Gr4persuasivewriting 2016-2

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Unit 2 Language Planner Grade 4

Start Date: 26/09/16

Length of Unit: 5 weeks

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals: To develop the knowledge and skill of persuasion by engaging with
different texts (reading, writing, speaking and listening).
Conceptual Understandings:

Students will understand that . . .

We write in different ways for

different purposes
The structure of different types of
texts includes identifiable features.

Students will know . . .(Knowledge)

That persuasive texts have a purpose
and structure
How to distinguish a persuasive
(exposition) text from other text
types (eg narrative, poetry, recount).

Essential Questions:
What is an informed opinion?
How do you support a position
How can you persuade others?
What do you need to consider about
your audience in order to persuade
Students will be able to . . . (Skills)
Distinguish between opinion and facts
Recognize the features of persuasive
texts (reading, listening)
Compose and present persuasive texts
(writing, speaking)
Use vocabulary appropriate to
persuasion such as connectives,
thinking verbs, technical and
evaluative words.
Use counter-arguments to strengthen
their position.
Create a persuasive (exposition) text
using recognizable features
(statement of position, arguments +
support, repeat statement of

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Pre-Assessment: Students share their opinion about something they are passion about that
we should be learning in school. (e.g. learning photography or guitar, animal welfare,
global projects, etc.)
*Students who include reasons for their opinions generally understand the concept of
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
Students will persuade others to
pursue/take up their passion (written)
Discussion of, and written responses
Formats can include(podcast, advert,
to texts (fiction and non-fiction) that
blog entry, letters to leaders, TEDx)
contain persuasion
Differentiating between fact and
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Moderation of assessment:
Stage 3 Learning Plan TBD
Learning Activities:
1. Pre-assessment letter (described above, diagnostic assessment). Differentiation:
Beginner EAL kids write in mother tongue.
2. A variety of persuasive writing opportunities each week (ideal for formative
Differentiation: Students in small groups brainstorming possible topics.
3. Read-alouds of picture books that have elements of persuasion (eg Click Clack Moo
Cows That Type, The Great Kapok Tree, The Giving Tree).
4. Shared readings of non-fiction persuasive texts in order to co-construct the elements
Differentiation: provide texts with different levels of complexity.
5. Independent reading of persuasive texts written by children for activities 3, 4 and 5,
students in the four classes use highlight colors indicated in Conceptual
Understanding box).
6. Informal debates about issues pertinent to the students lives (eg Sodexo lunch
options, soda/junk food for sale in the cafeteria, students in grade 4 walking
themselves to/from specialist classes).
7. Students re-write the pre-assessment letter demonstrating their understanding of
persuasive text features.

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