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\ pt St ) lebmet. We boos! 02030 on) O040n= Om = (0405 = OmiOn. Mak 040m= Onn 37 0 20m, Aeagh (C49) 2 645 We hae Oe V4bN 60 Ons Calais lms Gn We hae 0-0n, $0 VE EE Ox Ima on ach Omi ln gronshully, We add hook wut Sangh “402 mim als poms mn 7 7 2, Vee FEA shells me pacing fle Tosheble rutsqees of V. ® By Me pan seth Tena) * (0, Ra) Chee Sue laa) EIR. Tix,, x) = (0,n,) € R™ Tes TOD SR, sR Teste False O={@a}. Tee)=c)€O. S TLO)=O, deed a Pte Kuepe. ORR = Llomrl xe}, Fer at (oreOxR, Tlo,x) = (0.x) €OxR, Ths T(OxR) = ORR, eid Res Me OKIR is ole a Te sidle mle, RKO = (er, 0)1 K,eIR3. Fe att (x07 RAO, Thx,,0) = (0,06 (x0. Fes TRH = fe ERXO Fo IRx© Hable, / Nelo Tab tse ate He only, subtels OF Vo hich & mee chou de iret a 2) aeheR. TF GME, Flat) = (eo, 00), TF on #0, tee wt ow iss T mai, Been ag ty mit Fe EE, Sintlo fe the Secu coorkuse. Meng pate ste FU otul oe chtah a rae ©, OF, RxO, UY. Tes, we nen not cant ote SubretS, ~ a lem 3. If N is a submodule of an R-module M, the annihilator of N in R is defined to be Ann(N) = {r¢R| rn = Oforall ne N). Prove that Ann(WV) is a 2-sided ideal of R. Ifn€ N, then rn € Nn € N,r € R by the second part of the submodule criterion. So if rn = O¥n € N, then for such r and arbitrary r’ € R, we have rr’n = rn! = Qand r'rn = r'0 = 0, So for allr € Ann(N),r’ € R, rr’ € Ann(W) and r'r € Ann(NV), so Ann(NV) is closed under multiplication by arbitrary elements of the ring. Now ifr,’ € Ann(1V), we have (r-+r’)n = r+r'n =0-+0= 0 forall ne N, so Ann(.V) is closed under addition, and cS itisa (2-sided) ideal of R va ‘ Problem 4. Let A be any Z-module, let a be any element of A, and let n be any positive integer. (a) Prove that ya : Z/nZ — A given by y(k) = ka is a well-defined Z- module homomorphism if and only if na = 0. (b) Prove that Homz(2Z/nZ, A) = nA, where »A = (ae A|na = 0}. Answer: (a) Suppose first that ¢ is well defined Z module homomorphism. Then y(b + nk) = y(b + nl) for any k,l € Z. Since ¢ is a homomorphism 4(0)+4(n)4(2) = 4(0)+4(n)o()). This can only be the case if (n)6(!) = $(n)¢(k). As this must hold even if ! # k, @(n) = na = 0. Now suppose na = 0. Note first that ((b + nk) + Z/nZ) = a(b + nk)+ = ab+ ank = ab = 4(b +Z/nZ). Thus, the mapping is same given different coset rep- resentations on Z, meaning the mapping is well-defined. Furthermore, 9(b + nk) + o(b + nl) = ba + ba = (2b)a = (b+ b+ n(k +0), im- plying addition of elements in Z/nZ. is preserved under this mapping. Furthermore, for any x € Z, 6(2(b+nZ)) = 2bk = 26(b+n2Z), implying scalar multiplication is preserved, concluding the proof that ¢ is a well defined homomorphism if na = 0. (b) Since Z/nZisa cyclic group, given a homomorphism ¢ ¢ Homz(Z/nZ, A), ¢ is completely determined by the value of ¢(1+nZ). Therefore, all ho- momorphism in Homz(Z/nZ, A) are of the form 4(k(1 + nZ)) = ka, or the form described above. Thus, define a map f : Homg(Z/nZ, A) +n A, by (p(k-+nZ) > ak) + a, where a €, A. Note first that this mapping is well-defined over all of the domain of f by the previous argument. Secondly, note that given a,b En A, (da + Gp)(k + NZ) = alk + nZ) + de(k + nZ) = ak + bk = (a +b)k. Thus, f(¢a + $0) = f (Paso) =a +b = F (ba) + f(dp). Furthermore, given 2 € Z, rdq(k + nZ) = x(ka). Thus, (tba) = 2a = xf(dz), concluding the proof that the mapping is a module homomorphism. This mapping is surjective since for alla € na, a is a homomorphism in Homg(2Z/nZ,A, meaning that f(¢.) = a. Now let (#2) = f(¢y). Since f(¢.) = @ and f(y) = b,a = b. Thus, 4b = ¢a, concluding the proof that f is injective and thus and isomor- phism between Z modules, meaning Homz(Z/nZ, A) = nA. ey ye hove QUA Yome (Zln2 9, 21 2)2 a Ann (21m2) re i) lee de acd Cm jn) od wite meag deed fer om (TEE 207 Be aAan(Zewa) db. Now, wey (ad)b> & 782 we Kou wr Y yu 2 ern aie vaibtoler wm Fe oo Fahy print thleges w Hi EH aoa (2/2) by (l= won’ mergnae, Since DE nr Aan (2lm2), is (Aly svcete (ery chwe i wwrf igh of VY) . MET) UR IMlige eb = SME REIT US = (4) = 9D 80 by he Fast iaomergisea 0 Aon (2m 2) Z 2/y)% Herm) ,v0 by Xb), eee Ain joy & Wag (21n24; Z/m2) . ID gora. Challenge 6, Assume Ris commutative: Prove that R" = R” if and only if ¥t* n= m, ie,, two free R-modules of the same rank are isomorphic ifand only 7 if they have the same rank. (See Exercise 2 on p.356 for a hint.) Recall that R"/IR™ = (Rx Rx x R)/(I x Ix +++ 1) = (RAALx (R/T) x +++ x (R/I) (n times). For I a maximal ideal of R, this means we have a field F x F x --. x F (n times). Now for R" = R™, we must have the same relation R°/IR™ = R™/TR™ = F x Fx +. x F (m times), and for these ‘two vector spaces F" and F™ to be isomorphic they must have the same dimension: F" = F™ <=> n= m. a Lek min te hy Neh, So A KEN 5A Ne RK, Sushely QVC sh MING RYAN TYE NS. Lek Ke eymnttnd, Me yay th Ter Ne Leste eoal Eng tne 5 ONE ESS ton ssiqn itl 5b Leal eve Yan eypnd GOAL $2 34 y0, oy SH alle Sas SINAN PES A. atl oe giana AY Syeuek CBSE 8 Ngee GN NG Ha Foy e Rbur) eet pod te Wale, 50 45 afenaeh oy a bale oh J pou Note ME Gab Dead) = (at Oc + GOI, Fue tus is taser cme HR, we Coot oe te fier ce sult oF Hee fetes pradiat to atte Phy ut Clot oF CBRE On te Qed op Gane. ZOi+ YRi, qerec Tes OCB os 2 O-vector, es es cari 2 bem wy eel Clie, 03. / CBC. Wwe o clot addition. opectin, (A@\+ &Bi)+ (Cat+ dB) = Grd @1 rbd ai Fare mead AR nnn, Thin is cle BRN ddr 08 Late We crx Bee MU catln Sailely to th itis dot ge MO (WO bei) (eon AS) = Weel) “+ OME, Tein 5 Crmdkedve. Tt ale Stdctetoe. So (061 + b@i)* (Aer 4 Lert ore FR) = Rue -rulet +e + bwalei + cerrbs)-(erdpy oy (0-814 bai) (eas +ta%). Te is wetaty batten (WA

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