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Internal circulation only


Please remember to quote the formula in all calculations.


Pressure is defined as the force acting per unit area.



Pressure of the gas = Patm + hg

= 1.0 x 105 + (0.60 x 1000 x 10)
= 1.1 x 105 Pa



When the temperature of the gas increases, the gas molecules gain kinetic
energy and move at a greater speed.
They will collide with the inner walls of the container with greater force at a
higher frequency.
Since pressure is defined as the force acting per unit area, the pressure of the
gas increases when the temperature increases.



Internal circulation only


Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

It can be converted from one form to another, but the total energy remains




Loss in Ep = mgh
= 90 x 10 x 60
= 54 000 J


Gain in Ek = (1/2)mv2
= (1/2) x 90 x 122
= 6500 J






The loss in gravitational potential energy (GPE) and the gain in kinetic energy
(KE) is different due to the presence of air resistance and frictional forces on
the hill.
By the law of conservation of energy, the loss in GPE is converted to a gain in
KE and other energy forms due to the resistive forces, such as thermal and
sound energy.








A thermocouple has a small junction and a low specific heat capacity,

hence only a small amount of thermal energy is required to produce a
change in temperature. This allows the thermocouple to respond quickly
to temperature changes.


Using Q = mc, 2500 x 1 = 75 x 1.1 x

= 30.3 C


Temperature of emergent air = 30.3 + 20

= 50 C (2 s.f.)





Water boils at 100 C, which is higher than the temperature of the

emergent hot air. Since evaporation takes place at any temperature, the
water on the hands evaporates rather than boils.

The distance between adjacent particles alternates between increasing to a

maximum and decreasing to a minimum.






Accept any pair of Q1, Q2 or Q3.



Amplitude of the wave = (1/2) x 6.0 mm

= 3.0 mm



Internal circulation only


Frequency of the wave = 1/T = 1/2.0 = 0.50 Hz



Speed of the wave = f

= 0.5 x 40
= 20 cm/s




t = 3.0 s is equal to 1.5 T i.e. the particles will undergo half an oscillation.
Hence, the centre of rarefaction (i.e. P) will become a centre of








All electromagnetic (EM) waves are transverse waves. However, ultrasound is

a longitudinal wave, hence it is not a component of the EM spectrum. OR
All electromagnetic (EM) waves can travel in vacuum. However, ultrasound
requires a medium to propagate, hence it does not belong to the EM spectrum.

Radio waves





Friction during the rubbing process causes negatively-charged electrons to be

transferred from the cloth to the plastic.
The plastic gains electrons and becomes negatively-charged. The cloth loses
electrons and becomes positively-charged.



A metal is a conductor, so when it is held in the hand, any excess charges will
be earthed through the hand, hence it remains uncharged.





Energy released = P x t
= 100 x 5.0 x 106
= 5.0 x 108 J



Internal circulation only


Average power released = E / t

= (90 x 5.0 x 108) / 1
= 4.5 x 1010 W



Average e.m.f. of a lightning strike = E / Q

= 5.0 x 108 / 4.0
= 1.3 x 108 V



Photocopier / Electrostatic spray painting / Laser printer (any one)



Since the two N-poles are closer to each other, the force of repulsion between
these like poles is greater than the force of attraction between the unlike poles.
Hence magnet B moves away from magnet A.



1. Field lines must not cross
each other, especially
near the poles.
2. Direction of field must be
correctly indicated.


When the coil rotates, it cuts the magnetic field between the poles of the
magnet, hence causing a change in the magnetic flux linking the coil. This
causes an e.m.f. to be induced in the coil.


The slip rings provide an electrical connection between the coil and the external
circuit. OR They prevent the coil from being entangled while rotating.


By Flemings left-hand rule, where the index finger represents the direction of
the magnetic field, the second finger represents the direction of the current and
the thumb represents the direction of the force produced, a downwards force
will be produced at X. Hence this opposes the rotation of the coil.




Internal circulation only




The distance travelled between t = 0.40 s to 0.60 s is 0.82 m, while the distance
travelled between t = 0.20 s to 0.40 s is 0.55 m. Since a larger distance is
covered in the same time interval, its speed is increasing.



1. All points must be plotted.
2. Graph must start from the
origin and extend to the
last point.



The gradient of the graph becomes constant after 0.80 s, which suggests
that the velocity of the shuttlecock reaches a constant value.



Gradient of the graph = (9.81 - 3.68) / (2.00 - 1.00) = 6.13 m/s

Terminal velocity = 6.13 m/s



As the speed of the shuttlecock increases when it falls, the air resistance
acting on it increases. When the air resistance acting upwards balances
the weight of the shuttlecock acting downwards, there will be no net force
acting on the shuttlecock and it will move with zero acceleration i.e.
terminal velocity.





For the first 0.40 s, both shuttlecocks fall with the same initial
acceleration as the increase in speed is the same.
After 0.40 s, the heavy shuttlecock reaches terminal velocity at a later
time, around 1.40 s, while the light shuttlecock reaches terminal velocity
at an earlier timing of 1.00 s.
The heavier shuttlecock has a greater weight than the light shuttlecock,
hence a higher air resistance is required to balance its weight. Thus, the
heavy shuttlecock reaches terminal velocity at a later time.

Using P = IV,




IP = P/V = 100/240
= 0.42 A
IQ = 60/240 = 0.25 A
IR = 0.25 + 0.417 = 0.67 A



Internal circulation only




Using P = V2/R,


Using 1/Reff = 1/RA + 1/RB,


Total resistance of A and B in parallel = (1/580 + 1/960)-1

= 360 (2 s.f.)


In the series circuit, the voltage across each lamp is lower than that of a
parallel circuit, hence a lower power is generated in each lamp.
This results in a lower temperature and hence a lower resistance in each
lamp, since the lamps are non-ohmic conductors.


Using VA = RA/(RA + RB) x V,




R = 2402/60
= 960


VA = 95/(95 + 830) x 240 = 25 V (2 s.f.)






Construction lines (i.e. dotted lines)
should be drawn.



Angle correctly labeled in the diagram as i.



The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the
normal at the point of incidence.



Angle of incidence = 40


Using n = sin i / sin r,

sin r = sin 40/1.5

r = 25 (2 s.f.)



Emergent ray must be drawn parallel
to incident ray.



Internal circulation only




Total internal reflection is a phenomenon in which all the light is reflected

back into the optically denser medium when it travels from an optically
denser medium to an optically less dense medium at an incident angle
greater than the critical angle.



The light is travelling from an optically less dense medium to an optically

denser medium, hence total internal reflection cannot occur since the
condition for it to occur is otherwise.



A ray of light that enters the glass through surface A will have an incident
angle less than the critical angle at surface B, hence total internal
reflection cannot occur.




1. W should be drawn vertically
with a ruler passing through
the CG.
2. F should be drawn vertically
from the point of contact
between the wheel and the
3. E should be drawn such that
it leads to a clockwise






When an object is in equilibrium, the sum of clockwise moments about

any pivot is equal to the sum of anticlockwise moments about the same



The truck is designed such a way that the perpendicular distance

between the pivot and the line of action of the effort is larger than that of
the weight of the load.
Since moment produced = force x perpendicular distance, the effort
required to lift the load will be less than its weight due to the larger
perpendicular distance, hence it is easier to lift the load.


Total moment = F x d
= 2 x (140 x 0.8)
= 220 Nm (2 s.f.)



Taking moments about S,

Sum of clockwise moments = Sum of anticlockwise moments
FR x 1.2 = 180 x 0.8
FR = 120 N


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