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Human Resource Management

Lecturer: Svala Gumundsdttir, Assistant Professor / Lektor (

Time and place: Friday mornings from 8:20 - 11:30 in Oddi 201

The general purpose of this course (VI509G) is to familiarize students with the basic
principles and techniques of human resource management. The course takes a practical view
that integrates the contributions of the behavioral sciences with the technical aspect of
implementing the HRM function in the real world. Certainly, not everyone who takes this
course will become a human resource professional, although they will learn a great deal about
those roles. Indeed, for many students this course will be the only HRM course they take.
However, all managers, no matter what their specialization, play an integral role in carrying
out HRM policies and practices in their organization, and they also have to deal with their
organizations human resources department.

Course objectives:
In this course students will learn about the main functions of HRM and HRM departments in
companies, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Students should gain
understanding on the procedure of HRM within Icelandic companies as well as global.
Students will be required to participate in discussion in class as well as in groups.

Course Materials:
Textbook: Mondy, R.W. & Mondy J.B. (2013). Human Resource Management. London,
Online: Students can register at (see registration handout).

Ariely, D. (2010). You are what you measure. Harvard Business Review, June 2010.
Clouse, M.A., & Atkins, M.D. (2009). Three keys to getting an overseas assignment right.
Harvard Business Review, October 2010.
Groysberg, B., Nanda, A., & Nohria, N. (2004). The risky business of hiring stars. Harvard
Business Review, 82(5), 92-100.
Fernandez-Araos, C. (2014). 21st Century talent spotting: Why potential now trumps brains,
experience, and competencies. Harvard Business Review, June 2014.
Kim. W. C. & Mauborgne, R. (2014). Blue Ocean Leadership. Harvard Business Review,
May 2014.
Russwurm, S., Hernandez, L., Chamberes, S., & Keumyong, C. (2011). Developing your
Global Know-How. Harvard Business Review, Mars 2011.
Tessen, R.J., Lekanne Deprez, F.R.E., Burgers, R.G.B.M., &Van Montoft, K. (2010). Change
or hold: reexamining HRM to meet new challenges and demands: the future of people
at work. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(5), 637-652.
It is crucial that the reading for each unit is completed before that unit is covered in
class. Students in class will be expected to contribute effectively to class discussion
based not only on common sense and personal experience, but also on the required

Individual Assignment (5%)
Each student finds a job-advertisement that he/she could consider applying for. The
application will have to include a CV, an introduction letter, as well as a copy of the job
advertisement. The assignment has to be turned in at the service desk in Gimli on the 30th of
Quizzes (25%)
During the semester 6 quizzes will be given in class. The four highest grades will apply
towards the final grade. Quiz dates: 19.09, 03.10, 10.10, 24.10, 31.11 and 14.11.
Group Assignment (20%)
In a group of 4, students find 2 articles related to Human Resource Management and/or the
subjects discussed during this course. There will be sheets circulated in class on September
12th where students can sign up for the teams. The group will give a short presentation during
the last two weeks of classes. The length of the presentation should be about 10 minutes and

please allow 3 minutes for discussion. The presentation and summary should be about the two
articles and main findings as well as authors thoughts. A written summary (around 5 pages)
should be handed to the lecturer at the time of presentation.
Final Exam 50%
To be advised.

Course Schedule:




Introduction to Human Resource Management I

Chapter 1, 2 & 3


Introduction to Human Resource Management II

Chapter 1, 2 & 3

Kim. W. C. & Mauborgne, R. (2014). Blue Ocean Leadership. Harvard

Business Review, May 2014.


Recruitment and Selection I

Chapter 4, 5 & 6

Quiz 1: Chapter 1, 2 & 3


Recruitment and Selection II

Chapter 4, 5 & 6

Groysberg, B., Nanda, A., & Nohria, N. (2004). The risky business of hiring
stars. Harvard Business Review 82(5), 92-100.
Fernandez-Araos, C. (2014). 21st Century talent spotting: Why potential now
trumps brains, experience, and competencies. Harvard Business Review, June
Individual assignment should be handed in 30.09


Human Resource Development

Chapter 7

Quiz 2: Chapter 4, 5 & 6


Performance Management I
Quiz 3: Chapter 7

Chapter 8 & 9


Performance Management II

Chapter 8 & 9

Ariely, D. (2010). You are what you measure. Harvard Business Review. June



Chapter 10

Quiz 4: Chapter 8 & 9


International Human Resource Management I

Chapter 13 & 14

Quiz 5: Chapter 10


International Human Resource Management II

Chapter 13 & 14

Clouse, M.A., & Watkins, M.D. (2009). Three keys to getting an overseas
assignment right. Harvard Business Review, October 2009.
Russwurm, S., Hernandez, L., Chamberes, S., & Keumyong, C. (2011).
Developing your Global Know-How. Harvard Business Review, Mars 2011.


Challenges and the Future of Human Resource Management

Tessen, R.J., Lekanne Deprez, F.R.E., Burgers, R.G.B.M., & Van Montoft, K.
(2010). Change or hold: reexamining HRM to meet new challenges and
demands: the future of people at work. International Journal of Human
Resource Management. 21(5), 637-652.
Quiz 6: Chapter 13 & 14


Presentations by groups
Groups 1-10


Presentations by groups
Groups 11-20

*The schedule is subjective to change at a later date.

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