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That jealousy creeps back in again

He sits next to me so comfortably

We know each other well
I wish I had that look
I wish I had that je ne sais quoi
And just by saying that
I know I dont
But in an unforeseen way I do
I have that look
I have that which I know, too
Only different
He likes different
Somehow he wanted it different
Desired it so greatly
That it came forth, was called forth
Like a ghost at a sance
I was afraid
Feeling fear all over
Candles blown out, a shadowy presence nearby
I wanted to burn the Ouija board
Close the door on him
But it was impossible and I knew it
I dont need an exorcism
I can say that now
Im not possessed
Not by evil
You can sprinkle me with oil of frankincense
Calming is the scent, but theres nothing to cure
I can sit with my jealousy
Acknowledge his presence
I wanted what they have
Jealous I didnt have it
He gave me what I have though
And it was everything I asked for

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