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Factors Affecting the Tardiness

Of The Grade 10 students

Of BNHS Villa Maria

Submitted to:
Ms. Christie Mae G. Yoursua

Submitted by:
Espino, Jeraldine Francesca
Galit, Angelica
Jimenez, Jane Criselle
Labaro, Christine Joy
Montecalvo, Jessah
Elimanco, Blester John
Lunar, Christian
Monaca, Robert Christian

Chapter 1:
The Problem and Its Background
This chapter aims to discuss the problem of students whom are being late in
school and the possible outcome with reference to this study.
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge,
skills, values, beliefs and habits. It is an essential basis of good life that gives
significance to it and brings into focus the social aspect of man.
Numerous students were eager to learn at class however, some doesnt care at
all, for instance, they didnt have the heart of education and the importance of it. But one
of the most frustrating problem of school nowadays were students being late. It has
other repercussions in addition to robbing teachers and students of precious
instructional time and momentum.
Students who are frequently tardy have lower grades, scores on standardized
assessment and graduation rates. Chromic tardiness in elementary and middle school
is associated with failure in high school. A national study reported rates of absenteeism
and tardiness for dropouts.
Studies have revealed

that those students with perfect or near-perfect

attendance have good grade compared to those students who misses classes often and
late-comers whom teachers does not accept late homework and students miss the
notes from the early discussion thats why tardy students may fail behind their
classroom work and can result into an failing grade.

This study focuses on determining the factors affecting the tardiness of Grade 10
students of BNHS-Villa Maria and to provide right school policy to help the school
decrease the rate of tardiness.

Statement of the Purpose

This study aimed to help decrease the rate of tardiness of the learners of BNHS-Villa
Maria Annex.
Specifically it sought to:
1. Determine the causes of students tardiness and its impact for the students
2. Help decrease the tardiness rate of the students as they arrive to school.
3. Acquired the right school policy for the students tardiness.
Significance of the Study
The recommended solution after identifying the factors affecting the tardiness of
the learners will be useful to decrease the rate of tardiness.
Students Help them figure out the reasons of their tardiness in class and have some
adjustment to solve their problem.
Teachers Their discussions will be thoroughly and not be interrupted by late students.
They will not also suffer in computing grades.
Guidance Officer Their work will not be disturbed by the late comers and be satisfied
by the performance of the students due to the fact that tardiness decreases.

Conceptual Framework
Israel Cordero, an assistant principal in Dallas, Texas, says Inevitably, there will
always be students late to schools or class regardless of the plan, but is a realistic
expectation to create a school climate where teaching and learning are the cone of that
campus focus.
According to Michael A. Gottfried, in evaluating the deleterious effects of missing
in school time, research has almost exclusively focused on absences, and almost no
attention paid in tardiness. Hence, this study contributes a new dimension to the field by
examining the effects of students tardiness on academic achievement.
Employing an empirical model on large-scale, longitudinal, multilevel data set at
urban elementary school children over 6 years of observations. There are 2 significant
findings. First students with greater tardiness perform worse on standardized reading
and math test. Second, holding constant an individuals own record of tardiness,
students whose classmates are tardy more frequently also have lower test scores.
Hence, the achievement gap widens even further for students who also have greater
individuals levels of tardiness. Policy implications are discussions.
Students are tardy for a variety of reasons, but being late to class can become a
habit that can have a negative effect on their success in school: schools often establish
an attendance policy that includes punishment for multiple tardies. A firm policy can help
schools promote students punctuality and accountability traits that the students can
carry with them after they finish school. (Fuller, 2013)

Conceptual Paradigm
Decrease the RateDevelop / Propose
Identify the Factors

Affecting the Of Tardiness

Tardiness Among Grade 10


Figure 1
The researchers will identify factors affecting the tardiness of the learners. The
result will be the basis to develop or propose alternative solution that will help decrease
the rate of tardiness among the Grade 10 students of BNHS-Villa Maria Annex.

Definition of Terms
Tardiness arriving or doing something late
Performance the act of doing a job, an activity, etc.
Facilitating to make something easier
Acquisition something or someone acquired or gained
Essential extremely important or necessary
Significance the quality of having notable worth or influence
Frustrating causing feelings of anger and annoyance
Repercussions something usually bad or unpleasant that happens as a result of an
action, statement, etc., and that usually affects people for a long time
Momentum the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger
or faster as time passes
Chromic happening or existing frequently or most of the time
Absenteeism the practice or habit being absent from work or school
Standardized to change things so that they are similar and consistent and agree about
what is proper and acceptable
Deleterious damaging or harmful
Implication a possible future effect
Propose to suggest a plan to a person or group of people to consider

Literature Review Matrix


Effects of mass

Source /

Authors /
Lato, Danielle


The effect of mass

media to the

Calinawan, Jr,

media in morality of

morality of the


a student but in

student of Villa

specific in habit of

Maria for the

student that affect

school year


2015 2016.
Elements of


Nevitt, Sanford



Being late and

tardy always


became a habit in
the same student

Health and




Ernest Haveman


who experience it.

Sometimes being
tardy came from
the micronutrient
deficiency that
affect our body





Mausell, Pattison


Sometimes parents
give over liberation

of Moral Values 262)

to their children

for Children

thats why some


child do things


without the
guidance of parents
such as attending
parties, sleeping
late, etc., that
causes tardiness in

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