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Floris van der Burg

19 grams of coffee finely ground on the Mhlkonig EK45, fines removed

paper filter
Stir and bloom the ground coffee using 30 grams of water at 15 Degrees
Celsius for 2 minutes
Over a period of 30 seconds add 160 grams of water at 72 Degrees Celsius
Wait for 30 seconds and plunge for 30 seconds

Claire WallaceBarista, Machina Espresso, Edinburgh

17g coffee, fine filter grind, add 40g water,

pre infuse for 30 seconds, stir three times,
immediately add 180g water,
stir three times @ 1 minute.
Long, slow 50 second pour to finish @ 2 minutes.
3.5/4kg press anything above/coarser grind
Top up final beverage with 20g water!

1st place Shinya Okabe

18 grams of coffee prepared with a medium coarse
grind. Youll be using 240ml of water and a paper filter.
Start with a 20 second bloom, using 30ml of water at a
temperature of 90C. First pour 100ml, slowly Then
add 240ml over the course of 20 seconds. Stir for 10
seconds. Attach the plunger, wait for 15 seconds. Then
press down the plunger for for 10 seconds.

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