Syllabus SHRM

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Part-time Ph.D. (Category-B) Management Coursework Exam

Strategic Human Resource Management Unit
Unit I Strategic Human Resource Management: Nature of strategies and strategic Management
process; Environmental Scanning, Strategy formulation, strategy implementation, strategy evaluation,
importance of strategic management, Role of HRM in Strategic management- SHR philosophy.
Unit II Human resource planning- Job Analysis & design- recruitment & selection IT enabled
recruitment & Selection practices Placement and induction, Training and development, Training
systems view, Needs assessment, Methods of training and techniques, Management Development,
Managing Organizational change and Development, Evaluating training effort.
Unit III Performance Management and Appraisal, Steps in appraising performance, Types of
Appraisal Interviews, 360 Degree Feedback, Global perspective of SHRM, Managing International
HR activities: Implementation of Global HR System, Staffing the Global Organization, Improving
productivity through HRIS, Major issues and challenges of SHRM: Outsourcing HR activities,
Balancing work and life, Managing cross cultural diversity, Changing demographics of work force
and changed employee expectations-loss of joy and pleasure.
Unit IV Overview of Emotional Intelligence, the five domains of Emotional Intelligence as identified
by Goleman, Why Emotional Intelligence matters in the workplace Cost savings from Emotional
Intelligence, Emotionally intelligent leaders, Models of Emotional Intelligence the Ability based
model, the Trait model of Emotional intelligence.
Unit V Emotional Self-Awareness, Increasing self awareness, Tools for Self-Assessment, SelfManagement, Social Awareness, Empathy, Awareness and Acknowledgement, Sensitivity, Social
Skills, Conflict management, Transaction Analysis, Teamwork & Collaboration.
Reference Books:
1. Srnivas & R.Kandula, Strategic Human Resource Development, PHI Publication.
2. K.Aswathappa, Human Resources &Personnel Management, McGraw Hill Publication
3. S.Seetharam & B.Venkateshwara Prasad, Human Resources Management, SCITECH
4. Stone, Human Resources Management Eastern Economy Edition.
5. Gary Desseler, Human Resources Management, PHI Publication.
6. Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence, BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING INDIA PVT

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