Newsletter 29 September 2016

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TEL: 011 704 3088

FAX: 011 462 2121

Senior Phase
English: 50%
Afrikaans: 40%
Maths: 40 %
Foundation Phase
English: 4
Maths: 3

School fees paid

over 10 months.
Last payment for this
year is 1 October.

29 September 2016
Dear Parents
Many thanks for another successful term. We were very busy, but
achieved all our goals.
Thank you for supporting us this term. We look forward with hope
and excitement to Term 4. 4 weeks of school work and then the
exams begins.
C Hercules
School Closes at 11am on Friday, 30 September.
Please make the necessary transport arrangements.

Parents are advised

to please check their
childs cell phones
regularly . There
seems to be a lot of
cyber bullying.
Applications for
Grade R 2017 are
Please ensure that
siblings fees are
settled and that you
live in the area
before applying.
Grade R is privately

2 November
According to SASA
38 (3)
The budget will be
available at the
office 14 days
before the AGM.
Copies may not be
sent out to parents
before the AGM.

School re-opens for Term 4 on Monday, 10 October.

Transport providers are going straight to the detention classrooms demanding and harassing the teachers to release the children as they are not prepared to wait any longer.
Parents, I would appreciate it if you could discuss this serious
issue with your transport providers. Should your child have to
attend detention, it is incumbent on the parents to make the
necessary transport arrangements. Aggressive strangers on the
property is a security concern for all!!
Lost Property
We have a box filled with lost property. Please encourage your
child to look after his/her property. All unclaimed and unmarked
items will be donated to charity.
Our CCTV cameras will be installed during the school holidays.
The main school gate will be closed due to security reasons at
14h30. I would appreciate it if all aftercare parents park on the
road and enter through the pedestrian gate by the security
guards to collect their children from aftercare.
Parents please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly
marked. Please do not accept lost property with someone elses
name on it. This is encouraging theft and dishonesty.

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