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Teori Kegagalan

Dedison Gasni, Ph.D

Modus Kegagalan
Gaya statik :
1. Gagal karena defleksi elastik :
2. Gagal karena yielding
3. Gagal karena fracture
Gaya Dinamik
Fatique (lelah)

Teori Kegagalan Elastis

1. Teori tegangan maksimum (Maximum principal stress
theory Rankins theory)
2. Teori tegangan geser maksimum (Maximum shear
stress theory-Coulomb, Tresca and Guests theory)
3. Teori energi distorsi (Distortion enrgi theory-Huber
von Mises and Henckys theory)
4. Teori regangan maksimum (Maximum strain theorySt. Venants theory)
5. Teori energi regangan total maximum (Maximum total
strain energy theory-Haighs theory)

1. Maximum Principal Stress Theory

The theory states that the failure of mechanical
component subjected to bi-axial or tri-axial stresses
occurs when the maximum principal stress reaches
the yield or ultimate strength of the material.

2. Maximum Shear Stress Theory

The theory states that the failure of mechanical
component subjected to bi-axial or tri-axial stresses
occurs when the maximum shear stress at any point
in the component becomes equal to the maximum
shear stress in the standard specimen of the tension
test, when yielding starts.

3. Distortion-Energy Theory
The theory states that the failure of mechanical
component subjected to bi-axial or tri-axial stresses
occurs when the strain energy of distortion per unit
volume at any point in the component, becomes
equal to the strain energy of distortion per unit
volume in the standard specimen of thension test,
when yielding starts.

Pemilihan dan Penggunaan dari teori

1. Material liat mempunyai kekuatan tarik dan
tekan yang sama dan gagal akibat yielding.
Sehingga : Maximum shear stress theory dan
Distortion Energy theori digunakan untuk
2. Distortion energy theory memperediksi yielding
dengan akurasi yang teliatpat untuk semua
3. Maximum shear stress theory memberikan hasil
yang konservatif, seablikny Distortion energy
theory sedikit liberal.

Pemilihan dan Penggunaan dari teori

kegagalan (Cont.)
4. Pada kuadran 1 dan 3 maximum principal stress
theory sama dengan maximum principal stress theory,
Sebaliknya di kuadran 2 dan 4 maximum principal
stress theory diluar ellip dari energy distorsi, sehingga
sangat berbahaya diterapkan teori maximum principal
stress teori di daerah ini.
5. Maximum shear stress theori digunakan untuk
material liat jika dimensi tidak terlalu ketat dan SF
cukup besar.
6. Distrortion energy theory digunakan jika FS sangat
7. Maximum principal stress theory digunakan untuk
material yang getas karena tegangan tarik dan tekan
berbeda dan gagalnya akibat fracture.

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