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Q. What is Fusion Reading?

A. Fusion Reading is a two semester/year reading program designed and researched by the University of Kansas Center for
Research aimed at teaching adolescents who struggle with reading. Students learn skills for reading, such as how to figure
out unknown words, how to think about what they are reading, and how to understand and talk about what they are
Q. How do I get trained to teach Fusion Reading?
A. Professional development for both Year 1 and 2 of Fusion begins in August prior to school beginning with additional days
being held throughout the school year. Precedence is given to teachers that have it scheduled in their schedule to teach the
upcoming year; however, other EC teachers are invited as the strategies and skills can assist with specially designed
instruction for reading.
Q. Will I receive the materials I need for all of my students?
A. Teachers will receive all of the Fusion student and teacher materials, class sets of the novels, and all of the ancillary
materials that will be needed throughout the two years. Additional materials will need to be provided by the school or
students (i.e. binders and dividers, journals, timers, white boards for students, etc....).
Q. How much planning time is required?
A. While all of the materials and resources for Fusion are provided, some planning and prep work is necessary to make sure
that each minute of available class time is utilized and transitions between lesson parts are as efficient as possible. The
program is not scripted; however there are suggested scripts for the lesson if guidance is needed. Warm-ups will need to be
developed, and some time will need to be spent strategically planning for Thinking Reading. Teachers will also need to
spend some time making sure that all student and teacher materials (handouts) needed for each lesson are accessible and
ready to pass out to students or project on a SmartBoard. Remember, more effort=better results.
Q. How many students should I have in my Fusion class and will students continue to be added throughout the year?
A. The maximum number of students that should be in each section of Fusion is 12. It can be challenging to enroll students in
the middle of the course; however it is ultimately an IEP team decision. The teacher will want to make a plan for that
student to get them acclimated to the routines and procedures. Be aware that Fusion Reading Year/Semester 2 is solely
based on the strategies the students learned in Fusion Reading Year/Semester 1.

Q. Can I use part of the Fusion class time to work with students on their work from other classes?
A. In order to implement the program with fidelity, between 60-90 minutes of the class should be devoted to the Fusion
course. If there are students enrolled in Fusion that require support with other content areas, reach out to your EC Program
Specialist to discuss options to address this.
Q. How does Fusion align to the Common Core State Standards?
A. McGraw Hill has created a document that details the alignment of Fusion to the CCSS. The strategies taught in Fusion will
ultimately support students with being able to access the CCSS in their content classes. It is important to remember that
Fusion Reading students are receiving core instruction in their English classes. Fusion Reading is their specially designed
instruction as indicated on the IEP.
Q. How should Fusion be written on the IEP?
A. Fusion Reading is intensive instruction in the special education setting. The course will primarily address reading skills, but
the teacher can provide specially designed instruction to target writing, organization, and social skills. As a reminder, a
specific program such as Fusion Reading should never be included on the IEP or DEC 5.
Q. How should I explain Fusion Reading to parents?
A. McGraw Hill has created a Parent FAQ document that can assist with communication with parents that can be found on
the ConnectED website. If you are not confident in explaining what Fusion Reading is and the purpose it will serve, please
feel free to reach out to your EC Program Specialist for assistance.
Q. What is the role of the EC Program Specialist during the implementation of Fusion Reading?
A. The EC Program Specialist is available to provide support and feedback during the implementation of Fusion Reading.
Throughout the year, assistance will be provided with regard to planning, organization, pacing, and lesson planning. The
EC Program Specialist will visit your Fusion Reading class, complete fidelity checks, set goals, assist with data collection
and analysis, and debrief with teachers following the visits. Visits may or may not be scheduled, so it is important that
teachers communicate via email as soon as possible whenever Fusion is not being taught.

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