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Manager responsibilities:

1. Insure that the museum safety committee is formed and is carrying out its
responsibilities according to its job description being part of the safety
2. Insure that there is sufficient employee time, supervisor support, and funds
are budgeted for the safety equipment and training for the museum.
3. Report unsafe practice or condition that been notice in the museum to the
supervisor of the place where it was seen or observed.
4. Regular evaluation of the supervisor to ensure that they are carrying out their
responsibilities and duties in the museum.
Supervisor responsibilities:
1. Insure the proper and initial orientation for the employees in the museum
before beginning their work.
2. Insure that each employee receives the training on safe operation of
equipment or task before starting to work on an equipment or project.
3. Insure that each employee receives required personal protective equipment
(PPE) before starting to work on a task requiring PPE.
4. Insure the proper orientation for tour guide of educational tour and tourist.
5. Roam around for safety-check of the area and correct every hazard noticed.
6. Investigate all the incident in the reported area where it happens.
7. Took care of the injured person.
Employee responsibilities:
1. Always use of personal protective equipment in the job or task in the
museum where it is required.
2. Report all injuries and near-miss incidents to the supervisor regardless of how
serious it is.
3. Report unsafe condition or action to the supervisor in the museum.
4. Reminds the tourist for the safety rules inside the museum.
5. Follow the rules described in the program of the museum, safety standards
and training that they received.

Basic Safety Rules

Use your personal protective equipment whenever it is required.

Obey all safety warning signs.
Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or using them at work is prohibited.
Do not bring firearms or explosives inside the museum property.
Smoking is only permitted outside the building away from any entry or ventilation intake.
Horseplay, running and fighting are prohibited

Foods and drinks are not allowed inside the museum.

Pets are not allowed in the museum.

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