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awa OO gat To create and sustain a community of learning in which students acquire knowledge and learn to apply it professionally with due consideration forethical, ecological, and economic ce feet enero es cea To provide knowledge-based technological services to satisly the needs of society and the ate tia Tohelp in building national capabilitiesin science, technology, humanities, management, education and research. To pursue global standards of excellence inall our endeavors namely teaching, research, and consultancy and continuing education and to remain accountable in our core and support functions, through processes of self-evaluation and continuous improvement. Developing human resources to serve the nation. Ceres ere ea ees Na Nurturing integrity, creativity and academic freedom. Cea EM ur mets mend cay Ol Introduction Director's Message 03 Programs Specializations 7 cee Departments and Programs Academics contents Research and Development Campus and Infrastructure In the News 19 Placement Procedure Previous Recruiters Recruiters Speak 25 Contact us on Introduction Established in 1959, IIT Madras, an Institute of worldwide repute, has been instru- mental in nurturing the dreams and aspirations of some of India’s brightest minds through a mix of intensive curricular and co-curricular activities. The programsat IIT Madras aimed at developing in each student, a mastery of fundamentals, versatility of mind and motivation for learning, have resulted in well-rounded leaders of the highest professional competence. Our students acquire various other entrepre- neurial qualities and management skills by organizing and executing a plethora of events and festivals round the calendar. The multi-tasking and highly competitive environment in the campus makes the standards of our graduates. commensurate with the demands of the industry, Our Vision “To be an academic institution in dynamic equilibrium with its social ecological and economic environment striving continuously for excellence in education, research and technological service to the nation.” IIT Madras celebrated its fiftieth convocation on 19° July, 2013. The number cof students graduating has risen steadily in recent years. 1536 degrees were awarded in 2013. Particularly noteworthy is the increase in the number of post-graduates, both at the Masters’ and Doctoral levels, and their immedi- ate absorption in industry and acadernia all over the world. Our graduates atall levels: Doctorates, Masters, MBAs, and Bachelors, are an integral partof India’s growth story. The nation's best education system, along with the finest facilities, has ensured that our students achieve excellence in their chosen fields. 1am certain that our students, with the help of the Placement Office, will find their dream jobs. Equally, | am sure the organizations they join will be glad they recruited on our campus. | applaud the Placement Office for their untiring efforts and wish the students all the best in Placement 2013-14. Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi Director, IIT Madras Programs WAE SBT NCE NCH CCE HEE OEP = ME Mm 08 eh B.Tech & Dual Degree These programmes, offered by ten departments, are de- veloped to impart the fundamentals of professional en- gineering to the students. The admission to these pro- grammes is carried out through the Joint Entrance Exam (IIT-JEE), one of the toughest examinations in the world, with an approximately 2.5% acceptance ratio amongst almost 5,00,000 candidates. Students gain practical in- dustrial exposure through pursuing summer internships in their pre-final year. A two-semester project in the final year is also.a partof the curriculum, Aimed at inculcating asense of original research amongst the students, it also gives them an exposure to state-of-the-art technology and cutting edge research undertaken in the Institute. The Dual Degree programme, a unique ten-semester Programme, confers a B.Tech in a basic field of engineer- ing along with an M.Tech in specialized areas through additional courses and an exclusive M.Tech project in thefinal year, The academic curriculum isa well-rounded ‘one. It includes courses from humanities, basic sciences and management, thus helping students excel in all spheres of their professional careers, A ten semester Dual Degree (B.S. & M.S.) programme in Physics is offered by the Institute from 2009. M.Tech This four-semester programme, offered by twelve de- partments, is developed to provide graduates with a synergetic combination of industry-oriented course work and research. Graduate students in various fields of engineering are admitted to various specializations through GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering). The academic curriculum includes core courses and elec- tives to develop a strong theoretical base with a final -year project and seminars. Admitted graduates may have prior work experience. M. Sc. This four-semester programme takes In the best science graduates of the country through JAM (Joint Admission Test toM.Sc).On an average, only 4% of the aspiring can- didates are admitted to this programme offered by the IITs, The programme is developed to impart essential knowledge in the respective departments and provides opportunities for specialization in all major areas. MBA The Department of Management Studies (DoMS) at IIT Madras, offers a two-year/ eight-quarter fulltime MBA program designed to meet the growing demand for Top: Management Talent. The salient features of the program are its intellectual rigor, distinctive curriculum and peda- gogy and exceptional faculty and students. A batch of 100+ students is selected through an interview process from among candidates appearing for the Common. Aptitude Test administered by the IIMs. The program offers specialization in Business Consulting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Operations and Supply Chain Management and Information Systems. With formal industry relationships, through courses. and regu- lar class room interactions, DoMS, IIT Madras prepares MBA students with the necessary acumen to becompeti- tive in the Global Arena. MA The unique five year integrated programme, launched in. 2006, leads to Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in three major streams — Development Studies, Economics, and English Studies. The MA Programme exposes students to a wide variety of disciplines in the Social Sciences and Humanities, moving on te develop strong analytical, communication and research skills in the relevant stream through applied projects, quantitative subjects and a firm theeretical backing. rimencta anny 8 Analy = Compara Fiance Onmeral Management = HR » marneting Adverthing = Operaiees ‘tesa saree Programs M.S and Ph. D These research programs in various disciplines are designed to promote core fundamental research and cater to the needs of the industries and labo- ratories In cutting edge technologies both in basic and applied research on par with international standards. Interdisciplinary and industry specific problems are undertaken to sustain the Institu- tlon-Industry Interaction. Scholars undergo a cur- riculum wherein strong foundations on theory are laid down in theirfirst year which is followed by a research project culminating with an exhaustive thesis of high standards. Every scholar publishes his work in journals of international repute. They also help the faculty as teaching assistants in classes and laboratories, thereby increasing their knowledge of the subject. MS by research Is a unique masters program of- fered by very few institutes in the country. Admission to this program is through the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) ex- amination and through a written test and inter- view process in each department. Tentative time taken for completion of MS is 2-3 years. PhD Is the culmination of a person's education. As. such at IIT Madras high standards are set for a scholar pursuing his PhD. Admission to PhD is through a rigorous selection process comprising of written test and interview. PhD scholars also undertake a comprehensive viva-voce examina- tion which tests the scholar’s core fundamentals. In his subject. Tentative time taken for completion of PhD is 3-4 years. yree (B.Tech & M.Tech) space Engineering Engi Computer Science & Engineer pam Sn EETeE Epaieeting Des) in weering Design with M.Tech in ‘Automotive Engineering/Biomedical Design Electrical Engineering ‘Communication Engineering Penicrosr lector & VLSI Design jer Systems & Power Electronics EE (a Tech) 8 Appied Mechanics (M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering Energy Technology Product Design Intelligent Manufacturing Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Metallurgical & Materials Engineering ‘Ocean Engineering Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering NAROE (8 Tech) & Applied Mechanics (M.Tech) Dual 8.5. &M. ial Degree (1 aS Master of Technology al Aerospace Engineerins pe Eni ltestoaa 4 Beped Mechanics Solid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Bio Medical Engit Chemical Chemical Engineering Catalysis Technology Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Electrical Engineering Communication items Power Systems & Power Electronics Microglectronics & VLSI Design Control & Instrumentation Systems Photonics Mathematics Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing Mechanical Engineering Thermal Engineering Mechanical Design Manufacturing & Precision Engineering Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Nuclear Engineering Qcean Engineering Ocean Engineering Ocean Technology & Management Petroleum Engineering Physics Solid State Technology 8 Aerospace Engineering Established in 1969, the Department of Aerospace Engineering at ITT Madras has excellent experimental and computational facili- ties and has been actively engaged in research activities of na- tional Importance. The department offers B.Tech, Dual Degree, M.Tech MS and PhD programs. The faculty of the department can be divided into three broad categories: Aerodynamics, Propulsion and Structural Mechanics. The well planned out cur- riculum ensures that the fundamental knowledge of students is. sound and they are exposed to a wide range of basic practical and theoretical courses. Applied Mechanics The Applied Mechanics department has been in existence since 1959.and has grown intoa full-fledged inter disciplinary graduate. research department over the years offering M-Tech, MS and PhD programs. The Department focuses on academic activities in three broad areas viz, Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics and Biomedical Engineering. The faculties of this Department are drawn from the fields of Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Mechanical Engineering teaching various subjects such as advanced struc- tural mechanics, composite structures & smart materials, FEM, ad- vanced fluid mechanics, CFD, turbulence, haptic, biomechanics, biomedical signal processing only to name afew. Biotechnology ‘The Department of Biotechnology, setup in 2004 offers B.Tech, Dual Degree, M.S and PhD programmes in Biotechnology. The department also offers M.Tech and PhD programs in Clinical Engineering, a joint initiative by IIT Madras, Sree Chitra Tirunal IMST & CMC Vellore. This is an interdisciplinary program that ex- poses students to the growing health care needs by providing access to super specialty hospitals and state of the art facilities in bio-medical/bio-engineering research. The focus of the depart- ment includes basic research in molecular basis of life processes toapplied research in modern biotechnology. This is the most in- terdisciplinary department amongst all the IITs, and has the finest infrastructure for carrying out research in proteomics, genomics, bloprocess engineering and computational biology. Several of the faculties have long industry experience. Chemical Engineering ‘The Department of Chemical Engineering offers an undergrad- uate program B.Tech, Dual Degree, M.Tech, Master of Science (MS) and PhD. The department also offers M.Tech. Program in Catalysis Technology. With sophisticated and state of the art lab facilities, the best Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Facility (SAIF), a rigorous curriculum and trained by highly quall- fied and experienced faculty members, It churns out the best chemical engineers in the country every year. It also offers a varl- ety of elective courses such as Biochemical engineering, Polymer technology, Renewable energy resources etc. The Process Control and Systems engineering group has been ranked among the best worldwide, Chemistry Since inception the department has been engaged in imparting academic education of the highest quality and has fecused on addressing key scientific problems, which have gathered world- wide appreciation and recognition. The department comprises of a 33-member faculty, experts in frontier areas of research. Since 1995, the department has seen the publication of over 25 books, 725 research papers and 15 patents. There are about 50 ‘ongoing research projects sponsored by various Government organizations, the military as well as the industry. The depart- ment imparts education towards the award of M.Sc. and PhD, degrees. Civil Engineering ‘The Department of Civil Engineering has produced some of the finest nation-builders known to the country. The department offers B-Tech, M-Tech, Dual Degree, MS and PhD programs and embraces planning, design, construction and management ac- tivities. The department offers a wide array of core courses and electives, across all major areas of civil engineering, The activi- ties of the department are carried out in five different divisions, ‘The department has 14 laboratories, equipped with some of the finest equipment in the country, to aid the researchers. Computer Science & Engineering The mission of the CSE department is to impart knowledge, both theoretical and practical, so as to enable the student to take on challenging real world problems upon graduation. The CSE de- partment at IIT Madras brings together a highly talented and mo- tivated set of professors and students, a situation that is unique: to an institute of excellence such as |[T Madras. The department offers B.Tech, Dual Degree, M.Tech, MS and PhD programs. Engineering real world and large scale systems is a key compo- nent of the CSE curriculum, both in the theory courses as well as the labs and correspondingly there is a strong emphasis on team work. Electrical Engineering The Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras, which has a fine blend of renowned as well as young and dynamic personali- tes as faculty, is involved in providing quality education at both Postgraduate (PG) & Undergraduate (UG) levels. It has a broad based UG curriculum and specialized Dual Degree & M-Tech pro- grams in Communication Systems, Microelectronics &VLSI design, Power Systems & Power Electronics, Control & Instrumentation and Photonics. It also provides the opportunity for high quality research through its MS and PhD programs. The Department has strong academic and industry collaboration and has been involved in the development of many state-of-the-art products. Engineering Design The Engineering Design department was set up in the year 2005 with an aim of catering to the growing nead of design engineers with a good base in engineering skills and with a mutti-disciplin- ary perspective. The department offers dual degree programs with master specialization in two streams, Automotive and Biomedical. A group of highly motivated professors teach the students the concepts of mechanics, manufacturing, electronics, mechatronics, modeling, automobile design, conceptual, func- tional and system design, ergonomics and aesthetics. All the stu- dents gain real world experience in the field by taking up design projects in an industry for a period of 6 months in organizations like Daimler, Caterpillar, Ashok Leyland, Bosch to namea few. Management Studies In addition to the MBA programme, the Department of Management Studies offers research programs leading toMS and PhD in the various functions of Management. The Department also offers a unique program in Entrepreneurship leading to an MS degree. The research programs are aimed to develop (a) ex- ceptional faculty resources in various areas of management (b) professionals capable of leading innovative industrial research and development activities. Research activities at the Department are in the areas of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources, Information Systems and Integrative Methodologies. Both the programs (MS and PhD) have a combination ofa taught element consisting of postgradu- ate level and research level courses, and a rigorous research pro- cess requiring publicationsin international journals and participa- tion in international conferences. Humanities & Social Sciences ‘The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (DoHSS) was setup in 1959 with the purpose of providing the engineering stu- dents with a multiclisciplinary experience. Over the years, the Department has grown from strength to strength, finally emerg- ing as the only DoHSS at IITs in the country to initiate an Integrated Master of Arts Program in 2006, The 5 year Integrated Masters provides students with specializations in Development Studies, Economics and English Studies. The Department has also produced over 100 PhDs (since 1982) in a variety of disciplines, in- cluding economics, history, and linguistics, literature, philosophy, political science and urban studies. v cv Mathematics The Department specializes in Algebra, Analysis, Computational & Theoretical Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Physics, Stochastic Processes, Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics to keep in pace with the advances in technology. The unique MSc/M. Tech. and PhD programmes promote inter- disciplinary investigations to solve industrial problems. Mechanical Engineering The Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Madras at- tracts a diverse set of talented individuals, with nearly 350 un- dergraduates, 550 post-graduates who are trained by over 60 distinguished faculty members. Students can choose from over 100 electives and pursue their interests. The department also in- dudes 9 widely equipped laboratories catering to the three streams - Thermal Engineering, Design and Manufacturing. The students and faculty interact with the industry through intem- ships, projects and hence are in touch with the latest industry trends. Metallurgical & Materials Engineering The Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering offers B.Tech, Dual Degree, M.Tech, MS & PhD programs and draws in faculty’s expertise in a variety of areas like Metal Forming, Metal Joining, Materials Technology, Extractive Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Iron and Steel Technology, Computational Techniques, Corrosion, Materials Processing, etc. to equip the students with an unmatched skill set in these core areas. The emerging areas in Materials Science such as Nanotechnology, Fuel Cells, Biomaterials, and Additive Manufacturing are also covered through courses. The depart- ment has all the necessary sophisticated facilities for carrying out high quality research at the frontiers of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. This department, together with faculty from other departments like Mechanical and Chemical Engineering departments offers an M.Tech program in Nuclear Engineering. Students admitted to this program also undergo summer training at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) and work on challenging projects. Ocean Engineering Established as Ocean Engineering Center in 1977 and upgraded academic department in 1962. The academic degree pro- grams offered by the departments are - Btech (Navel Architecture & Ocean Engineering), Dual Degree (B.Tech In Navel Architecture and Ocean Engineering and M.Tech in Navel Architecture and Ocean Engineering or Applied Mechanics), M.Tech (Ocean Engineering), MTech (Ocean Technology), M.Tech (Petroleum Engineering), MS and PhD programs (research degrees). The department is equipped with a range of hydro dynamic and other experimental facilities unique in nature. The department has a strong association with the Indus- try forged through consultancy projects, sponsored research and student internships. Physics ‘The Department of Physics at IIT Madras consists of 47 faculty members with diverse research interests covering many areas of theoretical and experimental physics. The department offers programs at undergraduate, Master's and Doctoral levels. The B.Tech. program in ‘Engineering Physics’ is a unique combina- tion of Physics and Electrical Engineering. The BS. & M.S. Dual Degree program In Physics and the M.Tech. program In Solid State Technology with their one year project requirement as well as the M.Sc. Physics program prepares students well for a career In research or industry. The PhD program offers several exciting frontier research areas spreading across theory, experl- ments and applications. Known for its well-rounded academic curricu- Jum, IIT Madras is a Centre for talented students to pursue academic excellence in their fields through a healthy interaction with globally ac- claimed faculty. The courses of study are orga- nized on semester programmes. Conferences, symposia, workshops and extramural lectures are regularly organized in the institute, which at- tract scholars all over the world and present the students with an opportunity to interact with them. Some of the salient features of the aca- dernics at IIT Madras are highlighted here. Departmental and Institute Electives Knowledge of one field applied into another field leads to innovative solu- tions. IIT Madras encour- ages this by allowing ——— students to take up electives and/or audit cours- es of their interest in departments other than their core area of specializations. Courses in Humanities and Management Sciences are also offered to broaden their perspectives. The cours- es strengthen the fundamental concepts through assignments, presentations and semi- nars. Laboratory and Workshop Training a As part of the curriculum, students are provided hands-on training in the state-of-the-art laborato- ries and workshops of IIT Madras, thus providing a practical perspective to their imagination. Summer Internships Pre-final year students of the B.Tech, Dual Degree and MBA programmes undergo summer intermships in leading organizations as part of their curriculum. This enables them to get an ex- posure in tackling live problems that occur in the working of an industrial entity. These intemships along with various industrial visits keep the stu- dents informed about the latest industrial prac- tices, The concemed departments and student representatives coordinate internships. The stu- dents will be available for summer intemships from May-July. Recruitment for summer intern- ship will commence in August 2013. You can contact the Secretary (Academic Affairs) at sec_acaf@smail for more details. Minor Streams IIT Madras offers minor streams in various fields, essentially aimed at giving a broad perspective of the respective field. It includes three funda- mental courses in the area, to be done through three semesters. The areas in which Minor streams are offered are given below. 1.Bio-Medical Engineering 2.Engineering In Everyday Lite 43. Sustainable infrastructure Enviranment Management 4, Structural Mechanics $.3ystem Engineering 6.From Molecules to Materials Structure, Dynamics and Functions 7. Assistive Technologies 8. Micro Electronics 9.English Studies 12. Mathematics for Computer Science 13, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship 14, Management 15. Industrial Engineering 16, Operations Research, 17. Materials Technology 18 Energy Technology 19, Ocean Technology 20, Foundations in Physics: ¢ makes active efforts In promoting Haid Development through various aca- programmes funded by national orga- os and industries. IIT Madras has produced “the highest number of patents In the last five qeveden Research Programmes These relate to research work undertaken by indi- © vidual faculty or specific research groups in each department running academic programmes lead- _ Ing to MS or PhD degree. Research Is carried by ‘scholar iitted to the programmes of study “under ‘of the faculty In each depart- ment. ther Information, you can contact Affairs) at thes (Research aR Sponsored Research Organization at/the national level and industries ~ sponsor specific programs of research by funding en by the faculty. Sponsored new resources to be created ina permit staff employed for Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research (ICSR) at IIT Madras coordinate all Sponsored Research and industrial consultancy activities in the institute. More information can be found at Attpz/www.icandsrjitm.acin, Students Projects All BTech, Dual Dgree, MTech, MSc students. andMS &PhD scholars undergo project under the guidance of a faculty member for the com- pletion of their degrees. These include basic de- velopment and application oriented research projects, With many of these projects being in- dustry sponsored, they provide both students and faculty an opportunity to tackle live prob- lems and pursue research in their field of inter- est. IITM Research Park Being the first of its kind in India, the ITM Research Park is modeled along the lines of suc cessful research parks at Stanford and MIT. Itis a pioneering effort to facilitate collaborative re- search and development the industry and IIT Madras to provide an impetus to innovation and nurture entrepreneurship. Companies with a strong research and innovation focus are as- sisted in setting up a base in the Park to lever- age the expertise and infrastructure available at IIT Madras. Students are in turn encouraged to take up projects and internships with these companies thus providing them with a golden Opportunity of being involved in the latest and the most advanced industrial research, More details about the ITM Research Park can be found at hitp//resparkJitmacin WT Madras has been set up on 250 hect- ares of natural reserve in 1959 in collabo- ration with the German government. Since then, IIT Madras has developed to possess excellent infrastructure benefit- ting both student development and cutting edge research. The institute has been ranked No.1 in infrastructure among all the engineering colleges in the country by the India Today magazine, owing to the institute's exceptional resources. The Central Library of IM Madras houses around 2 million books and subscribes to over 1000 joumals, while the Student Activities Centre is the biggest air-conditioned auditorium in Chennai. The Centre for Innovation provides work-environment and resources to promote technical endeavors, and has assisted in design and prototyping of several commercially viable prod- ucts, High computing facilities set up in many places of campus expose students to state-of-the-art simulation and CAD resoure- es. Multiple agencies have set up their centers of regional excel- lence at IIT Madras, developing an impressive set of research fa- cilities which are considered the best in India. The Institute Sports Complex, complete with a gymnasium and indoor sports facilities, is one of many steps to ensure extra-curricular activities such as sports and literary events are a commensurate impetus in contrast to academic amenities. Extra curricular and activities ITM with a plethora of extra-curricular activities provides its stu- dents with various opportunities to develop their social, com- munication and managerial skills outside the classroom, with the intention of producing well rounded and skilled students. These events are a leaming experience outside the classroom, enabling them to discover and achieve their talents and poten- tial. Alumni often claim that lessons learnt through these activi- ties come most in handy and last the longest. Shaastra ( is the annual technical festival of IIT Madras. It plays host to more than 20,000 engineering stu- dents across India. The event is very popular owing to the inno- vative competitions, workshops, lectures and demas organized Campusand _ Infrastructure during the 5-day event. Shaastra also holds the unique distinc- tion of being the first student-managed event in the world to ‘eam the [SO 9001:2008 certification for implementing a Quality Management System. Saarang ( is the annual cultural festival orga- nized and hosted by IIT Madras. Debate, dramatics, music com- petitions and professional shows are the mainstay of Saarang. More than 30,000 college students across the country attend the festival each year. Center for Innovation ( is the student lab funded by the IIT Madras Alumni. CFl is equipped with State-of-art tech- nology and aims at fostering the creative minds of the students. Established with the motto of “Walk in with an idea, walk out with a product”, CFi has been the site of various student projects undertaken in the past, some of which have received interna- ‘tional acclaim and awards such as the International Aerial Robotics (IARC), Robocon. ‘Tech Soe, short for Technical Society, organizes competitions at the Intra-Institute level throughout the year with the purpose of challenging the students’ technical prowess and applying their learning’s practically. The hands-on problems pased often in- spire and motivate students to think innovatively and act collec- tively. Sports ( occupy the pride of place in hearts of students on campus, with students competing in Inter4IT tournaments, inter-hostel events (Schroter, Dean’s. Trophy) and inter-collegiate events through the year. Lessons in ‘teamwork and enthusiasm are often leant on the field. Lit Soc, the Literary Society at ITM plays host to a wide variety of events such as in music, dramtics, dance and fine arts among others, with the intention of honing the talents of the students. ‘These events enrich the lives of the students by providing them aplatform to showcase and develop their skills and abilities. 1 Madras triumph ‘ie Procedure Placements at IIT Madras are organized and conducted by the Placement Office with assistance from students. Arrangements for pre-placement talks, written/online tests, GDs and interviews (video conferencing could be made available too). The recruit- ment process is as follows: # Companies or organizations or institutions interested in recruiting students from |IT Madras are requested to register their intent with the placement office before 30 September by filling and submitting the Employer Registration Form (ERF), along with a softcopy of their pre-placement interaction material. # The companies are requested to conduct pre-placement talk from mid August to end of October and written/online tests before end of November. Slots for the same would be allotted based on mutual convenience and availability. # The internal date allotment committee, comprising of professors, students and other staff, convenes to decide campus interview dates for all registered companies. This information is conveyed to them by the 5" of November. # The Placement interviews start from 1" December. # Anonline portal will be available to all registered companies to access resumes of the interested students. # By the end of the scheduled day of campus interviews, the company is required to submit a list of final selected students. Atthe ofthe se n send oferetesto _ “deri an Bayi _ 7 ‘ . 3DPLM Software Solution A AbsolutData Research and Analytics Accolite Software India Adobe Systems India Aerospace Engine Systems India (Volvo) Airbus Engineering India Alacriti Infosystems Altair India Amagi Media Labs Amazon Development Center (India) Ameex Technologies American Express India Analog Devices India Analytics Quotient Arista Networks India ARM Embedded Technologies Arup India Aryaka Networks Aspire Systems India Axtria B Bahwan cybertek Bajaj Auto Bee Tech Group BeeHyv Software Solutions Bewo Technologies Bharati Shipyard Bizense Blueocean Market Intelligence Bosch Limited (RBIN) Brahmos Aerospace Broadcom India Cc Cadbury India Capital One Services. Carwale Caterpillar India Centre for Development of Telematics CereBrahm Innovations Chronus Software India Cisco Systems (India) Citibank Citicorp Services India Citrix R&D India CMC Ltd, Cognizant Technology Solutions Coromandel Limited Cosmic Circuits Credit Suisse Crisil Cybermarine Knowledge Systems Cypress Semiconductor Technology India D Dassault Systems India Pvt (3ds) Defence Research & Development Organisation Dell R&D Deloitte India Detroit Engineered Products Deutsche Bank Group Directi Dolat Capital Market Dolat Capital Market Dr. Reddy's Laboratories E Eaton Eaton Technologies. Educational Initiatives eGain Communications Electronic Arts embedUR systems. Energo Engineering Projects EPIC Ericsson India Global Servies Essex Lake Group Exeter Group Inc. EXL Service F Facebook Inc Feedback Infrastructure Services. Flextrade Systems Inc Flipkart India Flipkart India Forte Research Systems India. FuturesFirst Info Services G Galaxy Surfactants. GE Healthcare GE India Technology Centre General Motors Technical Centre India Gida Technologies India Global Analytics Global Analytics India Goldman Sachs Google India Gree Inc H Harman International HCL Technologies Healthcare Technology Hero Motocorp Hewlett Packard Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Hindustan Unilever Hospira Healthcare India Housing HSBC | IBM India IBM Research Icast Systems a ICRA Management Consulting Services Ltd. IFGL Bioceramics Indian Navy Indian Register of Shipping Infosys Infotech Enterprises Intel Technologies India Intergraph Consulting Intuit iRunway India Itaas India ite Ittiam Systems IVY Comptech J J.P. Morgan Chase Janagraha JNIN Investments Research Jones Lang Lasalle Juniper Networks India K Karadi Path Kenafric Industries Keppel FELS Offshore & Engineering Services Khumbu Information Systems KLA Tencor Software India Knowledgefaber Advisors. Kotak Mahindra Group kpmg L Land Transport Authority lanxess India Larsen & Toubro Latent View Lennox India Technology Centre LSI India Research & Development M Mando India. MathWorks India McKinsey & Company, Inc Meccademia Education Institute Medall Mercedes Benz Microsoft Corp Morgan Stanley MRF Mu Sigma Business Solutions MyLikes N Nadhi Information Technologies National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange National Instruments NetApp NTT Communications NVIDIA Graphics oO Oceaneering International Services Oracle India Orbees Medical P Paypal India Philips Electronics India Pokarna Engineered Stone Limited Power Grid Corporation of India PricewaterhouseCoopers Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care (P & G) Q Qualcomm QuEST Global R Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies Ramco Systems Real Image Media Technologies Redpine Signals, Inc Reliance Industries. Renault Nissan Technologies India Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Rocket Fuel Rolls Royce Operations India Royal Bank of Scotland Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Company 5 Sabre Holdings Saggezza India Saint Gabain Research India Samsung (SISO) Research Lab Samsung India Electronics Samsung India Software Operations Samsung R & D South Korea Sankhyaa Learning Schlumberger Asia Services Schneider Electric Securities Performance Algorithms Senseonics Inc Shell Technology Centre Bangalore Shimizu Corp.india Pvt.Ltd Shiv Nadar University Sony Semiconductor Business Group Sri Shanmugha College of Engg SriCity ST Ericsson India Sterlite Technologies Stryker Corporation Subros Sumitomo Chemical Co. SVINT Engineering Symantec Softwares India Synthite Industries T Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Tata Consultancy Services Tata Consulting Engineers Tata Motors Tata Steel Tavant Technologies India Technip india. TETCOS Y Y Media Labs Yahoo! Software Development. Yume Advertising Zz Zebec Marine Consultants & Services The Boston Consulting Group The Enterprise Genie Times Internet Titan Industries Toshiba Corporation Toshiba JSW Turbine & Generator Tower Research Capital India Transparent Chennai atIFMR Triad Software Tube Investments - Murugappa group Turbo Energy TVS Capital Funds Limited TVS Motors Co U UBS Verity Knowledge Solutions UnitedHealth Group Information Services. UOP India Uurmi Systems Vv VA Tech Wabag Vedam Design & Technology Center Vembu Technologies VizExperts India VMWare Software India Vodafone India Ww W.S.Atkins India Walmart Global Technology Services Whirlpool of india Wipro Technologies Works Applications x Xurmo Technologies a ruit Speak With so many good students to select, | felt like a child in a candy shop. Dr. Tarrsem 5, MD, Caterpillar India Ltd. ‘We simply find a wonderful talent poo! out here at IIT Madras and exactly ‘the kind of talent that HUL wants. Mr. Anji Dutt, Hindustan Unilever IIT Madras showcases innovation, that’s what we are looking for and that is why we recruit here at IIT Madras, to see innovation. Ms. Chitra Sood, Microsoft Cerne aes LA BUSSE Advisor, Training & Placements UY Teen Tec oy Tel: 044-22574675, 044-22578130 Lies e ME e UUs oe EINE Secretary (Academic Affairs) YE Te (een ule eK} ome tee ui) re) Mobile:+91-9444005765, 9543087492 TAR Cee Demaee nics MN et ne da A Mei eens eect icy) Cele et Let to) etn Non MCL Sere L UC SreT aL Di eee eon Oswald Lobo et C Wm rele CTE Rel liel IIT Madras, Chennai- 600036 for) Rea ies ee rece eed

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