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Shri Ganapati Atharvashirsha was written by Atharva Rishi who had Ganpati Darsha

n. It is customary to invoke the name of Lord Ganesha before beginning anything.

This page gives the meaning of Shri Ganpati Atharvashirsha. To download the aud
io of Ganapati Atharvashirsha(3394 KB) click here for the mp3 format. I acquired
this meaning from somewhere on the internet. If you think there is any mistake
in the meaning somewhere, please feel free to email me.
Om Namste Ganpataye
Tvameva Pratyaksham Tatvamasi
Tvamev Kevalam Kartasi
Tvamev Kevalam Dhartasi
Tvamev Kevlam Hartasi
Tvamev Sarvam Khalvidam Bramhasi
Tvam Sakshadatmasi Nityam || 1 ||
O Lord Ganesha
I Pay my deep homage to you, the Lord of the Deva-Gana
You are the first facet of the Bramha-Tatva to arise
You have alone created this Entire universe
You alone can maintain this universe
You are indeed the all conquering supreme Lord
Indeed you are the "ATMA" || 1 ||
Rritam Vachmi
Satyam Vachmi || 2 ||
Speak noble fact
Speak complete Truth || 2 ||
Ava tvam Mam
Ava Vaktaram
Ava Shrotaram
Ava Dataram
Ava Dhataram
Avanuchanamv Shishyam
Ava Paschatat
Ava Purastat
Avo Uttaratat
Ava Dakshinatat
Ava chordhvatat
Ava Dharatat
Sarvatomam Pahi Pahi Samantat || 3 ||
Protect me
Protect the one who Describes you
Protect all who hear about your characteristics
Protect me & the disciples who are under Tutelage
Protect me from the obstacles (which arise during Rituals)
From the east (Similarly)
Protect me from the West,
From the North
From the South
Protect me from above & below
Protect me from all directions || 3 ||

Vangmayastvam Chinmaya
Anandmayastvam Bramhamaya
Sachitananda Dvitiyosi
Pratyaksham Bramhasi
Jnanmayo Vijnanamayo Asi || 4 ||



the constituent of speech

Joy & Immortal Consciousness
Truth, Mind & Bliss... one without a second
none other than divinity
Knowledge of Gross & Subtle types || 4 ||

Sarvam Jagadidam Tatvo Jayate

Sarvam Jagadidam Tvat Sti Shastati
Sarvam Jagadidam Tvay Layamesyati
Sarvam Jagadidam Tvayi Pratyeti
Tvam Bhumi Rapo Nalo Nilo Nabha
Tvam Chatvarim Vak Padaini || 5 ||

the Universes manifest due to you

the Universes are sustained by you
the Universes get destroyed in you
the Universes finally get merged in you
alone are Earth. Water, Fire, Air & Either
are the 4 types of speech & the root source of sound || 5 ||

Tvam Guna Traya Atitaha

Tvam Deha Treya Atitaha
Tvam Kala Treya Atitaha
Tvam Avastreya Atitaha
Tvam Muladhar Stiti Yosi Nityam
Tvam Shakti Treya Atmakaha
Tvam Yogino Dhayayanti Nityam
Tvam Bramhastvan, Vishnustvam, Rudrastvam, Indrastvam Agnistvam, Vayustvam, Sury
astvam, Chndramastvam, Bramha Bhur Bhuva Svorom || 6 ||
You are beyond the 3 'GUNAS', (Satva; Pure, Rajas: Activating & Tamas: Dull)
You are beyond the 3 Bodies; (Gross, Subtle & Casual)
You are beyond Past, Present & Future (3 State of Time)
You are beyond 3 states of being; (Awake, dream & Deep Sleep)
You always Reside in the "MULADHARA" Chakra
You are the trinity of Power; (Creative Maintaining & Destructive Powers)
Sages always Meditate on you
You are the creator. Sustainer, Destroyer, The Lord of 3 worlds, Fire, Air, Sun,
Moon, You are all inclusive & all Pervading || 6 ||
Ganadim Purvamuccharaya Varnadim Tada Nantaram
Anusvara Paratarah
Ardhendu Lasitam
Taren Hridam
Etatva Manu Svarupam
Gakarah Purva Rupam
Akaro Madhyam Rupam
Anu Svaraschantya Rupam
Bindu Ruta Rupam
Nadah Sandhanam
Sagm Hitaa Sandihi
Sesha Ganeshvidhya
Ganal Rishi; Nichrud Gayatri chandah
Ganpatir devata
Om 'GUNG' Ganpataye Namah || 7 ||

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