Oracle Tap - Release 10 Profile Options PDF

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Oracle Tap

Profile Options
(Release 10+)

Oracle Tap for HCM Cloud: Capabilities and Installation


The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes
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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

An Introduction to Oracle Tap Profile Options ..................................... 2

Profile Options: Explained ............................................................... 2
Manage Profile Options Oracle Tap ................................................. 3
General Profile Options ................................................................... 3
My Directory and My Team ............................................................. 4
Oracle Business Intelligence KPIs ............................................... 6
Profile Options: Enable and Disable Mobile Features .................. 10
Appendix A: Profile Options Display / Hide Features in Oracle Tap
Bookmark not defined.


Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

An Introduction to Oracle Tap Profile Options

Profile Options: Explained

Profile options manage configuration data centrally and influence the behavior of
applications. Profile options serve as permanent user preferences and application
configuration parameters.
You configure profile options with settings for specific contexts or groups of users. Users
customize how their user interfaces look and behave by changing the values of available
profile options.
Profile options store the following kinds of information.
Type of Information
User preferences
Installation information
Configuration choices
Processing options

Profile Option Example

Settings to provide access to social
networking features
Setting to identify the location of a
Settings to change user interface skins and behaviors
Settings to affect how much
information to log either for an entire
site or a specific user

You can add and configure new profile options in addition to configuring predefined
profile options that are implemented as updateable.
All of the profile options for Oracle Tap are related to processing options as described

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

Manage Profile Options Oracle Tap

General Profile Options

You can view all of the profile options (functional security) that are delivered for Oracle
Tap from the Setup and Maintenance menu.
How to Configure Profile Options

To view the delivered profile options for Oracle Tap, follow these steps:
1. From the Settings and Action menu, select Setup and Maintenance.
2. On the All Tasks tab, type Manage Admin%
3. Click on the Search button
4. Under Search Results, click on the Go to Task.
5. Click on LOV in Module and type Tap
6. Click on Tap for Oracle Applications and click on OK button
7. Click on the Search button to display the delivered profile options for Tap for
Oracle Applications.

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

My Directory and My Team

Within Oracle Tap, you can use the organization directory to:
View peoples details
Export peoples details to a tablets contact list
View peoples direct reports
The setting chosen for this profile option will determine which members of the
organization are downloaded to your mobile device initially.
Enable Full Sync

For Organization Directory and My Team, the default option is full sync.
Full Sync this setting allows customers to download all employees for the entire
organization to their mobile device. That means that all employees will be stored
in cache on the mobile device.
To sync all workers, the setting for TAPENABLESYNCALLWORKERS is set to Yes.
How to Configure Profile Options

1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance menu

2. Click on the All Tasks tab
3. Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values
4. The profile value to Yes (default).
Please note that this is the default setting for this option so no changes are necessary if this option
meets your organizations needs.

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

Enable Server Side Search

For Organization Directory and My Team, the other supported option is server side
Server Side Search - this setting allows customers to download My Team (i.e.,
the logged in users directs, peers, manager and managers peers) to their mobile
To search for People that are not part of My Team, you can type in their name or any
other identifying information in the Search window. Once found and viewed, that data is
stored in cache, along with My Team, for easy access next time.
Although you cannot download the entire corporate directory of employees to the mobile
device with this setting, you can still find, view and access employees outside of My Team
on your mobile device.
To sync My Team, the setting for TAPENABLESYNCALLWORKERS is set to No.
How to Configure Profile Options

5. Go to the Setup and Maintenance menu

6. Click on the All Tasks tab
7. Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values
8. Change the profile value to No and click on Save and Close.

Oracle Confidential

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

Oracle Business Intelligence KPIs

Oracle Business Intelligence Functionality

You can access your Oracle Business Intelligence reports in the Oracle Tap solution. The
following Oracle Business Intelligence features are available:
KPI Visualization and Sourcing: View your KPI dashboard directly from the
mobile application.
View interactive Oracle Business Intelligence reports:
Browse and search the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog: Use the BI spinner to
search and navigate your report structure.
KPI Watchlists

Oracle Oracle Tap utilizes the features of Oracle Business Intelligence to create Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) that track specific business goals and objectives that are
critical to your business.
How to Configure Profile Options

There are two steps to define the profile option for KPIs:
Create the KPI profile option
Define the value for this new profile option
Please note that this option only works for the iOS version of Oracle Tap.
Step One: Create the KPI Profile Option

1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance menu

2. Click on the All Tasks tab
3. Search for Define Profile%
4. Click on Go to Task icon for Manage Profile Options
5. Click in the new icon in the search results table. The following screen will display.
6. Complete the form as defined below and click on Save and Close.

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

Add the KPI Profile Option Level

1. Once the new profile option is saved, you add a Profile Option Level
2. Click on new icon to add a level
3. Select Site and check the box under Enabled and Updateable.
4. Once youve added these values, click on the Save and Close button.

How to Find the BI Folder Path

Follow the instructions below to find the BI Folder Path.

1. Open the BI web app on your environment (i.e., http:///analytics)
2. Click in the top menu and drill down to the folder you desire.
3. To update the path, right-click on More in one of the child folders to display a
4. Then click on Properties in the folder that you want to set and you will find
the path

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

For example, the properties for the Human Capital Management folder may look like this:

So the path is /shared/Human Capital Management

Please note that in the current release (Rel8), Oracle Tap looks for the KPI Watchlist only.
In future releases, Oracle Tap will also search for KPIs in the designated folder.

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

Step Two: Define Value for KPI Profile Option

Finally, you will need to define the value for this newly created profile option.
1. Click on Managing Administrator Profile Values.
2. Search for the profile code TAP_FOLDER_KPI that youve created
3. Set the value as /shared/xxx where xxx = location identified in the earlier step
for your KPIs.
4. Click on Save and Close.

NOTE: The folder path is not the same folder path that you will see in the BI Catalog in OBIEE web app.

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

Profile Options: Enable and Disable Mobile Features

Within Oracle Tap, you can disable certain features that you may not want your users to
access on mobile. For example, if you want your organization to only view payslips,
schedule absences and manage goals, you can do that. Simply disable the profile option
associated with a feature and it will not display in the menu or springboard for the app.
Below is a list of the delivered profile options for the functional areas delivered in mobile:
Employee Self Service
o Upload Profile Photo
o Update Contact Info
o Update Worker Bio
Manager Self Service
o Promote Worker
o Change Salary
o Change Manager
Manager Review (delivered under Controlled Availability)
o Interim Feedback
o Provide Feedback
Self Reviews (delivered under Controlled Availability)
Analytics (KPIs and BI Catalog reports)
The default setting for these profile options is set to Yes. That is, all features in mobile
are enabled, with the exception of Manager Self Service and Self Reviews.
Performance Management features are only accessible as part of our Controlled Availability (CA)
program. Please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for more information on how to
The appendix that follows lists all of the profile options related to showing or hiding
features within mobile..

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained


Profile Name












displays Absences on mobile

show in shuttle menu and tabs
show in springboard

users can
Request Absence
View Absence Balances

displays Goals on mobile
show in shuttle menu and tabs
show in springboard

users can
Add Goals
Edit/View Goals
View Aligned Goals
View/Edit Multiple
Measurements (displays only if

hides display Absences on mobile

hidden on shuttle menu and tabs
hidden on springboard

users cannot
Request Absence
View Absence Balances

hides Absences on mobile
hidden on shuttle menu and tabs
hidden on springboard

users cannot
Add Goals
Edit/View Goals
View Aligned Goals
View/Edit Multiple
Initiate Goals Social

web profile option for multimeasurements is set to Yes)

Initiate Goals Social

Conversations (displays only if
web profile option for OSN is set to









displays Time on mobile

show in shuttle menu and tabs
show in springboard

users can
View Time Cards

displays Pay on mobile
show in shuttle menu and tabs
show in springboard

users can
View Payslips

Oracle Confidential

hides Time on mobile

hidden on shuttle menu and tabs
hidden on springboard

users cannot
View Time Cards
hides Pay on mobile
hidden on shuttle menu and tabs
hidden on springboard

users cannot
View Payslips
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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained


Profile Name











Manager Self










displays Upload Profile Photo

action on mobile
show in shuttle menu and tabs
show in springboard

users can
Upload Profile Photo

displays Update Worker Bio action
on mobile
show in shuttle menu and tabs
show in springboard

users can
Update Worker Bio

displays Promote Worker action
on mobile
show in shuttle menu and tabs
show in springboard

hides Upload Profile Photo action on

hidden on shuttle menu and tabs
hidden on springboard

users cannot
Upload Profile Photo

users can
Update Promote Worker

users cannot
Promote Worker

displays Change Manager action

on mobile

hides Change Manager action on


users can
Change Salary
displays Change Salary action on

users cannot
Change Salary
hides Change Salary action on mobile

users can
Change Salary

users cannot
Change Salary

Oracle Confidential

hides Update Worker Bio action on

hidden on shuttle menu and tabs
hidden on springboard

users cannot
Update Worker Bio
hides Promote Worker action on
hidden on shuttle menu and tabs
hidden on springboard

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained


Profile Name












display Worklist in mobile

show in toolbar (bottom) menu

users can
View Worklist notifications
display Directory (Spinner) in
show in toolbar (bottom) menu
allow user to export colleagues
and peers

display Workforce Predictions in
show in tabs

display Talent Profile in mobile
show in shuttle menu and tabs
show in springboard


display KPIs on tablet + phone

do not display KPIs on tablet + phone
show Analytics icon on
hide Analytics icon on springboard
hide KPI Watchlists in Analytics LOV
display KPI Watchlists in Analytics
hide Favorites and Recents in
Analytics sub-menus
display Favorites and Recents in
hide Browse (only applies to tablet)
Analytics sub-menus

display Browse (only visible on

be sure to use TAP_FOLDER_KPI to identify where the KPIs are stored in your environment
NOTE: you can identify up to five locations on where to find KPIs to display in mobile










Oracle Confidential

do not display Worklist in mobile

hide in toolbar (bottom) menu

users cannot
View Worklist notifications

do not display Directory (Spinner) in
hide in toolbar (bottom) menu
do not let users to export colleagues
and peers
do not display Workforce Predictions
in mobile
hide in tabs
hide Talent Profile in mobile
hide in shuttle menu and tabs
show in springboard

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Oracle Tap: Profile Options Explained

How to Configure Profile Options

1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance menu

2. Click on the All Tasks tab
3. Search for Manage Administrator Profile Values
4. The profile value to Yes (default).
Please note that this is the default setting for this option so no changes are necessary if this option meets your organizations needs.

Oracle Confidential

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Oracle Fusion HCM Mobile Capabilities

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Author: Diana Gray

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