respond to strategic objectives and goals.
LT = Long-term, 3-5 years 2010-2015 May 2010 Final – 2

2) Sustain the relevance and 2a) Evaluate curriculum on a • Continue to implement the science curriculum action plan in
rigor of student learning continuous basis including 2009-2011 (ST)
(e.g., curriculum & instruction, student services, technology, etc.)

technology integration • Develop and document a curriculum review process that

includes a multi-year review calendar with 5 year
2b) Prepare students for a global projections. (ST/LT)
Coherent and Rigorous Programs and Services

society • Revise mathematics curriculum to meet the diverse

performance ranges across the district
2c) Monitor all programs and services • Implement and monitor the progress of the 3 year State
to ensure the needs of all students Technology Plan and implement the long-term technology
are being met planning tool (2010-2013) to support the State Plan (LT)
• Implement and monitor the District’s RtI Plan and continue
to implement the RtI model. (2009-2011) (ST)
• Monitor implementation of new online special education IEP
system and revise Special Education Procedures Manual in
2009-2011 (ST)
• Implement and monitor progress monitoring procedures and
protocols for the ELL program. (ST/LT)
• Evaluate summer school delivery (SummerQuest and ESY)
and explore alternative options. (ST)

2d) Meet Child Find

evaluation/services needs of
private/parochial students

Key Success Factors (KSF) are those principal factors that determine the District’s success relative to other school districts. 5/21/2010
Strategic Objectives set the school district’s longer-term directions and guide resource allocations and redistributions to ensure long-term sustainability.
Strategic Challenges are pressures that exert a decisive influence on the school district’s likelihood of future success.
Goals are the future condition or performance level that the District intends to attain.
Action Plans refer to specific actions that respond to strategic objectives and goals.
LT = Long-term, 3-5 years 2010-2015 May 2010 Final – 3

Strategic Strategic
KSF Objectives Related Key Goals Key Action Plans
3) Maintain facilities that • Address the 3a) Update district buildings to be • Implement and annually update a Master Facilities Plan
are updated and safe to facility, staffing, efficient and to accommodate the (Key components include 10-Year Life Safety Plan, Long-
support learning and instructional changing needs of the staff, students, term Capital Improvements, Space Utilization Study of all
Safe, Caring, Supportive Learning Environment

environments needs resulting and programs District Facilities, Preventive Maintenance, Financial
from additional 3b) Provide appropriate educational Considerations) (ST/LT)
programming spaces for all students • Complete renovation to Westbrook School
and increased (2009-2011) (ST)
enrollment • Implement and monitor first grade relocation plan
• Outdated facility • Provide update of Wellness Policy (ST)
infrastructure and • Implement manual guidelines that comply with the Green
environmental Cleaning Schools Act (2009-2014) (ST/LT). Continue to
challenges develop and implement Green Initiatives District-wide in
2010-2011; fully implement initiatives in 2011-2012
• Develop and implement Administrative Procedures
Manual to accompany Board Policy (ST/LT)

3c) Operate the facilities in an

environmentally aware and cost-
effective manner while maintaining
aesthetically pleasing neighborhood

4) Operate in a framework • Build a shared 4a) Maintain effective two-way • Develop in 2010-2011 a comprehensive communications
that promotes a climate of understanding communications systems that action plan to be implemented in 2011-2013 (ST/LT)

trust, honesty, and respect with key provide timely information and • Conduct satisfaction surveys beginning February 2011 and
among all district stakeholders of solicit feedback report findings to determine student, staff, and parent
Climate &

stakeholders the issues 4b) Support a collaborative environment perceptions of our schools and the District – every other
regarding that fosters mutual respect and year on the odd-numbered years (ST/LT)
overcrowding in appreciation
the schools

Key Success Factors (KSF) are those principal factors that determine the District’s success relative to other school districts. 5/21/2010
Strategic Objectives set the school district’s longer-term directions and guide resource allocations and redistributions to ensure long-term sustainability.
Strategic Challenges are pressures that exert a decisive influence on the school district’s likelihood of future success.
Goals are the future condition or performance level that the District intends to attain.
Action Plans refer to specific actions that respond to strategic objectives and goals.
LT = Long-term, 3-5 years 2010-2015 May 2010 Final – 4

Strategic Strategic
KSF Related Key Goals Key Action Plans Key
Objectives Challenges

5) Recruit, hire, train, and 5a) Ensure all certificated/certified staff • Review and improve, where appropriate, the recruitment,
High-performing Workforce

retain qualified personnel members are highly qualified under retention, and employment practices for the District in
in compliance with state NCLB and meet state certification 2009-2011 (ST)
and federal guidelines and endorsement requirements • Implement interest-based bargaining for MPEA contract
5b) Monitor all staff performance using negotiations.
supervision/evaluation plans • Continue to explore and develop a cost-effective staffing
5c) Build faculty/staff skills and • Develop and implement the District’s Professional
knowledge to implement the District Development Plan annually (Key components would
programs and services include key training initiatives, mentoring programs,
National Board certification, trainer of trainers model, etc)

6) Ensure fiscal solvency of • Proactively 6a) Provide cost-effective staffing plans • Create long-term staffing projections and implement
the District manage in an for essential/highly valued programs annual staffing plans that address essential and highly-
environment of and services valued District programs and services (ST/LT)
Healthy Financial Position

changing funding
and expenditure 6b) Operate annual fiscal budgets where • Develop a balanced operating budget annually with
patterns revenues meet and/or exceed justification of any variance presented for Board approval
• Monitor per pupil expenditures of operating funds to ensure a healthy short- and long-term financial position
expenditure (ST/LT)
allocations in • Implement cost containment measures annually (ST/LT).
light of changing Areas to investigate include but are not limited to energy
enrollment conservation, special education contracts for programs and
pattern 6c) Maintain responsible fund balance services, technology management and infrastructure.
reserves to ensure fiscal stability • Sustain aggregate fund balance reserves that are at least
30% of the District’s annual budget (ST/LT)

Key Success Factors (KSF) are those principal factors that determine the District’s success relative to other school districts. 5/21/2010
Strategic Objectives set the school district’s longer-term directions and guide resource allocations and redistributions to ensure long-term sustainability.
Strategic Challenges are pressures that exert a decisive influence on the school district’s likelihood of future success.
Goals are the future condition or performance level that the District intends to attain.
Action Plans refer to specific actions that respond to strategic objectives and goals.

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