UAS 1 B Ing Kls IX 2015 PDF

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Jl. Anjasmoro No. 12 Jarak Wonosalam Jombang 64176


Kelas / Semester
Mata Pelajaran

: IX / I
: Bahasa Inggris

Tahun Pelajaran
Alokasi Waktu

A. Choose the correct answer !

1. Anton
: Hi Aysa, the weather is cloudy. Do you think it will rain, soon?
: I think so, I will rain soon
a. not sure
b. sure
c. not certain

: 2015 / 2016
: 90 Menit

d. thats good news

2. Ponco
: Do you know father is going to his office now?
: Yes, I do
From the sentence we know that his sister.....
a. Is sure that fater is going to his office
b. Is not sure that father is gooing to his office
c. Is dure that father is not gooing to his office
d. Doesnt know that father win the race
3. Via
: .......its going to rain
: why?
: Because there is not a cloud in the sky
a. Im so sorry
b. Im not sure
c. Im not serious

d. Im surprised

4. Besy
: Would you post this letter for me?
: ................I am very busy
a. I am sorry
b. I wouldnt post it c. I would not

d. I wouldnt say that

5. .......have a drink!
a. Come on
b. Let us

d. Let he

c. Let she

6. Armand : The man lives under the water

Maulana : ...........that man lives under the water
a. Im so sorry
b. Im not sure
c. Im not serious

d. Im surprised

7. Laila : Thank you for helping me open an email account.

Fredy :
a. Really?
b. I doubt it.
c. Dont mention it.

d. Sure?

8. Ketut Tantri : .
Putri : Sure, Ill repeat that.
a. Yes. Thanks.
b. Do you have the time?
c. Youre welcome.
d. Could you repeat that?
9. One of the following expression is suitable for giving sympathy to someone who gets a bad news.
a. Im glad you llike it
b. Im sorry to say that
c. Im very sorry to hear that
d. Im sorry to know about yoour success
10. Jarwo
: Mom, I get the prize for my study at school
Mommy : .........
a. Great

b. Thats too bad

c. Thats a shame
d. What a pity
11. .for your achieving the first rank in your class
a. Congratulation
b. Good
c. Thanks

d. Well

12. Robert
: What do you think about SMP N Jarak 1 Satu Atap Wonosalam ?
: it is the best school in this town. Because it has good and complete facilities
a. Its a good book, I think
b. In my opinion
c. I dont think
d. Not at all
The text is for number 13-21
Ancient people sent their messagess to distant places by traditional devices such as drums.
Then people used letters.
But now, because of the development of technology, people can cummunicate by
telephone, handphone, radio, and even television and they are calledalectrical me dia. By those
media people can communicate easily. They feel as if they spoke face to face. So the electrical
media can bring one closer to another. Besides, they can spread the news very fast. And last but
not least, one may feel they are everywhere in the world.People are now in the global era.
13. What is ancient people sent their messages?
a. By traditional devices
b. Radio
c. Hand phone
d. Fax
14. What is the text above?
a. Media
b. Mass media

c. Letters

d. electrical media

15. After using drums what did the ancient people use to communicate?
a. Radio
b. Hand phone
c. Letters
d. drums
16. Electrical media is very ..... means of communication
a. Ancient
b. traditional
c. Important

d. distant

17. By an electrical media people can communicate easily. The antonym of easily is ....
a. Difficulty
b. correctly
c. Different
d. luckily
18. Radio and television are called .....
a. Printed media b. electrical media

c. Ancient media

d. traditional media

19. What is the suitable title for the text above?

a. Printed media b. Elctrical media

c. Ancient media

d. traditional media

20. Magazine and newspaper are called .....

a. Printed media b. electrical media

c. Ancient media

d. traditional media

21. The word their in paragraph 1 refers to ....

a. Ancient people
b. modern people

c. Ancient media

d. traditional media

22. A television can send news very fast. The Antonym of fast is ....
a. Slow
b. quick
c. quickly
The text is for number 23-25


Packed In A Tub
Price ; Rp. 54.000
Content : 200 ml
Spf 20
Expire date : 1.12.2013

d. correctly

23. What does the text talk about?

a. Packed in a tub
b. Creamy
c. The price of the sun block cream
d. Power Sun Bloc Cream
24. When should we use the product?
a. After December 1st, 2013
b. Before December 1st, 2013
c. Everyday
d. After taking a bath
25. What is the function of the product?
a. For skin
b. For hair

c. For clothes

d. For teeth

26. Tantri
: .
: Sure, Ill repeat that.
a. Yes. Thanks
b. Do you have the time?
c. Youre welcome.
d. Could you repeat that?
27. Wayan Legawa : .
: I said that we should open an email account.
a. Really?
b. What was that again?
c. Never mind

d. Is that so?

28. Laila : Thank you for helping me open an email account.

Fredy :
a. Really?
b. I doubt it.
c. Dont mention it.

d. Sure?

29. Sanusi
: ...... for showing me how to download files from the internet.
: Any time.
a. Dont you know b. Thank you
c. Im still confused

d. Do you want to

30. Danias
: Im sorry. I cant help you.
a. Thats OK.
b. Really?

d. I doubt it.

c. Thanks.

Text for number 31-35

Rock music is part of popular music today. It is played and listened in almost every countries in the
world. Rock and roll was the name given to the music that developed in the early 1950s. It is believed
that the term rock and roll was first used by a disk jockey, Alan Freed. In 1955,records of a young singer
from Tennessee, Elvis Presley, were heard across the US. After he appeared on nation-wide television,
Elvis Presleys singing and his performing style came to mean rock and roll all over the world. Then
came Bill Haley and The Comets. Rock mainly became the music of the young. They understood its beat
and sound, and its lyrics. The 1970s were the time of big developments in the rock industry. Rock
became a very big business, earned more money annually than any other form of entertainment
including the film industry.
31. What is the best title for the text?
a. Music.
b. Kinds of Music.
c. Rock Music.
d. Music from Time to Time.
32. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
a. Rock and Roll was the name given by Alan Freed.
b. Alan Freed was the one who used the term rock and roll.
c. Rock music is played and listened in most countries.
d. Rock music is part of popular music today.

33. What does the word it in paragraph one line 1 refer to?
a. Popular music b. Rock music
c. Rock and Roll

d. All countries

34. The supporting idea of paragraph two is....

a. Elvis Presleys singing and his performing style
b. After Elvis appeared on nationwide television
c. Bill Haley and The Comets
d. Elvis Presleys performing style
35. What is the supporting idea of paragraph three?
a. Rock mainly became the big business.
b. The 1970s were the time of big developments in rock music.
c. Rock music vs film industry.
d. By the early 1970s

B. Complete the following sentences by using simple present perfect tense!

1. I .... (study) English
2. Brother ... (finish) his job
3. Uncle .... (wash) his motorcycle
4. Yusron .... (do) The English final examination
5. They .... (climb) Mount Anjasmoro
6. We ....(eat) soto ayam
7. The student .... (clean) the white board
8. Mother .... (give) me much money
9. Sister .... (write) a letter
10. She .... (send) messages for me
Answer the questions based on the text below !

Let us make your own aquarium acosystem

You need
: gravel, a net, water plants
: a jug full of pond water
An aquarium tank
A bucket
Water animals
1. Spread the gravels over base of the tank
2. Add a jug full of pond water
3. First of all, put the gravel in a net and pur a jug full of water o it
4. Next, add some water plants from aquarium centre
5. Finally, add a few water animals yoou have colected from local ponds
6. After that, fill the tank about half way and pour the water gently from a jug
7. There is your own aquarium ecosystem. Place the tank in bright light, but n ot direct
1. What
do you do after put the gravel in a net?
2. What is the next step before you add a jug full of pond water?
3. Where do yoou add some water plants?
4. Why do you pour the water from the jug gently?
5. Do you know why we cantt place the aquarium in direct sunlight?

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