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The Topic is about of job analysis. thishas to be seem Important Part in Life. the job
analysis consist of objective, use, methods, Merits, de-Merits, stages & future Trends
in job analysis. there are also components of job analysis job specification & job
description. After the components of job analysis there is a evolution which is not so
good in environment
The job analysis is a primary tool in Personnel Management. In this method, a
personnel Manager tries to gather, Synthesize & implement the information available
regarding the workforce in the concern. a personnel Manager has to Undertake a job
analysis so as to put right man on right job. The components consist of job
specification which means is a statement which tells us minimum acceptable human
qualities which helps to perform a job. job specification translates the job description
into human qualification so that a job can be performed in a better manner & job
Description Means an Organised factual statement of job contents in the forms of
duties & responsibilities of a specific job
The job evolution is a systematic way of determining the value of a job in relation to
other jobs in an organization. there are some important methods of job evolution such
as ranking point. there is a process of job evolution which all has to follow

Human Resource Management



Job analysis is the important process of identifying the content of a job in terms of activities
involved and attributes needed to perform the work and identifies major job requirements.
Job analysis was conceptualized by two of the founders of industrial/organizational
psychology, Frederick Taylor andLillian Moller Gilbreth in the early 20th century. Job
analyses provide information to organizations which helps to determine which employees are
best fit for specific jobs. Through job analysis, the analyst needs to understand what the
important tasks of the job are, how they are carried out, and the necessary human qualities
needed to complete the job successfully. Essentially, job analyses provide information to
organizations which helps to determine which employees are best fit for specific jobs. The
process of job analysis involves the analyst describing the duties of the incumbent, then the
nature and conditions of work, and finally some basic qualifications. After this, the job
analyst has completed a form called a job psychograph, which displays the mental

Human Resource Management

requirements of the job. The measure of a sound job analysis is a valid task list. This list
contains the functional or duty areas of a position, the related tasks, and the basic training
recommendations. Subject matter experts (incumbents) and supervisors for the position being
analyzed need to validate this final list in order to validate the job analysis. Job analysis is
crucial for first, helping individuals develop their careers, and also for helping organizations
develop their employees in order to maximize talent. The outcomes of job analysis are key
influences in designing learning, developing performance interventions, and improving
processes The application of job analysis techniques makes the implicit assumption that
information about a job as it presently exists may be used to develop programs to recruit,
select, train, and appraise people for the job as it will exist in the future.
Job analysts are typically industrial/organizational psychologists or human resource officers
who have been trained by, and are acting under the supervision of an industrial/organizational
psychologist. One of the first industrial-organizational psychologists to introduce job analysis
was Morris Viteles. In 1922, he used job analysis in order to select employees for a trolley car
company. Viteles' techniques could then be applied to any other area of employment using the
same process. Job analysis was also conceptualized by two of the founders of IndustrialOrganizational psychology, Frederick Taylor and Lillian Moller Gilbreth in the early 20th
century. Since then, experts have presented many different systems to accomplish job
analysis that have become increasingly detailed over the decades. However, evidence shows
that the root purpose of job analysis, understanding the behavioral requirements of work, has
not changed in over 85 years.


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Work simplification
Job analysis provides the information related to job and this data can be used to make
process or job simple. Work simplification means dividing the job into small parts i.e.
different operations in a product line or process which can improve the production or
job performance

Setting up of standards
Standard means minimum acceptable qualities or results or performance or rewards
regarding a particular job. Job analysis provides the information about the job and
standard of each can be established using this information

Human Resource Management

personnel activities
Job analysis provides support to various personnel activities like recruitment,
selection, training and development, wage administration, performance appraisal etc.
Recruitment and Selection
Job Analysis helps in determining what kind of person is required to perform a
particular job. It points out the educational qualifications, level of experience and
technical, physical, emotional and personal skills required to carry out a job in desired
fashion. The objective is to fit a right person at a right place.

Performance Analysis
Job analysis is done to check if goals and objectives of a particular job are met or not.
It helps in deciding the performance standards, evaluation criteria and individuals
output. On this basis, the overall performance of an employee is measured and he or
she is appraised accordingly.

Training and Development

Job Analysis can be used to assess the training and development needs of employees.
The difference between the expected and actual output determines the level of training
that need to be imparted to employees. It also helps in deciding the training content,
tools and equipment to be used to conduct training and methods of training.
Compensation Management
Of course, job analysis plays a vital role in deciding the pay packages and extra perks
and benefits and fixed and variable incentives of employees. After all, the pay
package depends on the position, job title and duties and responsibilities involved in a
job. The process guides HR managers in deciding the worth of an employee for a
particular job opening.

Job Designing and Redesigning

The main purpose of job analysis is to streamline the human efforts and get the best
possible output. It helps in designing, redesigning, enriching, evaluating and also
cutting back and adding the extra responsibilities in a particular job. This is done to
enhance the employee satisfaction while increasing the human output.

Human Resource Management

Therefore, job analysis is one of the most important functions of an HR manager or
department. This helps in fitting the right kind of talent at the right place and at the
right time.


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Job Descriptions
job descriptions define what a job is by identifying its content, requirements and
context. Because job descriptions provide a written summary of the duties and
responsibilities of the job, they help managers and current and prospective employees
understand what the job is and how it is to be performed.

Job Specification
job specifications focus on the personal characteristics and qualifications that an
employee must possess to perform the job successfully.

Human Resource Management

Job Design
job design identifies what work must be performed, how it will be performed, where it
is to be performed and who will perform it. Job analysis information is invaluable in
determining which tasks should be grouped together to form a job and structuring jobs
so that employee satisfaction and performance can be enhanced.

Organisational Structure and Design

job analysis by clarifying job requirements and the inter relationships among jobs
means content and tasks duties and responsibilities at all levels can be specified, thus
promoting efficiency by minimizing overlap or duplication. Job analysis information
is invaluable in determining which tasks should be grouped together to form a job and
structuring jobs so that employee satisfaction and performance can be enhanced.

HR Planning
HR or personnel planning involves getting the right number of qualified people into
the right job at the right time. Job analysis information is essential for this if the
number and types of employees to be recruited or exited from the organisation are to
be accurately determined.

job analysis information helps the HR Manager attract better qualified candidates by
identifying who to recruit and how and where to recruit them by establishing the job
requirements that must meet. In addition, job analysis permits the HR Manager to
provide realistic job previews by highlighting irrelevant and or distorted job

job analysis information identifies what the job is by defining what duties and
responsibilities must be performed. This facilitates the development of job related
selection techniques, helps ensure that EEO requirements are met, and increases the
likelihood of a proper matching of an applicant with a job. Finally, job analysis
information can be used to validate the selection techniques.


Human Resource Management

Effective job orientation requires a clear understanding of the work to be performed.
A new employee cannot be properly taught how to do a job if job duties and
responsibilities are not clearly defined.

Performance Appraisal
Job analysis information is essential to the establishment of performance standards.
Through job analysis a thorough understanding of what the employee is supposed to
do is obtained. Without this, acceptable levels of performance cannot be determined
or an accurate measure of actual performance obtained.

Training and Development

Job analysis information is used to design and implement training and development
programs. The job specification defines the knowledge, skills and abilities required
for successful job performance. This allows the HR Manager to establish training and
development objectives, design programs and determine whether or not a current or
potential employee requires training.

Career planning and Development

HR Managers are better placed to offer career guidance when they have a good
understanding of the types of jobs existing in an organisation. Similarly, by
identifying jobs and job requirements, employees become aware of their career
options and what constitutes a realistic career objective for them in the organisation.

Compensation and Benefits

the job description is the foundation of job evaluation. It summarises the nature and
requirements of the job and permits its evaluation relative to other jobs. Once the
relative worth of a job has been determined an equitable level of compensation and
benefits can be assigned.

Health & Safety

job analysis information helps create a healthy and safe working environment. Jobs
with hazardous conditions methods or procedures can be identified and redesigned to
eliminate or reduce exposure to health and safety hazards.

Industrial Relations
Misunderstandings and disagreement among managers, employees and unions over
job content is a major source of grievance and demarcation disputes. Job analysis

Human Resource Management

information can help avoid such disputes by providing a clear description of tasks and
responsibilities and identifying the formal qualifications, skills, abilities, knowledge
and experience required to successfully perform the work.


Job analysis helps the personnel manager at the time of recruitment and selection of
right man on right job.
It helps him to understand extent and scope of training required in that field.
It helps in evaluating the job in which the worth of the job has to be evaluated.
In those instances where smooth work force is required in concern.
When he has to avoid overlapping of authority- responsibility relationship so that
distortion in chain of command doesnt exist.
It also helps to chalk out the compensation plans for the employees.
It also helps the personnel manager to undertake performance appraisal effectively in
a concern.


Human Resource Management




Human Resource Management


Subjective matters
It is a challenging job for a job analyst to avoid personal biasness when observing a
target employee. The feelings of likes and dislikes may interfere with the job analyst
when collecting genuine and accurate data.
Lengthy projects
The most frustrating part when a job analyst doing his job is this requires lots of time:
this is time consuming to collect the data needed.

Require lots of human efforts


Human Resource Management

with so many people involved, theres no wonder that doing job analysis is quite
troublesome. The process involves lots of human efforts.

Source of Data is Extremely Small

Because of small sample size, the source of collecting data is extremely small.
Therefore, information collected from few individuals needs to be standardized

Unqualified Job Analyst

the skilled and qualified job analyst is a must. He/she needs to master the appropriate
skills to conduct the process. Training for a job analyst has to be completed in order to
get authentic data.

Mental Abilities Cannot be Directly Observed

Last but not the least, mental abilities such as intellect, emotional characteristics,
knowledge, aptitude, psychic and endurance are intangible things that cannot be
observed or measured directly. People act differently in different situations. Therefore,
general standards cannot be set for mental abilities.



Human Resource Management


Observation Method
job analyst observes an employee and records all his performed and non-performed
task, fulfilled and un-fulfilled responsibilities and duties, methods, ways and skills
used by him or her to perform various duties and his or her mental or emotional
ability to handle challenges and risks. However, it seems one of the easiest methods to
analyze a specific job but truth is that it is the most difficult one. Why? Lets
Discover. It is due to the fact that every person has his own way of observing things.
Different people think different and interpret the findings in different ways. Therefore,
the process may involve personal biasness or likes and dislikes and may not produce
genuine results. This error can be avoided by proper training of job analyst or
whoever will be conducting the job analysis process.

Interview Method
In this method, an employee is interviewed so that he or she comes up with their own
working styles, problems faced by them, use of particular skills and techniques while

Human Resource Management

performing their job and insecurities and fears about their careers.This method helps
interviewer know what exactly an employee thinks about his or her own job and
responsibilities involved in it. It involves analysis of job by employee himself. In
order to generate honest and true feedback or collect genuine data, questions asked
during the interview should be carefully decided. And to avoid errors, it is always
good to interview more than one individual to get a pool of responses. Then it can be
generalized and used for the whole group.

Questionnaire Method
Another commonly used job analysis method is getting the questionnaires filled from
employees, their superiors and managers. However, this method also suffers from
personal biasness. A great care should be takes while framing questions for different
grades of employees.In order to get the true job-related info, management should
effectively communicate it to the staff that data collected will be used for their own
good. It is very important to ensure them that it wont be used against them in
anyway. If it is not done properly, it will be a sheer wastage of time, money and
human resources.

checklist is also used as a job analysis method specially with areas like the air force in
the checklist method the incumbent Checks the tasks he or she perform from a list of
task statements that describe the job



Human Resource Management


Identification of Job Analysis Purpose

Well any process is futile until its purpose is not identified and defined. Therefore, the
first step in the process is to determine its need and desired output. Spending human
efforts, energy as well as money is useless until HR managers dont know why data is
to be collected and what is to be done with it
Who Will Conduct Job Analysis
The second most important step in the process of job analysis is to decide who will
conduct it. Some companies prefer getting it done by their own HR department while
some hire job analysis consultants. Job analysis consultants may prove to be

Human Resource Management

extremely helpful as they offer unbiased advice, guidelines and methods. They dont
have any personal likes and dislikes when it comes to analyze a job.

How to Conduct the Process

Deciding the way in which job analysis process needs to be conducted is surely the
next step. A planned approach about how to carry the whole process is required in
order to investigate a specific job.

Strategic Decision Making

Now is the time to make strategic decision. Its about deciding the extent of
employee involvement in the process, the level of details to be collected and
recorded, sources from where data is to be collected, data collection methods, the
processing of information and segregation of collected data.

Training of Job Analyst

Next is to train the job analyst about how to conduct the process and use the
selected methods for collection and recoding of job data

Preparation of Job Analysis Process

Communicating it within the organization is the next step. HR managers need to
communicate the whole thing properly so that employees offer their full support to
the job analyst. The stage also involves preparation of documents, questionnaires,
interviews and feedback forms.

Data Collection
Next is to collect job-related data including educational qualifications of
employees, skills and abilities required to perform the job, working conditions, job

Human Resource Management

activities, reporting hierarchy, required human traits, job activities, duties and
responsibilities involved and employee Behaviour.

Documentation, Verification and Review

Proper documentation is done to verify the authenticity of collected data and then
review it. This is the final information that is used to describe a specific job.

Developing Job Description and Job Specification

Now is the time to segregate the collected data in to useful information. Job
Description describes the roles, activities, duties and responsibilities of the job
while job specification is a statement of educational qualification, experience,
personal traits and skills required to perform the job.

Thus, the process of job analysis helps in identifying the worth of specific job,
utilizing the human talent in the best possible manner, eliminating unneeded jobs
and setting realistic performance measurement standards.


The two main components of job analysis are:

Job description
Job Specification

Human Resource Management


Job Description
Job description is the functional detailed involved in a job is a written
record of the contents of a is a factual Organised statement that can be provide
all information relating to what how where & why a job has no be done. thus, job
description describe every aspect of the job. job description once prepared is
periodically reviewed & update in the light of changing condition & shortcomings

Uses/Advantages of job Description

Job Description is helpful in the following areas of human resource management
Placement of new employees in their work
placement of new employees on a job
promotion & transfer of employees
defining career path & career Development for employees
Redressed of grievance relating to duties & responsibilities
Defining the limits of authority
Development Performance Standards


Human Resource Management

Employees Counseling & vocational Guidance to Employees
Organizational Changes & development
Framing Question for interview
Contents of job Description
Job identification
this include job tittle code number of the job and the department. this part of job
description helps to identify and designate job
Job summery
it describe the contents of a job in terms of the activities to be performed
Job Duties
it indicates the primary & secondary duties to be Performed by the Employees
Job responsibility
this relates to custody of cash, keys records staff quality speed discipline etc

working Condition
the physical abnormalities of the job must be clarified the environment description of
noise heat light dust & occupational hazards are indicated
machines tools & Equipments
the names of major machine equipment & materials used in the job are described
the number of supervisors & extent of supervision is indicated. designation of
immediate superiors & subordinates may also be given
Relating to other jobs
the jobs immediately below & above are mentioned. it provide an idea of vertical
work flow & channels of promotion


Human Resource Management


job Specification
Job Specification is a statement of the minimum Acceptable human qualities required
for better perforamce of the jobs it states that job holder should posses the required
educational qualification training experience talent potential abilities etc to perform
the job successfully. it facilities recruitment & selection of proper person for
wdwinFlippo defined job description as
a statement of minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a o
job properly
Job specification relates to
Physical characteristics
this include height weight vision hearing health age etc
Mental characteristics
Consist Of general Intelligence, memory, judgment, ability, to concentrate etc
social & psychological characteristics
this include emotional stability, flexibility, imitative, manners, personal appearance
other personal characteristics
comprise of sex, family background, hobbies, extra-curricular activities, tc

Advantages of job Specification

it is helpful in preliminary screening in the selection procedure

Human Resource Management

it helps in giving due justification to each job
it also helps in designing training & Development programmers
it helps the supervisor for counseling & monitoring performance of employees
it helps in job evaluation
it helps the management to take decision regarding promotion transfer & giving extra
benefit to the employees


Job description

Job specification

1) Meaning
Job description give details of the job in
respect of duties, responsibilities, salary,

Job Description precedes job speciation

3) Job/candidate focus
Job description focuses on job work


the candidate who is expected to do the

job such as qualities & qualification

& incentives, etc.

2) Order

related information
4) nature

Job specification gives details relating to

Job specification follows job description

Job specification focuses on Candidate
related information

Human Resource Management

job description is more complex in nature Job specification is simpler in future
as compared to job specification
5) contents
it contents the following
physical, mental qualities, qualification

it contents the following

job title, duties & responsibility, authority
salary & Incentive, working condition,

family background inter-personnel skills,

training, experience etc

working hours, location oh job etc

6) use of candidate
it gives clear information about the job to
be done. a newly selected candidate may
accept or reject the job depending upon

It gives clear idea about the requirement

of the candidate. it helps the candidate to
apply for the advertised job



continued refinements of computer-based system for aiding the job analysis process
these include computerized job analysis data collection questionnaires, report printing
packages & sophisticated statistical integration & analysis programs. this should
makes the job analysis process provide more information, of a better quality & more
quickly, which will help make the whole activity more cost effective
increased use of well documented job analysis information as a defense against claims
of unfair practice at work. as equal opportunities, race relation & redundancy case law
develops, so too will the use of structed job analysis technique as a means of
designing and auditing human resource procedures at work
the future development of job analysis questionnaires in language other than English
a continued trend towards focusing on worker & behavior oriented information rather
than conventional task oriented information this include job analysis to identity jobrelevant temperaments & personality traits
the use of job analysis data to identify job families based upon skill & temperament
requirement in the past jobs were grouped by the tasks or functions performed but as

Human Resource Management

the rate of job change & the mobility of workers within an organization continues to
increase it may become more efficient to group job by competencies rather than by
work outcomes
the use of job analysis data to identify not job relevant skiils eg reading but also the
appropriate skill levels many jobs analysis methods only identity the needs for a skills
The increased use of job analysis based competencies as the standard unit of
currency within an organisation (or an occupation). Targeted selection, development,
appraisal initiatives and ERP systems, e.g. SAP, PeopleSoft etc. at work are consistent
with this approach

improved links between job analysis information and human resources applications.
This includes improved Person-Job-Match to identify gaps in a persons
competency profile, which can be used to identify development areas or used in preemployment screening. It also includes applying job analysis data to design skillbased compensation systems, performance management systems, succession planning
projects and Organisational re-engineering initiatives. Visionary and strategic job
analysis are critical under


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Human Resource Management


Operational status
Has the method been tested and refined sufficiently

Is it available off the shelf

Occupational versatility
Is it suitable for analyzing a variety of jobs

Is it possible to compare your results with others that have been found else where

Human Resource Management

User acceptability
Is the method acceptable to the respondents

Training requirement
How much training is needed and available

Sample size
How many respondents does a method need for reliable results

Will a method give results that are consistent

What are the costs of a method in materials, consultancy, training and person hours

Quality of outcome
Will a method yield high quality results, e.g. legally defensible

Time to completion
How many calendar days will the data collection and analysis take



Human Resource Management

a job evolution is a systematic way of determining the value worth of a job in a
relation to other job in a organisation it tries to make a systematic comparison
between jobs to assess their relative worth for the purpose of establishing a rational
pay structure
job evolution needs to be differentiated from job analysis job analysis is a systematic
way of gathering information about a job every job evolution methods require at least
some basic job analysis in order to provide factual information about the jobs


To supply bases for wage negotiation founded on facts rather than on vague
intermediate ideas.
It attempts to assess jobs, not people
Job evaluation is the output provided by job analysis.
Job evaluation does not design wage structure, it helps in rationalizing the system by
reducing number of separate and different rates.
Job evaluation is not made by individuals rather it is done by group of experts.
Job evaluation determines the value of job. Further the value of each of the aspects
such as skill and responsibility levels are also related and studied in connection with
the job.
Job evaluation helps the management to maintain high levels of employee
productivity and employee satisfaction.


Human Resource Management




To establish an orderly, rational, systematic structure of jobs based on their worth to

the organization.
To justify an existing pay rate structure or to develop one that provides for internal
To assist in setting pay rates that are comparable to those of in similar jobs in other
organizations to compete in market place for best talent
To provide a rational basis for negotiating pay rates when bargaining collectively with
a recognized union
To ensure the fair and equitable compensation of employees in relation to their duties
To ensure equity in pay for jobs of similar skill, effort, responsibility and working
conditions by using a system that consistently and accurately assesses differences in
relative value among jobs
To establish a framework of procedures to determine the grade levels and the
consequent salary range for new jobs or jobs which have evolved and changed.

Human Resource Management

To identify a ladder of progression for future movement to all employees interested in
improving their compensation.
To comply with equal pay legislation and regulations determining pay differences
according to job content
To develop a base for merit or pay-for-performance.


Human Resource Management




Human Resource Management

Job evaluation helps to rate the job
Job evaluation is a technique which helps to rate the job in terms of complexities and
importance. It rates the job but the job holder. This helps determining and fixing
wages accordingly.
Job evaluation helps to determine pay structure
Job evaluation is a consistent and rational process of determining wages and salary
structure for various level of jobs. Internal and external consistencies are analyzed in
order to determine wage levels.
Job evaluation helps in bringing harmonious relation between labor

and management
Job evaluation brings harmony and good labor relation through eliminating wage
inequalities within the organization.

Job evaluation helps to minimize the cost of recruitment and

Job evaluation helps in keeping down the recruitment and selection costs as it assists
in retaining employees. It means, job evaluation inspires for keeping down the labor
turnover, as a result of which there will be less need of new recruitment. Moreover,
due to systematic analysis of various aspects of jobs, recruitment and selection can be
made by matching the qualification and candidate.

Job evaluation helps to differ job other than skills

Job evaluation considers risks and other factors of job rather than skills in order to
determine the worth of jobs. Hence, jobs are no longer differentiated with skills.

Job evaluation helps to determine the cost and rate of production

Job evaluation determines an efficient wage structure according to workload, hence,
worker's productivity will be increased thereby increasing the rate of production.
Job evaluation helps to determine the requirement of training and


Human Resource Management

Job evaluation identifies training and development requirements by comparing the
complexity and importance between various jobs. Highly complex and critical job
exposes training need.
Job evaluation helps to minimize cost
Through the productivity enhancement and increasing the rate of production, the per
unit cost of an output is minimized or reduced.



Human Resource Management


Reduction in inequalities in salary structure

It is found that people and their motivation is dependent upon how well they are
being paid. Therefore the main objective of job evaluation is to have external and
internal consistency in salary structure so that inequalities in salaries are reduced.

Because of division of labor and thereby specialization, a large number of enterprises
have got hundred jobs and many employees to perform them. Therefore, an attempt


Human Resource Management

should be made to define a job and thereby fix salaries for it. This is possible only
through job evaluation.

Helps in selection of employees

The job evaluation information can be helpful at the time of selection of candidates.
The factors that are determined for job evaluation can be taken into account while
selecting the employees.

Harmonious relationship between employees and manager

Through job evaluation, harmonious and congenial relations can be maintained
between employees and management, so that all kinds of salaries controversies can be

The process of determining the salary differentials for different jobs become
standardized through job evaluation. This helps in bringing uniformity into salary

Relevance of new jobs

Through job evaluation, one can understand the relative value of new jobs in a


Though there are many ways of applying job evaluation in a flexible manner, rapid
changes in technology and in the supply of and demand for particular skills, create
problems of adjustment that may need further study.

Human Resource Management

When job evaluation results in substantial changes in the existing wage structure, the
possibility of implementing these changes in a relatively short period may be
restricted by the financial limits within which the firm has to operate.
When there are a large proportion of incentive workers, it may be difficult to maintain
a reasonable and acceptable structure of relative earnings.
The process of job rating is, to some extent, inexact because some of the factors and
degrees can be measured with accuracy.
Job evaluation takes a long time to complete, requires specialized technical personnel
and is quite expensive.


There are four basic methods of job evaluation currently in use which are grouped
into two categories


Human Resource Management


The basic difference between these two methods lies in the sense that, under non-quantitative
methods, a job is compared as a whole with other jobs in the organisation, whereas in case of
quantitative methods, the key factors of a job are selected and, then, measured. The four
methods of job evaluation are now discussed one by one.

Ranking Method
The ranking method is the simplest form of job evaluation. In this method, each job as
a whole is compared with other and this comparison of jobs goes on until all the jobs
have been evaluated and ranked. All jobs are ranked in the order of their importance
from the simplest to the hardest or from the highest to the lowest.

Human Resource Management

The importance of order of job is judged in terms of duties, responsibilities and
demands on the job holder. The jobs are ranked according to the whole job rather
than a number of compensable factors.

Grading Method
Grading method is also known as classification method. This method of job
evaluation was made popular by the U.S. Civil Service Commission. Under this
method, job grades or classes are established by an authorized body or committee
appointed for this purpose. A job grade is defined as a group of different jobs of
similar difficulty or requiring similar skills to perform them. Job grades are
determined on the basis of information derived from job analysis.
The grades or classes are created by identifying some common denominator such as
skills, knowledge and responsibilities. The example of job grades may include,
depending on the type of jobs the organisation offers, skilled, unskilled, account clerk,
clerk-cum-typist, steno typist, office superintendent, laboratory assistant and so on.
Once the grades are established, each job is then placed into its appropriate grade or
class depending on how well its characteristics fit in a grade. In this way, a series of
job grades is created. Then, different wage/salary rate is fixed for each grade.

Point Rating
This is the most widely used method of job evaluation. Under this method, jobs are
broke down based on various identifiable factors such as skill, effort, training,
knowledge, hazards, responsibility, etc. Thereafter, points are allocated to each of
these factors.
Weights are given to factors depending on their importance to perform the job. Points
so allocated to various factors of a job are then summed. Then, the jobs with similar
total of points are placed in similar pay grades. The sum of points gives an index of
the relative significance of the jobs that are rated.

Factor Comparison
This method is a combination of both ranking and point methods in the sense that it
rates jobs by comparing them and makes analysis by breaking jobs into compensable
factors. This system is usually used to evaluate white collar, professional and
managerial positions.


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Human Resource Management


Require Lots Of Human Efforts

Job Analysis.
The first step is a study of the jobs in the organization. Through job analysis, information
on job content is obtained, together with an appreciation of worker requirements for
successful performance of the job. This information is recorded in the precise, consistent
language of a job description.
Compensable Factors
The next step is deciding what the organization "is paying for "that is, what factor or
factors place one job at a higher level in the job hierarchy than another. These
compensable factors are the yardsticks used to determine the relative position of jobs. In a
sense, choosing compensable factors is the heart of job evaluation. Not only do these
factors place jobs in the organization's job hierarchy, but they also serve to inform job
incumbents which contributions are rewarded.

Human Resource Management

Developing the Method.
The third step in job evaluation is to select a method of appraising the organization's jobs
according to the factor(s) chosen. The method should permit consistent placement of the
organization's jobs containing more of the factors higher in the job hierarchy, than those
jobs lower in the hierarchy.
Job Structure
The fourth step is comparing jobs to develop a job structure. This involves choosing and
assigning decision makers, reaching and recording decisions, and setting up the job
Wage Structure
The final step is pricing the job structure to arrive at a wage structure.

From the above we concludethat,


Human Resource Management

The job Analysis is very important for the people bcoz the job analysis has a some
methods, process & uses of which Seems by the People as a importance Tool
The job description & job specification are the two important components of job
The job evolution is only a part of job analysis which seems that there are both
different parts

from HRM notes


Human Resource Management



Human Resource Management

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