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Credit Units: 4

Course Level: UG

Course Code: NST403


Course Objectives: This is the first course in reactor physics aimed to lay the foundation of power reactor technology. The neutron-nucleus
interaction has been reviewed briefly as it forms the nuclear physics basis of reactor design. Steady state reactor theory, reactors of various shapes,
heterogeneous natural Uranium reactors, basic reactor theory and methods of reactor controls constitute this course.
Pre-requisites: Nuclear physics
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weight age
Module I
Interaction of neutrons with nuclei scattering processes. Thermal neutrons, Maxwell Bolzmann distribution radiative capture
reactions, rates of nuclear reactions, release of nuclear energy in nuclear fission, fission neutrons, fission gammas, conditions for
self sustained chain reaction, the multiplication factor, critical size, energy of neutrons causing fission, the critical equation.
Cross sections for neutron reactions macroscopic cross section, attenuation of neutrons determination of neutron cross
sections, Cross section and mean free path, polyenergetic neutron systems, variation of cross sections with neutron energy, slow
and fast neutron fission, fission cross sections.
Module II
The Diffusion of neutrons, diffusion theory approximation, the diffusion equation, diffusion equation in non-multiplying
medium, solution of the diffusion equation boundary conditions, the linear extrapolation distance. Diffusion of mono energetic
neutrons from a point source, diffusion length, infinite plane source in medium of finite thickness. The slowing down of neutrons,
empirical scattering law, the average logarithmic energy decrement, slowing down power and moderating ratio. Slowing down in
infinite media without absorption, the collision and slowing down density, the slowing down in infinite media with absorption,
the resonance escape probability. Spatial distribution of slowed down neutrons- Fermi age model, the age equation, significance
of age. Slowing down and migration lengths, slowing down and diffusion times. The critical equation the age diffusion method,
buckling and critical size.
Module III


Reactors of various shapes, non-leakage probabilities, the effective multiplication factor, neutron life time in finite reactors, and
the multiplication factor for thermal reactors, the four factor formula. Homogenous systems resonance escape probability and
thermal utilization. Highly enriched fuel systems, calculation of critical size, minimum critical mass, water as moderator,
calculation of neutron life time.
Module IV
Heterogeneous natural Uranium reactors-effective resonance integral, resonance escape probability, thermal utilization, fast
fission factor, determination of optimum lattice, heavy water moderated heterogeneous reactors. Ordinary water as moderatorslightly enriched fuel, calculation of critical size. Determination of critical size, the critical assembly.
Module V
Reactor theory disturbance of the steady state, reactor kinetics prompt neutrons, effects of delayed neutrons. Stable reactor
period positive and negative reactivity, one group of delayed neutrons- negative reactivity. The inhour formula and the prompt
critical condition. Effect of temperature on reactivity, nuclear temperature coefficients, density temperature coefficients.
Temperature and reactor stability. Fission product poisoning
Module VI
Control of nuclear reactors basic principles of control, methods of control, source control, design of control system, types of
control rods, effectiveness location and calibration of control rods, accuracy and efficiency of control system.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Basics of chain reactions
Reactor control and dynamics
Sustenance of neutron economy
Various types of reactors
Pedagogy for Course Delivery:
The class will be taught using theory and data from nuclear power plants. The course instructor will update himself time to time with the advanced
research in the concern field in order to make students aware with the recent trends.
Assessment/ Examination Scheme:
Theory L/T (%)

Lab/Practical/Studio (%)

Total (%)




Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment

End Term Examination

Components (Drop down)

Weightage (%)

Mid-Term Exam

Seminar/ Home








Text :
Principles of Nuclear Reactor Engineering by S. Glasstone, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. Princeton, N. J. (19750
Foundation of Nuclear Engineering by T. J. Connolly, John Wiley & Sons.
Nuclear Reactor Analysis by J. J. Duderstadt and L. J. Hamilton, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1976)
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering by J. R. LaMarsh, and A. J. Baratta, 3rd Edn, Prentice Hall Inc, New York (2001)
basic Principles of Nuclear Science and Reactors by A M Jacobs, D E Kline and F J Remick, Affiliated East-West press pvt Ltd, New Delhi,

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