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You know that feeling when youre suddenly hit by a blast of memories of the past?
And not just any past. Its thepast that made you who you are today. Yeah, that
one. I just remembered mine, you know? And let me tell you,my story isnt a
happily-ever-after tale. Its kinda sad. But then again, fairy tales dont exist in real
life.I remember that it was dawn; I remember my brother, Apollo, his light was
trying to comfort me. He will foreverbe annoying but my brother definitely has his
moments.I remember wolves were howling, and that tigers were roaring.Water
came out of my eyes in an amount it never came before, but I didn't care anymore.I
think those eye water are called 'tears', and that the pain I was feeling was called
'heartbreak'. But how should Iknow?Back then I was no more than a lonely soul.The
weaker me seemed to do something that is called 'to cry', about a lover boy who
left me with nothing but akiss on the lips but with no will to return.I cried from dawn
to sunset and maybe even a bit more. Wow. That was really long.I wanted to keep
crying more, never wished to stop or couldn't.But I willed myself to stop. I couldnt
possibly be crying over some boy. Duh.Except he wasnt just some boy. He was the
only boy I ever loved. But, curse Aphrodite!, if this is what love isthen Im not
having any of it!I had to do something, fast, before this pain could consume me and,
well who knows what might happen to me?And then, something snapped inside of
me. I knew what I had to do.As the howl and then the roar were heard once more,
only by my own voice, a vow to the moon was sealed, to beher guardian, to be her
Goddess. With hunting as my only child I swore to become a Virgin Goddess.A girl
with no heart for men, only for the hunt of them.With a deep love to the animals
and untamed girls,Forever faithful to the Maiden Moon, an eternal guardian,A
Goddess of the Moon, of the Hunt, of Virgins.A girl content with the safe barriers of
loneliness.I am Artemis. And this is my story.
Do you think youre smart? Mortal. Maybe you are Probably you are NOT! For I am
Athena, the
Goddess of Wisdom. I can run circles around what you think is smart. How could
you ever challenge me?
am the favorite daughter of Zeus! God of all Gods! I recall a time a mortal
challenged me Arachne the rat
thought she could weave better than I Well, I showed her. She now roams this
earth for eternity as a lowly
spider, spinning nothing but webs.
Want to find me? Call on me for my infinite wisdom and reason? Look for me
in my city. Athens. I had

to conquer Poseidon for that honor. I won the peoples favor with a simple olive tree.
Fools. That adventure
was nothing though; my greatest conquest is ten times that of a defeat of
See my shield? Look closely and you will see the head of the Gorgon,
Medusa! Hair of snakes and
eyes that turned others to stone! Perhaps she thought she was powerful Yet, here
she rests, forever in my
grasp. Defeated by a true female warrior. Yes, Ive helped fought many battles in my
day, alongside Hercules
and Perseus; opposing Hera, Aphrodite, Teiresias, even Enkelados in the War of the
So, perhaps you still want to call on me envoke the power of the mightiest
Greek goddess! Look for
the owl, thats me, watching you. With a city named after me and one of the most
ferocious monsters of our
time on my shield, do not doubt my great strength, power, and wisdom. Never
underestimate Athena!
(Loud, clear and strong) I am Athena, goddess of wisdom and military victory, as
well as daughter of the mighty Zeus and the Titaness, Metis.
(Continue with loud voice) And in Rome, I am known as the powerful Minerva.
I live on Mount Olympus in the palace of the gods, along with my many brothers
and sisters.
(All in annoyed voice) Although my brother Ares is the god of war, and I, the
goddess of battle strategy, he loves the bloodshed, while I love the planning and
thinking, and therefore we constantly clash. I have never fallen to the claws of
Aphrodites love, and do not have any blood children.
The owl is one of my constant companions, as well as my representative symbol, as
it is very wise, like my student, Arachne, should have been.

She wandered in as an incredibly talented girl, and we weaved together at the

loom. Although her skills were impeccable, she did not have the sense to be
humble, and (start getting louder and louder until at rage level) instead went about
boasting that MY tapestries were no match for HERS!
She challenged me at the loom, and I wove a beautiful, flawless tapestry depicting
the gods in all of our glory, and although Arachne had no errors, she had chosen to
mock the gods with hers! I raged, turning this horrid girl into the eight-legged
crawler that she deserved to be.
Her lesson should be learned by all others, for it is good to have talent and skill, but
one must not discount the abilities of others when they think they are the best.
I am Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who sprouted out of the head of Zeus in full
body armor. I am the patron goddess of Athens and I protect all those who choose
wisdom over other mundane things. To be wise and to be proud are two different
things however. Like Arachne and Niobe have portrayed, hubris brings nothing but
death and misfortune. When Paris, the Trojan prince, chose love over wisdom, he
doomed his country. I, the goddess of battle strategy, made sure the Greeks left
Troy in ruins. It did not matter that the war god was on the side of the Trojans.
Strength and power are nothing and must always bow down to wisdom.
Born from Athenas crested helm fully formed and nurtured. Athena, whos the
goddess of intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, handicrafts, and
Im the goddess that beckons you to embrace all positive and unwanted emotions
as a gift, as they are an integral part of your existence. I remind you that our
emotions and feelings are connected to our intuition, our inner gauge about what is
right or wrong in our life and that which always knows the truth about any situation.
I urge you to generate and bask in the joy of positive emotions, as these will radiate
love and healing around you. For sometimes we tend to let our emotions overcome
what our mind says otherwise resulting to harm. I say that wholeness will be
achieved by giving expression to your unwanted emotions and feelings in ways that
will not hurt you or those around you.
The theater mask symbolizes me. For this shows how I can control the emotions I
have or even you have in order for it to become a strength and not a weakness.

I can easily change my moods. May it be an hour, minutes or even a second.

Happiness, sadness, envious, jealousy, anger, joyfulness, narcissistic you name it I
have it all. Youthful, witty and wise is what I describe myself. I am also very kind,
generous, and friendly but when you get into my worse side then expect for the
unexpected. I am a very opinionated woman. Poets praise the radiance of my smile
and laughter. I have not only inherited sthe peaceful aura and courageous spirit
from my mother but also her captivating beauty.

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