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* Floot, LBF Building V. Gullas St. ty Telfax (032) 2598759 / (032) 2544384 Celphone: 0917-3279002 | Building (In front of PSBA) R.Papa St. floc, Manila Telfax (032)7966291 jelphone: 0917-3062164 Be ite R. THON oe oy ee Pence Natt dents’ Oui 4985.2 rot ginose Uielan tin Maas Tobe fs Reveewer, Besavila Egincerib Revey Gover 1806-1984 ‘Facally- UY College'bf Engtieering, 19851987 Preston, OV Enginaing & eNiocire Ati Assen ee ae - “ROMEO'A, ROJAS, 3 BSEE,€It 1991 (Cure Eauge), BSECE: TJ 2 Class industia Eletvian, TESDA, Mar SME (Suna Curt Laug) Ln, hae rie Noon aes oe a = as Foriner Reviewer: CEERS = CPRC, MERIT Review Center“ and BE Ren 2 | geet een IMPORTANT: Ary copy ofthis book not bearing the signtare of anyone of ithe authors or of the publisher or thi page shal be'coesdered as comin Sroman illegal source. Pe Re mH Copyright © 2004 by Benchmark Publishing ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means or stored. in a database or retrieval system without the prior writen permission from the publisher Printed in the Republic ofthe Philippines Published by Benchmark Publishing Distributed by: EXCEL REVIEW CENTER 2 Floor, LBF Building V. Gullas St Cebu City TeVfax (032) 253-8759 Celphone: 0971-3279002 4° Floor, CMFFI Building, R. Papa St ‘Sempaloc, Manila Tevtax (02) 7365291 Celphone: 0917-3062164 ISBN 971-92903.0-7 PREFACE Nothing is more frustrating for an ‘examinee than the feeling that he/she ‘could have dori better had there been some review materials for the most ) cronrna) ae 1 Analytical Condition: Force (vectors) in equilibrium must satisfy ‘the three glven conditions. Rf ae - > Friction isthe force that arises to oppose the motion or impending ‘motion of two bodies in contact Stati friction the force between two stationary surfaces In contact that 'Prevents motion between them. Ithas a certain maximum value called starting fiction Dynamic or kinetic friction occurs when there is relative (siding) motion ‘at the interface of the surfaces in contact Rolling Friction occurs when one surface rotates as it moves over the ‘another surface but does not slp or slide at the point of contact, Tee Fer speci effet ot fins the folowing witbe zed i= coef of tation a= cocticent of manic or Wnt icon and He? He 6 Chapter x ~ Engineering Mechanics (Statics) sal of cota icon (igs) tere sack de) ‘eel of Ficion ‘© ‘PARABOLIC CABLES ‘The cable is parabolic if the loading is uniformly distributed horizontally and A the spant-sg aorta than 100: (= L >10 EO . 7 For Symmetrical Suppors: (Parabolic Cable) © The Tension (T) at the supports: 300i Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center © The Length of the cabie: > Approximate Formula 4 + r A & S ¢ ah NS H €@ Tension at the Supports © Tension at the lowest point were "T= tension at he support H = intent atthe lovest int W= etenty ofthe Sead 4= 3 1L = span or distance between suppats "Chapter 1 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics) eormany ‘The cable is a catenary if the loading Is uniformly distributed along the length Of the cable and the span-to-sag ratio Is lesser than or equal to 10. \a. For symmetrical supports ( Caterary) | @ Tension at the supports (T) and the intensity at the iowest point (H) © Half Length of the Cable s=csim (5) te) 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center (© Tension at the Supports yee econ (22) ya ooosh (2) c te szesinn(%) —s.=esinn (2 where Te tensinat he apport = enn te vet sit ciel bce peretingh eile ero Y Se hal eng ofthe able ini dara sor dance between sips Gen Centrotd or center of gravity isthe point where the weight of the body is “concentrated, and at the point object wil not to rotate nor tend to rotate. Inertia i the natural tendency of an object to remain at rest when itis at rest fr inmotion, to continue moving at constant speed. “Moment or toque is the cross product of force and the perpendicular distance to which the force is applied. memento texgue 4 fore ‘=! moment rm or perpendiua distance “Moment of Inertia the natural tendency of the body to rotete of tend to rotate ‘Juste the distibution of area, volume or mass elements of the body. this also known as the second moment. «© Parallel Rais Thoerem CTransier As inert} “The moment of inertia ofthe body at a certain axis is equal to the sum of the moment of inertia with respect to the centroidalaxis parallel tot. and the product of the area and the square of the shortest distance between the two paral! oe SaaS sof ‘tance = caida oc nesta ats 2 cannon. MOMENT OF INEITIA. OF COMMON GEDMETBIC FIEURES (0 Triangle i 300% Solved Probiems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center = Chapter 1 = Engineering Mechanics (Statics) © Rectangle | @ Thin.walled hollow Sphere @ circle ze. NA Toss For lus parlleazis theorem © Ellipse Yee (CL) mass momen OF INERTIA OF COMMON GEOMETRIC SHAPES (© Homogeneous Solid Sphere 300i Goived Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center © Rectangular plate, axis through center, (Chapter 1 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics) Test I Problem: Two forces of 20 units and 30 units act at right angles. What is the magnitude of the resultant force?, A 4 B42 c. 24 D. 36 Problem: . ‘A rope is stretched between two rigid poles 40 feet apart: A load of 100, Tbs was placed at the midpoint of the rope that caused it to sag 5 feet. ‘What is the approximate tension in the rope in Ibs? A 190 lbs. B 160s €. 208 ibs D. 215ibs Problem: A box is being pulled by a force of 20 lb exerted in’ rope inclined 30° ‘with horizontal, What is the effective component of the force pulling the box? A 1889Ibs B 16.21 ibs ©. 17.32 bs D. 18.12 ibs Problem: [An electric post is supported by a guy wire which exerts a pull of 100 N fon the top of the post. if the angle between the guy wire and the ground | 60°, determine the vertical component of the force supporting the pole, A. 866N B 668N C. 766N D. 966N Problem: ‘The resultant of two forces in a plane is 400 Ibs at 120°. If one of the forces is 200 lbs at 20° what isthe other? ‘A. 427.77 Ibs at 144.28 degrees B. 435.77 lbs at 124.27 degrees 1-15 “or Sofved Problems in ESAS ~ Exeel Review Genter Chapizr 7 > Engindoving Mechanics eatics) ©. 407.27 tos at 194.82 degrees 10, EE Board April 2001 & 37727 bs at 144.38 degrees Determine the divergence of the vector. V= ii) + (oy) + k(xyz) at the I eet ) for) + ky) at the 6. Problem: Determine the resultant ofthe following coplanar forces: 90 tbs, 210% | A 9.00 4130 bs, 260°; 15 lbs, 30° and 58 ibs, 80". B. 11.00 13.00 ©. 7.00 A. 132.78 ibs, 55° B. 135.94 bs, 235° C. 143.78 bbs, 218° 11. Probles D. 127/80 bs, 225° What is the cfoss product A x B of the vectors, A=it4j+6k and 2 Problem: Oe oy +3) + 8K? The five forces shown act at t ran point O. What is the magnitude i ofthe resultant force? ow | B -iti+k A SEN | ©. 214 7)-5« & stan 1 oe t D. 2i+7)+5k c. 1558N Ay_77 ON DL 158.1N xe 42, EE Board September 2001 i ‘The thres vectors described by 10 cm / at 120k degrees, k= 0, 1, 2 encompass the sides of an equlateral triangle. Determine the 3 the vector cross product: 0.5 [(10// at 0 deg) x (10 / at 120, EE Board March 1998 In the system shown, 2 5 ko block rests on @ horizontal table top and is attached with ezotal sting to 8 second A 6 reese snow. What he S80 8 ave fr the mass, & soo ete tel locket romath 5 433 stone ue 43. EE Board September 2001 A. seek Sener ipan at Tak degrees, k= 0 1,23, 4 encompass the 8 teekg res rear pentagon, Determine the magnitude ofthe vector 8 en eee suc {iol a 144 deg) x (10/2278 deQ) B. 20K A. 1904 9: SEBoard April 2008 8 are Shai Smersorl vector: 6. dese 5 tes (xy) + ye) + K(Bzx) B= ikyz) + (22x) + KCOHY) Determine the scalar product at the point (1.2.2) 14. Problem: A ue What is the angle between two vectors A and B if A = 4i + 12] + 6k and Raat B= 24i— 8) + 6k? c. 132 cme A. 168.45" 8 84.32" C8632 D. 2464" 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 15. EE Board March 1998 Given the 3-dimesional vectors A =i by) + iy) + k Gen) B =i(yz) + j@z) + ky) Determine the magnitude of the vector sum |A+B| at coordinates (2.1, A 292 B 2088 C. 27.20 D. 2473 416, EE Board October 1997 ‘A 100 kg weight rests on a 30° incined plane. Neglecting friction how ‘much pull must one exert to bring the weight up the plane? A 86.67 kg B. 100k9 C.70.71kg D. 50kg 17. EE Board October 1992 ‘A simply supported beam is fve meters in length. It carries a uniformly distributed load including ts own weight of 300 Nim and a concentrated load of 100 N, 2 meters from the left end. Find the reactions if reaction Aat the left end and reaction B atthe right end A. Ra=BI0N, Re= 700N B. R,=820N, Ra=690N C. Rk 830 N, Ro= 680N D. Ra=B40N, Ro=670N 16. EE Board October 1993 ‘A beam is loaded as. shown below. Solve for Ri and Re A. 140840KN B 120830KN ©. 1208 40KN DL 1408 30KN Zz Chapter 1 ~ Engineering Mechanics (Statics) 19. EE Board October 1993 2 gman can exert a maximum pull of 1.000 N but wishes to fit @ new Stone doo fo his cave weighing 20000 NW ne uses ey loser must the fucrum be tothe stone tan te his kena fo POM MUCH A. 10 times nearer 8. 20 times farther ©. 40 times farther ©. 20 times nearer Problem: The three concurrent forces acting on the body a8 shown aren equitoium, 5! Which of the following most nearly —_ 308 gives the vertical component of the TTB KN fores? A. 788kN B. 702kN ©. 732kN D. 653KN 21. Problem: Two men are just able to lit @ 200 kg weight with a crowbar when the fulcrum for the lever is 0.3 m from the weight. The fiet man exerts he Strength at 0.9 m while the second ie at 1.5 m from the flaws respectively, the men interchanged positions, they can raise a 240 kg Weight. What force does the frst man exert? A 40kg B 50K Cc. 8Okg D. 55K9 22. Problem: Determine the reaction Reon a simply supported beam as shown, 510 ibs 520 ibs 530 lbs 540 ibs pom> 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 23. Problem: fw ‘A'15048 cylindrical tank Is at rest : ‘as shown, Determine force P equired to move the tank up the higher-level surface a tome & ere af 24. Problem: The system as shown isin ‘equilioium, Determine the force exerted by cable AB. A. 88.67 Ibs B 86.97 bs C. 79.68 bbs D. 76.98 bs i 25. Problem: JRinpod whose legs are each 4 meters long supports load of +000 kg. | Fa foct of the tripod are at the vertices of a horizontal equisterel 4 tangle whose side is 3.5 meters, Determine the load on each leg A seastta seas |. meee otter 191 JR certain cable is. suspended between two supports at the same A ecation and 500 ff apart. The load is 500 lbs per horizontal foot 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center. 41. EE Board April 1997 Four turns of rope around a horizontal post will hold @ 1000 1b weight twith a pull of 10 los. Find the coefficient of fiction between the rope and the post. A 018 B 018 © 022 D. 030 42, Problem: ‘Two pulleys 2t in diameter are connected by a belt so that, each has: the belt wrap around half ofits circumference. The coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley is 0.20. Ifthe tension in tight side is 300 tbe determine the tension in the slack side when the belt is about to slip. A 145.23 ibs B. 155.34 ibs ©. 160.05 lbs D. 163.85 bs 43. Problem: [A object weighing 400 N is held by a rope that passes over a horizontal ‘rum. The coefficient of friction between the rope and the drum is 0.25. if the angle of contact is 150°, determine the force that will raise the object. A. 750N B 760N Cc. 770N D. 780N 44, Problem: Determine the abscissa of the ‘centroid for the shaded area as shown, 25 35 45 48 goe> 45. Problem: Determine the moment of inertia with respect to its vertical Centoial is of the shaded 352.65 355.69 362.19 367.12 pow> 46. Problem: Determine the moment of inertia of the T-section as shown about its centroidal axis parallel to the bate. A. 12098.12 B 1009431 c. 1109212 DB. 13001.42 EE Board October 1999 A. trapezoid has two equal slanting sides, a 6 om base and 23 cm top parallel to and 5 om above the base. Determine the moment of inertia of the ‘trapezoid area relative to the top side, in om A 218.75 B. 240.63 c. 284.69 D. 198.86 48, EE Roard March 2998 Jers has a demeer of 20cm, Determine the moment of inertia of tho cedar area oltve tothe ts perpendicular fo the tea Tu the center of the circle in cm*. vd 14,280 45708 q279 19007 pom> 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS EE Board March 1998 ‘An isosceles triangle has a 10 fem base and @ 10 om altitude. Determine the moment of inertia ofthe triangular area relative to a line parallel to the base and {through the upper vertex in om? A 2.750omt & 3.025 emt ©. 21500 em* D. 2273.on* Problem: Given the truss shown. Find the force on member AC. 5000 we A. 12,000 KN. B. 13,000kN ©. 42,500 kN D. 13,500 kN (Chapter 1 ~ Engincering Mechanics (Statics) SOLUTION TO TEST I a R= (20) + (30) R Pa R = 96.05 units 3 0=75.963" mr 100=Te0s0+ Toos® 100 o T0088 400 2 c08 75.963" T=206 tbs TE rvssexe =Feos8 Fence = 2000830" Fores = 17.32 [0s T Fy =Fsing Fy =100sineo" Fy =866N | ood Solved Probleis in ESAS - Exel Review Canter Chapter 1~ Engincering Mechanics (Statics) HEB isin casne aw rh Lhe FZ =F? +R? -2F Roos 100" F? = (200}? + (400/* -2(200(400)c08100" Siti.s6 ® 47727 be “7878 T 3 Breet Using sine aw sin 100" sina | Refer tothe vector alagram ‘a77.27 400 A a=5562 ' = 180+ ” & 0; (4-207) =180" | 0 =236 0, +(6562" -20")=180" u 0, = 144.38" ij TCs | eden cox s0N yess fess | where: “BF, = 20 + 30 008 30° + 40 cos 60° - 60 sino" ea EF, = 35.98 EF, = 30 sin 30° + 40 sin 60° + 50 + 60 cos 30 “= 151.60 i a BF, = 151.6 R = (35.98)? +(151.60)"_ R =1558N ! Fe=190 Fe=i30 o i YF = 1800820" + 55cos80" ~90c0830" - 190c0880" Sp.=-77975 Diy = 5sing0" + S5sin80" -90sin30" -1908in80" SR =-111.98 R= (a5) (26) een : ‘The maximum force that can produce the ‘fiction will be; ((): [err ere + (191.367 eum 136.94 Ibs ae f= (0.50)(5 kg X9.60 mis*) f= 245N (90,7) sin37?_ eet m= 1.89 ko Awi(ay) +292) B2) peilyz)+i(22)+K(399) eB =(xy Kye) #( 292X220 +3219) At (12.9) x= Y= 2 Z=S jpoB=(1N 2K2K3)+(2K2HSH AAA *(BNSH AsBa138 Divergence = 2x-+¥ ‘at @2A) 7X2 SY EBZ pivergence = 212) -3 + (2X2) Divergence = 9 KAKS ANZ) ee ee Chapter 1 ~ Engineering Mechanics (States) i AxB=|1 2 ik 46 3 5 axB= (201+12)+3k)-(6K+5)+180) AxB=216Ti-6k fii kl axe-|1 4 8| Naa 2.3 5) Axio tead as A.crove 8" ‘change the | A AxBe| 1 Thus: B= 102120" Re-write the gh A=101+0)+0k xB =(204+12) 3k) ~ (B+ 51+18)) AxB=247/-5 given vectors in rectangular frm using ealoltor soz0"=10+j0 5 +j8.66 wen vectors into thee-dimensionat (j,k) format B= -5i+ 8.65)+08 ik | 0 0 0 5 606 0| Axb-[0+0+866K]-[0+0+0) AxB=06.6k os|AxB|=0.5(668) 05|A x8|= 43.3 units 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center aah Rewrite the given vectors into three-dimensional (jj k) format: A=-8,091+5.877)+ 0K B=-8.081-5.877)+0« i ik | AxB=|-809 5877 0 809 -5877 0 Ax B=[0+0+ 45.548k]-[-47.545k +0+0] AxB=95.09 Thus: 25|A x8] =2.5(95.09) 2.5|A xB|=287.725 unts Ale 12)+ 6K B= 24\-8)+ 6k nla +02 OF alens lel= Vea scorer jel=26 eB =4(24)+(12\-8)+6(6) AeB=26 .. Chapter 7 ~ Engineering Mechanics (Suatie}) AB =|Aljoosd-> formula 36 = 14(28)0080 136 o=84.328° (ay 4 2y) +) ( 2y2 + 22K) + k( 32x4 Sey) where wye2,zet A+B = i(642) + j(446) +49 +18) A+B =81 + 10j+ 27k asa) = VleF t0F Way = 20.88 DFraines =9 P=Wsino P=100sin30" 400(2) +1500(2.5)-Ra(6)=0 Ry =700N m0 Rq(6)~100(3)~1500(2.5)=0 30d Solved Probicma in ESAS - Excel Review Genter ‘Ghapter # ~ Engineering Mechanics (Statics) Referto the closed polygon (viangl} Using cosine law: (62.2) =(64.5) +(77.8'-2(64.5\77.8)c08a a= 50,702" 0 = 90°--(80"+a) 0 = 90°30" 50.782" 0=9.208" Let. F =vertical component ofthe 77.8 KN force F=77.8cos9.208° F=76.797 kN XMa=0 Ry(4)~120(3) -20(6)- 40(2)=0 R= 140 KN Tam =O rm 300(0:3}= (0.9) 8.5) g og {os IM, =0 B=60-0.6A>Eq 1 | 40(2) +120(1)-R_(4)~20(2) =0 y= 40 KN Maen = 3400.3) = B(0.9) + A(1.5) 102=0.98+1.5A-+Eq.2 ' Mascon =9 W0%2)-F(x;) = 0 ‘Substitute Eq.1 in Eq.2: W0%2)= FOG) . . (20,000) =(1000), 102=0.9(60-0.68) +458 % 102=54-0.54A+1.58 X= 20% A=50kg wie [<__—_ nln s ‘hus, the erm must be paced 20 snes nana athe steven to ib han Vein Wile the resultant load of che triangular loscing while W. Is the reoultant, of the rectangular losding as chown. 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ‘Chapter 1 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics) a4 x= $196) m=t2in 1 =H) x= 18 in 100 tbs T,00830" ~T,cos4s" =0 T, =0.8165 T, > Equation 4 DR -0 T,sin4s’ + T,sin30°—100=0 0.707 T, +0.5 T, =100-+ Equation 2 Waxy + Wes 540(12)+ 720108) Ry 540 bs Substitute E91 in E92: O.707T, + (0.5)(0.8165T,) = 100 4.11821, = 100 7, =6967 ibs Using the Pythagorean theorem x= —# x=6.928 ft =M. Wx -P(12) 150(6.928)~-12P z00x Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ER =0 ‘3(Re0830.33) = 1000 R=386.10 kg Note: Since the loading is horzontaly dstrbuted, the osble is parabolic Using the approximate formula ef _32t ae 5 ~s00+ 9007 _ 3200" (500) 5(600)° S=L+ > formula W=500 Ibs/tt (ey +H? formula (2 ws we ME formal ed a Substtute Eq in Ea. (at) -() a) Ved (a2 2 f415 Pu 6000 tye. ele 6000? =0. oseast +39,0625x10°U* (=U + 144001? ~6000°(25600) ‘Chapter 1 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics) Using the quadratic formula: 144008 {t4400¥ — 4(4y-25600(60007 2H) Be 1920054 2 052827 976.128 m 28 Using the approximate formula: sat +8h 2 a ae ae s2at 3140) ao 5.4=0.08667¢" — 54,000 = 656.676" —o* * 666.674" + 54,000 45.4 = 40+. Since the load is evenly tributed along the span ‘the cable is parabolic Using the quadratic formula: @ 667 + (666.679 - a(164,000) 2th = Sener 38 Take minus sign for minimum value: of =94.355 d=9.714m 0d Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center waist we 16 kgim wl ince the load of 20x? 214) + Equation 1 wa, formula Hae ot = 20(20= x1)? : quate £1 to E42 q x2 _ 20(20- “Hay 212) 2(20 - x, 300 - 80x, + 2x," 100-B0x, +x? ->Equation 2 | | | Using Substitute x; in Eq. ‘Chapter 1 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics) the quadratic formula 202 (E807 41800), 2 20+56.568 2 1.716 m 20(11.7167 24) H=343.16 KN 1 (Wa)? + > formula =v royfon rf +99810F Tem 5.53 N T=04 (60-+6)-» Equationt 6400 +4600 +0? = 400? + ¢? Substitute cin Eq. . yeStect (80 +07 = (400)? +0? 160¢ = 153,600 0-960 4(80 +960) 16 kg d= 180-150 Nove: The maximum tonsion of the cable is d=30m alnays the tension at the supports. yiastic (S00}? = (3007? +c? =400m Substitute cin Eat x=elnS2t x=400in300+ 800 x=277.258m L=2x 1 =2(277:258) L=554.52m = 2y4 =225m Wye 2y2 200m y? =SP+e? (225 = S? +0? > Equation! (2007 =S,? +02 + Equation2 Subtract E92 from Eq.1 (225)*- (200) =8?-8? $2 = 10625+8,? + Equation3 8,48, =300 S,=300-S, 3s} =(300-8,7 ? = 300" -6008, +8,? -> Equations Equate £9.3 to Ea 10625+8,2 = 300" 6005, +8,? _ 300? ~ 10625 500 8, =132.28m & Substitute So in £2: N= Woos30" + Psin30* N=250c0s30" + Psin30" 2 N=216.506+0.5 P DA-0 P0830? = Wsin30" +F Pcos30° = Wsin30 + uN 0.866 P = 250(0.5)+0.2(216.506-+0.5) 01866 P=125+43.3+0.1P P= 210.71 kg YM =0 N¢18¢0870") -(0.25N)(18sin70")~ 1200870) - 10 18-1)007 150-4220 268.00 -1108 45 +6155 1 8281477525 16,669 «0 Equation 1 Subsite Nina Dn Refer to the figure: 4,928(300) -1477.525+61.563x=0 xa146 ft Using Pythagorean theorem. W(0.5x)=N,(4) 12(0.5(3)=N,(4) Np = 44.145 N xe FiaNe F,=46.145.N Nzz Since the required force isto tend block vo move up the plane, use the cooficlent of kinetic fiction. F=Wsine+F F=Wsine +0.30N F=Wsino +0.30(We0s6) F = 250(sin30") +0.30(250)(c0830") F = 189.95 Ibs 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center Chapter a= Es =a ‘Substitute Ne in Equation 3: P=74.24(c0830")+0.4(1214.32) uma (56)(92.2) n=0.01t Consider the FBD of block A: 2x rad um B= 4 tums x: B=8n 0881) ion Trio — Substitute values: 00830" =F; 1000 . gues 0.8667 = 0.25%, > Equation + e <— Fi=0.25N) 100 = en") DA =0 Int00 = (6n) int “M(ie) N+ Tsin30" =, h N, +0.5T = 309.81) N= 2043 -0.5T -» Equation 2 Tatts w Substitute E92in 1 ne “Tw angl ofwrapin iter { geet =025(294:3-057) 8 pilyo en a be 0.8667 =73.575-0.125T reerence o 120° oF x ta rains ‘Sea se Consider the FBD of block 8: Dro P=To0s30" + P'=74.24(c0830")+0.4N, + Equation 3 DR-9 N= W,+Tsin3o" 20(9.81)+74.24(8in90") 121432N A Fret formate Bexrad Substitute values: 1-46 x25 B=150" x 180" 62 rad Maze Using Varignon’s theorem: Since he force requied is Substitute values: sod to raise the object, then A Te=400.N it must be the tighter side or ‘he bigge foros. Aras = Apts + Rake +Aaks AT _ ganze) og ]= [era] +[2cay}io)+[6r2)](@) 400 ) T= 4000025) 1, =770.087 N vais 20s ra » ‘Az = atea ofa half circle Ay =9(15) Aras = (2) +4(2) +62) Au #82 By inspection: A, #1255 By inspection: x45 4 as 45) x= 2.122 3n Using Varignon's theorem: Anat = AX Ake (138-12 59 (8-195 5)=(12.5n\2.122) x=5.47 By inspection: d, =5.47-2.122 6, =3.348, Using transfer axis moment formula: Wyo = (h+ Aid?) ~(L,+Az6,7) eee) 1 (mts) +(135y0.977 page Sm). asf | J 2 Yen3 Using Varignon’s theorem: raat =Anys + Any (80+ 297) =(80)118) + (90,3) y=9.118 By inspection: 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center | 4,=16-9.118 | 4, = 6.882 418-3 418 Using transfer axis moment formula: baationae) loons bal Dah? BE nat) (Ba Ad? ) (<9 +(coy6.882y || (2802. oy0.118 hea yo = 10,084.31 no ( By inspection: Chapter 1 ~ Engineering Mechanics (Statics) Using ante ans moment formula b= (hr Ae) +(e) + As0) ' Ce na) ‘(ase (dma? ( (2a yy =218.75 em* bate asa? j 36 100) Joa 58? «a re( 22 91237} s2[ 48" sar0{ $y] zat seat 2 y= 2208, a 15,708 cm* br? _ 101109 4 4 500 om* “The reaction at point A: (Rx) Mm, = 0 5000/24) = (Rax2) R= 9760 ‘By Method of Joint (@ joint 4) vise nen 3750 750 8 = ta (2.989 12572.3 kN aamsom grirase c (12572.3) cos 17.38° 2000 KN a _ CHAPTER 2 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics Dynamies is the branch of mechanics that deals with bodies in motion. “Motion i a progressive change of position of the body. Kinematics is the branch of dynamics which describes the motion of bodies ‘without reference to the forces that either cause the motion or are generated a8 a result of motion. Kinematics is often referred as -eometry of motion. Recilinear motion type of motion in which the body moves in a straight line ‘or is moving in the direction peralel to its displacement. (@ RECTIUMEAR WOTIOK (Kinematics in one-dimension } 60 var mation. Koti wi anata pando elo ae atc: V abe ven set ory {2 Uniformiy accelerated motion. A motion with constant change in. velocity ‘or of uniform acceleration oe oo ie ‘Yi te xg rial veocty S isthe distance raversed (dsplacement {isthe tne Unt asthe acceleration, we (+) when the body accelerating, (i> Ve} tse () when the body declan, (Vi Social Cases Atte maximum height : 4s (+) when ging down |) when goog Up (agains the gray) | 4,0 (when ts cropped. and theo tha drops, [spot moving ths mst asa be the cae reef) ‘al vlty the time of tig = 98tmis = 981 emis! = 3221 ‘Phas "isthe tine fight om the maert of release tothe mania eight At the maximum range (R) © PROIECTIE (Kinematics in Two-Dimensions ) Projectile. A body which after being given an intial velocity (with an inital angle of release), i allowed to travel under the action of gravity alone. ‘Pra: "the ttl tie of Hight fam the moment the recon, ‘2 The General Equation ot Prelectle release othe masinum polo impact in ¥ ‘ust be postive forthe project ts above point of reease ust be negate forthe projectile its el point of recase any =0 then Chapter 2 ~ Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) Uniform Motion 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Genter __ ‘The Range of PofecteIncined at sn angle: (ciove or below) cum Brat snBeos (a xe) Boos! Uniform Angular Acceleration pe Ae she cost ain SS DO 7; te above equations canbe dried by using the gener equate of project and sbatsing X= ReesB :y=Ranp, ‘@ ROTATIONAL KINEMATICS: Angular Displacement (@) is the angle through which a rigid object rotates ‘bout a fied axis. S/ Unit: radlan (rag) Linear and Angular Retations Sere Vere Radian the SI unit of displacement defined as the circular arc length ($) traveled by point of a rotating body divided by the distance (r) ofthe point’ from the axis Phe, derad = 360 degrees = 1 reveuton vere anulr displacement in rans ular velocty (rade) gular accleaton (rede) fas feat ROG Kinetics is a branch of dynamics which deals with the study of bodies in ‘motion particularly the force involved in the motion, Average angular velocity owe) is the angular displacement of ah object ‘ivided by the time elapse. S! Unit: rad/s Instantaneous angular velocity is the angular velocity that exists at a ‘given instant. 7 Uni: rad/s Angular acceleration (2) isthe change in angular velocity divided by the time elapsed. Sf Units radi? Newton's First Law ( aw of nerzit) AA body at rest will remain at rest or in motion at that constant velocity, unless acted upon. by some unbalanced, external force, 2 Tangential velocity (Vi) is the linear Velocity ofa tangent point on a rotating body . It represents how fast the point is moving along the are ofthe circle. ST Unit: mis Tangential acceleration (a) the linear acceleration of a tangent point on a Fotating body. ST Unit: mis" Uniform circular motion is the movement of a point particle at constant tangential speed in circular path. 2-4 001 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Gunter Chapter a - Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) Newton's Second Law (Lav of accelrston), ere: ‘The acceleration (a) of a body is directly proportional to the net force (Fa) ‘acting on land inversely propotional tos mass (m) EF = reversed eect force dla oppete nthe recon ofthe cern, > wag Foot ot <> an Fs BF oom, CCURVILINEAR TRANSLATION: Comtrpetat and Centrtugal Forces > The Normal Force(Centipetal force) Newton's Third Law (Lav Action and fesctn) For every force that acts on one body there is a second force equal in ‘magnitude and opposite in direction. FilSFe se Fa Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation ‘Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with 8 force which is directly proportional to the product of the masses of two particles ‘and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the center of tha mass, a meine gene wee: RECTILINEAR TRANSLATION: D’Alembert’s Principle The resultant of the external forces and the kinetic Teaction (reversed effective fore) acting on a body equals to 260. ‘Chapter 2 ~ Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) © morose om woMeToM Impatse (1) isthe product of the average force and the time interval during which the force acts. ea Momentum (p) is the product of the mass and velocity. lesen af the cord W= weit ral force finde ie 1 tne or oe comple relation ice formas ta pace by. BANKING OF HIGHWAY CURVES: > deal angle of banking(no friction) Callison refers. to the mutual action of the molecules, atoms , and ete. w low ‘when they encounter one another. ‘Momentum is. conserved in ail collisions or explosions. In the conservation of — momentum; the final total momentum is equal to the initial total we momentum. The essential effect of colision is to redistribute the {otal momentum of the colliding objects. Al! collisions-conserve Pyaar ‘momentum, but not all of tem conserve Kinetic energy 28 Well ‘and about t skid: (wth fiction) (th Collision falls into three categories: “A Blastic. IN B. Inelastic and w PX ©. Completes Ielsic colisions taste Colision i acolision vtch conserves Kinetic energy Inelastic Collision 's @colision which. does not conserve kinetic energy. mee — Some kinetic energy i converted into heat energy, sound energy, and s0 forth. Completely Inelastic Collision is the colision in which the objects stick together afterward In such collisions the KE loss is maximum, cont tin Coil of Retitaton (0) ste roto. between the relative. speeds of Spedtion wo coliding objects fer and before they cade Teper oy = © Controidal Rotation Nome rant HE, = rotor! ete energy (2 = rlaonal peed 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center i Ghapter 2 - Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) ‘© The Law of Conservation of Momentum : ‘The momentum of the body before the Impact is equal to the momentum | ofthe body atter the impact. Impulse Momentum Theorem “The change in momentum of @ body during the time interval is equal to the net force that acts on the body during the time interval ce Soecal eases ott © Dropped and Rebounds T ° mee RA hy = al vlcty F = average Angular Impulse and Momentum: “Angular Impulse (J) is the product ofthe linear impulse and the ‘moment arm (F). © Thrown at an angle (8). rebound at an angle (2) Fite ote UEeR reas HEATLY, Angular momentum (H) is the product of inear momentum and the moment acm (¢) ‘WORK ENERGY... POWER: ‘orkis the dot product of force and distance. PEAREYOr © perpendicular tor on % Wors eho’ UNITS OF WORK where demersal ey St | Newton Nt) ete) souls none Peer eee FPSTEngTSR | pound (by) fest Robe (rpnetam 8 = the ange between and P ogres a Tear vloery 1S angular tplse (9 = angular voy 360% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center Chapter a= Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) ‘Sample Probiem (WORK-ENERGY THEOREM) ‘A train weighing 1000 KN is being pulled up @ 2% grade. The train's resistance is 5 NIKN. The speed ofthe train was increased from 6 m/s to 12 mis in a distance of 300 m. Find the maximum power developed by the locomotive. Energy is the capacity to do work. Potential Energy, energy at rest Kinetic Energy , energy in mation srthe 26 upgrade is: tan9 = 0.02 for very small angle Sind stan = 002 Slam Westin -Woepsne = AKE teri ery Uae, an) w (900) (wsin0,(300) ~ R(300) = (vv?) 29 P= pone (Wats an ip) m= fas (hag and ug rb) FS Regi (mom and f). i 4 vel (candi) tore 381 mkt = 981 nis +1000 2881) ‘300P ~ 1000(0.02(300) ~ 0.005(1000)(300) ((12F 46%) ‘300P = 130046 KN 3.34 KN “The maximum power developed Power = (43.34 KN )(12.mis) Power = 520.2 KW smase ‘Sample Problem (CONSERVATION OF ENERGY ) ‘A.gun is shot into a 0.50 KN block which is hanging from a rope of 1.8 m tong. The weight ofthe bullet is equal to 5 N with a muzzle velocity of 320 mis. How high wil the box swing after it was hit by the bullet ? “The net work done on an object always produces a change in kinetic energy of the cbject(Positve Work~ Negative Work= Final KE. Intl mAVo + meV (6320) + (500)(0) = (5 + 500) V (meta) ye s20m V=36mis = Ke =PE moan se ines 0504N we 412 (matme) V2 = (metmeg h " v.16? 2a 21081) n= 081m etaaee ead Gotved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center TEST 2 eee A 1.02 mis? B. 102mist © 34mis? D. 16.1 ms? Board October 1996 . En euienble tna at a constant velocty of 15 mis passes a usc stator, Two seconds te, srator aonb, leaves the Bese stat and coclraas at a bnuar ate oF? ml? How S008 Sine sacond stole overtacethe fe? A 1836 B 168s C1358 D. 1866 reste A 1.5 mh B LOmph ©. 0.8mph D. 06mph Board March 1998 Kunin changes io apeed unfomly from 60 mph to 30 mph in 8 Gotance of 100 8 What ets aeration? ~1.94 tus? B 208 ns c. ~208 fe? D. 1.96 fs! Board March 1 : ‘Rear sans fom root and has a constant acceleration of 3s? Find he average vlosty during the ret 1 seconds of mation A 13 is B15 fs c. 14ts (Chapter 2 ~ Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) D. 12h Problem: A thief escapes and boarded on a tr ‘Speed of 55 kph. Two hours later aft ‘on a motorbike pursued the fugitive at long did it take the policeman to catch fuck and traveled at a constant the truck left, a policeman riding ‘@ constant speed of 80 kph. How Up the criminal? A 42hours Bo 44nours C. 40 hours D 48hours Problem: ‘A policeman aimed his rifle at the bul speed of the bullet is 500 mis, bullet strikes the target? 's eye of a target 50 m away. Ifthe how far below the bulls eye does the A 800m B 88cm C 570m D. 600m Problem: ‘A man driving his car at a constant speed of 42 mph suddenly sees a ‘cow crossing the road 60 feet ahead. At what constant deceleration (in feetisecond) is required to avoid hitting the animal? Assume a reaction time of 0.3 second before the man applies the brake A. 43.895 Be 44.129 ©. 45.695 D. 48.982 EE Board April 1991 AA ball is thrown vertically into the air at 120 mvs, After 3 seconds, ‘another ball is thrown vertically. What is the velocity must the second ball nave to pass the frst ball at 100 m from the ground? A. 105.89 mis B 107.72mis ©. 108.12 mis D 11072 mis $001 Gotved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center EE Board October 1995 ‘Atoll is thrown vertically upward from the ground and a student gazing ‘out of the window sees it moving upward pass. him at 5 mvs. The ‘window is 10 m above the ground. How high dees the ball go above the ‘ground? A. 1525m B 1487m © 8s7m D. 11.30m EE Board October 1996, EE Board March 1998 A ball is dropped from a height of 60 meters above ground. How long does it take to it the ground? A 216 A 35s c 55s D136 Problem: {A ball is thrown verticaly upward with an initial velocity of 3 mis from the window ofa tall bulding. The ball strkes the sidewalk at the ground level 4 seconds later. Determine the velocity with which the ball strikes the ground. A 30.25mis B 3850 ms ©. 37.75 mis D. 36.25 mis Problem: ‘A baseball player throws a baseball upward with an initial velocity of 40 fsee and plans to catch with a baseball glove. When will the ball strike the glove? Assume the glove is position in the same elevation ‘when the ball left his hand. A 2.48 900 B 180sec ©. 320sec D. 3.10 sec Problem: |A’ball is dropped from the top of a tower 100 high at the same instant a second ball is thrown upward from the ground. Ifthe two balls meet teach other at a point 60 m above the ground, determine the initial velocity of the second ball ‘Chapter 2 - Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) 35.02 mis 36.89 mis 37.12 mis, 38.65 mis, ppm> 45. EE Board April 1996 ‘Acar moving at 70 kph has a mass of 1700 kg. What force Is necessary {0 decelerate it at arate of 40 cm/s"? A 4250N B. 0680N c. 680N D. 425N 36, Problem ‘Aman dropped a stone into a well. Four seconds later the sound of a ‘water splash is heard. Assuming sound travels at a speed of $30 mis, determine how deep is the well? A 67.12m B 68.89m © 6932m D. 70.34m EE Board April 1993 What foroe is necessary to accelerate @ 30,000 Ibs railway electric car at the rate of 1.25 fs, ifthe force required to overcome the frictional resistance is 400 Ibs? A. 1485.89 Ibs B. 1564.59 Ibs ©. 1674.27 bs D. 1790.02 ibs 38, EE Board March 1998 ‘A.3500 kg car accelerates from rest. The constant forward tractive force of the car is 1000 N and the constant drag force is 160 N. What distance will the car travel in 3 seconds? A 019m B 13m cc oitm D. 18m 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 19, Problem: ‘A.50-b crate starting from rest slides down a plane inciined at an angle ‘of 30" with the Rorizontal. Ifthe coefficient of friction between the crate ‘and the inclined plane is 0.3, how far will the crate move after 3 seconds? A 1sa7h B 1967H © 18.33% D. 16288 20. Problem: A’ skior starting from rest has just begun descending 2 30° slope. ‘Assuming the coefficient of kineic friction is 0.10; calculate the speed ‘she will reach after 6.0 seconds. A. 20ms B 22mis © 24ms D. 18ms 21. Problem: ‘A projectie is fired atthe top of a 30-m bulding at an angle of 20° with the horizontal. If the muzzle velocity of the projectile is 300 mis, how tong will i take forthe projectie to reach the ground? A. 2068 Bo 2275 c 2128 D. 1858 22. Problem: Aallis thrown at an angle of 30° tothe horizontal and lands on the top ledge of a building 5 m high. Ifthe building is 20 m away, determine the intial velocity ofthe bat!? A. 19mis B. 20ms C. 21ms D. 22ms 23. Problem: ‘A baseball batter hits his home run ball with a velocity of 110 f¥s at an langle of 45° above the horizontal. Ifthe ball hits the top of a screen at the 300 ft mark and bounces to the crowd, how high above the ground Is the top of te screen? A. 58.5 feet Chapter 2 - Engineoring Mechanics (Dynamics) B. 5911 feet C. 605 tect D. 61.8teet Probies From the top of a hill incined at an angle of 30°, a projectile is fred with 2 velocity of 50 fs, Ifthe projectile is positioned perpendicular to the Surface ofthe hill, determine its range down the hi 103.52 feet 104.65 feet 105.89 feet 106.70 feet . Problem: ‘A golf ball leaves the golf club at an angle of 60° above the horizontal reference with a velocity of 25 mis. How high does it 907 23.89 242m 25.90m 26.12m Probl A projectile with a muzzle velocity of 500 mis is fred from & gun on a {top of a cliff 420 m:above sea level. Ifthe projectile hits the water surface 48 seconds afer being fired, determine the horizontal range of the projectile. 20.48 km 21.39 km 22.12 km 22.58 km . Problem: ‘A'200 gram object attached fo @ 1.5 m long string is whirled around a horizontal circle at a speed of 8 m/s. Determine the centripetal ‘acceleration (in meters/second”) of the object. 2 22 2B 24 ‘Zoos Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center 28, EE Board April 1997 ‘A man Keeps a 1 kg toy airplane flying horizontally in a circle by holding fonto a 7.5 m long string attached to its wing tip. The string is always in the plane of the circular fight path. Ifthe plane fies at 10 mis, find the tension in the string A 28N 8 G7N c. 15N D. 18N 29. Probles [A car is moving at a speed of 25 mis around a level curve of radius 100 ‘mm. What is the minimum value of the coeficient of static friction Between the tires and the road required to prevent the car from skidding? A Os47 B 0348, c. 0478 D. 0837 30. Problem: ‘AL what angular velocity must the earth and a metal ball rotate so that ‘the ball seems weightless? Assume radius of earth = 6370 km. A. 0.0213 1pm B. 0.0832 rpm ©. 0.0118 pm D. 0.0312 pm 31. Problem: ‘Asstone with a mass of 0.2 kg is tied to one of a string 1.2 m long and is ‘whitled around in-a vertical circle. Ifthe breaking strength ofthe string in tension is 90 N, what is the angular velocity at which the cord will break? A. 36.57 rpm B. 3567 rm 34.98 1pm ©. 37.89%pm 32. Problem: Determine the super elevation for a highway curve 183 m in radius £0 that there will be no “side thrust” for a speed of 72 kph. A 10.29" Bias ‘Chapter 2 - Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) ©. 1256" D. 13.76" 33 Problem: ‘An automobile goes sround a slippery curve of radius $2 m. If the road is banked at an angle of 18° with the horizontal, at what maximum ‘Speed in kph may the automobile travel o avoid the tendency to skid? 46,346 koh ‘45.892 kph 44.120 kph 43.120 kph Problems Ona normal dey, the speed limit of a hiway curve is 42 mph. If the curve has a radivs of 600 f, at what speed will skidding impend if the Coefficient of friction between tres and roadwey is 0.257 A. 65 mph B. Tiimph ©. 62mph DB. 68mph EE Board October 1999 ‘A fywheel of @ motor is rotating at the rate of 200 rpm. If it is Gecelerates by 2 radis® , how long will it take to stop the fywheot? A 11.908 B 12108 ©. 10475 D. 1060s . Problem: [A cat tire is 20 inches in diameter. How fast in rpm does the wheel turns fn the axle when the automobile maintains a speed of 30 mph? A. 308 rpm B 336mm ..368 pm D. 315 1pm Problem: ‘Awheel starting from rest is to accelerate to reach an angular velocity of 20 radis in 6 seconds. How many revolutions does it make in the process? A TAZ ev B 1243rev 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Gente C. 138400 5. 1432rev 38. Probie: ‘A flywheel turning with an angular speed of 1800 rpm is brought to rest with @ constant acceleration. If t tums 60 revolutions before it stops, ‘what time will elapse before it stops? A 3s B 4s © 5s D. és 39. Problens A flywheel is rotating at the rate of 160 rpm. Determine through how many radians does it tum in § minutes? A. 1800x rad B 1400e rad ©. 1300x rad D. 1200n rad 40. EE Board April 1994 ‘A projectile weighing 100 Ibs strikes the concrete wall of a fort with an Impact velocity of 1200 fs. The projectile comes to rest in 0.01 second having penetrated the 8-foot thick wall to a distance of 6 feet. What is the average force exerted on the wall by the projectile? A. 3.7310! bs B 373x108 bs ©, 373x108 ibs D. 373% 10" ibs 41. EE Board April 1996 ‘ASkg blocks moving at a speed of 3 m/s. What isthe force required to bring the block to a stop in 8 x 10 second? A 188KN B 13.2KN ©. 154kN D. 92kN 42, EE Board October 1996 ‘A 10 g blocks slides with a velocity of 20 cm/s on a smooth level ‘surface and makes a head on colision with a 30 gram block moving in the opposite direction with a velocity of 10 cmis. If the collision is perfectly elastic, what is the velocity of the 30-gram block after the eaision? 2-22 15cms s0.crs 25 emis Semis pomp 43. EE Board April 1997 {A steel ball weighing 200 lbs slides on a fat, horizontal floor surface ‘and strikes a stationary wooden ball weighing 200 Ibs. If the steel ball has a velocity of 16.7 fs impact, what is its velocity immediately after impact? Assume a frictionless floor and the collision is perfectly elastic A 825 fs B 167 fs C167 ts DO EE Board October 1997 “Two masses colide on a frictionless horizontal floor and in perfectly inelastic coision, Mass 1 is 4 times that of mass 2. Velocity of mass 1 40 mis to the right while the velocity of mass 2 = 20 mis to the left ‘What is the velocity and direction of the resulting combined mass? A. 10 misto the right B. 4 mmisto the right ©. 10mstothe le D. 15mstothe left 45. EE Board October 1997 ‘A 40 Ib missile moves horizontally with a velocity of 150 fis. It is intercepted by @ laser beam, which causes it to explode into two fragments A and B, which weigh 25 lbs and 15 Ibs, respectively. If A travels at an angle of 45 degrees irom the horizontal while B travels at 30 degrees from the horizontal immediately after the explosion, find the ‘magnitude of velocity of fragment A. A. 73.21 fs . B 101.25 fs C. 31.08 ts D. 124.20 fs 46, EE Board April 1996 A ball is dropped onto a sold floor from an initial height hO. If the coefficient of restitution, e is 0.90, how high wil the ball rebound? 0.81 hy 0.85 he 0.45 hy 0.90 hs pom> [oad Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Genter 47. EBBoard October 1990 [An electric motor driven conveyor belt is required to take 2,200 pounds of dir. rocks, etc per minute from an excavation site and raise it 15 f ‘Yeically. I all friction in the machinery is neglected, what HP of motor Is required? A 2hp B 1Shp © the D. 125 ,. EE Board October 1994 Ha 10 kg piece of copper falls 100 m, how much heat might be produced? A 38t-cal B 32BTU ©. 2300 cal D. 98tkd EE Board April 1994 ‘A conveyor belt of length 15 m is at 15° with respect to the ground oF hhorzontal. It can hold 4000 kg of ore over the total length and it travels, the distance of iis Iength in 10 seconds. Caloulate the power rating of the motor in KW that dives the conveyor. A 152.25KW B. 147.75KW C 20065KW D. 128.55KW 50. EE Board April 1996 ‘A oller starts from rest at the highest point of the track 30 m above the ‘ground. What speed wilt have et ground level if the effect of fiction is neglected? 35.68 mis 58.8 mis 52 ms 243 mie com> ‘Chapter 2 - Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) SOLUTION TO TEST 2 at 5.4 a 2 % aaa 54 = 3ayt -6. 02-54 8, =15lt, +2) 8,=18t, +30 Equation 1 Jat? 1 = Vata + 5 aate Sp Via Z day? S.=0+ 52H S,=t > Equation 2 Equate Eq.1 to E92: 181, +3 12-154, -20) Using the quadratic equation formula 15215) A) 2) 18218.574 3 16.787 § F "0x Solved Proticmas in ESAS - Execl Review Conter Chapter 2 ~ Engineering Mechanica (Dynamics) F Venvg +238 Nate ' (44? =(@97-+2a(1500) The negative sign for" donctics a=-1.936 fis® only that the car is slowing down 1 Beste u S— wn 14 Equation 1 tye =Vat+ dat S=Vite fat | wee Of 8 =(0x10)+ 4x17 4 io = oom <-—~-Downsvean eae a Saoun : Vt v= ' ‘ loa = | we Upstemm 10 q hn = V~4Ve Sw ; j A~4Ns toe Vove = 15 fis. _— Vy -r Equation 2 (Greta paie 4 svbstiuteEq2 in Eat o ‘ —\ \ 1h 8,48 tg \ i TW-Vy W+Ve i. 40 48 a4 a : iE S=Vat | dl ‘$= 80t + Equationt : c F 4 $100 =55t > Equation2 i q i ‘Substitute Eq.1 in Eq.2: i e0t—110=58t 4 25t=110 00H Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center Chapter 2 Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) ‘Taz: Since the distance traveled by the rot ball ls greater than 100 m, ‘therefore during the Ue the two balls meet st 100 m shove the ground, che tection of frst balimust bs going daumwacd, whlle the second ball ia upward. V2 =o? 29h, 120)? -2(0.81)5, y toe 30 ¥=(0V0.)+ $00.8110.97 ¥=0.049.m ye5en 0= 120-90, : too 2238 =i y hy -Vie+ dot? lies I Qu Liss? 634-04 310.8; v2 -2a(60-8) 0? = (61.6) -20(60-18.48) 2° 45.695 fis? Note: Detorrine isthe distanc (208)-4(0.81)206F aaneen V=105.89 mis havot na 20}@)-Zesnja? 18.85 m ‘00x Soived Problems in ESAS- Excel Review Center (Chapter 2 - Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) By=0 cone VaVe-aty | = (67 -29.81h 0-40-3224, ii h=1.274m tg = 1.248 to om fom 21.248 ‘hota = fup + town 1240124 ton =2.48 se Dee ee Aseuming no looses of ener nthe bal il eevee, the ‘ime needed to go up (t) is equal to the time needed to 40 down (2) 855 8 1 =2.855 8 toe Ma 39h 80 = (2.858) 29 81(2.9567 35.02 mis t,=4-0:3058 ® 1) =3.6945, VyeVeat, Vy=0+9.813.694) V4,=36.238 mis km thr 1000.m tr “36005 tkm V=19.44 mis 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center Lis | top? ne dati n= poem? 2 = 4.9051? > Equation 1 b= Vote h=330t, > Equation 2 tetas ~t) > Equation 3 Substitute Eq.3 and Eq.1 in Eq.2: 4.90547 = 3904-1) 4.9061 = 380(4)-330t, 12.467.278t, -269.113=0 Using the quadratic formula: 67.278 = \(67 278) AK 210) “67.2782 74.252 2 t,-37878 Substitute tin Eg h=4.905(3.787? h=70.34m a sing & Alemberts' principe: W=30000 tbs dhv=o rarity, P=REFSF o-(M)are me [paises] <——eer 30000 =(20222)\s.25) 400 (S00) .25) P= 1564.59 lbs (Chapter 2 - Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) Using c'Alemberts' principle: 1000 = 3500a+150 20.243 mis? 1 s=Vyt+ tar t+ at $=0()+ 10.249, 8=1.09m [3] male Gaeeheeeneees hoe N= Weos30* Wsing,. axis 2002 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center (Chapter 2 ~ Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) _ Using d'Alembert’ principle: REF +F = Wsin30° Wasun=Wsina0° v of tand— Dr core w Ma+o.4o.e66w) = Wsina0® 9.81 “ A 01022 +0.0866-05 tans) 280207 4,05 mis? 2vTeas? 30" 1.547 2088 vavyrat Ve Veo~405() pa 2818 va243 mis ase 609 mis yavanna? -sn-ono snare SS o=# -20.92-6.12 Using quadratic formula 20.92 (20.827 —4(1-6.42) 24) 2092121497 2 8 =xtano-— 2 y Dvr eose 2 2092421.497 e ~~ y= (00}(tan4s")- 22.2000) — t=21.2088 B07 008? 4 605 ft Es we xtand- = ; y BV, cose alRoosay? “Reina = (Reosaxtane) — ‘2V,? cos" sno" = 0080 tne’ — 22188420) 60) ono s-cowan asa 25 Mei sin?@ > formula (25¥ (sin? 60") 9.87) h=23.69.m viemg) = a er # (25)? »= ]anc100) toe y=Vosinot- fot ~A20 = So0(sinoy4e)-Fe.en(48)* x= Vecostt 40861.12=24,0008in0 00 Kens26.96" 46) 1 10881.12 724000 ae o=sin 0=26.96" 3001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center Fe = 0.00126 rad/s a rad, 608. trev = 0.00124 “5 min * Brad c 0118 mpm DFy=0 TeWiFe mvt Tomg+ sve =0.29.81)+ 5 90 =0.2(9.81)+ 555 V = 4.596 mis V=r0 1.2}0 83 rads ken 100m he hr Km “36008 0 mis ‘Substitute values: (20j*__ warxiesy o=12.56° ‘Chapter 2 ~ Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) Eo formula o Substitute values: tanta = wane2) V=12.874 mis v=12876 & 36008 ,_tkm_ V= 48.346 koh S200 thr Tmi * 3600 sec V=61.6 sec Ideal banking (no friction): tano= Y= formula ra tang «61-67 _ G22\600) o=tan"o.1964 eattate Nor-ideal banking (wit tition): 14.036" v tan(@+) =F formule V? gr tan(@+6) V2 = (82.2)(600) tan(11.17 +14.036") V=98.23 fs 2-39 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ft 3600 sec, 1 mi P Mi ‘sec the 5260 ft E V=64.929 mph mR 16 0=36.2 radls 35.2rad 608, rev q Oe min 2nrad 0 =336.13 mm Chapter 2 ~ Enginceriag Mechanics (Dynamics) @=0,+at anOt8 T 3040 6 25 radis? - a? =0,7 +200 20? =0+2(5)8 = 90 rad trev : 0-90 rad x 921432 rev oy = 1000 SYA 25 =30 revis a) 302 ~2a(60) S revs? @=0)-at 00750 rev x 2288 Trev (0=1500x red 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center {ng pln and maar bon Ft=m(V—Vo) . ai 1200) F=(~)8.726 x10° ibs Nass Negative sign only indicates that the force on ths projectile is opposite ‘to the diraction of co initial velolcy, The wall xarts a force of 3:73 x 1O* Ibe to etop the projectile, so by Nevrton’s third law, the projectile exerts @ force of 8.78 x10" lo on the wal Ce ee reoan-( Ft=m(V-Vo) F(8 x 104 )=(5X0~3) F=-18,750 N F=(-)18.75 kN News Negative sign only indicates that the ‘tothe direction of ts intial velocity mm Wi=10 12 on the black ls opposite ‘er Inpat 2-42 (Chapter 2 - Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) Using conservation of momentum: Vy +myV2 = MV, "+MyVy" (30)(10) + (10)(-20) = 30(-V, +104" 0+3V,"= V2" -» Equation + YAN, formula Naa For perfectly elagtic collision, 10-(-20) coefcient of restitution is equal to one (@ = 1) n"tVs Vy" =30-V, '-> Equation 2 Substitute Eq. in Eq2: V,'=30-(10+3Y4") "220 ‘te gat Using conservation of momentum: ‘Chapter 2 ~ Engineering Mechanles (Dynamics) Using conservation of momentum: mV; #mzVz =m,V;"+m2Ve" Fatah mV, +maV2 = (my m2 )V Jews ye \s22/ : 20 200), (Zhen -(22}oo)- (22 22, wea) "tea (4m, )(10)-+(m, )(-20)= (4m +m2)(V) 20m, =5m,V Vz" = 16.7 + Vj" Equation 4 VME ms ss, + ome vi Wav 4 vets tvs ¥ / Va" _ — ie 1-— = AN, 167-(0) Siew we Using conservation of momentum along the horizontal axis: 18.7 =V,"+V,'-> Equation 2 : Substitute Eq.1 in Eq2: 167 T+, )+Vy" 167-167 Vz =Mq (Va 00848" )+mg (Vg 60890") (2) 2 : (8) , $8 yo 2) conse) (25. cso (oso Jana] 000 a77¥a +18¥5 +Eaahn | Inthe figure as shown, mass not (m) was sesumed to be moving to the left after the collision, However, ts being found out that: mass ro. 1(m) had complecely stopped (Vj = 0) afcar-the colision Using conservation of momentum along the vertical axis: inVy = mq (Va 84S) (Ve nO") 4), -(25\y, anes) ( 28.) . (& Jor- S&S vanes oS) sina0") Bele impact 0=17.877Vp -7.5Ve at” Vp =2.357V, > Equation 2 Substitute Eq.2 in Eg.1 (6000 =17.677V, +13(2.957)Vs ‘ter inpact by =e%hy hy =(0.9)? hg hy =0.81 ho 4=3.88 m (4000 \2.81(8.68) 10 52.25.12 W 52.25 KW Using conservation of energy relation: KE tn =PEp 1 mv? =mgh 2 v= 26h KE = (10X9.61)(100) v= /288iNS0) KE =9810 J=9.81 kJ V=243 mis —= 2343.5 cal 4.186 Y 1 Fat 4106 Y KE -9810\ x ery 252 al =93BTU KE =9810\ x. [zee Bolvad Presses is ESAS = Bevel Review Canter! i CHAPTER 3 Strength of Materials wee: (0 = wat strength ofa materi or tress sail fe ( Campresieo tense) |AZ cro seconal Aes (ulm) UNITS OF STRESSES A hier Tis Cameron Fas asian si. bn") 101.3254Pa = 147 pi eek lem? 1032 kaon? © Simpie Suesses (0 Axial Stress - the stress developed under the action of the force acting ‘axially (or passing the cenroid) of the resisting area. Itcan be directed ‘away for fensilesireas Or toward for compressive sirens = apoit forceorload or (b Ac=crsssectnal are, mor in? © Tense Stress om = appl force orload, Nor Ib A= cos sectinalaea, mar or in? anes 3-1 0d Solved Protioms in ESAS - Excel Review Center Chapter = Strength of Materials © Shearing Sires the stress developed when the force is applied paraliel to the resisting area a * was =] o4= sexing sess, MPa or Pt F = apple fre olan. oF Ib 8 Goes sednal are seared se), an? or in? © ‘searing Sires the stress developed when the force is applied to a ‘projected area, Its the contact pressure between two bodies, Power Transmitted onthe sh bearing sess, MPa or Psi ae sd gle force or ead ,N or 1b ross sectional area (Shared aea),mm? or in? aid ea (ogre or ce De dante nor in. = sonst © Torsional Stress the stress developed when material undergo twisting ae © Bending or Flexural Stress mngular Section where torque, Nom or sin, stance For the neal as to he outermost far, mm oF ‘ual 2 ameter, mm or in pala momen oferta, mn“ or in! M = tending moment, Nem or I-in. "c= dane om te neal as tthe cutest ber mm or b= wth, mum or in. 1 = bight on 3-2 3-3 3001 Solved Protlems in ESAS - Exesi Review Center Circular Section where: = fear er bering sess, MPa or Psi ing morcent,N-m or Ii ronent of inert’ mor in? aterm oF in © Stresses in Thin-walled Cylinders 4. Tangential Stress/Circumferential Stress! Hoop Stress/Girth Stress, BOP a 2. Tangential Strees with efficiency as 3, Longitudinal Stress. (consider the transversal section of the vessel) By a hese tangential Stes, MPa or pi longtudral Sess, Mpa or psi = nse pressure, MPa or psi inside dameter, mm or in val fkness mm or n. iegy F °@ 2 = detance from the neta aio te eutemnast Ser, mm OF In (Chapter 5 - Strength of Materials © Thin Wall Sphere 4. Tangential Stress without effcioncy 2. Tangential Stress with oficency we tee = tangential Stess, MPa or psi A= ine resure, MPa or psi = inside ameter, mm or in wal thness, mm or in = fiency (©. Thermal Siress the stress developed when materials attempt to expand or “contract due to temperature change. agin, mn or (a= cosfcent cf themal experi, w/in" or inn F length sm oF (b= taltenperare, or =i temperate, Cor F apple re era Nor Ib es seal res, aor in? Ino feast, MPa or pst (Chapter 3 - Strength of Materials ‘Stress-Strain Relationship (Stress Strain Diagram ) Uieiate Strength Pema Actual Rupe Strength aan Pe Rupture Strength SLocrane ‘

3001 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Genter ‘Ghapter’ - Strength of Materialé 9. Problem Determine the force required to punch a % inch hole on a 3/8 thick plate ifthe ultimate shearing strength of the plate is 50,000 psi 5 Problem: From the ‘figure as shown, determine the stress in psi at the top surface of the second A. 23,562 tbs oylinder. “Assume the specific B. 19,450 tbs Weight of the material is 460 ©. 20,550 os tba, D. 15,422 bs A. 4225 si 10. EE Board October 1996 B. 4620 psi Ee3 ‘What is the stress o in @ thin-walled spherical shell of diameter D and a ©. 4840 psi wall thickness t when subjected to an intemal pressure p? D. 4510 psi © Problem: Determine the maximum thickness of metal plate in which a 7.5 em ‘diameter hole can be punched, ifthe plate has an uitimate shearing strength of 4245 kg per square centimeter and the punch can exert a maximum force of 200 metric tons ‘Athin hollow sphere of radius 300 mm and thickness 2.5 m is subjected eae to an intemal pressure. Determine the internal pressure if the tensile ease ‘stress of an element in the sphere is 360 kPa. 150m emul 6kPa 2. EE Board March 1998 © okre” ‘The alowabl orale $08 or %20 bo of thread length 722i. is c oie 30,000 psi. The allowable shear stress of the material is 15,000 psi Where and how will such a bolt be most likely to fal? Note: Assume threads are perfectly triangular and that the force is carried at the mean 132, EE Board October 1990 ‘A.water reservoir of 24 m high and 12 m in diameter is to be completely thread height, filed with water, find the minimum thickness of the reservoir plating if ‘A. Atthe root diameter due to tension the stress is limited to 50 MPa. B. At the root diameter due to shear AG Atte thread due to tension cee D. Atthe thread due to shear eae D. 2tmm Problem: AA single bolt is used to lap joint two steel bars together. Tensile force on the bar is 20,000 N. Determine the diameter of the bolt required if the allowable shearing stress on itis 70 MPa, 33, EE Board April 1996 ‘A cylindrical water tank is & m in diameter and 12 m high, Ifthe tank ie to be completely filed, determine the minimum thickness of the tank plating ifthe stress is limited to 40 MPa A. 25mm B 19mm eae A 177mm cacos B. 13.18mm © 1025mm ©. 1260 mm +2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 14. EE Board April 1995 ‘The stress in 2 90-cm diameter pipe having a wall thickness of 9.5 em ‘and under a static head of 70 m of water Is. A. 325KPa B 325kPa C 325MPa D. 325MPa 45. Problem: ‘A cylindrical pressure tank is made from a metal plate whose thickness {is 20 mm. The tank has an outside diameter of 500 mm and a length of 31m. Find the maximum internal pressure that can be applied in the tank ifthe stress in the metal plate is limited to 150 MPa, A 20MPa B 24MPa C. 18MPa BL 12Mpa 16, EE Board October 1996 A steel wire is 4.0 m long and 2 mm in diameter. How much is it elongated by a suspended body of mass 20 kg? Young's modulus for steel is 196,000 MPa, A 1.423mm B 1365mm c. 1374mm D. 1.274 mm 17. Problem: From the figure as shown, determine the total elongation of the composite body carrying a tensile load of 5 KN. Assume Es = 10 MPa and E2 = 15 MPa, A. 148mm B 120mm ©. 112mm. D. 108mm wpter 3 - Strength of Materials 18, Problem: ‘A.30-m jong aluminum bar is subjected to a tensile stress of 175 MPa. Determine the elongation if E = 69116 MPa, A. Tamm B 76mm c. 74mm DL 72mm Problem: A steel wire is 6.0 m long hanging vertically, supports a load of 2000 N. Neglecting the weight of the wire, determine the required diameter ifthe stress is not to exceed 140 MPa and the total elongation is not to exceed 4.0 mm. Assume modulus of elastioty & = 200,000 MPa 427 mm 428 mm 4.45 mm 4.16 mm Problem: Determine the load capacity in kN on a 25 mm diameter x 1200 mm long steel shaft if its maximum elongation shall not exceed 1 mm. ‘Assume E = 200,000 MPa, A. 8B2kN B. 783kN ©. 32 KN D. a18KN |. EE Board April 1995 An iron steam pipe is 200 ft long at O°C. What willbe its increase in length when heated to 100°C? Coefficient of linear expansion is 10 x 10® per °C. aren o128 0.28 ft 0208 22, EE Board April 2003 ‘A stee! railroad rails 10 m long are laid with clearance of 3 mm at a temperature of 15°C. At what temperature wil the rails just touch? If there were no initial clearance Assume: alpha = 11.7 micro m /m deg. and E = 200 GPa A 46.90 deg B 56.06 deg c. 50.36deg D. 40.64 deg 23. EE Board April 1996 ‘cylinder of clarntert.0 em at 30°C is to be sige into a hole ona steel plate, The hole has @ diameter of 0.90970 em at 20°C. To what temperature the plate must be heated? Coefficient of near expansion for steel ie 1.2% 10° por 6. A 5. c. D. 24. Problem: A cottain stee! tape is known fo be 100.000 ft long at a temperature of 70°F. When the tape is at a temperature of 10°F, what tape reading corresponds to a distance of 90.000 ft? Assume a coefficient of thermal expansion equal to 65 x 10-7 per °F. A. 90.035 8 B 89.985 ft ©. 90.225 D. se775n 25. EE Board April 1992 A-15 om solid shaft rotates. at 1800 rpm. if the allowable torsional shearing stvess is 50 MPa, what power in KW the said shaft can transmit? A SS5KW B 624KW Cc 6a2Kw BD asKW 26. Problem: How much is the maximum torque that can be applied to the end of a hollow circular shaft having an internal radius of 1.5 om and an outer radius of 2.5 em if the shear stress of the material is not to exceed 100 MPa? A. 2136Nm B. 2076 Nem C. 2543N-m D. 7853 Nm Chapter 3 - Strength of Materials 27. Problem: What power in kilowatts 10.mm diameter solid shaft at 30 ¢ps can transmit if the allowable torsional shearing stress is 40 MPa? A 135KW B 220KW c. 1azkw D. 14K 28, EE Board June 1990 Find the constant (in English units) of an 81 hp in a 3-Inch cold rolled line shafting that is transmiting at 210 rpm? A 1000 B. 900 cc. 950 D. 800 29. Problem: A solid shaft 2.0 m long is transmitting 27 kN-m torque. If the shear ‘modulus of the shaft material is 85 GPa and the allowable shearing stress is 70 MPa, determine the angle of twist between the two ends of the shaft. 152° 1.02" 1a 4.32" 30. Problem: AA steel shatt is transmitting 50 hp at 1200 rpm. The nature of the load ‘and the type of the service of the shaft is such that the allowable shearing stress based on pure torsion is 4000 psi. Find the torsional ‘deflection ofthe shaft in degrees per foot of the shaft. Assume G= 12x 10° psi - A 02 B ot c. 03 D. 04 31, Problem: Tonk 200 kN Determine the maximum moment of the beam loaded as shown A. 1210 kN B. 1420 kN-m © 1250kN-m BD. 1120KN-m 002 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 32, Problem: Determine the maximum shear ofthe beam loaded as shown. 0 KN fem tom, | _am \ Re A 210KN 5. 400KN ©. 350kN 0. 250KN 33. Problem: From the loading as shown, at what distance from the left support will produce a 2ero shear on the beam? 4am 4532m 3.620m 4.125 m pomp 34, EE Board April 2002, EE Board April 2003 ‘The beam shown in the figure is 5 inches wide and 10 inches deep. ‘What s the maximum bending stress? 2000 b A 7721.0 psi B. 3420.8 psi ©. 2888.1 psi D, 8800.3 psi 35. EE Board April 2003 Determine the maximum shearing stress in a helical steel spring composed of 20 tums of 20 mm diameter wire on mean radius of 80 ‘mum when the spring is supporting a load of 20 KN? A. 529Gpa 8 370Pa ©. 25kPa D. 121 Mpa 36. EE Board October 1999 What is the mic-span deflection of a steel beam shown if the cross ‘sectional moment of inertia is 200 in'? A. +6.35840m B -4'5498 om ©. —0.20262 in DB. +14.4226 mm 31. EE Board October 1999 A 14h simple beam uniformly loaded with 200 pounds per foot over its tent length. If the beam is 3.625 in wide and 7.625 in. deep, what is the maximum bending stress? 7974 togin? £8208 lyin? (6382 Ibyin? 1674 login? poe> oad Goived Protiems in ESAS - Excel Review Genter Chapter 5 Strength of Materials 42, BE Board April 2002 For the beam shown below, draw the shear and moment diagrams, What is the maximum moment? = 38. EE Board April 2001 {A 19-foot beam 10 inches wide and 20 inches high supports 1500 Ibvft ‘on two supports 14 feet apart. The right end of the beam extends 2 feet past the support. What is the shearing stress midway between supports? 00» 3000 Ibs A 10psi B. 10psi ©. 67psi DB. 20psi 39. Pro! ‘Along beam of length L has a formula which is 48E! LE); where does the maximum deflection occur? 0 Qt -SL0 + A 5 ©. 5. A o67st B. Os7al cc. 09a7L D. osTeL 43. EE Board October 1999, EE Board September 2002, ‘What weight in pounds can be lifted by a screw that has an efficiency of 20% Wit is operated by a 50 fb force at the end of a 30 inched lever {and the piteh of the screw is % inch ? EE Board October 1999 JRrateel support must connect to 30,000 pound tensiie loads separated by 200 inches. The maximum allowable stress is 10.000 psi and the A. 15,000 raximum elongation is 0,020 inch. What is the required area? B 15,500 E{steel) = 3 x 10" psi ©. 10,000 D. 12,000 A 905 mm? B47 int 44, Problem: C. 85mqr For the beam shown below, draw the shear and moment diagrams and D. 10in? foeate at what particular point on the beam that the maximum moment ‘occurs? 41, EE Board October 1999, EE Board September 2002, High strength steel band saw, 20 rem wide and 0.8 mm thick runs over the pulley 600 mm in diameter what minimum diameter of pulleys can bo used without exeaeding the flexural stress of 400 MPa? Note: E = 200 Gpa. 00013000 ibs A 2500m B 325mm c. 400mm D. 180i 3 fefrom the left end 3 ft from the right end 6 ft from the right end 6 from the left end goa> ‘Chapter 3 - Strength of Materials 49. EE Board September 2000 ‘A255 in. diameter shaft is 2 ft long. Its maximum shear stress is 10,000 psi. What is the angular deflection in degrees? 45. EE Board April 2001 ‘What is the stress in an 8-Inch round x 16-inch high concrete cylinder (E =2.5 x 106 psi) when the unit deformation is 0.0012 inchvinch? : A 096 Btodpsi Boas & Bios © 076 ‘D. 3000 psi 0.86" 46. EE Board April 2000 ‘What is the maximum stress of the structure shown below . Problem: What isthe circumferential stress in the walls (in the figure shown) ifthe Inside diameter is 10 in, and the wall thickness is 1 in A 6365p A. 1400 ps B 1300 psi 8. 5675 psi ionooibs zs 109000 ibs © ta00ps! ©. 3455 pe B. 1000 pt B. 3450 pt 47. EE Board September 2003 What uniform load wil cause simple beam which ie 10 ft long to deflect 0.3 in. if supported ( in addition to the supports ) by a spring at the beam mid-point. The spring constant of 30,000 Ibvin. Assume the beam is stee!, 10 in, deep, rectangular, and with @ centroidal moment of inertia of 100 int A. 3550 Ibi B 6445 iotit C2250 eR D. 5440 wo 48, EE Board September 2003 During the stress strain test, the unit deformation at a stress of 25 IMNNint* was observed to be 167 x 10 mm and at a stress of 140 MN/m? It was 687 x 10% mm. If the proportional limit was MN/m?, whet is the modulus of elasticity? 40x 108 Nem? 58x 10° Niin® 2:4 108 Nimmé 35. x 10° Nimmé com> 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center (Chapter 3 - Strength of Materials SOLUTION TO TEST S 00,000 140 % 10° A = 0.00357 m? Cross-section Are oF 4 78,000 40 x 10° A= 0.0075 m? Substitute: t= 0.10 0.00357 = p? -2@? a4 A 0.00357 o.007s ==[(0.2)* -<] 4 4745 m Deds2t 4745421 01275 m 0.00387 = 0.282740" D=0.112967 m=112.4mm a A (6). 100 0800 tal sy x(2)e ahs Refer to the free-body Ry #125 = 100 +200 Ry =175 KN Refer to the moment diagram, maximum moment is 1250 kN-m. | = 10(20)= 200 KN Stee ater 0 Yaa 400(10) + 200(30 Ry +280 = 400 +-200 350 kN Refer to the shear diagram, maximum shear is 350 kN. 3001 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center DMay =o 54(4)=R, (9) Ry =24 kN Dee =0 R, (9) =(54)(5) R, =30 kN Using ratio and proportion: (refer to the figure) 6 w=3x Chapter 3 ~ Strength of Materials Substitute, w = 3x 30 (172K K¢0 90-(112)1x)(3x)=0 20 x24472 m \" 300(14)= 4200 Ibs 1400+ 6638 20058 Dean =0 (4200+ 2000)(12)=R, (19) Ry =3916 bs Dr=0 Ry +3918 = 4200 +2000 Ry =2284 bbs Refer to the shear and moment diagram: 3-45 ‘Chapter 3 - Strength of Materials “The deflection due to the concentrated load sates Bata? me Gees | A=5(10)= 50 in? NA 9 in bn? _ 8110)" _ 4467 int aa see wn : Me _ (240,696)(5) L=208in coe 4 - b= 60in. : 17 at67 : (2888.1 psi x= (17/2) (12) = 102in. a (200060 102) Sun bn = —22OHEONIE2)_f eng 0072 «100? | ‘(3x10 200,204). fa 1PR( amt 0818) oanestea “3 Cama m nas = 0.0460 in mene WO og “The total deflection due to both concentrated and distributed loads: a 2 16(2,000)0. an) se 1.815 conan ae 8 J Ceyeaing = 1208 MP2 Using superposition method, the deflection due tothe uniform sistibution of load: ‘The maximum stress will cour at the mid-span of the beem: LOS 200 047 salt ‘384E! '5(500/12) ly in. {2048 i 384 (9X10 } yf? (200) in 4566 in. (Chapter 3 - Strength of Materials g003 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center Max = 4900 f-lby = 58800 indy ‘Thus the shear stress at the midspan: av _ 31268) 2A 2 (200) “The moment of inertia of rectangular cross-section bn? _ (9.625 in.) (7.625)* in? “R 2 133.910" meu = 2.01 psi at sue + at?) 481 To maximize, differentiate then equate ito zero: ‘The maximum bending stress Me _ $8800 (7.625 /2) come 1339) yo De 2 et 15Le + 60%) x 496 2 x (6x2 - 1512 +61) 481 2»? ~ 4.875 Lx+ 0.7521? Using quadratic formula and find the value of xi terms of L" 578. ones —1s0X= 258, where: Ent 10° pst —(90.0001)200 0) (0.02 ny (8x107 tin) 10 in? i. The maximum moment of the bandsaw as limited by ? the flexural R sess: : R, (14) =(28500)(7.5) 18268 bs Refer tothe shear diagram, shear at midspan is 268 Ibe 3-48 : new Coe ‘Chapter 3 - Strength of Material 3001 Solved Problems in ESAS Excel Review Cent Dima =9 Ry (16)=(5000 (19) + (300012) +5600(4) R, =9587.5 tbe Refer to the moment diagram, maxinium moment is 15,000 feb om 8m (200.8)? mm* eo £053.98 Nm en “the tas (8) othe pully considering the maximum momont Pesto WV Prout 28TN ver: 1 tre wont) Substitute: ot (200 x 10° winm[(20)(0.8) 112) see ee wes) 22(50%30) 80 W= 15,079.64 By ‘As shown in the shear and moment diagram in problem No. 42, the ‘maximum moment of 15,000 ft-lb ocourred at 3f from the left end of the beam Arnsnues 3 ft from the left end snob 3009 Ibs The stress (o) in Hooke's law: Ee (25 x 10° psiyo.0012) © = 3000 psi R= 95875 | ‘sas 2000 tb 00x Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center ‘The Area (A): A= 4(28) A =10in? ‘The moment of inertia I) of a rectangular area br? _ sya)? conn (2) “The maximum moment due to the foad 2000 tor 33ins 2000 (2 +2) "8000 ly ‘The combined axial and flexural stresses: nia + Oren Me 8000(2) 10 13.93, L= 10(12) = 120 in. ana = 0.30 (30,000) = 9000 ty Defiection due to the load F: 9000 (120)* 4BE1 483x107 100) 5, = 0.108 in Defection due to uniform loading (0): Salt _ _5(o/12\(120)" ‘3E4E — 384(3x10" )(100) BaT5x 10 o By Superposition the detection equation of 0:3 in. will be: B14 82= 0:30 78x 10% @ -0.108 = 0.30 = 5440 ly it 3-52 35. Nimm? 167x108 440 Nima “667 x10 E E = 2.09. 108 Nim? if ‘Stain my Hooke’s Law Sess sprporton to Sa andthe proportionality ceestents the modus of Easy, and thats he spe ofthe Sight ine inthe stress-strain sagan ‘The polar moment of inertia (4) £ (@y 2) ‘eed _ (10,000) (895) 1 R82 T= 90080 ty— in, ‘The angular (torsional) defection Te, _(2068032y12) JS” (11.510 1.896) 0167 radians = 096° i CHAPTER 4 FTP R Reiss Mec Lace eec eI uuCrh eee : 100,00 ss al TEST 4 \Varignon's theorem is used to determine “The pressure (P) inside the cylinder: ‘A lecation of centroid 0 a & Ronen erecta A EuoF 8 Mecemoment of nein 7 § Semon cares p= tars psi sa vnais re sty of maton wt reference tothe force when causes the motor “The circumferential or hoop (ox) S255: A. Statios 1B. Dynamics ©. Kinetics BD. Kinematios {An Impulse causes: [AL the object's momentum to change BB. the object's momentum to decrease the object's momentum to increase ._ the object's momentum to remain constant or be conserved Momentum is a property related to the object's ‘motion and mass mass and acceleration motion and velocity ‘weight and velocity com> _ Centiugal force is. ‘A. directly proportional to the radius of the curvature 3. directly proportional to the square of the tangential velocity inversely proportional to the square of the tangential velocity £ D. directly proportional to the square of the weight of the object Bs measure of the resistence of a body it offers to eny change angular velocity, determined by the mass and alstribution of is mass ‘Sbout the axes of rotation is known as: BA. moment of inertia ‘ction 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center_ ©. torsion B._angular acceleration ‘7 Momentum i the product of mass and, A. acceleration B. velocity C. force D. time ‘8. The moment of inertia of a plane figure: ‘A increases as distance of the axis moves farther from the centroid Bis maximum at the centroid axis, C._ is zero at the centroidal axis 1. decreases as the distance of the axis moves farther from the centroid 9. To maximize the horizontal range of the projectile, which of the following applies? A. Maximize velocity B. Maximize the angle of elevation and velocity C. Maximize the angle of elevation 1B. The tangent function ofthe angle of trajectory must be equal to 4 110. Moment of inertia of any plane figure is expressed in units of fength to the ‘A. first power B._ second power CC. third power D. fourth power 12. A branch of physical science which deals with state of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces. A. Mechanics B. Kinetics ©. Kinematics D. Statics 112. Abranch of mechanics which deats with bodies at rest ‘Statics * Dynamics: Kinetics Kinematics one ‘Chapter 4~ Mechanics of Materials Questions . The branch of mechanics which deals with bodies in motion is known as A. Statics B Dynamics ©. Kinetics D. Kinematics “The action ofa force is characterized by: its magnitude the direction of ts action point of application allof the above 5. For a system to be in equilibrium: the force polygon must close. all forces must be concurrent, f not acting parallel ‘must satisfy the 3 static equations all ofthe above AA pair of forces equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and not in the ‘same fine is called moment torque ‘couple all ofthe above The exerted by a force on a body Is tte measure of its ceffecvetiess in turing the body about a certain pivot. A. couple B. torque ¢_-moment arm D. allofthe above ‘Avbody is said to be in “rotational equilibrium” when: no net torque acts on it ro net force acts on it its vector sum of the forces is zero the forces acting on the body are non-concurrent ‘A couple consists of two forces, ___ in magnitude, parallel ‘oppositely directed ‘A. ditecty proportional 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 8. equal ©, unequat D._ inversely proportional 20. The of the body or system is the point about with the product of the mass and moment arm sums up to 28r0 A. center of gravity B. center of mass C centroid D. allofthe above ‘24. What do you call the point through wiich the resultant of the distributed fravity force passes regardless ofthe orientation af the body in space? A. Center of inertia B. Genter of mass ©. Centerpoint D. Center of gravity tan object exerts a normal force on a surface, then its normal foree is A. equal to the welght ofthe object 'B._ less than the fictional force C__paraliel tothe surface B._ perpendicular to the surface 23. Timiting amount of sistance fo sliding between them. This is known as friction coefficient of fiction angle of friction Coefficient of siding 124. What is the moment of inertia ofa triangle with respect to the base b? bhit2 bn. bbhera6 bri com> = 99R> 125, The moment of inertia of a triangle with respect to the base is times te moment of inertia wth respect to its centroidal axis? 2 3 4 5 Whenever the surfaces of two bodies are in contact, there will be @.§ J. Astructure is called ‘Chapter 4 - Mechanics of Materials Questions What is the moment of inertia of a circle of radius r? A x6 Borg c s64 Dn The momant of inertia of the circle with respect to its tangent is times its centroidal moment of inertia, A 2 B38 C4 DS ‘The moment of inertia of a rectangle with respect to the base Is times its moment of inertia with respect to the centroid. pomp . What is the mass moment of inertia of a sphere of mass m and radius ° xme nme 43m sme oom> Given @ cylinder of radius r, altitude h and mass m. What is its mass moment of inertia? A heme B 1m? Cymer DB. 2sme if at least one of its individual member is a ‘multforce member. Truss frame ~ three-hinged arch - bridge ome 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ‘32, What is another term of moment of inertia? A 8 c. ©. 33. The forces acting on itis called D. ‘34. What do you call a framework composed of members joined at their tends to form a rigid structure? A 8. c D. ° soncurrent forces with respect to & 135. “The moment of the resultant of two concurrent center of their planes is equal to the algebraic sum of the moments of the components with respect to the same center’. This statement is otherwise known as A 8 c. 0. Mass moment of inertia A, Intemal force Law of inertia 8. External force ©. Natural force 136. The condition exists in structures where the reactive forces exceed the De Cen force umber of independent equations for equilibrium. What do you call such Condition? 43. The line of action of the moment vector is normal to the plane Containing the force vector and the position vector. What is used to A. Statically determinate determine the sense or direction of the moment? Chapter 4 ~ Mechanics of Materials Questions 3% The builtin or fied support is capable.of supporting which of the Moment of area ‘An axial load ‘Moment of mass B Atransverse load ‘Second moment of area ©. bending moment All of the above D. Allofthe above diagram of an isolated body with the representation of all extemal 39. Which of the folowing BEST desarbes d/Alemberts principle? A F=ma B. Stress is directly proportional to strain, C. First aw of motion ke maxwell diagram stress-strain diagram {ree body diagram shear and moment diagram 40. Wich ofthe folowing closely related to d/Alembert' theorem? ‘A. Newton's fist law of motion B. Newton's second law of motion Machine C._Newton's third law of motion Truss ©. Bemouli’s theorem Joist Puri ‘41, What do you call the force on a rigid body caused by other bodies? ‘A. Internal force BL External force ©. Vector ©. Natural force Law of reaction Varignon's theorem ‘42. What do you call the force which holds parts of the rigid body together? B. Stata indeterminate State eqalbrum Varignons theorem D._ None ofthe above tefthand ule ’ Fighthand rte 137. Two lengths ofa steel wire ar use to support a chandeir of weit fehehend re Wate tension inthe wire must Ira force, F fs moved a cistance d trom the orginal point of application, en Pa coupe, M, equal to Fé must be. added fo courertes tne hence BSE nogtusow BR 22 inst oe tom ved to ceaooe te contain of moves have vector sum of magntude Fe coc Wate have e vector sum of magntude > W ae 4-7 nn eau Soivea Protiema in ESAG - Excel Review Center ‘Chapter 4 Nechanla of Materials Questions 51. EE Board April 994 Is the change in shape of any materials when subjected to the action of a force, ‘A. Throe-moment system B. Force-couple system ,__ Indeterminate balance system 1D. Linear force system Moment of norte Modulus of elasticity ‘Suain Suess fixed or bult-in support? “4s. How many reactions are there in 2 fixed or builtin supp pop Which of the following forces can @ rller support hold? pom> A. Only horizontal forces 8. Both horizontal and vertical forces simultaneously ©. Only vertical forces 1D. Either vertical or horizontal forces but not both ‘4e. Al supports have only one reaction except A. Roller B Link C. Frietionless guide BD. Pinconnection 53. Which of the following laws expressed relation between stress and strain? ‘A. Poisson's law 8 Newton's law ©. Young's iw 1D. Hooke's law lever arm is known (47. The ratio of the applied force lever arm to the load A. Efficiency B. Mechanical advantage C. Determinacy D._ Indeterminacy ‘54, What do you call the inelastic (plastic) failure ofthe beer? oe A. Moment 1 describe the process of determining member eee A ang de one at re? ©. “Busing forces by considering & ‘sucking ‘A. Superposition. B. Traverse loading ©. Cutand-sum method D._ Method of joints \What loading occurs when the load is not applied through the centroid? A. Axial loading B. Local loading ©. Neutral loading D. Eccentric loading What is used to determine the reactions of a continuous beam A. Method of section B. Method of joints C._ Superposition method B. Three-moment equation | 56. Which of the folowing stresses has an area perpendicula? to the force? AL Normal stress B. Shear stress . Flexural stress 50. All supports have two reactions except eee ee Cable Fricionless hinge Pin connection Rough surface A. Plane load . pow> {je0i Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center Chapter 4 ~ Mechanics of Materials Questions Cs Moment D. Dead load B. Static load ©. Moving load D. Repeated load Which ofthe following forces can a pinned support hold? A. Only horizontal forces 8. Both horizontal and vertical forces simultaneously Only vertical forces D. Either vertical or horizontal forces but not both 58. EE Board October 1993 Itis a quantity which measures the resistance of the mass to being revolved about the line. ‘A. Modulus of elasticity B Strain Cc. Stress 1B. Moment of inertia 65. What i the property of body that tends to return to ils eigna ize or ‘shape Gs ‘@ deformation and when the deforming forces have been ‘59. What do you call an overload condition that occurs near large concentrated loads? A. Elasticity B.. Malleabilty A. Web crippling C Ductilty B. Local buckling ©. Plasticity . ©. Verticat buckling D. Lateral bucking For any point ina leaded specimen, a plane can be found where the shear stress is zero. How do you call the normal stresses assoc! with this plane? * vosses sonociated 60. What do you call the relative stitness when more than oné spring or resisting member shares the load? Combined stresses 8. Principal stresses C. Extreme stresses D. Loading stresses: ‘A. Volumetric expansion B. Rigidities C. Stiffness D. Shear modulus ‘67. Which of the following refers to the number of reactions or members ‘hat would have to be removed in order to make the structure statically determinate? ‘61. Which ofthe following moment occurs where the shear is zero? ‘A. Statistical moment B. One-way moment ._ Resisting moment D. Maximum moment A. Degree of accuracy 8. Degree of indeterminacy C. Degree of igicty D. Degree of structure ‘62. Which one will occur whenever there is @ discontinuity or non-uniformity inan object? 3. When all forces are acting on the same point, the force system is known a ‘Stress riser B. Stress concentrations, C._ Principal stresses 1D. Combined stresses ‘A. Concurrent force system 8. Collinear force system C. Coplanar force system DL Parallel force system . Any pair of equal, opposite and parallel forces-constitutes which of the following? }. EE Board April 1994, EE Board April 1995 ‘The change in length per degree rise in temperature, A. Couple B. Torque A Volume expansivity a1 seoi Soived Probicms in ESAS - Excel Review Center aa x ter 4~ Mechanics of B. Ideal gas temperature ©. Poisson's ratio Materials Questions ©. Linear expancivty D. Diation 5 Temperature scale 76. Which of the folowing re sj. wat do you call the stress beyond which the material wil otra 8 refers to the stress at faire? Wnat Ye grape, when unfoaded ut wil retain @ permanent ‘A. Working stress deformation? B. Allowable stress C. Rupture strength D. Ultimate strength A. Yield strength B. Yield limit ¢. Elastic limit ‘Ti If @ toad is applied thro ._ Proportional limit ugh the cent mmomber's sectors ater ean eneacantcd of @ tension oF compression Wirt eg wthout a deviation from acceptable stress to stn? Young's rato osson ratio ‘A. Proportional fit ‘Slendemess ratio B Yield strength ©. Elastic limit 179. EE Board October 1997 C. Elactolt ‘What isthe rato of stress to strain below the proportional roportional limit? Poisson ratio Young's modulus Hooke's constant Modulus of rigiity ‘ra. wien of the folowing theorems slated on how the tol Toren! Wich orn a numberof fees acting simultaneously et 2 point? ‘A. Vaignor's Theorem BB. Maxwel's Theorem B Marwals te. inthe near iat rgion D. Superposition Theorem F the slope ofthe curves” © he S98e-stran diagram, what do you call va: Wien of te ftoning Is a see teecmersionl ss A Etestote vic tec agal nembers? ce & Utimas srortn A. Teeod Proportion! int & Bete oe C._ End posts Lin bending of a rectangular gs vnatsin sum tte sane nt es cordnate aeons? oe tine bate soge A. stain arin poy oo $ Stes A the location between the a p edge and the neutral axis 413 2001 Solved : z ‘82. Wat refers fo the elongation whichis expressed on a fracional or percentage basis? A. Normal stress B Strain . Thermal elongation 1D. Modulus of rigidity ‘83. Whats the highest ordinate ofthe stress-strain diagram? ‘A. Rapture strength B. Ultimate strength ©. Yield strength D. Elastic strength Fe spans (i.e, three or more ‘84. Which ofthe following beams has two or more spans (ie, supports) and is statistically indeterminate? Continuous beam Cantilever beam Propped beam D._Fixed-end beam - A specimen is subjected to a load. When the load is removed, the strain isappears. Which ofthe folowing statements is correct? A. The spciran slots 8. The specimen is elastc {© The specimen as a igh modulus of elastity D. The specimen ie duct 186, What do you call a simple mechanical machine with the abilty to increase an apple force? ‘A. Beating B. Shaft ©. Lever D. Spring ‘87. What is another term for modulus of elasticity? Bulk modulus ‘Shear strain Constant of elongation ‘Young's modulus ‘92. Which one of the choices below refers ‘occurs when @ long, unsupported members rolls out of its normal plane? __Ghapter 4= Mechanics of Nateviats Qucitioas {EE Board April x996 e Twisting moment of @ shen is rect proportional to horsepower and Proportional to the speed, 7 A. inversely, inversely B directy, directly ©. inversely, directly D. directly, inversely ‘89. What do you calla set of pin-connected axial members? Gable end ‘Structural cell Truss Trestle 98. Which of the folowing is true about a beam supported at both ends and carying a uniformly distributed load? ‘A. thas @ uniform shear throughout the length of the beam B. thas its maximum shear at the supports C._Ithas its maximum shear atthe center of the beam D. Ithas its maximum bending moment at the supports ‘9%. What force system combines the non-concurrent, nen-paralle! and non- coplanar foces? A. General three-dimensional system 8. Polar force system ©. Space force system 0. Parallel force system to an overioad condition that Web crippling Local buckling Vertical buckling Lateral buckling .9% Which of the folowing factors are used to account for the non-uniform stess distribution? ‘A. Stress concentration factors 8. Principal stress factors, ©. Combined stress factors DL Mohr's factor 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center (Chapter 4 ~ Mechanics of Materials Questions 100.To provent translation wile permitting rotation, a structure must be ‘added with 94. EE Board October 1999 For shear stress, what is the constant of proportionality? A. Shark modulus A Rivet B. Shape modulus B. Bearing ©. Shout modulus © Hinge D. Shear modulus D. Roller 195. Which ofthe folowing stresses has an area parallel tothe force? A. Normal stress B. Shear stress © Flexural stress 1B. Longitudinal stress. 96. If an object is continuously loaded over a portion of its length, it i subjected to which type of loading? A. Dead load B. Concentvated load ©. Distrouted load D. Moving load 197. What isthe ratio of the ultimate stress tothe allowable stress? A. Yield factor B. Safety stress ©. Factor of safety D._ Design factor 198. The sum of the individual forces in @ linear force system is called A. Total force B. Axial force © Concentrated force D._ Equivalent resultant force 99. EE Board October 1993 itis the intemal resisting moment of a beam. Its opposite inthe sense to the bending moment but of the same magnitude. strain Elastic limit Moment of resistance Modulus of elasticity pomp 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel A ¢ c A 8 A 8 A D D A A 8 D D ce 5 A 5 8 2D D A A 5 KEY To Test 4 26. 27. 28. 28, 30. 31 32 33. 34, 36, 36. 37, 38. 39 40, 41 2 43 44 45, 46, 47, 48 49. 50, 090 >©>@0020>0D>0000mD0m>0 Excel Review Center ST a 51 ARSNISBVLSRLAgrEseegeens O>>>000>09>0>002000>08000 _ Engineering Materials | 1 Fuels Catton dioxide Chlorine Chemicals Carbon monoxide Argon is Helium Paints Living organisms Polymers Natural resins Solis Foods Chemical Properties — are properties of a material that refer to the structure of a material and its formation from our elements. The following are chemical properties of a materia 5-1 200% Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center_ ‘a. Composition ~ isthe elemental or chemical components of the material and the relative proportion of these components, In metals, composition usually means the percentage ofthe various elements that make up the metal Corrosion resistance is the abilty of the material to resists deterioration by chemical or electro-chemical reaction with its environment. Crystal structure — isthe ordered, repeating arrangement of atoms and molecules in @ material Microstructure ~is the structure of polished and etched ‘materials as revealed by microscope magnifications greater than ten diameters, Stereospecificity is the tendency for polymers and molecular materials to form with an ordered, spatial, three? dimensional arrangement of monomer molecules. Physical Properties ~ are properties of materials that refer to the interaction of materials with various forms of energy and with other forms of matter. a. Curie point -is the temperature at which ferromagnetic materials can no longer be magnetized by outside forces. Density ~is the mass per unit volume. Dielectric strength - is the maximum potential ditference that an insulating material of given thickness can withstand for a specified time without occurrence of electrical breakdown through its butk Electrical resistivity is the electrical resistance of a material per unit length and cross-sectional area or per unit length and unit weight. Heat distortion temperature ~is the temperature at which ‘a polymer under a specified load shows a specified amount of deflection Melting point—is the point at which a material liquefies on heating or solidifies on cooling Poisson's ratio is the absolute value ofthe ratio of the transverse strain to the corresponding axial strain ina body subjected to uniaxial stress, 5:2 “Chapter 5 Engineering Materiala Refractive index ~is the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in another material ‘Specific gravity — is the ratio of the mass or weight of a Solid or iquid to the mass or weight of an equal velume of water. Specific gravity of water is 1,000 at 4°C. ‘Thermal conductivity — is the rate of heat flow per unit time ina homogeneous material under steady-state conditions per unit area, per unit temperature gradient in a direction perpendicular to area, Thermal expansion — is the rate at which a material elongates when heated. Mechanical Properties ~ are properties of 2 material that are displayed when a force is applied to the material 2. Compressive strength — is the maximum com stress that a material is capable of withstanding, Creep is the permanent strain under strain, Creep strength —is the constant nominal stress that will cause a specified quantity of creep in a given time of constant temperature. Endurance limit the maximum stress below which & material can theoretically endure an infinite number of stress. cycles, Flexural strength ~is the outer fiber stress developed when 2a material is loaded as a simple supported beam and deflected to a certain value of strain. Hardness —is the resistance of a material to plastic t Increase hardness Wanganese | 008-075” | Increase machinatilly sulfide Molybdenum | 01-05 | Tasease djnanie. and High emperature strength and hardness, promotes. grain refinement Natal 25 | iorease toughness and harness Nitrogen <01 ‘Aci ke carbon in stengihening : 72— 20 | Inerease corrosion resistance Phosphorus | 0040.15] inerease hardness end carocon| . resistance. Siicom C207 | Werease storgth 2 increase sping see stengih T= [improve magnetic properies Salur 05 [Adds mactinabity TTfaniom ~ "Fx carbon in Inert parce, reduce mmatenstic hardness Tungsten i Increase high emporaire ardnass Vanadium 04-03 | incwase stength, prometes Gian refinement ont Soived Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ASI~ SAE Steel Designation: Peechss Series Major Constituents (Carbon Steels 10% Nongufuized carbon see (Chapter § - Engineering Materials Letters prefixes and suffixes in Stee! Identfication: Prefix E Tie esulsizd carbon sles! “Wade ih an electric furnace x ‘Composition vanes Ta Resuluized and rephosphiozed carton seal ‘oy Seals Manganese Toe Manganese 1.75% 15x Manganese 100% Teel 230 Nickel 350%. 250 Nickel 5.00% Tiger Sho Nickel 1.25 %, Chromium 065 or 15% 3300 Nickel3.50%, Chromisn 155% baer ‘400 Molybdenum 0.25% “ato ‘Chromium 05 to 03 0.20% i ayedenan O72 aie Nickel 100%, _Gvoron 05 pr rio}ybdenum 0.25% 0am, ix Nickel 1.80%, mo}ydenum 025 % “48K Nike 3.50%, molodenum 0.25% Chron 0 ‘Chromium 0:38 or 0.40% Bi Chromiom 0.80, 0.88, 0.95, 096 or 1.00% ‘B20 Chromium 145% ‘Crrorian- Vanadium ox ‘Chromium O80 of O85 %e, vanacury 0.10 or 016% min. Tatil aly om Nickel 058%, vero 050%, molybdenum 0.20% normal iis Suffix Meaning, H ‘Steel wil eet carn hardenabiily requremonts ‘Other letters ‘Meaning ‘Steel wih boron an alloying element — saxo Steel wth lead addlions to eid machinabiiy Outline of the Unified Numbering System for Metals: PSE Aro000% ‘Aluminum and aluminum alloys ‘Coon ‘Copper and copper allo od Rare earth and rare element — Ike metals and alloys Frcoooe Cast irons ‘Gro Former AlSand SAE carbon and alloy steels Fhoc00r Former AlStand SAE H-steels “oan Cast iron (except tool steels) Miscellaneous steels and ferrous alloys ‘Low-melting metals and alloys: Miscellaneous nonferrous metals and alloy ‘Nickel and nickel alloys Precious metals and alloys he Nickel U55%, chvonium 050%, molybdenum 025% Reactive and refractory metals and allo Cae Sion 200%, or 140 and chromium 0.7% xx Manganese 100%, ickel 045%, chromium (0.40%, molyodonum 0.12%. Ube kei 0.45%, chromium 040%, molyedenim 012% eat and Casio: resstant sees hrontun Teka manganese (nonhardenade, austen, nonmagnetic) ‘Chroriurnicel (nonherdenabie nonmapneis austen ‘Chromium (narnia, marensi, magnet) ‘onium (generaly not hardensbie, tere magnet ‘Chom (ow STSTor, eae [-ohvonium (w-hrorium, peatvesisianoe_] 5-10 Heat and corrosion resistant (siainiess steals Tool steels, wrought and cast Zine and zinc alloys “The three main performance criteria of tool steels are: 4. Wear resi stance 2. Hot hardness 3. Toughness: Bot hardness cefers to the ability of a steel to resist softening at high erformance. Another term for hot hardness is red hardness. B-11 Too! Steels: Parardened, medium alloy cOW-work ‘igh-carbon, high-chromium Hotwork Special purpose ‘Molyedenum high-speed Cikhardened cold-work Wold Shock resistin “Tungsten high-s0eed ‘Water-hardened '<|4}u| vJola|r|z|ol>| CESS SOEs! siness sets ere atoy of ton, cerium and eter clement tat st Stine els OA mrt For sol to ally the stares refs corm nave at eat 10% comm Classes of Stainless Steels: Ferptestainess steels contain chromium inthe range of 16% to 20 4 Khas {ow carbon content which is less than 0.2%. “Martensitic stainless stels contain chromium inthe range of 12% to 46% Nae carbon content as high as 4.2 % Austenitic stainless sees have at feast four major alloying elements, namely teste iGlurn, carbon and nickel, The chromium content ranges from 16%) 1026 4 Ons Cast iron refers to the family of iron, carbon and silicon alloys with the carbo ‘content greater than can be accommodated in solid solution, 3 ‘Graphite or iron carbide phase is usually present. ‘Types of Cast Irons: 1. Gray iron is a high-carbon, iton-carbon-silcon alloy. It is the ‘common type of cast iron. This iron has 8 gray coke appearance. 2. White irom is a type of cast jron that has a hard as-cast structure ‘and. difficult to machine, This iron has a white color ‘appearance. 3. Malleable tron is type of cast iron with its structure altered by ‘thermal treatments to give it measurable ductility and increased tensile strength. 4, Ductile iron ig similar to malleable iron in ductility but this ductility is ‘achieved by ladle additions, This type of cast iron contains foduler or spheroidal graphite, This Is sometimes called odular cast iron |S Matted iron contains both cementite and graphite and is between the gray and white rane in composition and performance. Grades of Gray Cast Iron Alloys: Ne Minimumn Fansite Strona MPa psi 20,000 725,000 30,000 35,000 _ 40,000 5,000 50,000 35,000 60,000 E etfects of Elements in Cast Iron: elements] ees ‘igri — | isis aie cto Spon — Dapeng on om, ec macau and ane Gganeae "| Baow 0% recs hardost by combing wih su, above Os cress erhess | Prosphoas” | ieases dy and nas ng omens Shea ala 225, oles fon andreas ay | Rarer con tee 12 emes oo andcoroson reaiaca Sue rss nes Ss rnved i ain aT moana Excel Review Center TT “yoed Solved Probiems in ESAS. Teagaawing Wisteriais Test S 7. Whatis the mass (in grams) of@ neutron? j A. 9.107 10% j What property of an element is determined by the numberof protons in B 1675x 10% a ‘is nucleus? © 1672x10% D. 1079x107 ; ‘A. Atomic weight i B. Atomic number 8. Whatis the charge ofan electron? i , ©. Isotopes : D. Atomic mass unit A. 1.801 x10" coulombs 1 B. “1801 x 10% coulomis , ‘as What do you cal the electrons atthe outermost shell ofan atom? ©. “1.501 x 10" coulomes | D. 21.401 x 10" coulombs ; A. Holes B_lctopes 4% What isthe charge ofa proton? Valence electrons : D. Neutrons A, 4.401 x 10° coulombs B. 4.501 x 10% coulombs a i ss: The mass of neutron is approximately how many times greater than ©. 1.601 x 107 coulombs tne mass of an electron? B. 4.701 x 10° coulombs P A 1839 BE 0. wnat types of materials behave lke iron when placed ina magnetic : B 1886 field? : c, 1863 Bees A. Onstals B. Amorphous materials “Te mass of a proton is approximately how many times greater than the C. Ferromagnetic materials : mass of an electron? D. Metallics : A 1838 411, What do you call the distinct patter in space which the atoms of metal B. 1836 arranged themselves when they combine to produce a substance of q C1863 recognizable size? 4 D. 1888 4 A. Specedattice i What is the mass (in grams) of an electron? 8 Cnstal ©. Grain A. 9:07 x 10% D. UnitCet " ; B 1.675% 10% q i i: 1.672 x 10% 12. What are considered as the ‘bulding blocks" for engineering materials? q D.. 11078 x10" q A. Atoms ; {6 Whats the mass (in grams) of @ proton? B. Elements q 4 ©. Matters a 1 A. 91407 x 10% |B Compounds 4 B 4675 x 10% q 6. 4.672% 10% 1 43. What i a pure subetancs that cannot be broken down by cherical D. 1079x107 fF * means to a simpler substance? A Atom S315 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center mn Soe ie - _ ‘Chapter 5 - Engineering Materials 2 8. Element What isthe smallest part of a compound tha : 8 Sine What th arate ' compound that stil retains the properties A Alloy 114. What determines the abiity of atoms to combine with other atoms? B Element 4 C. Molecule A. The valence electrons D. Unitest B. The number of electrons ©. The atomic number D. The atomic weight 21, When a soli has a enystalne structure, the atoms the atoms arranged in repeating structures called ‘8 j 15. What is the generally accepted nominal mass of a proton? A lattice B. unit oot A TAMU & crystal 4 eens D. domain i co. AMU : Sy 122. What type of bonding refers to the sharing of electrons? i A. Covalent bonding 8. Van der Waals bonding Metallic bonding at 116. What isthe term used to describe the amount of energy that is given off ‘when an electron moves fram one orbit to a lower orbit? A. Velency D._ Tonic bending B. Quantum ©. Fusion 23. What refers to a crystal imperfection characterized by regions of severe B. Fission atomic misfit where atoms are not properly surrounded by neighbor atoms? 117. What refers to a metal combined with one or more other elements? A. Discrystallization B. Dislocation A. Mature E B. Compound ©. Slip step © Alloy D._ Dispersion D. Molecule 118. What refers to chemically combined elements with definte proportions usually in fiber form? of the component elements? H ‘A. Metalloids q A. Moture 8 Matrix alloys B. Molecule C. Metal laticos ©. Compound 7 D. Metal matrix composites q D. Alloy at is the usual valence of nonmetallic elements? What refers to a physical blend of two or more substances? AS A. Molecule BS B. Micure c7 c Alloy D. Allofthe choices D. Compound Metalloids have a valence of. ¢ ©. 3 4 5 nity What is a combination of one or more metals with a nonmetallic element? A. Metalloid B. Matrix composite C nert D. Ceramic What do you call an atom that has lost or gain ar electron? A. ton B. Cation C. Hole D. Neutron Polymer comes from Greek words “poly” which means *many* and “meros* which means. A. metal B. material C part D. plastic The engineering materials known as “plastics” are more correctly called Polyvinyl chloride Polymers Povyetnylene Mers . What is a combination of two or more materials that has properties that the components materials do hot have by themselves? A. Compound 8. Composite C. Mixture BL Matrix = ‘Chapter § - Engineering Materials ‘32, What is a reference sheet for the elements that can be used to form engineering materials? Periodic table Truth table Building blocks of Materiais Structure of Materials 133. Who has been accepted as the author of the periadic table which was developed by chemists in the mi-nineteenth century? Viekers Knoop Rockwell Mendeleev ‘34 What physical property of a material that refers to the point at which a ‘material liquefies on heating or solidifies on cooling? A. Melting point B. Curie point C.. Refractive index 0. Specific heat 135. What physical property of a material that refers to.the temperature at which ferromagnetic materials can no longer be magnetized by outside forces? A. Melting point B. Thermal conductivity ©. Thermal expansion D. Curie point 136. What s the ratio of the velocity of ight in @ vacuum to its velocity in ‘another material? A Refractive index B. Poisson ratio ©. Density D. Mach number '37» What physical property of a material refers to the amount of weight gain (6) experienced in a polymer after immersion in water for a specified length of time under @ controled environment? Dielectric strength Electric resistivity Water absorption Thermal conductivity [aod Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ‘38. What physical property of @ material that refers tothe rate of heat low per unit time in a homogenous material under steady-state conditions, per unit area, per unit temperature gradient in a direction perpendicular fo area? A. Thermal expansion &. Thermal conductivity ©. Heat distortion temperature D. Water absorption '39. What is the absolute value of the ratio ofthe transverse strain to the ‘corresponding axial strain in a body subjected to uniaxial stress? ‘A. Poisson's ratio B Euler’ ratio ©. Refractive index B. Dielectric index ‘40. What physical property of a material refers tothe highest potential difference (voltage) that an insulating material of given thickness can withstand for a specified time without occurrence of electrical breakdown through its bulk? ‘A. Thermal expansion B Conductivity ©. Dielectric strength D. Electrical ressitivity ‘41. What physical property of a materiel refers tothe ratio of the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance 1 degree to the heat required to raise the same mass of water to 1 degree? A. Specific heat B. Latent heat C. Heat of fusion D. Heat of fission 42, What physical property of a material refers to the temperature at which {polymer under a specified load shows a specified amount of jelection? Curie temperature Specific heat Heat distortion temperature Thermal conductivity ‘Chapter § - Engineering Materials 443, What mechanical property of a material refers to the nominal stress at fracture in a tension test at constant load and constant temperature? Creep strength ‘Stress rapture strength Compressive yield strength Hardness ‘44. What mechanical property of a material refers to the resistance to Plastic deformation? A. Rigidity 5. Plasticty ©. Duetlty, D. Hardness 445. What typical penetrator is used in Brinell hardness test? A. tommball B. 120° diamond (brale) C. 1.8 mm diameter ball D. 20° needle ‘46, What parameter is defined as the temperature at which the toughness of the material drops below some predetermined value, usually 15 ft-lb? A. Nilductity temperature B. Curie temperature ©. Thermal conductivity 1. Heat distortion temperature 447. What is obtained by repeatedly loading a specimen at given stress levels until it fails? Elastic limit Endurance limit or fatigue strength of materiat Creep Allof the choices 48. What dimensional property of a material refers to the deviation from edge straighiness? Ley Outof tat Camber Waviness 2002 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ‘49. What dimensional property of a material refers to a wavelike variation from a perfect surface, generally much wider in spacing and higher in ‘amplitude than surface roughness? A. Lay 8. Waviness ©. Surface finish D. Outof at '50. Wood is composed of chains of cellulose molecules bonded together by another natural polymer called A. plastic B. lignin comer D. adaitive ‘52. What is a polymer production process that involves forming a polymer chain containing two different monomers? ‘A. Copolymerization 8. Blending C._Alloying D. Cross-linking ‘52. What is the generic name of a class of polymer which is commercially known as "nylon"? A. Polyacetals B. Polyamide Cellulose D. Polyester ‘53. By definition, a rubber is a substance that has atleast ____ elongation intensile test and is capable of returning rapidly and forcibly to its ‘original dimensions when load is removed. A. 100% B 150% C. 200% B. 250% ‘54, What is a method of forming polymer sheets or fms into thres- dimensional shapes, In which the sheet is clamped on the edge, heated ntl it softens and sags, drawn in contact withthe mold by vacuum, and ‘Sooled while stil in contact with the mold? ‘A. Galendering 8. Blow moiding Chapter 5 - Engineering Materials ©. Thermoforming D. Solid phase forming What is a process of forming continuous shapes by forcing a molten polymer through a metal die? A. Calendering B. Thermoforming C._Lithugraphv D. Extrusion . What chemical property of @ material which refers to its abilty to resist deterioration by chemical or electrochemical reactions with environment? A. Stereospecifcity B, Corrosion resistance ©. Conductivity D._ Electrical resistance 1. What refers to the tendency for polymers and molecular materials to form with an ordered, epatial, throe-dimensional arrangement of monomer molecules? A. Stereospecificty B. Conductivity C. Retentivity Spatial configuration What isthe ratio ofthe maximum load in a tension test to the original cross-sectional area of the test bar? Tensile strength Yievd strength Shear strength Flexural strength goer ‘Whats the rato of stress to strain in @ material loaded within its elastic, range? A. Poisson's ratio B._ Refractive index C. Modulus of elasticity 1D. Percent elongation What is a measure of rigidity? A. Stifiness 8. Hardness 300i Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center on os. 4 os. ©. Strength D. Modulus of elasticity EE Board April 2001 “The greatest stress which a material is capable of withstanding without ‘a deviation from acceptable of stress to strain is called ‘A. elongation proportional limit yield point D. elastic iit What refers tothe stress at which a material exhibits a specified deviation from proportionality of stress and strain? A. Tensile strength Shear strength ©. Yield strength D. Flexural strength ‘Whats the amount of energy required to fracture a given volume of material? A. Impact strength Endurance limit ©. Creep strength D. Stress rupture strength What mechanical property of a material which is a time-dependent permanent strain under stress? ‘A. Elongation 8 Estoy Creep DB. Rupture In tensile testing, the increase in the gage length measured after the specimen fractures within the gage length is called ‘A. Percent elongation B. Creep C Elasticty D. Elongation ‘What is the resistance of a material to plastic deformation? A. Hardness: B. Stifness ©. Creepage ‘Chapter 5 - Engineering Material D. Rigidity (67, Whatis the maximum stress below which a material can theoretically 0. n poe> endure an infinite number of stress cycles? Endurance state Endurance test Endurance limit Endurance strength pop> What is @ substance that attracts piace of iron? A. Conductor B. Semiconductor C. Magnet D. Allofthe choices Which ofthe following is a natural magnet? A. Stee! BL Magnesia ©. Lodestone D.. Soft iron Which ofthe following materials has permeability slightly less than that of free space? A. Paramagnetic materials B.Non-magnetic materials C._ Ferromagnetic materials D. Diamagnetic materials What materials has permeabilities sighter greater than that of tree space? ‘A. Paramagnetic materials B._Non-magnetic materials, C. Ferromagnetic materials B._Diamagnetic materials Which of the folowing materials have very high permeabilities? Paramagnetic materials, Non-magnetic materials Ferromagnetic materials Diamagnetic materials 0d Solved Problema in ESAS ~ Excel Review Conter 97. What does ASTM stands for? A. Association of Stee! Testing and Materials B._ American Society for Testing and Materials Asian Society for Testing and Materials, D. Allied Society for Testing and Materials ‘98. What prefix in stee! identification means composition varies from normal limits? D. What prefix in steel identification means itis made in an electric. furnace? 5 c. D. 1200,What letter sufix in steel identification means that its steel with boron ‘a8 an alloying element? A, xxx B. xxBrx C. exhb BD. xxkox 10x,What do you callin mil steel without @ coating? A. White plate B. Tinstee! free © Black plate B. Dechromate tin 102.EE Board April 20% ‘What combination of elements has high electrical resistance, high corrosion resistance, and high strength at red heat temperatures, ‘making it useful in resistance heating? ‘Aluminum bronze Nichrome Hastelloy Anica (Chapter § ~ Engineering Materials 4103.A stoo! cannot qualify for stainiess prefix until it has a A stool canat quai fess prefix until it has at east how many 10% 20% 25% 5% 4104.EE Board September 2003 ‘What do you add to compensate forthe remain What do you ad! 0 comp the remaining high iron oxide Deorizers Deoxidizers Deterrent Detoxitiers 4105.Which of the following cast irons isa high-carbon, iron-carbon-sil a na high-carbon, iron-carson-slicon Gray iron Malleable iron White iron. Alloy iron ‘106.Which ofthe following cast irons is heat-treated for ductility? Gray ron Malleabie iron White iron Ductile iron 4107.Which cast ron is hard and wear resistant? Gray ron Ductile icon White ron Malleable iron ‘96.What is considered as the general purpose, oldest ype and widely used ray iron Ductile iron Alloy iron Malleable iron 2002 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 4109.EE Board September 2003 “The effect of manganese in cast iron is to? A 8. c. 5. affect the machinabily, ductility and shrinkage depending on form reduce hardness by combining with sulfur below 0.5% and increae hardness above 0.5 % deoxidize molten cast iron increase fluidity and lowers melting temperature 10.EE Board April 2003 “The effect of aluminum in cast iron isto? A B c. . increase hardness above 0.5 % dooxicize motten cast iron affect the machinabilty, ductility, and shrinkage depending on form reduce hardness by combining with sulfur below 0.5 % 111.EE Board April 2003 “The effect of silicon in cast iron is to? A 8 c. D. reduce hardness by combining with sulfur below 0.5% and increase hardness above 0.5 % increase fluidly and lowers melting temperature ‘softens iron and increases ductility below 3.25%, hardens iron above 3.25 % and inerease acid and corrosion resistance above 13% deoxidizes motten cast iron -zxz.{ron is said to’be abundant in nature. About how many percent of the ‘earth’ crustis iron? A. B c. D. 10% 5% 20% 8% .113.Whatis the advantage of quench hardening? A B c. 5. Improved strength Hardness Wear characteristics Allof the choices {124.Whet isthe lowest-temperature diffusion-hardening process and does ‘not require a quench? A 8 Carburizing ‘Tempering C.Nitiding ‘Shapier 5 Ragineering Naterais D. Heattreating :115.qThe following statements are true except one. Which one? Casting dos not harden a te lame and ndvton hardening require the use ofhadenable Fama regio the use of hardenab itencr hardened see does not require tempering to brittleness. sue fempering to prevent Induction hardening is usualy most efficient on smal pars 4116,Which of the following is a requirement for hardening a steel? Heating tothe proper temperature ‘Sufficient carbon content Adequate quench Allof the choices *27.Nhat fl of study encompasses the procurement and production of Metallurgy Geology Material Science Metalgraphy {118,What do you call earth and stone missed withthe iron oxides? A. Hematite 8. Magnetite © Gangue D. Ore ‘49ihat sa coal that has beon previously burned in an oxygen-poor ‘environment’ Tuyere Coke Diamond Hematite :120.What is the most common alloying ingredient in copper? Brass Zine Nickle ‘Aluminum o02 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center _ ~~ ehapeer 5= ag Maiociale 4 ‘x23.What efers to the casehardening process by which the carbon content D. Nitriaing of the steel near the surface of a partis increased? 327.Whatis a process of producing a hard surface in @ ste! having a sufficiently high carbon content to respond to-hardening by a rapid ' | A. Carburizing cooling of the surface? ; j 8 Annealing q ©, Normalizing F 1B. Martompering A. Cyaniging ; B.Nitiding a 7 4:22. What is the process of heating a hardened steel to any temperature ©. Flame hardening 3 Below the tower entical temperature, followed by any desired rate of . Induction hardening : cooling? 1120.What is the most common reinforcement for polymer composites? A. Normalizing 8B. Spheroidizing ‘A Boron I C. Carburizing j B. Ceramic i D. Tempering ( © Graphite j ] D. Glass fiber ia ‘1z3.Whatis defined as an intimate mechanical mixture of two or more . i 3 a definite temperature of 1129,In electrochemistry, oxidation isa loss of k ates having a define compostion an [faneformaton win the so state? A | A. Pearilite B. te : 5 Eutectors p 4 e C. Austernite 0. ia Eo D._ Datta sold solution seats th ' 3 f _xse:Whatis the process of puting bac the lost electrons to conver the ion : stoels? a A. Oxidation 5 A. Suir 8 Corrosion 4 if B. Phosphorus: C. Reduction ‘@ ©. Silicon D. lonzation 5. Manganese 4 1131.Oxidation in an electrochemical cel always takes place where? t q ‘x2s.Whet impusity in stee! can cause “red shortness", which means the ste! 4 ; 4 ‘becomes unworkable at high temperature? A. Atthe anode q B. Atthe cathode q A. Sulfur EC. atthe electrode 4 B. Silicon 4 D. Atboth cathode and anode : C. Manganese ] : D. Phosphorus | x32,Reduction in an electrochemical call aways takes place where? st2b.What is a method of casehardening involving diffusion in which the ste A Atthe anode F : eae schardened is machined, heat-treated, placed in an air-tight B. Althe cathode : box and heated to about 1000°F? . ©. Atthe electrode 3 D. Atboth cathode and anode A. Annealing f B. Normalizing § 4 ©. Carburizing jew Center ‘200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Cex 1233.What do you calla fui that conducts electricity? Electroyte Water Solution D. Add Th of an environment serves as a measure of the strength of ‘acids oF bases. pH measurement humiaity passivity ©. impurities 4135,What isthe pH value for & neutral solution? A B c. D. 1136.The solutions with pH values from 1 to 6 are A. base B. alkaline C. neutral BD. acid 4137.The solutions with pH values from 7 to 12 are. A base B. alkaline C._ neutral D. acid 138pH" stands for ‘A. positive helium ion B. positive hydrogen ion C. polyhetium D._ polyhycrate nena -139.Wnat is defined as a local corrosion damaged characterized by su cavities? A. Cracking 8. Piting ©. Cavitation ‘Chapter 5 Engineering Materiats 440.What do you call the removal of zin from brasses? D. Erosion A. Dezincification B. Graphitization ©. Stablization D. Dealloying +742.What isthe scaling off of a surface in flakes or layers as the result of 8. Corrosion fatigue ©. Scaping D. Fretting 442 What corrosion occurs under organi coatings on metals as fie, wavy hairines? Stray current corosion Microbiological corrosion Fiform corrosion Fretting corrosion 1143.What refers to the deterioration of material ‘of small amplitude (20 to 100 mn) botwe corrosive environment? by oscilatory relative motion en two sold surfaces in a ‘A. Stray current corrosion 8. Microbiological corresion ©. Filform corrosion D. Fretting corrosion B 144.indicate the false statement about corrosion. ‘A. Plastics and ceramics are immune to many forms of corrosion because they are not ‘900d conductors of electricity. The corroded member in a corrosion cells the cathode. C. Passivity isa prerequisite for the corrosion protection of many ‘metals, 0. Corrosion of metals is usually electrochemical in nature tee is an alloy of iron and carbon with limits on the amount of carbon toless than" percent. 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center D 146.What is the approximate chromium range ofa fertic stainless stee!? A 5 c D. arrindicate false statement about stainiess stee!? 1% 105% 12% 10 18% 10% 10 12% 18 % 10 20% 20% 10.24 % (Chapter 5 ~ Engineering Materials 1152.What cast iron has nodular or spheroidal graphite? Ductile iron Wrought iron Gray iron White iron {153.What is a process for making glass-reinforced sh 388-reinforced shapes that can be {generated by pulling resin-impregnated glass strands through a die? Continuous pultrusion A. The density of stainless sels about he seme as carbon or low Bulk molding alloy sees. Vacuum bag fring 8, Stainless steels are poor conductors of heat Resin transfer moulding G. Stanioss steels are poor conductors of electicty, | 5. Siainiess steels nave tensile modu greater than those of carbon 154.Whats a natural substance that makes u and alloy stats 4 pantie? kes Up a signicant portion of all 4148,What ae the four major alloying elements of austenite stainless steels? Cotuose Polyacetal ‘A. tron, chromium, carbon and rick Polyearbonates Iron, chromium, zine an nickel : Polymides . Iron. chromium, carbon and zinc 15. tron, chromium, carbon and copper 155.What term is used to denote a family of thermosetting polymers that are ‘eaction products of aleohols and acids? 1149.qhe electrical resistance of stainless steels can be as much as, 8 {imes that of carbon see! BA -Atatre B. Alkydes AS ©. Alocies 8 6 D. Aldehyde c. 10 4 B45 156.138, What is the AISI-SAE stee! designation fr nickel 3.60 alloy? 50.What refers to @ shape achieved by slowing a quid to soliily in 2 on ‘mola? B 2x 4 25x A Casting basic @, Molaing 4 a ©. Forming ANE 157.What is the AISL-SAE designation for resulfurized and re D. Allo the choices ‘carbon steel? ination fr resulfized and rephosphorized 151.Which ofthe folowing ig NOT a hardware requirement for die casting? ar B 3K ‘A, Watercooled meta cavities eae 8 Machined metal holding blocks cere Ejection mechanism 1B. Metal mold (macring halves) -The Group H steels can be used in what temperature range? 4 EA 800'Ct0 110°C 5-38 5-39 ood Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center B. 100°C to 1500°C © 1100°C to 200° D. 200°C to 800°C a59.qThe folowing are primary alloying ingredients of Group H steels except: A. Molybdenum B. Tungsten c. Cobalt ©. Ghrorium 1160.The chrome-molybdenum steels contain how many percent of ‘molyedenum? A 010 B 020 ¢, 030 5. 040 st62.The chrome-vanadium steets contain how many percent of vanadium? A, 01610030 B. 0.05t00.15 C. 03010045 DB. 0.45t00.60 xox Manganese stee! usually contains how many percent of manganese? A 1105 B. 51010 C. 111014 D. 141018 163. The wearesistance ofthis material is atibuted to its abilty to "that i, the hardness is increased greatly when the steels ‘Geld worked. A. cold harden B. stress harden CC. cooktemperature resistant D._ strain harden ‘x64-The special chrome steels of the stainless variety contain how many ‘peroant of chromium? A 4108 B 9t010 © tto17 DB. 171021 ‘Chapter § - Engineering Materials 165:What refers tothe application of any process where Steels alered so thet ta bocoms arg? ney he Sutace of A. Catburizing B. “Casehardening ©. Annealing 1D. Surfacehardening -166.What refers tothe ability of stee! to be hardens fia ret ty of steel to be hardened through to its center in Malleabilty Hardenabilty ‘Spheroidabilty Rigicty 67.What is the equilbrium temperature of transformatior pearlite? per transformation of austenite to 000° F 1333 F 1686" F 1222" F 68, structure i formed when transformation occurs down to the knee of the curve? Reman A. Pearite 8. Bainite ©. Austenite D. Martensite f 169.What allotropic form of iron refers to ion that has a tem ‘of room temperature to 1670°F? hectare A. Beta iron B. Gamma iron ©. Deltairon Alpha iron 770°C 550°C BC 440°C ——— Jaoi Soived Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center. — - 1 heating at 1000°F for up ‘ ing Materia ‘7n.whet see! surface nardening process requres heating at $000 copper and nickel ra.wnat see sacs vena aoapher, flowed by iow cook B. Sepper and bm 78.10 a system of A Nitiing TBIn a sy fesignating wrought aluminum alloys, a four digit umber B Flame ardenng, is used. What does the first digit indicates? " oe ©. Precipitation hardening 5 Capua ; ‘The purty of atau The erty of the aay nati the chief ore of tn? ; alloy group erawinat is ‘The strength of the alloy A. Gassiterte £79102 system of designati 1 B. Bauxte ing wrought aluminum alloys, wh ©. timanite second dit represents? 8, what does the SC Kj The purity of aluminum satis the eet ore of zinc? The dentty of he ally 24 C. The modifications of the alloy group or impurity limits. A. Cassiterte D. The alloy group 8. Bauxlte ee Bee ftoln the system of designating wrought aluminum alloys, he leter F the D. Iimanite E follows the number indicates what condition of the alloy? ‘net chief ore of titanium? ‘As fabricated sr74.Whats he ; Strain hardened ; ‘Annealed A. Sphalerite 8. limanite ‘Arificlally aged, C. Bauxite D. Cassiterte sryp.vhat isa mure of bbste and spor, of which aun ° peaenee ‘derived? FB Magnesium alloys ©. Manganese alloys A Bauxite D. Aluminum aoys B. Rutile . C. Galena What is the minimum tensile strength of Gray Cast ron class 507 D. Sphalerte j 7 vimani 2500 loin? secThe orm “brass” s very commony used to designate any atey ae and 4 pC. 50000 ttn? fe D. 100000 ttn? [A copper and zine aluminum and iron copper and aluminum D._ Zine and nickel a less than 0.4 percent B. exactly 0.1 percent G. more than 0.1 percent & 0. ranges from 0.1 percent to 0.2 percent {r77-The term "bronze" is used to designate any alloy containing A. copper and zinc B._ copper and aluminum 5-42 5-43 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center, 4184.Ainico is an alloy containing how many percent nicket? A 10% B 14% c. 18% D. 22% _185.The most common beta brass with a composition of 60% copper and 40 ‘ zinc is called A. yellow brass B. ed brass C. Muntz metal D. white brass 1186,Red brass contains about how many percent of zinc? A 10% B 15% c 20% DB. 25% 1187.Yellow brass contains approximately how many percent of zinc? A. 20% B 50% c. 30% D. 40% 1188 indicate the false statement. Anum bronzes conti tn 2: Sligo tronaas sr wual uted for marine apelcaton an igh song fastener ©. Bronte loa soppertn ay B. Tins lave sole in copes: .189.What is the most abundant metal in nature? A. Aluminum B Steel Cron D. Copper 190.:ndicate the false statement about aluminum. ‘A... Ithas 113 the weight of steel B.. thas 1/3 ofthe stifiness of steet C._ ithas high strength-to-weight ratio, 5-44 Chapter § = Engineering Materiais ._ thas poor thermal and electrical conductiviy. {1p1.What Is the effect to aluminum with iron as the alloying element? A. Reduce hot-cracking tendencies in casting B._ improve conductivity C. Lowers castabilty D._ Improves machinability 1192.What isthe effect to aluminum with copper as alloying element? ‘A Increases strength up to about 12 % BL Reduces shrinkage . Improves machinabilty D._ Increases fluidity in casting Properties ideal for permanent magnets? ‘A. Invar and Nivar B._Nichrome and Constantan ©. Elinvar and invar D. Alnico and Cunife 94:The Portland cement is manufacture from the following elements ‘except A. ime 8. silea C. akmina D.asphalt s9.What gives the average ratio of stress to stain fr materials operating inthe nonlinear region inthe stress-strain diagram? A; Modulus of elasticity B. Proportionalty limit © Secant modulus D. Tangent modulus “s96.What isthe ratio ofthe ultimate failure strain to the yielding strain? A Poisson's ratio B. Ductity ©. Resilience D. Fatigue 002 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ringing 1297.What test determines the hardenabilty ofa stee! specimen?” ‘A. Jominy end-quench test KEY To TEST S 8. Thelever rule perm $8 4A OLD LA HOLA j 5. Shoes elettst 26 CBA: tad jee 2 8 A j2B fe00 at soe rel process is used wih hypoeuectid sees to charge 48 4% D&D jee dene t70-Mnente no peat? ‘eee SA 4 A 8D RA t68 me : 6c 4A 86.28 126.0 166.8 : | Fe 78 we we tere 4 ; A Tempering BA 8G | 6G 8D ROA ig Noreen 8 6 488 8A 198 89D 1 & Arpealng Poe) mB 6G) Oe | OR a tA BRR BEA tA or tempering? ZA 5B SB tae TBA 4 r stop. iihat i encther tan forteaperng 13. B 53. C 3. B 133. 173.6 4 . es eee eee ee r / A Recrstalzato ee ee ee ee : 8 Annealing Fo ee) SB mA TD HA 3 Cg ohana ae enna 16 A 7B ABLE wr ° Me 2c A HC te Hee co hardening processes except one, Which one? BSB oC A BOB eC ; ‘z00.A\l are steel surface hardening p pt : aac each fete Ae ea 21.8 61. B 101. 141.4 181. lg A. Carburzing E BA ge wwe imc ime 8 lame hardening q . 238 63. A 103.4 143.D 183.8 Ning D0 Cte RB : Diet) 25. D 65. A 105.4 145.4 185.C Be A eR 86 eC 188 ; 27D 67. C 107. 147. 187.6 2 : — BA So WOR eR 18RD m6 08) tonB MOB TOB.A : 8 7D 108 150A 190.0 Be LA nC tet. TBLA Me kk BS ee tea isa q Bo 68 Had, isa Head i . AA 74. B 114.6 154.4 194.D a BO 7A hee tee tose 4 e 6. A 76. A 116.D 156.8 196.B gy e 37. 7. NIZA 157.D 197.4 a 38. B 78. 118. 158.4 198.4 4 ; SA TA HOB | oC | 198 ' mo 60 2B |B 2O0.D 4 CHAPTER 6 Chemistry Chemistry is a branch of science which deals withthe study of matter and the ‘changes it undergoes. Braches of Chemistry © Organic Chemistry © Analytical Chemistry @ Inorganic Chemistry © Biochemistry © Physical Chemistry anne Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. It is composed of tiny panicles called atoms, There are presently 106 different kinds of atoms (elements) known in which each of these is represented by a symbol % epreperties of alter Properties are characteritics that differentiate @ substance from all other substances. Intrinsic Properties are properties of the substance that are independent of the shape and size of the substance. (Enuras temperature, pressure, euirinsic Properties are properties of the substance that are related to its ‘ze and shape. Enna. volume, mass, weight, ete Piysical Properties are properties which matter can show without being destroyed. Chemical Properties are properties which matter can show by losing its ‘entity _Eeothermic Changes ere physical or chemical changes which causes energy release from the substance to the surroundings. | endothermic Changes are physical or chernical changes in which energy |S absorbed by the substance. le CIASSIFIEATION OF MATTER . (© Pure Substance is 2 matter that has definite composition and @ “Sefinite boing point. Its divided into Wo: ‘a Elements a substance that is composed of only one kind of ‘ator, 6 r ood Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center, ae Anodes a positively charged electrode ‘h Compound s a substance that is composed of two or more Cathode s a negatively charged electrode Coreen momely corcined in dts and constant proportion istre is 2 mater that has 79 definite boing point noe dette eM ‘composition. It is a combination of various substances which Say phyiel meena is aloo cde ino fro Subatomic Particles ‘The atom is composed of three smaller subatomic partici: 1 Electron (8') is @ paricle with a relative charge of ~1 and a very small mass of 0.00058 amu. haz. Beciccharge (e) 1.60200 Unt mass nig (e}: 9.11 x 102%4g +, Proton (@°) is a particle with a relative mass of +1 and a very small mass of 1.0073 amu. Tha. Bectic cage (e":1.602410°% Unt massing (@*}: 1673 x 027g a. Homogencous Mixture whose parts of composition are not Fromage abi oven to some extent through a microscopic (ib is or composition are readily bh Heterogencous Mixture whose parts or composi Visible or easily identifiable. ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM CLASSIFICATION OF MATTER «Neutron is neutral (uncharged) partcie with a mass of 1.0087 amu a. Beet Charge (retro) none Massinkg (neuron: 1.675 x 037g mein “The mucleus isthe central part of an atom which protons and neutrons are located. A nucleus has a diameter of a about 10°A or 10° nm whereas the ‘dameter ofthe entice atom isin the range of 1 to 5 A or 0.4 to 0.5 nm. Laws of Conservation of Mass "iMass can neither be created nor be Sestroyed.” ‘Atomic Number is the number of protons inthe nucteus. fas Number or Atomic Weight Mass Number is the sum of the protons and neutrons in the atom. Lam of Conservation of Energy "rey conn be rate nr des cone form to another royed. it can only be transformed from Formule and Molecular Weight ‘Formula Weight is used for compounds that are made up of ions and have primarily ionic bonding. Lae of Define Conpostion wo De Cortese aways cade up of seme consituent elem ‘combined in 2 defnite proportion by weight.” E Molecular Weight is used for compounds that are composed of molecules and faa 0, an6 Carbon Manage CO. BEDS - SaRoen lrmanrany STRUCTURE OF AN ATOM Calculate the formula weight of water, HzO. “Atoms are the smallest partices of elements “Molecules ere the emallest particies of compounds. 6-2 ‘ood Bove Problems ta ESAS = Excel Review Center ‘Since there are 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen in a formula unit lof water, then the formula welght 3 ate sae sa (ee fea fevatey 22) sara ot Tarhidn ‘thas; Formuta Weight in «= thus ; Volume Occupied = 5.81 x 10% em?. | SORUnEoONS A Solution is a homogeneous minure made up of a ‘solvent, the composition of which is variable. P selte dissolved in Chemists are able to count atoms and molecules by relating number to mass, They have created a counting number unit called mole, A mole consist of 6.02 7nd BMG rles euch as atoms, molecules or ions, This number is called Jvogadtors number, in honor of the Htaian Physicist and Chemist, Amedeo ‘Avoga. ‘ oa The Concentration of a solution refers to the amount of solute in a given amount of solvent or solution. The Percent Concentrations calculate by dvicng the mass of scl the total mass of solution and multiplied by 100. ° een xample ( Calculating the Number of Molecules ) Calculate the number of molecule in 24.5 g of COr. Sian : First Calculate the formula weight of CO: and then use the relationship Bxample ( Calculating the Percent Concentration ) between molecules and moles to find the number of molecules. | Calculate the percent concentra 3 percent concaiaion of sodum chloride (NaCl in F ihe contains 2.8 g of NaCl in 75 g of solution. cn gel Formula Weight of COz: 1xt2=12 28 ic © = 2x16 =32 NaCl = FE x 100 =3.73% Formula Weight = 44 emu or 44. ‘= thus; the peroent concentration is 3.73 %. ial _ : [rmeica, |, [e02x10% molecules CO» 2459002 | ecules COs aagco, | | FmelcQ, 3.35 x 10 molecules of CO: tu; 24,5 9 0f COr has 35 x 10 molecules example (Calculating the Volume-Avogadro's Number ) ee ee em occupied by 35 x 10% atoms of aluminum i ple (Calculating the Molar Concentration ) alate ne molar (M) concentration of @ solution that contains dium chloride in 250 mi of solution. ‘hat contains 3.25 mol of Calculate the volume in cubie Sensi of Alis 2.70 genie solution ‘We must first convert from atoms to moles (using Avogadro's umber Ne ate grams (using. atomic weight) and Fly from grams 10 cl yw _325moto sotte ‘centimeter (using density). b * C250 iter of Solution 4 ‘= thus; the molar concentration is 13, =13M 6-5 a =o Solved Probioms in ESAS — Basel iiaiew oat EERE Bae! ‘are transferred from one atom to Solution: ‘The symbols forthe ions are: rote BOND, is orned her eter ae terse gatos IONIC BOND Jip an clecrostatc traction between OPPoSiy Na ed 4 ions. oan her see amas ; risscrossing the numbers; | MONATOMIC BOND or ELECTROVALENT ‘is a bonding ict onievs 3, cas? i MONATOMIC. BOND pe fo ttn 9 noble gas electron configuration Dropping the Charges: COVALENT BOND is for oNtoms. both elecrons come: SSerainate covalent bond. DOUBLE-TRIPLE BOND. DOUBLET Rofed @ DOUBLE BOND, and there are TRIPLE BOND. POLAR COVALENT BOND - ne POLAR COVALENT BOND, ihe secon POLAR chited more toward one of the atoms Non-POLAR COVALENT BOND - na NON-POLAR COVALENT BOND, aoa cod i equal cstibuted to the atoms | ani asc ters end symbols are MOLECULAR ORBITALThe shares pa ofelasrons eit BAST OPS Basi terme and symiboe ere necessary in wring chemical equatio (= ), of an equal sign usually separate the Mele ct Saree eos oe ee che onal aS: oe (cel a peiris for the products, Symbols to sy the physical sites of the EUEERE BORGES Eample (Symbol forthe Physiea State) CHEMICAL EQUATION is 2 shorthand way of reoressnine, cher CHEMI Ag enzmical formulas to indicate he reactants and products. ed when a pair of elecrons ore shared between "era bre atom, the bond is called j B The subscripts are ah re always reduced to the -itthere are two pairs of electrons between Wo jfomula can be writen: d to the lowest terms, hence the correct ‘hres pairs tis called @ (s) for sold substance or preci fownward tate or an arrow: ena aa ipitate pointing d ‘such ig stances in wate sui sch ae HeSo (aq) reat use the symbol A written over the arrow (4s) ADGRNE Be (TRIAL & ERROR METHOD) Example (Chemical Formula Writing ) ‘What is the chemical formula for Strontium lou Solution ride? Firat: wait the symbols for 1s + sr F- second, crisscross the numbers and wee them a8 SUPSEHPS: SIN BALANCING CHEMICAL EQUATION: se the number of a ber of atoms of each element on the reactant side and ‘Third; Rewrite the formula dropping a fon re ree ber called bbe writen; at a time by placing a small nu ‘@ Strontium Flouride: Sr Fa ifthe 18 equation is completely balanced Example (Chemical Formula Writing) 1 Formula for Calcium Sulfide. 6-6 Determine the chemical ———————————— — _ aca Proviems in ESAS - Excel Review Center —_—__—_— ‘2001 Solved @ Metal Oxide + Nonmetal oxide—> Sat r a0 (8) + S02 (g) —> Ca SOs(s) sotto f@ clement Reacant sie Product Side : fi : Bo eccresnte reins toasters ietcononiton ska par econ oe eongound dacepctes on substances, The products formed can be either ements or compounds. Most often heat is necessary to cause these @ &© 2Nacl—>2 NaCl f reactions to take place. © Element Reactant Side Product Side Na 2 2 2 a 2 2 General Equation [RSRSSEAE z | lp > 2NaC! 1D Hydrates, wh when heated, decompose to yield water and the anhydrous, ng so an co EOReae REAeEEOOS ee ena tata molecules of water for | EONS ence Sm lanced equation is:2NatCl Chemical Reaction is the process “TYPES OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS. te ‘Decomposition of Barium Chore Dihydrat: YES OF cui or Corpostion or Drea combination MENON Baty. 2440 (6) 2 6) sinnes eDecarposton or Breaking Apa Resco (6) 45 BaCl (6) + 2420 (9) @_Analyeon or Replacement or Single Displacement ‘Reaction g Siestnesis of Dovble-Diepiacement Reaction © Neutralization Reaction Cchorates, when heated, decompose to form chlorides plus oxygen gas. | Decompositiin of Potassium Chlorate: 5 2KCI0s 8)» 2KCI(s) + 302 (9) rect Combination Reaction: i comnation Reactor woo = substances (el ids) react to form one product FA few metal oxides decompose when hes a pose when heated to form the free metal and © synthesis oF Dit In synthesis (Dire ‘elements or compoun ‘General Equation: 4 q | Decomposition of Mercuric Oxide’ E2190 (6) 4» 2Hg (L) + O2 (9) Jost Carbonates, when heated, decompose to form oxides and COz example (Synthesis or Direct Combination ) q aeotat~—> Binary compound (such as oxide, SUGe ot Metal + Nonmeal— Binary Compound Hem de, sulfide oF Nl emposition of Calcium Carbonate (limestone) fas Non Sst EF CaCOs(s) A» CaO (8) +002 (8) ‘hydrogen carbonates (bicarbonates), when heated, decompose to «+ Oxygen —> Nonmetal oxide fo an oxide plus water and COs @ Nonmetal 20 (8) * O2(6) ~* 200 (9) @ Metal + Oxygen 57 _,Metalonide ta + Og) A> MO) aston of Calcium Hydrogen Carbonate fa (HCO) (8) 8,Ca0 (6) + 2002 (6) + H:0 (9) ie can be broken down into Hydrog Oxyse' Jen gas and Orygen gas tic current or ELECTROLYSIS of H20. ste @ Nonmetal Oxide + Water —- Oxvacid ‘S02 (g) + H20 (L) > #2803 (89) © metal Oxide + Water —> Metal nyaroxide (008°) a0 (s) + H:0 (L) —> CalOHe (20) 6-8 19) 92H: (9) + Or(@) 6-9 (Chapter 6 - Chemistry Example ( Metathesis or Double Decomposition ) 4, Agalt and abase —> salt + base Ca{NOs)e (aq) + 2Na OH(aq)—> 2NaNOs(aq) + Ca(OH). (aa) .gle Displacement Reaction ‘Substitution or Single-Displacement reaction, one "another element in a compound, ee zoo1 Solved Problems @ Replacement or Sink Ina replacement oF clement reacts by replacing 2. ASaltand an acid —> salt + acid t = comers General Equation eee Sere ‘Ba (NOs); (aq) + Hz SO (aq) ~>BaSO« (5) + 2HNOs(aq) laced of substituted, seated 3, Metal Carbonate and an acid—+Salt + Hz0 + COz Tectromotive or activly sei q MgcOr (=) * a Mach (aq) #0 (L) + we another metal from ig0Os (6) + 2HCI(aq)—> MgCle (aq) + H.0 (L) * CO2(6) Jements arranged, B 4. Anacid and abase —> salt + water ‘HCI (aq) + Mg(OH)2 (8). —>MgClz (aq) + 2120 (L) To determine which element will be disp know the electromotive or activity series. The ah arrangement which shows what metal can cIspia te a eour solution of iis salt or acid. It is the Ist of el ‘ecording to the order of activity 5. Twosalts rv SERS OF ELEMENTS Py 2KCI (aq) + Pb(NOs)2 (aq) —> PbCk: () + 2KNOs (aq) E © Neutralization Reactions Fina neutralization reaction an acid or oxide (non metal oxide) reacts with & ese or basic oxide (metal oxide). A salt is formed in the reaction and for rostof these, water Is also formed, The only case where water is not formed euld Le in a simple combination of a nonmetal oxide with a metal oxide; for Lal other neutralization reactions, the formation of water is the driving fore ‘THE HALOGENS, 4 ithe reaction. @ he (Neutralization Reactions ) example ( Replacement or Single Displacement Method) abuso” Wan 2 oat 4. Zn(a) + NiSO«(2a}—>_ZnSO4 (2a) + NI8) Ae Bane ea FeO () + Nac (20) ee pc's tigher than nickel nthe activ seis of elements itcan displace nickel 2. Metal Oxide (basic anhydride) + Acid —> Water + Salt CaO (s) +2HCI (aq) —> H20 (L) + CaCh(aq) Nonmetal Oxide (acid anhydride) + Base —> Water + Salt ‘802 (g) + 2NaOH (aq) > H2O (L) + Naz SOs(aa) 2. Fe (e) + CuSO«(aq}> FeSO«(eq) + 0u(8) ince ron (Fe) is higher than copper in the acy sees tlements, then it can displace copper. Basic Oxide (metal oxide) + acid oxide (nonmetal oxide) —» Salt MgO (s)+ 803g) —> MgSou (s) 3. Cu(s) + Fe SOx (aq)—> no reaction Cu (Si be no reaction since copper is ess active en ron ‘Ammonia + Acid —> Ammonium Salt NH (g) + HCI(g)—> NHACI(s) ‘© Metathesis or Double Displacement Reactions Ii.2 metathesis or double displacement reaction form two new compounds. In general, these invol Tere exchange partners with the negative fons ‘compounds, menses two compounds reat i MEOnEEAN ive ions, and the pos CALCULATION BASED ON FORMULAS AND EQUATIONS to form the two : term STOICHIOMETRY. refers to the quantitative relationship of Feicai combinations. Thus, t refers to chemically equivalent quantities 2s General Equation: 6-10 aus ——— Je0d Soived Probicins in ESAS - Excel Review Center : —_ ip OGAL Ate wa Chapter ¢= Chemistry SE a ats conn oy ton 3 a — moe HOLES a ae “The percent of each element in a compound is found by diving the mass of. ee ee ‘and shows the actual number of each element present of the compound, elemer esent in Tact element by the molecular of formula weight and multipiying by 100. Example (Calculation of Molecular Weight using Empirical Formulas) compound is found to contain 27.3 grams of carbon, 4.55 g of hydrogen 9 55 9 of hyd fend 96.4 g of oxygen. The molecular weight is found to be 90. Ce th : ; ignt to be 90. Calculate the Example ( Calculating of % composition ~ From Formulas ) Calculate the percent composition of calcium nitrite Solution: Sout nuias for calcium ritrate is Ca (NOs)2 and the formula weight ccaloulated as: tion Ca = 1x40 = 40 N= 2x14 = 28 ning the empirical formula o= $216 Amel =2.28 mol 4.45 mol H %Ca 0 = Sten = 5% GALCULATIONS BASED ON BALANCED EQUATION ased on Equations ) core the empirical formula is CHO, pg the Molecular Formula 4 (12) example (Calculating on the number of Moles B Calculate the number of moles of NaOH that are necessary to produce ‘moles of NA:SO, using the reaction. 2NaOH + H:S0. —> NazSO.+2 HO ‘Solution. 5 io” ‘Sines the given quantity is in moles and the desired quantity is 2 A; 30x = 90 searin _2molNIOH_ = 45 mol NBOH Fe Some Pt inte ween eee ich imi the amount of products that can be foweed.? 7.8 mol NazSOex. 6-13 Chapter 6 - Chemistry oor Solved Problems in ESAS - Exee! Review enter (Alkaline Earth Metals ‘@ Berylium, Be @ Strontium, Sr @ Magnesium, Mg © Barium, Ba © Calcium, Ca @ Radium, Ra ‘Example (Limiting Reactant) Nitrogen gas can be prepared by passing gaseous ammonia over sclié Copper (ll) oxide at high temperature. The other products of the reaction are core opper and water vapor. If a sample containing 18.1 g of NHs is reacted ‘with £0.4'g of CuO, whichis the limiting reactant? (The Nitrogen Family ) ‘@ Nirogen, N @ Antimony, SB @ Phosphorous, P © Bismuth, Bi @ Arsenic, As FEIN The surtur Family chatcogens Solution ‘Write and balance the equation forthe reaction: 2NHiig) +3 CuO{s)-—>Nalg) + 3Culs) +3 H-0%9) ‘Solving fr the moles of NHy and CuO 1 mole NHy ; me = 1.08 moles NHs 18.19 NI Tg Nth © Oxygen, 0 Tellurium, Te iii © suit, S © Poionium, Po 4 gcuo x 1M22O. = 4.14 moles CuO © Selenium, Se : mas 17g CuO Evaluate which restantis iting The Halogen Famity) 4.08 moles NH, _ _2 moles NHy O Fiourne,F @ tocine, 1 5 @ chore, ct © Astatine, At x moles of CuO ~ “Smoles of Cud x = 1.59 moles of CuO ‘Therefore, 1.59 moles of CuO is needed to react with 1.06 moles NH the amount of Cud © Bromine, Br (The Nobie Gases Since only 1.14 moles of CuO area actually preset limiting. CuO will be consumed before NHs, pe ecto Abie © Krypton, Kr @ Neon, Ne © Xenon, Xe @ Argon, Ar © Radon, Rn PERCENTAGE YIELD Ina reaction, ifthe given quantities of reactant products, the yield is referred to as the theoretical yield. The amount obta in the laboratory is referred to as the actual yield ‘The percentage yield is the ratio of the actual yield to theoretical yield 2 ts are completely converted rmutipying by 100, Lats OUR SERIES OF HYDROCARBONS © Akanes - methane hy hear ve ukanes — me rocarbons or parafins Porcantage Yield = eo rveag® 10° Geile Formule: ice ethane Hytrocabons Cave) (ol 0 EADAES oO SS Ore a Mane @Etane, Cite @Octanes, Cat Gl Dae @ Propane, Calls ® Nonanes, Cstno anata) @Butanes, Cato @ Decanes, Cros @ Hyarogen, H @ Rubicon, Re @Pentenes, Catia @Q-Pentadecanes, Cut @ Lithiom, Li © Cesium Cs by Gitieranes, CoH “ © Sodium, Na © Francium, Fr 0 Potassium, K 6-14 D. Vanadium Family 1. Vanadium, V 2. Niobium, No 3. Tantalum, Ta @ Nikones — Ethylene Series ‘Genera eri: Cotten @ Butenes, Cate ® Entnene, Cate & propene:CaHe © Pentenes. Cote E. Manganese Family 4, Manganese, Mn 2.Technetium, Te 3, Rhenium, Re F. Iron Family 4. Iron, Fe 2. Cobalt, Co 3. Nickel, Ni G. Platinum Family 1, Ruthenium, Ru © Agnes — Acetylene Sees (Geral Formulas Gate @ putynes, Cate @ Enthyne, He @ Pentynes, Cato @ Propyne, CaM oe hors of Transition Metals: __.A.Gopper Family 4, Copper, Cu 2.Siver, Ag 3.Gold, Au (@ Benzene. Cette @ Toluene, CrHs @ Xylenes and Ethy! Benzene, Cote £8. Zinc Family 4. Zing, 2n ‘ASeandium Family ’ Tate 2n ; 3. Mercury, Ho 4, Seandium, Se ‘Aluminum Family “the transition metals farlly: 2 Yet, ¥ aimee “Aluminum, Al 2.Galium, Ga titanium Family 3 indium, Tn Than ; 4.Thalium, 11 2 Zirconium, 2° : {Germanium Fam 3. Hafnium, Hf 1 ‘corner, Ge .¢. Chromium Family 2.Tin,Sn ‘chromium. Cr 3 Lend, Po 3 Moyen, Mo 3. Tungsten, W 6-16 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center view Center oor NTS PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEME 9rams of 1 ter of ‘and pressure ‘28 carbon Volume of 22.4 ite in monoxide (CO) at {STPI? Not: The molec soit mol, and at STP, 1 moje of any a @ ed Y 988 occupies A 420 a | a “a Wa ke 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center _ Chapter 6 - Chemist EE Board April 2003 4, Probtem Hydrogen peroxide solution for hair bleaching is usually prepared the aiomic weight of magnesium ‘imale ) per 100 ml of solution: What i the molarity ofthis solution? A 1.24% 10% atoms en BB 176 10° atoms B 1SM © 3.44x 10" atoms c. 195m D, 276x 10 atoms D. tem 41. Problem EE Board September 2003 Be tiow many moles of iron does 25 r ‘cylinder contains oxygen ata pressure of 10 atm and a temperature MME Weigh ofiron (Fe) is 55.8. gmat °° TFesent? Note: the atomia ‘of 300 K. The volume of the cylinder is 10 iters. What is the mass of ‘oxygen in grams? Molecular weight (MW) of oxygen is 32 gmole? A. 0.356 mol 8. 0.584 mol A. 12502 ©. 0.448 mol 13008 D 0.247 mol 136.05 5. tao Oa a Row mary oggen lone ere present molclesConoueng tha tis eaornc? in 2.00 moles of oxygen EE Board April 2001 7 The moteur domcter of CO is 2.18 x 10" at 300 K and pressure of | A 240» 1 tons {OD mig, What the mean fee patho the gas non? 210% etme UC ML © S67x to" atone A 686x10* 1 D. 154% 10" atone Besn10° ; @ 266x104 Be ee _ Ite atomic BD. Besxt0 ase of copper (Cu) i 635 gm, com arams does 0.252 mle of opps ou) Soap compute how many EE Board September 2008 A 18g How many mores ae thee none atom? ® ie9 5 & 2 A 36x10 3 Bisse 10" D129 & dont" BD. 25x10" Probiem What is the motecular weight of calcium hydroxi Se Eameeaese! ydroxide or Ca(OH)? When 0.5 g of liquid is completely evaporated and collected in itt A 74 manometer, the prassure is 0.25 atm and the temperature-is 27°C: PB oe Assume ideal gas behavior, find the molecular weight if the g c. 80 ‘constant Is 0.0821 L. atmimoie.K DB 48 49.2 gimole 12.3 glmole 22 gimole 64.0 gimole pop z001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center 35, Problem (Chapter 6 - Chemistry 20, Problem How many molecules of wat How many molecules are there in 25 g of hydrogen Chloride, HCI? ‘of oxygen with hydrogen?’ ler Can be produced by reacting 0.010 mat A 442 x 10% molecules B 432% 10% molecules © 5.34x 10% molecules 1. 3.45 x 10 molecules ‘A. 1.20 10 molecules 8, 1.32% 10% molecules ©. 2.34 102 molecules D. 4.15% 10% molecules 16, Problem Piette the percentage composition of sodium in the sodium chloride prone compound? IF 2 ters of gas measured at STP wei weight of Megas ed &t STP weinh 8.25 9, what is the molecular A 807% eee A 382 g/mol cae ee 5. 423 g!mol D. 07% ©. 247 gol 2. 494 gmol 37, Problem Frometine compestion of oxygen of potassium sulfate, KsS0.? Ei Preble ] ‘An thy! ether 681 mL weighs 1.65 g m. 7 A 532% Conse Sot mL. weigh 65 9 messured at 40°C and 620 tor B 367% ‘ cea A. 34.5 .9!mol DB 434% A: Baginel ©. 73.99/mo) 18. Problem Sees * heoted in ai combined with 0.40 g of oxygen aot R80 g of zine when form onde of ane. Whal Problem ef F Catala the Specie graviy of Ch at standard bat standard temperature con Pressure. Note: the molecular weight of Cl, is 71 g/mol. pemure ont sis the percentage composition of Zn in the A. 803% B 785% _ C. 197% A ass D. 534% obtem ete how many moles of ammonia can be produced from 8 moh hydrogen reacting with nitrogen? E Comat vane of nen at ST ht can be ‘mole of potassium chlorate (KCIO3). Pe formed fom 2078 A. 4.53 mol NHs B. 7.76 mol NHs C533 mol NHs D. 457 mo! NHs 186 titers 18.8 liters 25.2 liters 23.2 liters SS Fook Sotved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center. 2s. Problem Problem gy be exerted by 0 0.60.mol of gasin a7 L containers 30. Problem waste What the mola molarity of the solution i tomake 600 mL souien? nif 150 g of KCl is dissolved in A trae sot water S205 atm A. 251motesr @. S0¢atm B. 225 moles. BD. 132atn ©. 287 molest D159 molest, 2, Problem 1. Probl sie of ongen as ae ina 7OL tank a 25° at Problem 1 ‘many grams of KCI must be sissolved in water so that is Compute how many mé the pressure is 2000 psi? A 389.3mol B. 453.4 mol C1457 mol ©. 247.4 mol 27. Problem Problems molality of the soliton that contains 65'S of {CratisOu) diseclved in 300 g of water? ‘A 0.89 molelkg B 0.78 moles ©. 0.54 moiekkg D. 0.63 molelkg 28, Problem Calculate atmosphere and the number of moles of an ideal '87°C which occupies 0.450 Wer. ‘A. 0.0081 mole B, 0.0087 mole . 0.0076 mole B. 0.0056 mole gas sample at (Chapter 6 - Chemistry ‘can produce a 400L of 0.6 M(molarity) solution? A. 17.9049 B 142819 © 115419 D. 126539 suc What s the atomic wei ium re calcium metal are tis the at ight of calcium if 2.25 9 of pure cal tal ‘converted to 3.13 g of pure C20? A. 438 g/mol B. 543 g/mol C237 g/mot B. 40.9 9/mot Problem ‘What isthe equivalent weight of Sulfuric Acid? 4“ a9. Problem 2s (th) is combined with 10 9 of helm v1 ‘ne gram of hydrogen 9} {gos and confined at 20°C and 5 atmos Volume in liters? A. 14 ters B. 17 5iiters C. 16.4 liters D. 127 liters jpheres, What is the co 9 PA. 0.813 equiva. 0576 equiv. 0.871 equ. (0.765 equiv. od Solved Problems in ESAS ~ Excel Review Center 35. Problem What isthe equiv A. 8 c. D. 23 gimol 29 gimot 58 gimol 20 gimot 36. Probiem Few mrany grams of HsPO4 are confined in 700 ml container i 8 4 rormality is 0.5? A B c. B. 11.459 12049 10569 9.359 37. Probiem Probter ne following is the simplest balanced equation of the given Fonction? Ne,COs + HCI > NaCl + HO + COz A B. ©. 8. lent weight of Mg(OH):? Sha — pier @= Chemlstey Which of the followi . vic ng isthe sinpiest balances Oxidaton-Recuction Equation? Pr HINO, © HO 9 NOT Tuo NO+2 HPO, NO+3 HPO, 5NO+3 HsPO, 2NO+3HsPO, PP+HNO+H0 > 3P+HNOs+H0 “> SP + SHNO, + 2H,0 > BP +HNOS ¥2H0 > poe> NaxCOs + 2HC! > 2NaCl+ H:0 + COz NapCOs + 2HC! > 2NaxCOs + HCI —> 2NaCl + H:0 + CO: 2NaxCOs + HCI -> 38. Problem If the molecular fo mass? A 8 c. °. 39. Probiem What 18 amu 49.amu 20 amu tamu (Bac, 2H:0)? pope 234.4 amu 244.3 amu 270.5 amu 298.5 emu ne molecular weight of barium chloride dehyet NaCl + 2H:0 + CO2 NaCl + Hz0 + 2002 mula of water is H:0, then what is its molecu 200% Solved Problems ESAS ~ Excel Review Center SOLUTION To TEST & Sone for R of CO at the given (22.4 L) volume and STP: aT PV __(1atmy(22.4L) AT (1 mon(492)°R Latm 04563 mol °R, ‘The mass of CO at STP and 1 liter volume: Pv=nRT (1 atm)(1 128 gimon) am °R mol- PR. Py) at (ooesss m=1259 2Hydrogen) on = ——2tyeoen)_ 2{Hydrogen)*+1 (Oxygen) gene = 204008) an9 2(1.008)+1(18) HH = 11.19% pPb* = apo The number of protons (P) = 82 The number of neutrons (N) = 206 - 82 = 124 82 and N= 124 Daltons' Law of Partial Pressures, Peu'= 5 Partial Pressures, Post™ Pasa + Pay e6.1 = Mesmw R Tose Mar R Te (Wao MW ag V 85,1 = 20848314) 200) 0.918.314) 290) (av ave V = 0894 m? then: Pan MRT _ (09978316) 200) OV 29) 0.894) Pac = 84.62 kPa Moles of Sotite Liters of solution Molarty (My = _Sorams Motriy ay = 24 aminote j 100%10°iters Molariy (M) = 1.47 molesters Molarty = 1.5 4 The mass of Oxygen (Os PvenRT pys RT mw ma PUN) 001 Solved Probiems in ESAS - Excel Review Genter (10 atm x 101,325 Pafatm)(10 fix 10°m? /i)(32 g/mol) ———Kes {sor m= 1309 ‘The mean free path (2) of CO: kr andi OP were = ast xe Remo _ Na 6028.% 10 moteculeal 380x 10 J/ molecule.K (1.38102 Nem /motecule K)(300K) Fa ae 4nsi2 ((128.18x108 )} m? (= mmHg x 4 =6.86x 10m 2 =6.96x 10% em Using Avogadro's Number: 4 mole = 6.023 x 10% particles were aries canbe malecies, alms ons 1 mole = 6.023 x 10 atoms 1 — moles ‘atom = 6.02x10% 4 atom = 1.66 x 10 moles 6-30 vay = (25.90.0821 hatmimelKy2r +257 (0.25 atm) (1 ii joa MW = 49.26 gimot a5 goeng x { (243 orn 24 x 10 atoms matory) aaa | [toe aame 25 gotre x _1molofFe a 55.8 gotre 0449 moot Fo 2.48 x 10 atoms of 0 63.59 Cu 252 mol Cux - 4 rotor 18g ofCu formula weight ‘The total weight ofthe product: 2n= 1.639 O=0.40 Ls] 25 FHA x 03 96.5 FORCE 1 Mototucr 4.42 x 10 molecules of HC! 6.02x10%molecules of HC! ‘The percentage of Zn in the 2.90 9 weight: 16 S85 100% = 803% 2039 - 2n = 80.3% 2n Percentage of Element total weight ofthe element formula or molecular weight x 100% Balance the Equation: He + Ne > 2NHs ‘where: for sodium chloride (NaCl) 1Nae23g ‘ Based on the balanced equation, ‘the mole ratio can be computed as: MW = 5859 role rato = 201 NH - ; mo Hy e x 100 % ‘Then; the 8 mol of Hz: 3059 Na= 303% total weight of the element Perceritage of Element = nen x 100% {formula oF molecular weight sequence of conversions needed in the calculation can be written: ‘where: for potassium sulfate (K:S0,) ‘moles O2~» moles HzO —> moles of HO nce the Equation: 2He+ Oz > 240 2001 Solved Probiems in ESAS - Excel Review Center [Based on the balanced equation, the mole ratio can be computed as: mote rato = 201 H20 The density of Chat STP mol Oz ; 7 191 ‘The number of moles of the 0.010 mol of O2 can be computed using the PIC y= 8 SMM on mole-atio 22411 ( 2moit,0 ) n= 0.010 maetoy x | MMO | The density ofa at STP: ia (imoteroy ) = 0020 mel HO poan= P._101.925 nm? The no, of molecules can be solved using Avogadro's number: RT (0.287 kaka, K273 Ky . PIA) = 1.29 kgim® = 1.20 gi 6.02 x 10" molecules No 22 site of molofOy Nm = 1.2x 10” molecules of H20. 4 sp 91 (ch) = Senet of Cl voatteme . density of air SSP the molar volume tobe used is 224 Liter Esp gr(Chy= S179 3238, 224 36 omol q : 1289 2h mot 8p ar (Cla) = 2.46 _ Balance the Equation PV Glas . 2KCi0; = + > 2k + = KCI + 205 + an Based on the balanced equation, the mole-atio method: wwe BRT 4 F smoecato = _2 M61 0z Pv ” Spowee iy 2 mel KIO, 4.659)| 6314. Jara 1 num (ssa) sore The number of mol of Os rom the 0.75 mot of KCIO, wry) 2 ( 1013 a | NV - oes x10 my (078 MetKaI9, ) x{_3melo, ) (760 We Pa JOR *)* penccos | MW = 73.98 gimol N= 1.125 mol Op > 6-34 6-35 Jood Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center “The moles of Oz can be converted to liters of O2 (at STP): (224) = (1128 rat Ox) «| Sr =| v=252L0, (0.8 atmyo.4sye (0.0821 L-atmimolk)(67+273)K BB ocx a P=0.0001 mole = BEEN ota nur of motes ofthe combined gases: (0-5moy0 0824 Lamm 1279) Pat * Pe Man . 7 : (+ mot mole Mo = (1 Bey MOH | Cag malt | 2 BH BH P=174atm Prorat = S mole ss mS pven = Pv nT a , ue ote BT tat Prat (2000 six 12 Jou ( sar 824 L. . y .0mn{ 2282129 roy, @ sara {oc “= Vu! mek. moh Sat 1 = 389.3 mol O a TEE Tre motecutar weight of suerose(CiaHtzOr) My = 12(12) + (122) + 12(11) = 342 ghmole “The molality (m) of the solu mass of solute ‘The molecular weight of KCL: MW = 99.1 + 35.5 = 74.6 gimole moles of solute ion with sucrose as solute: olay (M4) = Lof solution molality (em) = iatohent = a 745901 sil Saino - 2 51 B42 giMOl _ 5 gg (0.300 kg m= 0,63 molekkg 6-36 oat molarity (M) = of solution 0.6 mole _ 746 gimot t aL “The stoichiometric equation is Ca +0 + Cad “The equation shows that one mole of oxygen and one mole of calcium are required to make one mole of CaO. 313-228 = 0.055 mole Po 6 gg = 0.055 moie ‘The atomic weight of Cat moe _ 225 Moa 0.055: Wea Woe * 409 gimole spe molecular weght of Sule A (MSO. spas (x2) © (20)4) + (1814) = 9B mole “The Equivalent Weight of Aci: molecular weight Equivalent Weight = ~ No. or Replacable H 98 gimole Equivalent Weight = 2 Equivalent Weight = 49 g/mot 6-38 —__Siprer 6 = Ghemistey The molecular weight of (4804) MW = (1)(2) + (32911) + (164 « 98 gimote | The Equvaient Weight Equivalent Weight = —"olecuar woight ‘No. or Repiacable H* 98 g/mole 2 Equivalent Weigh ‘9g/mol ‘The No. of equivalent solute No.of equivalent suite = 22” Sault weight Equivalent Weight No, of equivalent solute = 609 Geeqw eu Nomatty (= D2: fest sotto of seuson wa 122equv 1st 13 equiva ‘The molecular weight of Mg (OH)e: MW = (24X1) + (1032) + (12) = 56 gimole The Equivalent Weight of Base: Equivalent Weight = —_™olecular weight No. or Replacabie OH Equivalent Weight Equivalent Weight “The molecular weight of (H:POs) MW = (1(8) + (81) + (16XA) = 08 gimole “The Equivalent Weight: molecular wei Equivalent Weight = No, oF Replacable H” 98 Equivalent Weight = — Na:COs + HCI -> NaCI+H;0+CO> (unbalanced) ‘By inspection; the balanced equation willbe: NacCOs+ IHC! -> @INaCt + H:0 +02 wee cat O= 113 “The molecular weight of water (H:0): where: Hydrogen = 1 and Oxygen = 16 aw = (1)(2) +1611) (MW = 18 amu (atomic mass unit) 6-40 ‘The molecular weight of Baci.oh.0: 183 = 1% 197.32 137.3 amy 2x 955= 719 P+HNOs + HNOs * 110 > NO+ HsPO4(unbotanced) BY inspection; the balanced equation wit be ‘Zoos Solved Problemstn ESAS ~ Excel Review Center “77 i ene): 0-0-2103] oe Chemistry Questions Test 7 1, EE Board October 1999 What type of bond results in for atoms? rm the sharing of electrons by two ‘A. Atomic bond 8. Covalent bond C. Metallic bond D. tonic bond EE Board April 1997 Which of the following statements regarding organic substances is FALSE? ‘A. Organic substances generally dissoive in high concentration acids B. Allorganic matter contains carbon C. Organic matter is generally stable at very high temperatures . Organic substances generally do not dissolve in water What do you calla substance that dissociates in solutions to produce Positive and negative ions? A. Base B Add © Electrolyte DL Solute During a complete or partial neutralization of acids, what isthe ionic ‘compound formed? A. Salt B. Sugar ©. Potassium 8. Sulfur EE Board October 1997 Which of the following is most likely to prove that @ substance is Inorganic? ‘The substance evaporates in foom temperature and pressure ‘The substance is heated together with copper oxide and the resulting gases are found to have no effect on limestone. ‘Analysis shows that the substance contains hydrogen ‘The substance floats in water 7 A a Ec, a a 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ° 2 20. Chapter 7~ Chemistry Questions Which ofthe folowing are found in the nucleus of an atom? ‘1%, What do you call materials that do not conduct electric current? A. Electrons and protons ‘A. Conductor B. Electrons and neutrons B. Insulator C._ Protons and neutrone FC. Semi-conductor 1B. Electrons, protons and neutrons FD. Intrinsic material EE Board April 1997 - EE Board October 1994 Which ofthe following elements and compounds is unstable in its pure What element is known as the ightest metal? form? A. Aluminum A Helium (te) 8 Manganese B._Neon (Ne) Magnesium ©. Carbon dioxide (CO:) Bo uthium| ©. Sodium (Na) Which of the fotlowing is energy removal being appli What refers tothe negatively charge component of an atom? 19 is energy being applied? ‘A. Evaporation of water A. Electron Changing water to steam B. Proton Changing water to ice ©. Neutron D. Allof these D. ton #5. Halogens falls under what group inthe periodic table? Which of the folowing is the simplest type of readtion where em RE nee elements or compounds combine directly to form a compound? EA Group iA $28. Group VA Group IVA ED. Group Via ‘A Direct combination or synthesis B. Decomposition or analysis C. Single displacement D. Double displacement 4 Which of the following is added to the drinking water distribution system Sructures? A tonic 8 Metalic . - Covalent lattes fo the numberof gram equivalent weighs of solute per iter ‘D. Van der Waals ame * Perit If the heat of a solution is negative, heat is given off when the dissolves in he solvent. What type of reaction is this? A. Exothermic Bo Ideal ©. Endothermic ©. Efforescent 2001 Solved Problems in ESAS - Exeel Review Center B. Diffusion C. Adnesion D. Cohesion Be rian p' te torowing nas the characte o sing fOlOWing has the characteris 419. What do you call a substance that cannat be decomposed any further _ ee a tt nd on by a chemical reaction? : A. Conductors A. lon B. Insulators, B Element C. Metalods C. Molecule Meteors D. Atom «One ofthe following is the standard pressure and temperature, Which ‘A. 0°C and one atmosphere pressure B. O°C and zero pressure ©. 0° F and one atmosphere D. 32°F and zero pressure : 21. EE Board April 1997 Which ofthe following is the strongest type of bonds? A Van de Waals Earth retae = 5 se Apa Ss C. Liquid to gaseous phase on der Waals bonding D. Gaseous to liquid phase Wat te ee (0 the passage of an el 12. vey cl orton png xm cen i ied naa ay SEE cen igh a ad — : Electrochemical a * paeme & seratee aan : e Aaeres ; clic etc D. None of these 124. How are materials containing atoms with less than four valence electrons classified? A. An insulator B.A semi-conductor ©. A conductor oot Goived Probiowss in ESAS - Excel Review Center se href he folowing fre ote measure fhe amount of epee 32. What device produce ‘33+ What is the ma 34. EE Board April 1997 __Chapter 7 - Chemistry Questions 37. What is formed when acids will react with active metal ions in the water? A. Sulfur A. Acidity B Oxygen 8. Akalinty C. Hydrogen C. Tuticity D. Chionide D. Molarity 138. How much is the pH content of an acid? 1s electical current by way of an oxidation- ‘A. Between 4 and 6 B. Between 2 and 7 C. Between 1 and 5 Between 0 and 7 reduction reaction? A. Generator 8. Galvanic cell C._ Metalic friction D. Allofthese smum number of electrons that can be accommodated: in the valence shell of an ator? 29, EE Board October 1994 The conan of hg ecto emessuedin terms oft A specter B, acid content 8. Wotege out A 6 8 8 coment value c. 10 ah BB undergoing a chemical change? EE Board APE 997 aq fase argh temperatures becae ape Siiaeth lowe? A lagen & Shen fk Themelecls ales nego S Sokent 4% Tremelocule colle ere Hemet & The acoaton ery s uma S TRe AeSfecules collide more frequently and the activation eneray 9 : ements numbered 90 to 103 in the periodic table called? wes sa ‘einen fem tals 435. Which component of an atom has no electric charge? Transition elements — is ao — neat geo isp ma we na —, wg ena i process called? Formalty Precipitation Hydration Dehydration Saturation cope 2003 Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ae ee © Parice &% EE Board Apri ay90 SOE 7< Ghee Querions tom Itis the number of — Ff Batons inthe nucleus ofan ‘56. EE Board April 1995 A Molecular stom The opposite of aka Proton number =” Mass number AL Acid o. vic ho Atomic number C. Substance 3. What do DL None of these tag” 7% Se elements in he fat wo group inthe in the periodic '57. What type of reaction nas two compounds a3 reactants and two A Light metas compounds as products? a ghtreta Non-metets ‘A. Direct combination or synthesis ne B. Decomposition or analyse ©. Single displacement 4. Waien ne D. Double displacement fefers fo the number Solution? Pet of erammotes of solute por iter of ‘58. Ifthe heat of a solution is postive, heat is absorbed when the solute A Meta datcvs nthe sve ik hype ofeacen ee? iat ; ‘A. Exother Poa ric. Formal B. Ideal ahd ©. Endothermic D. Efflorescent 59. EE Board October 1992 ‘The amount of electricity a battery can produce is controlled by Covalent Van der Waals ‘A. the thickness of the plate er Waal B. the plate surface area C__ the strength of the acid D. the discharge load (60. What do you cai! the electrons inthe last orbit or shell of an atom? ‘A. Bound electrons B. Free electrons Valence electrons D. Extemal electrons Bi Which of the fot lowing type of compound sre ei reactions in ‘61, Which one is the positively charged ion? compounds ote rented By heat or other Which bonds within a energy to produce simpler A Avion EA. Dict combinaton or 6. Same ee Double displacement 200% Solved Problems in ESAS - Excel Review Center ‘Chapter 7 - Chemistry Questions ta. What do you call hyérocrbons containing carbon to carbon tnpl A Caviaion Weat & Galanaton © purteaton A kanes B.Reverse somos ‘Akenes & Akenes 18. EE Board October 1997 A deuteron is 1D. None of these ‘a neutron plus two protons 69, If an aiom contains more than four valence electrons, the material is B. a nucieus containing a neutron and a proton classified as ‘assified . anelectron with a positive charge ‘A Insulator D. helium nucleus B. Semi-conductor eer 76. Which of the following groups in the periodic table the most weakly electronegative elements? BD. Anyofthese A.” Oxidation number B. Atomic number ©. Avogadros’ number DB. Mole Ti. What type of bonding that occurs in metals when metal atoms’ lose slecrons and the metalic ions are atvacted to @ ‘sea’ of delocalized 171. EE Board October 1992 ‘The electrolyte s a solution of water and ‘A Ionic bonding B. Metallic bonding C. Covalent bonding D. Van der Waals bonding A. sulfuric acid B. uricacid ©. nitric acia D. formic acid (93. EE Board October 1999 ‘Which ofthe following elements is NOT radioactive? Jds wil tur blue lmus paper to what color? “72. Acids wil tur blue litmus pape 1 raacain 8. Calfornium A. Gry eeata ©. Uranium | © Violet D. Cobalt D. Red BP. Which of the following refers to a nucleic acid that stores genetic ‘73. How much is the pH content of a base? Information? A. Between 6 and 10 A. Colulose tween 2 and 7 B Codon ome EC. DNA ©. Between 7 and 14 D. Between 10 and 16 ‘74 Applying a greater pressure causes pure solvent to leave the solutoy ‘What is the name of this process? 7-12 80. During chemical reactions, bonds between atoms are broken and new bonds are usualy formed. What do you call the starting substance? A. Products B Reactants ees © Catalyst petentiometer 8. Piezoelectric ©. Thermocoupie D. Solar heating DL Ingredients ‘81. What do you call solutions having the same osmotic pressure? Bases wil turn ‘A. Isotonic solutions il urn red litmus paper to what color? B. Monchydroxée solutions ce ©. Diydroxie solutions 4 a 5. Tove saaone viet ‘82. What Is the term used to describe hydrocarbons containing single. Green Covalent bonds between carbon atoms? | 8% Which of the folowing refers eis {0 the difusion of @ sober A Akenes lution in an attempt to equalize the two concemtaarse yr # SHONIEr &. Akyres Purification 5. Alorepe Becta 83. RME Board April 1997 Hydro The smallest whole unt of an element ike Uranium is EE Board October 1996 A. moeode The formula or Dinivogen Pentoxide i 8 om 5. eet ae es. clecton & Wo 84. What refers tothe formation and collapse of minute bubbles of vapor _-D. None ofthese liquid which caused by a combination of reduced pressure Increased velocity in the uid? Which ofthe ftowing wil occur ita substance is oxidized? A Itaboorts ene aoe 5B itlosses elccrore BSress coesion © becomes more negative D. Precipitation Itgives off heat What ype of reaction ei = 85. The elements in Group 0 inthe periodic table are caled iat te. has one element and one compound as A Light metals a ie eae eens Dect combination or syntnesis eucuses <8. Decomposition or analysis cece cnee Single displacement ED. Double displacement “ot Solved tiem im ESAS = el Review Center ofthe following is the atomic numberof sition? Shapter 7 - Chemistry Questi 98. EE Board October 1996 i i ‘92. Which ‘One of the following state ing statements is wrong. Which rong. Which one is it? A 2 B24 ae lectron ci isan elemen Protons an elementary sence eat D8 & Rites an slemortarauanty opine actly &; Anatom s composed ofa conta muius and orbs ee i orl electrons ‘electron is heavier than that of a proton 19%. During chemical reactions, ‘bonds are usually formed, 93. EE Board October 1992 Drelectre is another name for bonds between ‘atoms are broken and new ‘The ending substance is called A. aconductor B. anelement A. Products Gan insulator 8 Reactant 1. acapacitor C. Catalyst ©. Ingredients ‘94. Which ofthe following refers tothe change from gaseous 10 lavid hase? 3 [int ne sate ats exist in a natural state? ion of an element lement or compound that can A Condensation B Vaporizaton A. Atom ©, Sublimation B Molec B. tonzston & ee D. Element: . 95. EE Board April 1996 At the same pressure contain equal number o and temperature, equal volumes of all ge ¢ molecules.” This is known as A. Boyle's taw B Faraday’s law . Avogadro's law D. Charles’ law ‘96. The galvanic cell is not dependent of which factor? A. Temperature B. Pressure C. Volume BL Chemical substance ‘97 Which ofthe following refers f the numberof protons end neuiry the nucieus of an atom? ‘Atomic weight ‘Atomic mass ‘Atomic constant ‘Atomic number pop>

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