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Name_________________________ Hour:____

1. We all struggle with certain parts of the creative art process. What was the most difficult thing
you struggled with?
2. What is the terminator?
3. What is the Occlusion shadow?
4. Where in the composition did you draw in or erase any highlights?

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5. Where did you create the best sense of texture?

Well Balanced Composition ( up to 5 points)

5 points / So exciting!!!! This is a composition that is completely balanced I cant take my eye off it and would
have it framed to hang in my home! You have created a masterpiece!!!!
4 points/ for a composition that has good balance but when I turn and walk away I think it was nice but not
3 points/ for a composition that could be better balance there are some areas that are more interesting than
2-1 points/ for a composition that needed to be better thought out and more carefully planned..
Repetition and use of a variety of values and contrast ( up to 5 points)
5 points for a wide variety of values that pop out to the eye and contrast that makes shapes look 3d and
4 points but you could have had either more of a variety of values, I see a lot of greys and blacks too close to
one another.
3 points I can see some values but your work is flat, values blend together and your placement of values seems
need more attention to contrast.
2-1 points I struggle to find a lot of values and your placement of values seems unplanned with little attention
to contrast. Your work is very flat.
Use of a Variety of Shading Techniques ( up to 5 points)
5 points for an excellent variety of shading techniques that create interesting textures and contrasts between
your shaded shapes. I can tell you tried to place them carefully. I can see evident use of at least 4 techniques.
4 points for a good variety of shading techniques however some are not clear, maybe messy application hurt
the effect if the technique. You did not use all of or enough of either scumble, tonal, smudge, hatching, and
stipple techniques.
3 points I really have to look to find the shading techniques. I do not see clear use of scumble, tonal, smudge,
hatching, and stipple techniques.
2-1 points this project lacks different shading techniques and looks flat and boring, you needed to really plan
out what you were going to do better.
_______ total points out of 20 = _____________%

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