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-2- (D) Completeness Which of the following are valid types of information sources? [Journals T. Intranet Ill, CD ROMs IV. DVD player (A) fonly (B) Land ILonly (©) LMland HVonly (D) LIL, Wand Iv (021 29010/CAPE 2011 The type of information required fortheday- 5, to-day running of an organization is called (A) informal (B) strategic (©) tactical (D) operational Item 2 refers to the following table. x iw Zz 6 5 Ibs sugar | Primary ingredients | The kind of eake 10 Ibs flour | needed to make a} that I should Ib butter | cake make with these ingredients X, ¥ and Z respectively represent (A) data, knowledge, information A (B) information, knowledge, data (C) data, information, knowledge (D) knowledge, data, information Information which has all of the data that a user needs to make a decision, represents which characteristic of information? (A) Accuracy (B) Reliability (©) Relevance A Joanne is browsing the Web looking for information to complete her research project. Which is the MOST appropriate source of information for her? (A) Blogs (B) Wikis (C) Online journals (D) Chatrooms The plus signused ina searchengine isusually referred to as, (A) anaddition operator (B) an inclusion operator (C)__anexclusion operator (D) _ ageneral operator Hanif wants to determine how well he performed in the Music examination compared to the other students in the class. Which of the following would Hanif consider information? (A) Ages of the students (B) Names of the students (ce) Average score of the students (D) Number of students in the class Information regarding the academic performance of a school was presented by the Principal to the school board. The information was delivered and displayed in a manner to induce a particular interpreta- tion, giving the impression thatthe students performed better than they did. Which of the followingcharacteristics of information BEST fits the Principal's presentation? (A) Accuracy (B) Bias (©) Distortion (D) Inconsistency GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 10. tems 9 - 10 refer to the scenario below. Caley Carson is a sole proprietor operating a small real estate firm for over five years He writes up his own books and stores the files in filing cabinets. Recently, his wife completed a course in Information Processing and has been encouraging him to convert from his current means of information processing toa more efficient current and productive method. According to the scenario, which type of information processing is currently being utilized by Mr Carson? (A) Manual (B) Automated (C) Analytical (D) Traditional Mr Carson took his wife's advice and also hired a data entry clerk to assist with the data entry. At which organisational level would the data entry clerk be functioning? (A) Manual (B) Tactical (©) Strategic (D) Operational Jenny has been asked to write a paper on an emerging technology. The paper must include diagrams and photos to illustrate the technology. The software tool that is MOST appropriate for Jenny to use is (A) presentation software (B) spreadsheet software (C) _ gtaphics package (D) word processing software 0212901 0/CAPE 2011 1B. Sharon has a list of numbers representing her expenses by category for the month. Which of the following represent valid methods for converting the list of numbers into information on her monthly expenses? 1 Totalling them and writing the values ina ledger. I Organizing these data into columns with headings representing the name of the expense and total- Jing the columns. Ml, Arranging all the numbers in ascending order in a worksheet and producing @ line chart. IV. Typing them intoa spreadsheet and printing the spreadsheet selec- (A) Land [only (B) Wand Ill only (C) 1, Mand III only (D) LH, Mand Iv Gina,amarketing manager, livesin Jamaica and has recently been offered acontract with a firm in India, The firm has indicated that she will work from home and communicate with the office in India using the Internet and telephone. Which of the following terms BEST describes this arrangement? (A) Teleworking (B) —Telecommunicating (C) Telecommuting (D) Telemarketing GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 14. ABC Enterprise is interested in establishing a tutoring centre in a rural district dedicated to teaching persons how to use the computer. The firm needs information to determine the best location for the centre. What TWO information sources are MOST appropriate? 1 People who live in the district 11, Local newspaper I. Agricultural journal IV. Intemet website (A) Land Ionly (B) Land IV only (C) Hand Itt only (D) Land IV only Which of the following sketches illustrates the function of a modem where devices labelled X are modems and devices labelled Y are computers? Teague] [Analog Digit Data (pate Data (A) + cs yw ~ Digital ‘Analogue Digital | Data Data Data | (B) a [ Digitat ] Digital Analogue Data | ata Data © Fe ow & “anatogue | [Digit ‘Analogue Daa | Data Data © Fy r ¥ a ‘The components of an information technology system are (A) hardware, software, users and input devices (B) input devices, output devices, software and network (C) hardware, sofware, users and output devices (D) hardware, software, users and network GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 021290 10/CAPE 2011 18. 19. 20. mu. An executive information system is 22. designed to support (A) specific accounts tasks (B) strategic planning functions (©) __ historical consolidation (D) operational activities Ascannerisusedtoreadprintedmatterand 2: convert it to (A) text (B)_— graphie (©) ahuman readable format (D) a computer readable format Which of the following is NOT a stage in the computerization of a system? (A) Testing (B) Analysis (C) Manipulation (D) Implementation A local area network, with a central hub, has been established such that the failure of a link to one node does not affect the rest of the network. The configuration of this network is referred to as a (A) bus (B) ring (star (D) hybrid The top-level data flow diagram is called the (A) data diagram (B) context diagram (C) data store diagram (D) data process diagram 0212901 0/CAPE 2011 Which of the following is NOT a method Used to secure data? (A) Password (B) Validation (©) Encryption (D) Firewalls Which of the following terms refers to @ set of communication rules used by every computer that connects to the Internet? (A) FTP (B) URL (C) HTML (D) TCPAP A systems analyst is trying to determine whether a proposed system is technically feasible, The main concern of the systems analyst is gathering information on the latest hardware and software products that are needed to assist in solving the problem. Which ofthe following would be the MOST appropriate for gathering this information? (A) Online surveys (B) Web searches (C) Onsite observation (D) Open-ended questionnaires GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 26. 27 hi 6. Items 25 - 26 refer to the following infor 28. mation, Misty hasacoffeeshop. Many of her patrons use their laptops and PDAs to work while having coffee and donuts. Several of the patrons have suggested that she establishes the coffee shop as a *hotspot" Which of the following statements BEST describes a ‘hotspot"? (A) A shop that offers hot food to patrons while they use tech- nology. An area in which the Internet can be accessed by plugging into an outlet A company that offers access to the Internet via any means. ‘An area in which the Internet ean be accessed without using wires. (B) «cy (Dp) Identify the MOST appropriate transmis- sion medium to use when implementing the hotspot at Misty’s coffee shop. re) (By «c) (PD) Coaxial cable Satellite Microwave Unshielded twisted pair 30. Item 27 refers to the following: f tp://wwww shoutout org/eareers/index.html The hup is known as the (A) path (B) protocol (C) page name (D) server name 0212901 /CAPE 2011 Gita will be developing an interface for users ina company who are not technology ‘savvy’. The software for which the inter- face is to be built is quite powerful with ‘more than two hundred features. The MOST appropriate user interface would be (A) command line (B) human computer (C) graphical (D) —easy-learn Quality First is a software engineering company that is well known for developing superior products. One of its customers is expanding and requested Quality First to make changes to a package that was devel- oped three years before and had worked well for their previous needs. The senior programmer assigned to the project should start his assessment of the current system by first (A) reviewing the documentation (B) asking the end users about the design features of the system (C) calling the former programmer to ask about the system (D) teaming the programming language Visual Basie The health club *Live Well Gym and Spa’ is developing a website to be used for marketing itself, allowing members tomake payments and purchase products online. Which of the following isthe MOSTappro- priate domain name for the health clubs website? (A) wowlivewellorg (B) — (C) (D) — GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 31 32. Review is a stage in problem-solving that (A) involves defining a problem {B) focuses on collecting data from users (C) involves finding the cost of imple- menting the system (D) examines the system to see if any changes are required John was given a problem to solve in his chemistry class. How should the following list of steps be organized to facilitate an efficient solution to the problem? 1. Identify the problem II, Generate the solution II Anatyze the problem IV. Implement the solution (A) LI hand iv (B) 1,1, [Vand tt (C) UU IVandi (D) Il, 1, Mand Iv Which of the following are true of algo- rithms? 1 Algorithms are precursors to program development. 1. Algorithm development is recom- mended after the program has been implemented. I. Algorithms should give a general solution, IV. Algorithms must be unambiguous. (A) Land 1V only (B) Wand IM only (C) 1, 1land 1V only (D) 1,1, Mand tv 02129010/CAPE 2011 34. 35. Which of the following programming languages are BEST suited for writing instructions for the lowest level of a computer hardware? (A) Machine and Assembly Languages (B) Assembly and High Level Languages (C) Machine and High Level Languages (D) Machine, Assembly and High Level Languages After issuing questionnaires to manage- ment in an organisation, the systems analyst needed clarification on some of the responses given, before moving on to the next stage of the problem solving process. Which of the following tools would be the MOST appropriate in this situation? (A) Interview (B) Research (C) Observation (D) Review Documents GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 3 32. 33. Review isa stage in problem-solving that (A) involves defining a problem (B) focuses on collecting data trom users (C) involves finding the cost of imple- menting the system (D) examines the system to see if any changes are required John was given a problem to solve in his chemistry class. How should the following list of steps be organized to facilitate an efficient solution to the problem? 1 Identify the problem I. Generate the solution TI, Analyze the problem IV, Implement the solution (A) LL Mand IV (B) LW, TVand (©) U, UL TV and) (D) HLL, Mand Vv Which of the following are true of algo- rithms? I Algorithms are precursors to program development. I. Algorithm development is recom- mended after the program has been implemented. III, Algorithms should give a general solution. IV. Algorithms must be unambiguous. (A) Land 1V only (B) and Il only (C) 1 Mand IV only (D) LAL TH and rv 02129010/CAPE 2011 MM. Which of the following programming languages are BEST suited for writing instructions for the lowest level of a computer hardware? (A) Machine and Assembly Languages (B) Assembly and High Level Languages (C)_ Machineand High Level Languages (D) Machine, Assembly and High Level Languages Afler issuing questionnaires to. manage- ment in an organisation, the systems analyst needed clarification on some of the responses given, before moving on to the next stage of the problem solving process. Which of the following tools would be the MOST appropriate in this situation? (A) Interview (B) Research (©) Observation (D) Review Documents GO ON TO THE NE T PAGE 36. 31. Which of the following DFDs depicts the correct flow of data as it relates to. student data being stored in a student information system? (A) [Student PN2@2 14 FT Student fie Student Name, id deta ————— (B) [Student Accept Pe e[_T Student ie student nfo Student Data : _——_—__— (©) [Student entry | 8ST Student ite clerk aaa Name, id Nameid | PS | Namesid () Student file amesid Student |Sameid a) entry fame Accept clerk student info tem 37 refers to the algorithm below 38, Which of the following stages in problem DECLARE num1, num2 IF num! < num2 THEN ans = num + num? ELSE ans = num * num2 ENDIF What programming constructs are being 39. implemented in the algorithm above? L Selection H. Sequence IIL Looping IV. Rteration (A) Land I only (B) Land Il only (©) Hand 1V only (Dj) 1, 1and Ill only 0212901 0/CAPE 2011 solving is NOT completed before imple- menting a solution? (A) Problem definition (B) Review (C) Analysis (D) Evaluation Which of the following symbols is used to store data or information ina DFD? (A) (B) © LO / (D) GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 40. 41 -9- Item 40 refers to the following algorithm, DECLARE N.M READ NM PRINTN N=M «NN PRINT N M=NH PRINT M Which of the following would be printed by the algorithm if the initial values are N=3 and M=5? (A) (B) © (D) A restaurant owner needs to submit bis tax payments to the Inland Revenue Office. He has asked you to determine his monthly tax payment, Which of the following pieces of information can be categorized as essential for solving this problem? {A) The income and expenses of the restaurant and the tax rate. (B) The income and expenses for the restaurant and the address of the Inland Revenue Office. (C) The name, address and contact number of the restaurant, and the tax rate, The tax rate, the income of the restaurant and the address of the Inland Revenue Office. () One advantage of using an assembly language for programmingovera high-level language is that the program code (A) is easier to write (B) willbe less than ifanother languag were used (C) will require less system resources for execution (D) can be executed on several different types of computers 43. 44, F YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS A student was asked to develop an algo- rigthm that will print all prime numbers between | and 100 inclusive. Which of the following constructs would be appropriate in accomplishing this task? | Bounded iteration Il. Unbounded iteration Il Selection IV. Sequencing (A) Land Ul only (B) 1, Il and IV only (©) IL, Mand IV only (D) LAL Mand Iv P,Q and R are logical expressions. If (POR QAND R) evaluates to true, which of the following statements is NOT true? (A) Pis tue, Qis true, Ris true (B) is true, Qis false, R is true (C)_ Pis false, Q is te, Ris true (D) _Pis false, Qis false, R is true Which of the following programming languages is MOST appropriate for imple- menting a solution to problems using a step-by-step algorithm? (A) Object-oriented (B) Procedural (©) Declarative (D) Imperative

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