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Device connection

This guide introduces the three commonly used modes when setting up a network.You can select each mode by sliding the switch so that it matches the below illustration.
For more in-depth descriptions,as well as adbanced feature settings,please cisit the official B-LINK website:

Quick I n s t a l l a t i o n Guide

Wireless Pocket Router

List of items: -Wireless pocket router Power adapter DC 5V 500mA(Optional)

Internet cable
USB cable
-Quick installation Guide

Introducing the -01's Seven Modes




How It Work

MP01 connects to the modem via network cable.and Wireless

| R s i g r i a | f o r o t h e r devices t o use.

Router mnris
i r c o u r e r moae

b r o a d c a s t s W


riiant mnHa

MP01 connects to computer via network cable,allowing

computer to connect to other WIFI networks.


ftr* moae

a r K

MP01 connects to wired network via network cable,

j broadcasts WIFI signal.



MP01 connects to wired network via network cable,

and broadcasts WIFI signal.

Wired Connection


MPQ^ amplifies existing WIFI signal,

strengthening network in weak signal areas.

Wireless and
Wired Connection


MP01 connectstowirelessnetworkviaWIFI,
allowing 2 wired LANs to be wirelessly connected. Connection



Click "Start",select "Control

Panel",and open "Network

Wired Connection

Right-click your Wireless

Network Connection and
select "Properties".

Hardware connection diagram

Note: In this mode,you can configure the router settings by connecting via WIFI
and following step 4:"Router Configuration-RT Mode".Connecting a desktop
computer requires an installed WIFI card.

Hardware connection diagram

Note: In this mode,the MP01 acts as a WIFI receiver and does not broadcast
a WIFI signal.Sharing the network via network cable requires the MP01 to be

Note: In this mode,the MP01 connects to the wired network connection and
broadcasts a WIFI signal for other devices to access the network.

When complete,please follow steps2,3,and 4"RT Mode "to configure.

Double click on "Internet

Protocol (TCP/IP)".

Make sure that your computer has selected

"Obtain an IP address automatically" and
"Obtain DNS server address automatically",
then click "OK" twice to close the windows.

These instructions apply to user of both Windows 2000 and XP.

Right-click the icon
which is at the
bottom right corner of your start bar.ln
the menu,choose "ViewAvailable
Wireless Networks".

Hardware connection diagram

Click "Refresh Network List",find

"B-LINK-MP01" and click "Connect".

' When complete,please follow steps 2 and 4"Client Mode"to configure.

Click"Start",then open "Control Panel".

Select "Network and Internet" and open
"Network and Sharing Center".Choose
"Change Adapter Settings",right-click
"Wireless Network Connection",and
click on "Properties".

1 .Primary network devices can automatically assign IP addresses.
2.Primary network devices do net set MAC address or website filters.
3.Primary network devices currently have access to the internet.

Setup should now be complete.To set up wireless network encryption,please

follow steps 2,3,and 4"Client Mode".

Double click on"lnternet

Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)".

Make sure that your computer has selected

"Obtain an IP address automatically" and
"Obtain DNS server address automatically",
then click "OK" twice to close the windows.

These instructions apply to users of both Windows Vista and 7.

When the screen shows "Connected", it
means that your computer has connected
to the wireless network successfully.

Click on the lower right of the menu

fortherfffjj icon.which will show a
list of wireless networks to select.

Select the "B-LINK-MP01 "Network

and then click on the connect button.

When the screen shows "Connected",

then your computer has connected
to the wireless network successfully.

Double c l i c k the d e s k t o p b r o w s e r Icon,

open the w e b b r o w s e r


In the prompt box,enter the u s e r n a m e : a d m i n

p a s s w o r d : a d m l n and c l i c k "OK".

Input In the a d d r e s s f i e l d of browser,

and t h e n p r e s s enter

Click "NEXT" and c o n f i g u r e the w i r e l e s s s e t t i n g s based

on y o u r c h o s e n w i r e l e s s mode (RT,Client,AP).

Set static IP information provided to you
by your ISP. Click "NEXT".

Quick Set-Up

Quick S e t - U p
The router can connect to a network with multiple commonly used means ol
access. Please choose yours below. (Please Note: If you are unsure which setting
to choose, try the default choice first)

network name(SSID)

- Set a network name that's easy to remember


-' @ Select your encryption method


-' (3) Enter network password (8+characters]

-' Click 'Apply" and device will reset for 1-2 mins

DHCP {Auto Config)

-Quick S e t - U p -

Static Mode (fixed IP)

To configure ADSL,input your ISP
givenusername and password and
click "Next".

User Name



Tip:You will need to reconnect to the new WiFi network after set-up,so be sure that your
SSID and password are easy to remember!

Verify Password


Keep Alive

Operation Mode




Keep Alive Mode: Redlal Period

On demand Mode: idle Time





Quick Set-Up'

User Name

Did your ISP provide any network


Internet connection

Did not provide any parameters

Dynamic IP

IP address, subnet mask, gateway,

DNS server

Static IP

Internet account and password

ADSL virtual dial-up

Enterprise server IP* Internet account

and password

Select L2TP or PPTP.please input

Internet account and password provided
to you by your ISP.enterprise server IP
address and other parameters.Click

Server IP

If you are unsure of your internet access method,pie

refer to the below table or contact your ISP.

A d d : If the ISP binds your MAC address,you can set up in the left navigation bar of the router interface,
click"network "-"Mac Clone",then enter your MAC Address or click "fill" to copy it from the host
device.Then click "Apply" to take effect.

Address Mode

MAC Clone

IP Address
Subnet Mask


Default Gateway

MAC Address
Operation Mode
Keep Alive Mode: Redial Period



Cancel | [

Note: before using MP01,please ensure that you can use

the Internet parameters provided by ISP in a desktop
successful online.If you have any problem,Please first
contact the ISP providing a broadband service to solve
the problem.



If BL-MP01 uses the parameters provided by ISP to connect to the Internet, you must first refer to above routing mode to make corresponding Internet connection Settings.

Site Survey

I S t a t i o n Connect Setup

Security Mode
WPA Algorithms
Pass Phrase






Not Use






Not Use




48-02-2A-34-DO-20 90%

Not Use



48-02-2A-C8-E5-82 85%












Plug and play In this mode,For s e t t i n g w i r e l e s s n e t w o r k name and p a s s w o r d ,

Frequently Asked Question

D:Behind"Pass Phrase"input w i r e l e s s hot spot p a s s w o r d c o n n e c t e d .

E:Click"apply",start to connect.


| Power light does not light?

F:When you s e e a g r e e n b a c k g r o u n d h a n d s h a k e Icon In f r o n t of the S S I D of

w i r e l e s s h o t s p o t c o n n e c t e d , m e a n s t h e c o n n e c t i o n o f t h e device I s s u c c e s s f u l .

please refer t o ' R T m o d e ' w l r e l e s s s e t t i n g s t e p s to set up.

Unable to access to web server of the device

| What should I do if I forget the password(Router reset)?

If you forget the user name and password, the only way to solve this problem is to reset the router,The
method isasfollows:ln the state that equipment is energized,press the WPS/RESET button and keep it for 8 seconds,
then release the button :the reset Is done.
Note: The router's configured parameters will be removed after resetting, need to restart the configuration of the router

1 .Check whether the connection of computer and device is correct and make sure the corresponding indicator is working normally.
2. Please note that whether Wireless Pocket Router is in router client mode, as In this mode user can only apply the wireless network
3.Check whether PC gets the IP address automatically from MP01 .If MP01 works under AP mode, the IP a d d r e s s and router
address are not in the same segment,please refer to the second step Computer Settings to set the same subnet manually
4.Affirm that your web browser Is the latest version and supports Java.
5.Disconnect the power supply of the router.connect the power a moment later, and then reboot the router. If you still cannot access,
please return to the factory settings and reset.

\ After all set-up ADSL dial-up users can't access to the Internet?
1 .Please make sure that your settings are correct,whether ADSL device works normally.
2.Please confirm whether the internet account and password inputted are correct(note:The letters are case-sensitive)
3.ln the router interface click 'system management"-'status',check whether the WLAN gets IP address,if gets the IP means
that connecting to the internet network is successful.
4.Check that you can connect normally before connecting to MP01 ,if can't.please contact with the local ISP to solve.

J Why does the notebook fail to find the wireless signal?

1.If it is built-in wireless card, then check whether there is a wireless switch firstly,and check whether the switch Is turned on.
(You should confirm with notebook manufacturers or check notebook specifications).
2.Ensure the wireless card driver installs successfully and has been enabled.
3.Check the notebook computer is on the wireless services;lf not open,please run in service Wireless Zero Configuration.
4.Dispose any possibilities of displacement or interference.If interference is bigger,please try to modify other channels.If still
can't search .please return to the factory Settings and reset.

j Why did my laptop find the wireless signal,but cannot connect?

1 .Please confirm that the name of the wireless signal which you try to connect and the SSID number that you set are consistent.
2.Please confirm the strength of the wireless signal,if the signal is're suggested to adjust the position of MP01 or
adopt closer connection.
3.Confirm whether the wireless password that you have inputted is correct.
4. Delete the original files of the configuration and then reconnect.The method is as follows:
XP OS:Open"Wireless network connection "-'Properties'-'Wireless network configuration',Delete all contents of the"first network'box.
WIN7 OS:Open "Network and sharing center'-'Wireless network management",Delete all contents.
5.Please make sure whether your wireless network card supports the encryption,if PC can connect without encryption,please
try to replace other encryption.If you are still unable to connect,please put the router back to the factory settings and reset.

l i B - L I N I C is the registered trademark of B-Link Electronic Co.,Ltd.AII other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned in the document.owned by their respective owners. Product specifications and information mentioned in



If the following solutions cannot solve your problem,please call our B-LINK technical support hotline at 400-652-9989,and our engineers will provide you
with professional can log into the official B-LINK website at to get additional product information.

1 .Check whether the power adapter(5V 500mA~2000mA) matches this product.

2.Please check whether the connection of the power is effective(if it uses USB to connect to PC,please confirm whether
the interface of the USB is available,if the USB voltage is insufficient, please try to replace other USB interface.)




B:Find t h e SSID n e e d e d to link w i t h or w i r e l e s s a c c e s s point and select; If not In the list,can c l l c k ' R e s c a n "


48-02-2A-30-52-00 100%


WPA2-Personal v

RSSI Channel Encryption Authentication


V) Q B L I N K



Email of t e c h n i c a l s u p p o r t :

this manual is for reference only,if have contents to update without prior notice.Unless there is a special agreement, this manual is only as instructions, all of this manual altogether, information can not constitute any form of guarantee.

infO@lGfGI1aCOH1 ^ ^


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