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Assignment 2

PYC 4808
Unique Number:
Student: 34263071

Student: 34263071
PYC4808 Assignment 2
Unique Number: 536910

Table of Contents
Assignment 2:
Question 1 First order cybernetics 3
Question 2 Second order cybernetics.4
Question 3 How is reality seen by each specific approach?..........................................................6
Question 4 How is health and pathology addressed by each approach? .7
Question 5 How does each specific approach deal with therapy?...............................................7
Question 6 What is the role and function of the therapist in each specific approach ?..............8
Question 7 Which critical ethical concerns could be raised about each specific approach?.......9
Question 8 In keeping with both-and , rather than en either or position, formulate ideas around
how the first- and second order cybernetic approaches can be integrated in a useful and
complementary way9

References .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Student: 34263071
PYC4808 Assignment 2
Unique Number: 536910

Question 1:
Name and define the first order cybernetic principles as described in your prescribed book (20)
To understand what is meant by first and second order cybernetic principles one need to first
understand what is meant by cybernetics. Where individual psychology approaches focusses on
the individual, cybernetics or systems theory redirect the attention away from the individual and
problems viewed in isolation and more towards relationships and relationship issues between
individuals. (Becvar & Becvar, 2013) Cybernetics is not a pragmatic theory but rather a metatheory.
It is descriptive only and suggests that we suspend judgements about what is good and bad, right
and wrong. Goodness and badness needs to be considered relative to the context in which they are
described (p11, Becvar &Becvar 2013)
First order cybernetic principles is also described as simple cybernetics. As the approach of
cybernetics is on a group / family or in other words a system, rather than an individual, first order
cybernetics is about being an observer outside the system to what is happening within the system.
From a point of mainly acting as an observer of the system, but not being actively part of the system.
The observer does not see themselves as part of the system and mainly observes why it does what it
does ( p63, Becvar & Becvar 2013). The area of focus lies with describing what is happening.
According to Becvar & Becvar 2013 Questions asked are: Who are the members of the system?
What are the characteristics of the system? What are the characteristic patterns of interaction in this
system.? What rules and roles form the boundaries of the system and distinguish it as separate from
other systems? Attempt to define the degree of openness/ closeness of these boundaries. How
freely information is able to be transmitted into or out of the system. We look at the balance
between stability and change. Although we acknowledge history as providing an important part of
the context of a system, our focus is on the present on the here and now rather than on the past.
We are also concerned with the tendency of the system to more either toward or away from order.
And all of our questions are asked from a framework that understands reality as operating
according to the principles of recursiveness and feedback / self-correction the two basic elements of
a cybernetic system. ( p63, Becvar & Becvar 2013)
Feedback is given back into the system. With first order cybernetic principles, there can be both
positive or negative feedback. However whether a feedback can be seen as positive or negative is in
relation to the context in which they occur. Becvar & Becvar states that positive feedback
acknowledges that a change has occurred and has been accepted by the system, and negative
feedback indicates that the status quo is being maintained. ( p64, Becvar & Becvar 2013)
Another principle of first order cybernetics is that of morphostatis and morphogenesis. This is simply
the systems ability to remain stable during change. As defined by Becvar & Becvar 2013,
Morphostatis is the tendency of a system toward stability , a state of dynamic equilibrium. On the
other hand Morphogenesis refers to the system enhancing behaviour that allows for growth ,
creativity, innovation and change all of which are characteristics of a functional system.
When a system is a functioning well, both of these concepts needs to be present.
Further more, when concerning systems two other principles also need to be considered and these
are the rules and boundaries of that particular system. These are principles by which the system is
governed. These rules within which the system functions, then sets the boundaries for what is
allowed within the system. These boundaries control the information that goes into the system or
Student: 34263071
PYC4808 Assignment 2
Unique Number: 536910

goes out of the system. The boundaries also determine or indicate the amount of change that is
likely to happen in the system or whether it will remain fairly stable. When the boundary of the
system functions well, it maintains the family / systems identity and provide stability.
Following rules and boundaries, the openness or closedness of a system also control the amount of
information that either enters of exits the system. As explained by Becvar 2013, all living systems
are open to some extend, so the openness or closedness of a system is also a matter of degree and
perspective. When there is a balance between the openness and the closedness of a system, we
can assume that the system is functioning in a healthy way. However when there is either to much
openness or closedness, there is an imbalance in the system, and the system might not be
functioning in a healthy manner.
Entrophy and Negetropy - With a health functioning system, that has a balance between the
openness and closedness of the system, on the other hand when there is either too much openness
or closedness on either end of the scale, in which state the system is dysfunctional, the system is
said to be in a state of entrophy. trending towards maximum disorder or disintegration ( p68,
Becvar & Becvar 2013) But when there is the right amount of balance between the openness and
closedness within a system and the system is heading towards a maximum state of balance or order
a state of negetropy is achieved.
In conclusion: Although its usefull for family therapists to operate at the level of first order or
simple cybernetics - we must also be aware of the system level that includes us and defines us as
part of the context ( p74, Becvar & Becvar 2013). One cannot just observe people without being
involved in the process. As one is part of the counselling and therapy, to be an outsider of the
system might not give the understanding that is needed. Humans are meant to interact, and being
an observer can give initial information, but further interaction is needed to complete the cycle.

(2) Name and define the second order principles as described in your prescribed book (20)
Second order Cybernetics (also known as the Cybernetics of Cybernetics , and the New Cybernetics )
was developed between 1968 and 1975 in recognition of the power and consequences of cybernetic
examinations of circularity. With second order cybernetics one is no longer just an observer of a
system. As per Bevcar & Becvar 2013 At this level of cybernetics of cybernetics we no longer view
systems only in the context of the inputs and outputs of, or relationships with , other systems. At
this higher level of observation, the observer is recognised as part of , or a participant in, that which
is observed ( p74, Becvar & Becvar 2013) When the observer see and describe what is being
observed, it says just as much about the observer as about what is being observed. There is a
sense that wholeness is to be achieved. Becvar & Becvar 2013 quotes Varela (1979) by saying that
At the level of cybernetics of cybernetics, the focus shifts from a behavioural analysis based on
inputs and outputs with an emphasis on the environment to a recursive analysis that emphasises the
internal structure of the system and the mutual connectedness of the observer and the observed (
p74/75, Becvar & Becvar 2013)

Some of the principles important on this level of cybernetics includes the following: Wholeness and
self-reference, openness and closedness, autopoiesis, structural determinism, structural coupling
Student: 34263071
PYC4808 Assignment 2
Unique Number: 536910

and nonpurposeful drift, epistemology of participation, and reality as a multiverse. We will now
shortly discus each of these principles within the second order cybernetics.
Wholeness and self-reference: This has to do with reality, and what we perceive to be reality of a
situation. We can never know if our reality is indeed real, and its knows as the human dilemma. As
Becvar & Becvar calls it a paradoxical in the sense that we cannot know them as true in any
absolute way, and their truth exists only as we choose to punctuate reality at the level of cybernetics
of cybernetics (p 75) This gives structure to the wholeness of systems and therefore on a higher
level than first order cybernetics.
Openness / Closedness at second level cybernetics: Within this higher level of cybernetics, the
openness and closedness as explained within the first order cybernetics needs to be revised. The
system plus the observer are understood to be mutually interacting within a larger system whose
boundary is closed, and thus no references is made to the external environment ( p76, Becvar &
Becvar 2013) When talking about structure in reference to second order cybernetics , reference is
made to all the relations between the parts, not just the system on its own. The relations within the
system plays an important role within this level of cybernetics.
Autopoiesis: The process of self-generation has been labelled autopoeisis ( p76, Becvar & Becvar
2013) Parts within a system relate to each other in a specific way , and the way in which these parts
relate either creates unity or discord. It is a self functioning system that gets up and get going
without outside help, by means of the dynamics within the system itself. It has strong boundaries
that distinguish it from the outside environment. The end product of a autopoietic system is
always the system itself. with no separation between producer and product. Further more
Becvar & Becvar 2013 states that Systematic therapists operating at the level of second-order
cybernetics recognise their inability to extricate themselves from the context within which problems
emerge and solutions are attempted. They are aware that what may look like instability at one level
is part of stability at a higher order of recursion. They are aware of the limits of their invention
efforts ( p77, Becvar & Becvar 2013)
Structural determinism: At this level of cybernetics the systems are structurally determined.
Becvar & Becvar 2013 quotes Maturana (1974 pp 460-461) by saying They can be perturbed by
independent events, but the changes that they undergo as a result of these perturbations, as well as
the relations of autopoieses that these changes generate, occur by their constitution, as internal
states of the sytem regardless of the nature of the perturbation ( p77, Becvar & Becvar 2013) In
more simple terms the system determines within itself which structural changes it can withstand
without the loss of identity to the system. The environment has no effect on what the system does.
Structural coupling and nonpurposeful drift: This suggest that what a systems does is mostly always
correct. Its correct because the system does only what its structure determines it can do ( p78,
Becvar & Becvar 2013) Structural coupling refers to the way in which systems are able to coexist.
They fit in with the systems around them, and need the other systems to coexists. To continue
within harmony. Becvar 2013 states that one needs to keep in mind that the context within which
a system exists is not deterministic. No linear cause and effect. They further state that the life of a
system is a process of a nonpurposeful drift within a certain medium. So although systems interact
with other systems it does so within a certain context. The strategy is to create a context in which
the desired outcome a change in behaviour, is a logical response ( p79, Becvar & Becvar 2013)

Student: 34263071
PYC4808 Assignment 2
Unique Number: 536910

Epistemology of participation: The observer of a system cannot create their own reality of the
system. The observer needs to take the context of the system in consideration. Humans do not live
in isolation, but rather interact with the systems around them. A continuity of the natural world.
This gives reason to the idea risen by Becvar & Becvar 2013, p80 that its only possible from the
perspective of the subject who is doing the questioning, describing or explaining.
Reality as a multiverse: There are first and second order consensual domains. The first order
consensual domain are the ones we study and second order consensual domain are the system that
we are part of. We cant simply be observers. An observer becomes part of the process by
sometimes unknowingly interacting with the system that in that process help create the reality of
the consensual domain that we are trying to observe.
From the short description of the second order principles the conclusion to this is that its clear that
there is a higher level of interaction with the system than with first order cybernetic principles,
which is more from an observer point. There are advantages to both systems, but to integrate a
more complete therapy within the system, one needs to operate at a higher level of cybernetics that
the first order cybernetics.

Question 3: How is reality seen by each specific approach? (10)

What is reality in this context? Bevcar& Bevcar 2013 defines reality as Reality is understood to be
constructed as a function of the belief systems that one brings to bear on a particular situation
according to which one operates ( p86, Becvar & Becvar 2013) Reality also needs to be seen in the
context of the situation, and also how the person perceives an idea that will become a personal
reality. There is no clear definition of exactly what reality is, as it forms opposing views. That of
what is perceived reality and what is really there.
This difference becomes clear in what first and second order cybernetics define as reality. The first
order perspective according to the principles in which it operates the question of what reality is can
be asked.
According to the second order approach this question will not be in line with the principles of what
defines second order cybernetics, as with asking the question of what reality is, it gives the idea that
reality is something one can give value to, something that be described as something specific.
Second order cybernetics doesnt define reality in such a way, it challenges the way in how reality is
perceived. Reality is in context of the individual and the system in which the individual operates.
What someone would perceive as reality is not necessarily what the world outside would reflect as
the reality. This is one of the big differences in how the different approaches would see reality.
Every individual create their own reality, which is different from that of the next person. These
realities is created by own individual experiences and environment as well as the way someone was
rised and how all these factors interact with each other to create what the individual would perceive
to be their reality. This gives the idea that first order cybernetics has an idea of a single universe
rather than a multiverse as in the case of second order cybernetics.
With first order cybernetics the observer would see reality as a single universe that can indeed be
discovered by observation, and at the same time not being influenced by the process. Which is the
opposite of what second order cybernetics suggest. If one observes a process, you inevitably get
involved and influenced and one cannot remain uninfluenced by what you observe.
Student: 34263071
PYC4808 Assignment 2
Unique Number: 536910

Question 4: How is health and pathology addressed by each approach? (10)

Question 5: How does each specific approach deal with therapy? (10)

Question 6: What is the role and function of the therapist in each specific approach? (10)

Question 7: Which critical ethical concerns could be raised about each specific perspective? (10)
As a therapist one always need to keep the issue of ethics close by, and adhere to this at all times to
safe guard the patient in the best possible way, and to ensure that the client is treated in the highest
possible professional manner. With both approaches one should be aware not to label anyone as
bad/ or crazy etc. Its especially important in this type of approach as one deal with the whole
system and not just the person as an individual. Its ethical to avoid pathologizing , avoid the
implication that we have access to the Truth, and avoid narrowing the range of health to the point
where there is little we do that is not illness ( p317, Becvar & Becvar 2013) One should work
around the principle that at first lets do no harm.
As a therapist one should also avoid any form of manipulation. Becvar & Becvar quotes Watzlawick
et al 1974 pXVI as follows The problem therefore is not how influence and manipulation can be
avoided, but how they can best be comprehended and used in the interest of the patient ( p318,
Becvar & Becvar 2013)
One must also avoid that ones definition of health or mental health might be abit far out of reach to
the patient and their families. While there is always an ideal to strive towards, one should approach
every situation in a realistic manner to see what is possible within the patient current system. And
how the system can be changed realistically to accommodate what is needed for the patient to
function in a relative healthy manner.
In the end, the patient and their needs should always be treated in a way that is best for them, and
the system in which they operate.

Question 8: In keeping with a both-and, rather than an either-or position, formulate ideas around
how the first- and second order cybernetic approaches can be integrated in a useful and
complementary way. (10)

Student: 34263071
PYC4808 Assignment 2
Unique Number: 536910

Becvar, D., & Becvar, R. (2013). Family Therapy. A Systematic approach (8th ed., p. 11). New Jersey:
Pearson. Various pages as quoted in text.

Student: 34263071
PYC4808 Assignment 2
Unique Number: 536910

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