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Nalus, Khristine Vera C.

July 28, 2016


Prof. Aida Alfaro

1. SONA is a way for the people to know the Presidents ideas on how he will
implement the things they will expect for the better change of their country. It is
important because the president will inform the people about the status or state
of their country, the accomplishments, especially his platforms and promises to hi
people on how he will change the past government into a better ruling
2. Love and patriotism. He is the first ever president who initiate the stopping of
drug addiction, revealing well known people list of names including arm forces
PNP and government officials just to show how sincere he is to his countrymen
that he will eliminate criminals and bad people of this country. Hes willing to
sacrifice his presidency and even his life just to show that his governance is
clean. He also shows love and passion for his job as President by letting the past
not to intervene to the present and future progress by making peace talks to the
Abusayafs, militant people, NPAs, Muslim brothers and even different sectors of
religious groups to unite in order for us to have a better country.
We cannot move forward if we allow the past to pull as back. Let
bygones be bygones and everybody should move forward and forget
all bad memories we had and start for a new beginning in order for us
to cope up from the past.
If we cannot love one another let us not hate each other. Everyone is
entitled to his/her own opinion. Lets respect and help one another.
We are concerned with the present and the future that we should
prepare for. We must focus on what we are doing that will improve
ourselves so we can do things that will benefit us for the next
generation ahead of us.
Human rights must work to uplift human dignity. We should follow and
respect peoples right in a way that people doing things in a proper
manner and not to hurt others.
While the government is always ready to help you, you must help
yourself first. The new governance is promising to do the best thing
they can do to change the bad into good and we people should
contribute and promise as well to do good. In this way of goodness in
ourselves we can achieve peace and prosperity in our country.
If we cannot, as yet, love one another, then in Gods name; let us not
hate each other too much. Our country is full of hatred and sufferings.

But if we put God in our life, peace and happiness will be pouring unto
4. For me, theres no barrier of communication in this years SONA. President
Duterte doesnt use any jargons or simple words for him to explain his platforms
in his speech. Theres also no lack of confidence because President Duterte
explained his platforms very well. The environment is not noisy because theyre
all listening and paying attention to what President Duterte was saying.
5. The first factor of communication reflected in the SONA is clearness, because
President Duterte used simple and specific words so that the audience will
understand and pay attention to his speech. Second is correctness, as far as I
remember President Duterte mentioned a name that checked and corrected his
grammar in his speech. Third is courtesy, the audience respect our president by
listening to his speech and giving more attention to him. Fourth is conciseness,
he made his speech direct to the point like he will make people stop from doing
drugs. Fifth is completeness, President Duterte gave more details about his
speech so that we will definitely understand all his platforms clearly.

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