Opening Speech Bai Shiyan 2016.9.20

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Dear Mr.

Lars Askholm, President Lv, distinguished guests, my

fellow teachers and my dear students, good morning!

Firstly I wish to extend my warm congratulations to all of the

freshmen 2016. Youve started your college life you have dreamed for
long time. On behalf of the school, I am very honored to warmly
welcome you to the Joint Program, this big family. You made the right
decision to study in Copenhagen Business College!

I believe you have felt that in this family, there are knowlegable
old professors, spirited young teachers and even international teachers
from Denmark. They are conscientious and dedicated to their work,
sharing their valuable life experiences with you. They are at the leading
edge of vocational education, guiding students and winning the
championship in Jilin college students internet plus competition. They
take you the European teaching style so that you have internationalized
education experiences.

Almost 500 students have graduated from this program, more than
50 went abroad for further study. Likuo, graduated in 2009, now working
Silicon Valley, in the United States, which is the world leading high-tech
research and enterprises center. some graduates work or study in Denmark,
Austrilia, Germany. If you, my dear freshmen may inherit the glorious
tradition and hardworking learning spirit, and may add it new

development. One day, the program will be proud of you.

14 500 50

We should be ambitious but also good at doing small things. Our

President Lv always tells it is not simple if every simple matter is
properly treated, and its not ordinary if every ordinary errand is well run.
Take good care of your life, keeping your dormitory tidy and your
classroom clean. Neither be late for your class, nor leave class early.
Learn to discipline yourself and keep convenient for others.

During the four years, the school will arm you with professional
knowledge, guide you how to plan for the future career, and lead you into
the society. But it is more important for you to understand and think
independently, plan and act on your own!

I also agree with what Lars mentioned just now. We are living in a
world constantly changing. China is changing fast. Our Prime Minister Li
mass innovation and entrepreneurship
"Internet Plus" action plan.smarttechnologies, mobile Internet, cloud co
mputing, big data, and the Internet of Things, you are so lucky to have all
these just around which provide you an valuable opportunity and
platform where you may follow and fly your dream.

Finally I would give my gratitude to Ms. Anya Askilidsen for having

been supporting our cooperation for so many years. I also would say
thank you to Chairman Mu and President Lv, for such far-sighted
strategic vision, supporting Copenhagen Program consistently. I believe
that internationalization of higher education is the mission and strategic
choice of universities. It is a sign of internationalization and trend of
universities to attract and recruit teachers and students from all over the
world, to have an open and free academic atmosphere, internationalized
curriculum and teaching style. I also hope that our cooperation continue
to play such roles for both sides.

My dear students I do hope that you may cherish every minute and
make full use of resources in and out of school. Live your university life
with youth and dream, life and responsibility, passion and commitment,
to make every day of your life amazing and meaningful!
Dear friends, Copenhagen Program welcome you! Thank you!

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