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Caraga State University

Ampayon, Butuan City

College of Arts and Sciences

Social System

Lorebel M. Chua
Josephine Q. Belmonte

March 2015

A social system basically consists of two or more individuals interacting directly
or indirectly in a bounded situation. There may be physical or territorial boundaries, but
the fundamental sociological point of reference is that the individuals are oriented, in a
whole sense, to a common focus (Merriam Dictionary). Thus it is appropriate to regard
such diverse sets of relationships as small groups, political parties and whole societies
as social systems. Social systems are open systems, exchanging information with,
frequently acting with reference to other systems. Therefore, social system is composed
of persons or groups of persons who interact and mutually influence each others
behavior. It is also a bounded set of interrelated activities that together constitute a
single entity.
The most influential conceptualization of the term has been that of Talcott
Parsons. He defines a social system as consisting in a plurality of individual actors
interacting with each other in a situation which has at least a physical or environmental
aspect, actors, who are motivated in terms of a tendency to the optimization of
gratification and whose relations to their situations, including each other, is defined and
mediated in terms of a system of culturally structured and shared symbols (Turner,
1991). Thus, a social system is made of different individuals sharing the same symbols
or culture inside a structure.
In one of Parsons mode of analysis, he introduced the hierarchy of relations of
control in a social system. In his discussion, the general system of action which is the
social system constitute a hierarchical series of such agencies of control of the behavior
of individuals or organisms. This presents the idea of subsystems. In every complex

social system, it is composed of many different subsystem in order to control the

individuals within the system.
A complex social system consists of a network of interdependent and
interpenetrating subsystems, each of which, seen at the appropriate level of reference,
is a social system in its own right, subject to all the functional exigencies of any such
system relative to its institutionalized culture and situation and possessing all the
essential structural components, organized on the appropriate levels of differentiation
and specification (C. Calhuen, 2007). So, subsystems is also a social system within a
bigger system that is interrelated to each other but arranged depending on its function.
Caraga State University is a complex social system. The structure is arranged in
hierarchical positions from top to bottom. The control is coming from the top which is the
president. As complex as it is, the university is composed of different offices and
colleges, or what we called subsystems, serving its own function and having its own
College of Arts and Sciences is one of the four (4) colleges that composes the
university. Thus, it is a subsystem possessing its own social system. It is also structured
in hierarchical positions having the dean as its head. It is composed of different
individuals having their own designations as part of the structure. Thus, they are
functioning based on what position in the structure they are placed. This individuals
shares the same symbols and culture that is presented by the structure. This made
them more of a social system. Based on this characteristics, the researchers would like
to study the social system within the College of arts and Sciences.

In studying a social system, according to Parson, first it is necessary to look at

the problem of social order (structure). It is the nature of the forces giving rise to
relatively stable forms of social interaction and organization, and promoting orderly
change. In College of Arts and Sciences, the researchers will try to look from the dean
as head of the college down to its staff and faculties if there is a problem in the
structure. Second, to look for the abstract conception of the social system (function). In
every position in CAS office, there is a certain task that is imposed to every person, the
researchers will also try to see if the people in the structures are doing their task well. It
also gives emphasis upon normative factors as guiding action (Sociology Guide, 2015).
Though structures and functions were checked, it is also important to know the
normative factors or the personality of the individual working inside the structure
because for Parson it guides the action of the person. The faculty, staff, and even the
people in the structure of CAS has always their own observation base on their
interactions within the office. By this, normative patterns is presented. The analysis of
the three (structure, function, normative pattern) logically independent but also
interdependent bases of selective abstraction is called the structural and functional
modes of analysis.
Using this mode of analysis, the researchers possibly may find out the problem of
social order and the abstract conception in the social system inside the College of Arts
and Sciences that might contribute to the improvement of the college or even the whole
university. It also may serve as evaluation of the college based on the structure, function
and normative pattern of culture in the system. Therefore, the researchers would like to
conduct the study.

Presentation of Data

The Structure









The structure of College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) is the structure provided by
the entire university. The structure and the rest of its members caters the needs of all
the students enrolled or under the programs and courses of the college. It supports the
claim of Parson (as cited in C. Calhuen, 2007) that structure is patterned according to
the objective of the system.

However, to provide more efficient administration, for the

bigger departments such as Languages and Social Sciences (LSSD) and Natural
Sciences, they provided coordinators. The coordinators is the first one to address with
the problems of the students or faculties under them. They pass this concern to the
chairperson then the dean. The placing of coordinators in the structure of CAS is in line
with Parson when he said that the structure focuses on those elements of the patterning
of the system which may be regarded as independent of the lower-amplitude and
shorter time-range fluctuations in the relation of the system to its external situation (C.
Calhuen, 2007). Meaning, structure provides designations such as coordinators that

may help the people in high positions lower the extent of its movement towards the
more specific functions that can be done by the people in the lower positons.

The Functions
The dean. He is responsible to the administration of the college. He also initiates,
prepares, reviews and presents development for the college. Exercise of supervision
and control to is also part of his function. He must supervise the evaluation of the
performance of the faculty and staff. The budget and funds is also checked by the dean.
The chairpersons. They are in-charge of the smooth operation of the college.
They manage the academic programs. They are also the one who prepares the faculty
load. It is also upon them the regulation of the enrollment. They must also initiate
improvement in the academic programs. Chairpersons are also the responsible in the
reinforcement of the rules and regulations of the university and monitors faculty
The coordinators. They assist the chairperson in the implementation of the
program. Recommend to the chairperson the schedule of course, materials needed,
and teaching load. They are also given some administrative functions under their
department or as head of their division.
This functions are taken from the Special Order given to the above designations.
This are also provided by the university. According to Parson, function diverges from the
structural in the "dynamic" direction (C. Calhuen, 2007). The function then again is the
role or task of the people occupying the structure. It is the working part of the system.
The kind of task depends upon what does the structure needs. Basing on the functions

stated above, the task for each designation in CAS is well specified. It gives the people
in the structure of CAS the idea of what they are responsible of as long as they are in
the position. Parson also added that the functional categories of social systems
concern, those features in terms of which systematically ordered modes of adjustment
operate in the changing relations between a given set of patterns of institutionally
established structure in the system and a given set of properties of the relevant
environing systems. Thus, functions must be flexible enough to deal with changes
coming from the external factors and must not rely on what the institution provided.
Given the functions of CAS, its shows the flexibility of the college. CAS is the biggest
college in the university and so, it caters a lot of students. Providing people to manage
the smooth operation of the college like the chairpersons and assistants like the
coordinators who back-up the chairs is a way of showing that the college is
systematically in order.

Normative Patten of Action

To know normative pattern of actions or the personality of the individuals working
in the system of CAS, a key informant interview was conducted. In the absence of the
dean, the associate dean or the secretary was interviewed as well as the chairpersons,
coordinators and selected faculty in every division. By following the ethical procedures
during the conduct of this study, the respondents and the researchers agreed to keep
their names as confidential. The rest of the data are accurately gathered from the
respondents of the study.

The pattern of normative culture consists in components of the organisms or

personalities of the participating individuals only so far as these "interpenetrate" with the
social and cultural systems, i.e., are "internalized" in the personality and organism of the
individual (Parson, as cited in C. Calhuen, 2007). Meaning, personality of individuals
can affect their work as they function in the structure.
The Dean. All of the respondents give positive evaluation to the dean. They said
that he is a systematic, democratic, supportive and approachable kind of leader. He also
administers the college with smooth communication. He also shows concern and
accountability in supervising the college. According to them, the dean imposes equality
to everybody. He treats every person fairly. He always finds time to talk especially to
those who have concerns. He value human resource, so, he boost them. He always
provided team buildings. He sets off a faculty lounge for the faculties to rest and give
the staff cellphones and laptops for better access and communication. Negative
evaluation were also given. Like the dean in so kind and gives so much freedom that
more likely to abused by his people. He also dont exercise control that for a respondent
a negative one because the respondent sees it as a reason why some of the people
under him are abusive.
The Chairpersons. There are four (4) chairpersons in the CAS. First is in
Mathematics department who maintains smooth operation in his division. He is a
democratic leaders who gives proper delegation and open to suggestion. Because he is
honest and with integrity, his is respected and followed by his faculties. Second is the
chairperson of Biology department who according to our respondents maintain
efficiency to her wok. She also practice democratic leadership and open to

communications to her faculties. The third one is from the Natural Science department
who is responsible to his job. Even though he is new in the position, he is efficient to his
work and shows excellent work especially in the load arrangement. He also honest and
admits that he knows nothing in this position, so he initiates questions to the dean and
open to suggestions. The last one is from the biggest department, the LSSD. According
to a respondent, he practice authoritarian leadership. He is humble and friendly. He is
also willing and patient to learn more from his position. Negative feedbacks were also
given to some of the chairpersons. For the Natural Science monthly meetings are not
regularly imposed. For the respondent, monthly meetings are important in the
department for them to be always updated. For the LSSD chairperson, according to a
respondent he has his personal biases. A respondent also gives rate with the maximum
of 100% in every function instead of giving comments. The respondent give 50% rate
for the smooth operation of the department, 50% in managing the academic programs,
2% in preparing the faculty load, 10% in regulating enrolment, 25% in initiation of
improvement in academic programs, 50% in his relationship and communications
towards his workmates and 30% in reinforcing rules and regulations of the university
and monitoring faculty performances.
The Coordinators. There are three (3) coordinators in two (2) department. First is
the Environmental Science coordinator from the Nat.Sci department. She is a very good
coordinator according to a respondent. She is responsible and open to suggestions.
She also manage well the faculty load. Though they also commented that she
sometimes takes everything personal. Second is the Languages coordinator from
LSSD. She is very obedient and she easily takes action to every command. She is

polite and approachable. Always dependable and well-functioned coordinator. The third
one is the Social Science coordinator from LSSD. He is polite and courteous according
to a respondent. But because of his other designations that has heavier responsibility
he is always busy and cant perform his part well as coordinator.
Faculties. The researchers also give some questions about the faculties.
According to the respondents, the faculties are obedient. Though some give specific
comments like the Chemistry faculties are close-minded, not open to suggestions and
standardized. Also the LSSD faculties sometimes insist their own interest especially in
setting faculty load.
Staff. The CAS staff is highly appreciated by the respondents. The do very well in
their job. They functioned well and very responsible. They shows knowledge in doing
their jobs and they sufficiently provide the clerical needs of the people.
From this data, positive and negative feedbacks were presented. Though some
of it are comments or evaluation of a persons performance based on their works, but it
shows their personality towards their jobs and their co-worker or officemates which
according to Parson guides the action of the individual inside the system (Sociology
Guide, 2015). This means that the behavior and personality of every individual working
in the structure can affect their performance in their functions. Which is present in the
situation of CAS. Like the deans personality is very kind that he observed to be abused
by his subordinates. But he also have a lot of good personalities that makes him
functioned well like being systematic and fair. Also, though chairpersons have
personality that hinders them to do their task well. Like the LSSD chair, he didnt
functioned well as a chairperson according to a respondent but his personality of the

willingness to learn is a chance for him to change. This is what Parson is trying to say,
that the internalized personality of every individual cant be separated to the person
working in the institution thus, it can affect their functions.

Other Problems Encountered

Respondents also give general concerns to the college. First is the attitude or
personality and the personal biases of the faculty. They should try to avoid biases and
try to be flexible according to a respondent. Second, the need to have a monthly
meeting for the whole college. A respondent suggest that if there is a Time with the
President why not also make a Time with the Dean or the chairpersons. An avenue
where they can let everyone have chance to be heard and have open communication to
each other. One of the respondents specifically said that, whats the use of suggesting
when they are not heard. Third, rules must be implemented properly and strictly. A
respondent said that it is a lot better if the dean sets the rules because he is more likely
to be followed than the chairpersons or the coordinators. Fourth, according to a
respondent that faculties must accept the faculty loads given to them by the
chairpersons or the coordinators. They should not manipulate the plotting of the faculty
load. Fifth, is the suggestion to have more offered course. Also, the separation of
Languages and Social Sciences as two different department. Lastly, the problem with
the buildings, spacious faculty rooms for big department, classroom facilities, office
supplies, garbage disposal especially in the Nat. Sci Building, and other maintenance
and equipment.

All of this other problems, is encountered in everyday life of the people of the
structure and their subordinates. It includes the people they are talking to, the peers
they are working with, and the place where they are working. Thus, it is part of their
physical environment. But according to Parson, that in interpreting this position, one
should remember that the immediately environing systems of a social system are not
those of the physical environment. They are, rather, the other primary subsystems of the
general system of action - i.e., the personalities of its individual members, the
behaviorally organized aspects of the organisms underlying those personalities, and the
relevant cultural systems in so far as they are not fully institutionalized in the social
system but involve components other than "normative patterns of culture" that are
institutionalized (C. Calhuen, 2007). Nevertheless, this data shows that people is a little
bit more concerned with their physical environment because according to respondents,
how can they work well or how can they provide a better education if they are not
comfortable with the space or they lack in materials. It is somehow not inclined with the
claim of Parson, because for the people of CAS, their immediate environing system is
the physical environment and not the general system of action (personalities and

College of Arts and Sciences is part of the bigger system of Caraga State
University. Yet, it also has its own system. One of Talcott Parsons modes of analyzing a
system is called Structural Functional mode of analysis that evaluates the structure,
the function and the normative pattern of action (personality) as a basis for a general
conclusion if a system is working well. With regards to the data, the structure of CAS is
best in catering the needs of the people it serves for. The function of each designation
fits with the position in the structure. However, some of this functions are not delivered
well due to some personality concerns. Also, the importance of the physical
environment which is not included to Parsons variables but this study shows its
significant is needed to be address. But despite of the deficiency of materials, and
personalities that are needed to be adjusted, CAS is still giving its best to provide a
better education and caters best its students. Therefore, the social system of CAS
though has its concern is working well.


The researchers recommend a maintenance of the systematic flow of CAS. Keep

the positive side and try to work-out with the negative side. Make a better way of
communication from the top-bottom of the structure and vice versa such as regular
Lastly, researchers recommend the evaluation of the physical environment
together with the structure, function and the normative pattern.

Bryan S. Turner. 1991. The Social Systems. 11 New Fetter Lane London EC4P 4EE:
C. Calhuen. 2007. Classical Sociological Theory. Malden MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Social System. 2015. Retrieved February 16, 2015, from
Sociology Guide. (n.d.). Social Systems. Retrieved February 16, 2015, from

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