Driveway. Once Complete, Proceed To Clean As Needed. Tiny Wheels Whirred To Warm Up The

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Operation Clean

The pink electrical eyes blipped on. Command for August 4, 2026: clean the
driveway. Once complete, proceed to clean as needed. Tiny wheels whirred to warm up the
mechanics inside. Vacuum snout? VROOM! Check. Mobility? BZZT! Check. Sweeping tail?
WHOOSH! Check. Area scanning? CRASH! Check? A lightning shaped crack appeared on
the top right corner of the electrical eye, adding to its ever growing collection of zig-zagging
lines covering the lens. Its ears twitched in annoyance. Backing up suddenly, the tiny wheels
spun furiously to quickly finish the days objective.
Racing through the house, it found itself outside. Its eyes brightened once more
finding dirt deeply embedded into the minute cracks in the ground, weeds slinking up slowly
towards the sky and worst of all, the ground was entirely black. The snout moved to the right
and debris was sucked up into the tiny body.
It raced around the dirty concrete, tail sweeping and snout sucking. The eyes,
although forever trained to the ground, detected a change in light causing it to change the
brightness of its internal screen automatically. From 100% brightness, the screen soon moved
on to 25% brightness; all the while furiously cleaning.
At around 15% brightness, a notice on its internal screen appeared: WARNING
MOVE AWAY FROM HEAT. Immediately, it scurried farther away down the driveway. Time
to clean.
Finding itself back at the entrance to go inside, the mouse spins around and does a
final scan. No more grime, no more weeds, no more black concrete. Its job was done.
Automatically, it moves towards its warren. Time to power down and recharge. The wheels

spun and spun, but where was the entrance? The pink lights of its eyes turned on once again.
ERROR WARREN DOOR NOT DETECTED. Spinning around erratically, the tiny machine
raced around. Not once did it crash. It sent out a signal: Open warren door. Water dripped
onto the cracked eye, and with a pop, the light blinked out. It sent out another signal: SOS
please open warren door.
No messages popped up.
Referring back to the command for the day, the machines wheels spun around once
again. August 4, 2026: clean as needed. The tail swished, the ears twitched, the snout
quivered...time to clean.

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