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Marketing Strategy Garnier

1. Introduction : Value proposition and experience marketing in Indonesia

Value proposition of Garnier is take care our consumers cosmetic products from the
natural material and responsible with environment. Garnier brings beauty to vast numbers of
consumers while also reducing our ecological impact.The brand is committed to sustainable
sourcing, to constantly reducing the environmental impact of our packaging and continuously
seeking to improve the ecological profile and biodegradability indices of our formulas.
Founded in France in 1904 by Alfred Amour Garnier, the brand was born with the launch of
the first patented plant-based hair lotion, La Lotion Garnier. Over the decades Garnier
expanded into skincare and cemented its reputation as the healthy beauty expert, by providing
nature-based solutions to combat pollution, acne, UV and fatigue.
Garnier is renowned for its know-how in harnessing the bounty of nature fruits, seeds, buds
and flowers with highly beneficial skincare and haircare properties. Their active ingredients
are extracted using the brands cutting-edge expertise and techniques to take full advantage of
natures energy, effectiveness and generosity.

Garnier is one of the mass Products which fabricated by PT Yasulor Indonesia,

Cikarang, Jawa Barat. The type of Products is :
Garnier Pure Active (Oil Clear)

Oil Clear Foam

Oil Clear Astringent
Oil Clear Scrub

Garnier light Complete

Light Gentle Clarifyng Foam
Light Milky Lightening Dew
Light Whiten and Protect Moisturizer Cream SPF 15

With the tagline : sayangi dirimu, due to the Products for mass Market, the vision of the
garnier is commitment to create cosmetic coming from natural ingredient and responsbile
with environment.
2. Segmenting the market, choosing target market and positioning GARNIER
The consuming class55 million urban and 15 million rural Indonesiansare the
most commercially attractive segmen. Indonesias population is young, growing and
rapidly urbanizing, making it one of the fastest-growing consumer markets in the
world. Our research of urban and rural populations found groups of consumers,
totaling about 70 million, who are optimistic about their future and becoming
increasingly sophisticated in their spending habits and product choices.
a. Segmented market

Demography :
Age : 15 30 years old (Median 28 age)
Gender :Women and Men

Psychographic :
Life style : Urban life style concern about beauty to increase personal branding
Sosial Class : beauty its high priority for the Y generation , youth people.
Need : to clean, smooth and enlighten face
Benefit: Eliminate dark sport, oil, dust, and minimize pore

b. Targetting Market

Men and Women Both

At first, taking care of the face is regarded as a habit that is only done by the
women. The men who are too maintain the cleanliness of the face is not
considered as macho, masculine, and not less manly. But, nowadays, not only
women who are concerned about the face healthiness, but also men began to
realize the importance of maintaining it. Looking to the fact, based on the research
by Maxus 3D Data on 2011, 41% of men Indonesia was still using face wash for
women products

Modern and Fancy People

Upper middle class

Teenage Girls and young women and men

c. Positioning
Garnier is positioned as nature based (Green). Innovative personal care brand
which take cares of your skin, the brand has a very catchy tagline Sayangi

3. Characteristic of Garnier customer which consist of their Activities, Interest and

Activities interests and opinions is one of the methods to carry out psychographic
segmentation. AIO is mainly used to define an individuals psychographic profile.
It tells a marketer of what a consumer likes, what are his interests and how does
his thought process work.

Activities :

The way a person carries out his work or the type of

hobbies he has tells a lot about a person. If he has a tough work

and at the same time he is also involved in numerous sports then
we have a highly active person in hand. The consumers of

garnier can be identified with working habit in urban area. As a

result, easier get radiance, dust, and make the skin face will be
Interest : coming from the target market, the consumer
interested in tecnology (savvy digital) , like posting photo, info in
sosial media (FB, Twitter, Path and Istagram) and travelling
activity to make her/his personal branding in social media.
Opinion : specially in the age of internet, opinions spread fast.
Nowadays there are agencies taking care of a brand online such
that they can immediately give a feedback of what the public
opinion about a brand / product is. The management can









communication channel by online ( Digital Marketing).

4. Base on my analysis, predict the buyer behaviour of your target market.
Buyer behaviour is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not
buy a product. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology
and economics. Customer behaviour study is based on consumer buying
behaviour, with the customer playing the three distinct roles of user, payer and
buyer. Research has shown that consumer behavior is difficult to predict, even for
experts in the field. Consumer behavior as those activities directly involved in
obtaining, consuming, and disposing of products and services, including the
decision processes that precede and follow these action. As a form of its
commitment to make Indonesian women /men confident through their beauty,
Garnier conducts continuous consumer behavior study. This study tries to
understand the problems and aspiration of Indonesian women/men, so that they
can look the way they want to look, and so that they can be confident.

Garnier products create Green Brand.

Base on our target

Market from the young people (Y Generation, Upper middle class

and modern and fancy people, the consumer easier to try the
other products if not proper with Garnier Products. This people
savvy digital means a lot of information from web, sosial media ,
group will be affecting decision to buy the

products. This

consumer is not loyal and educated. So make the tight

competition with others competitor,

My analysis is to win the

competition the good quality is not enough but also must be

concern related the price and service , given add value , enhance
promoting offline and online and communications products to
get Market share, mind share and commitment share from the
target market.

5. Explain why your target market would choose your product (s) among
Because the Garnier Products create the Green cosmetic to ensure the consumers
wil be loyal with this Products, the strategy og Garnier is
a. Innovation
Invest a lot in RnD of products and research studi with behaviour
consumers what she/he need about cosmetic Products to ensure the
Products can be accepted by target Market. In Garnier, we do not only
listen to our consumers, but we also study and observe the situation and
condition in Indonesia. Most of the problems felt by Indonesian women in
this study is caused by the tropical climate in Indonesia, air pollution in the
urban area, and sun exposure when they are outdoor. Motivated by the
desire to always provide the best in the beauty industry,
b. Implement packaging in all size and a lot variance product

Garnier can providing the Products that different packaging from the big
one (Jar and tube) until the small one (sachet). Totally interest with
beginner to try the new product and lower price. With this strategy Garnier
can be reach the consuming class in Indonesia with all level and all
channel distibution ( warung, pasar traditional, dept store and salon).

c. Communications by digital (Online) as digital marketing

To enhance the consumers want to buy the product, garnier focus in digital
marketing. Create Web, Twitter, FB Ads, Youtube Garnier and Social
media. Using the ambasador to make the people interest with this product.
Garnier working together with blogger and community online to displayed
the product and give review from his/her blog. To continuously uphold the
passion of Garnier in beautifying Indonesian women through their
skincare, as well as to communicate Garniers values, today Garnier
appoints its new Brand Ambassador, Chelsea Islan, and for men Joe

d. The Green Cosmetic

Because the value proposition of garnier is take care to consumer. The
product of garnier manufactured by high Technology and

ensure the

natural material safe by skin consumers. This concept can increase brand
product as green mindset make the competitive product.

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