Prasna Principles of Jyotish

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Prasna Principles of Jyotish

By Ryan Kurczak on January 16, 2012

Prasna (aka prashna) is an accurate and precise system within Vedic Astrology (a
ka Jyotish). No birth dates, birth times or locations are needed to answer quest
ions accurately. You see, in prasna, the moment a person asks an important ques
tion of the astrologer, the astrologer creates a chart of that exact instance.
Within that moment lies the information needed to answer the question. Now, thi
s is extremely accurate for one very important question. The accuracy, while st
ill valid, declines up to the 5th question. Ideally, a querent, should only ask
one or two questions.
You ll notice I made bold and italicized important question . This is because, flippa
nt questions should not be answered using this science. It is ideal if the ques
tioner has spent some time reflecting on the question in mind, or at least has a
sense of urgency about knowing the information. It needs to be important. Oth
erwise, the astrologer, is advised through ancient teachings not to entertain th
at questioner, and tell them to go away.
I decided to write on this wonderful branch of Jyotish, because of its extreme u
sefulness. The precision and accuracy with which information is revealed from th
is method, by far, exceeds my expectations and those of my clients. Also, there
is no horoscope needed, and so the potential of having to deal with incorrect b
irth times, is not an issue.
In this writing, I endeavor to share the basic principles of this science, for t
hose learned astrologers who have not yet experienced it s validity. Also, if you
find fascinating the fact that you can answer questions accurately for those who
are in need, by creating a chart in this way, I d love to work with you. We can g
o through some personal tutorials to bring you up to speed on your astrological
knowledge, and then specialize in the art of prasna.
Onward now, to the principles
1) Prasna (aka horary astrology) reveals the future based on the current disposi
tion of the planets.
2) How should a questions put the question to an astrologer? This is beautifull
y described by Varahamihira, One should approach a learned astrologer of pleasant
disposition, early in the morning, with fruits, flowers, and money and facing t
he east, after making due obeisance to the astrologer, put only one question of
an auspicious nature.
3) Note that the astrologer, based on the moment a question is asked, can ascert
ain the sincerity of questions and the honesty of the questioner. Isn t that inte
How does the astrologer know if the questioner is NOT sincere or honest?
a)-If the Moon is in the ascendant, Saturn is in a quadrant, and Mercury is comb
b)-Mars and Mercury aspect the Moon in the ascendant
c)-A malefic joins the ascendant
d)-Jupiter and Mercury cast a negative aspect on the lord of the 7th
How do we know if the questioner IS honest?
a)-There is a benefic planet joining the ascendant
b)-Mars or a Full Moon AND Jupiter aspect the ascendant
c)-Jupiter and Mercury are positively aspecting the lord of the 7th
To Practice Prasna, These Yogas Need to be Known
54-55. If a faster planet with less longitude is backwards of a slower planet wit
h a greater longitude, Ithasala Yoga is caused. If the latter planet is ahead of
the former by a minute or 30?, it is a complete Ithasala. This Yoga becomes Mu
56. When a faster-moving planet is ahead of a slower-moving planet by one degree
, Easarapha is caused. It is also called Musaripha. This is an unfavourable comb

57. When there is no mutual aspect between two planets but a faster (than the tw
o not in aspect) planet is in between in aspect with both then this faster-movin
g planet transfers light from the (other faster) planet to slower one. This is N
akta Yoga.
60. When there is no aspect between two lords and a slower-moving planet is in b
etween these two lords involved in aspect with to them, then the slower-moving p
lanet will transfer light from the other faster of the two lords to the slower.
This is Yamaya yoga.
61. When there is Ithasala between two planets and the Moon is also involved in
Ithasala with one of the planets, the resulting yoga is Kamboola. There are thre
e varieties of this yoga, viz., exalted, mediocre and debilitated.
Prasna Tantra

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