Module Outline - Quantitative Business Analysis

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Module title: QUA4A1 Quantitative Business Analysis

Level: 4
Module tutor: Dimitris A. Tsouknidis
Credit value: 10; 5 ECTS
Module type: Core
Notional learning hours: 100
1. Module Aims
The module provides students with a quantitative background that
enables them to understand and formulate business and
management problems. It gives students an underpinning for
undergraduate quantitative analysis throughout their study. It
enables students to understand, present and analyse data using
statistical techniques. In addition, the module aims to give students
an opportunity to further their knowledge by teaching them
advanced features of excel as applied to analyses data where
Analysing and correctly interpreting data/numbers is one the basic
essential skills required by all business undergraduates in order to
succeed in the current competitive global job market. This core
module provides students with a sound quantitative background
that allows them to understand summarise and analyse data.
Students are taught a range of topics which can be regarded as a
toolkit. Using these students formulate business/management
problems. Emphasis will be placed upon working through practical
examples (from a global context). Students also use basic features
in Excel to carry out analysis. On successful completion students will
be able to present numerical data and apply appropriate analytic
techniques to aid management in making effective decision. The
analysis will enable students to incorporate findings in a
management report hence communicate information to nonspecialists.
2. Pre-requisite modules or specified entry requirements
3. Intended learning outcomes
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
A5. Demonstrate knowledge of primary concepts and principles of
statistical techniques in the study of global business practice and its
B. Cognitive skills

At the end of the module learners will be expected to:

B7. Utilise and apply basic analytical techniques to qualitative and
quantitative data.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C5. Present qualitative and/or quantitative data orally and in writing
to a target audience, using a range of media and Information
Technology methods.
C. Practical and professional skills
C6. Collect, compare, and synthesise information from different
C7. Demonstrate decision-making abilities by choosing the best
option from a range of alternatives.
D. Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
D8. Take responsibility for learning outcomes, not only with
reference to oneself, but also concerning the group as a whole.
4. Indicative content

Business mathematics including linear equations and its

Describing data using Descriptive/Numerical measures
Inferential statistics
Forecasting using Modelling Relationships (regression and
Measuring uncertainty using Probability
Times series (an introduction)

5. Learning and teaching strategy

In a lecture style approach, the topics for the week are introduced,
and explored in detail.
Using Blackboard students are provided with chapter readings and
questions to prepare for the seminars. During seminars the focus is
on specific paper based problems solving together with
interpretation of output/s from excel. As the main teaching method
is problem solving, a high level of student participation is
encouraged and maintained. The skills to be developed are primarily
in the application and understanding of numbers, using manual

methods with calculators, progressing to the use of spreadsheets.

The interwoven nature of curriculum delivery provides a platform for
students to explore statistical concepts through practicing with
examples illustrating application of techniques in a global business
Although teaching involves a lecture style approach the role of the
lecturer will be that of a learning facilitator. The nature of such
facilitation of learning focuses on supporting students in the practice
of statistical techniques using examples from a global context.
Students will also be encouraged to practice online tests to
consolidate theory taught in class. The formative aspects of the
assessment will involve such tests.
6. Assessment strategy, assessment methods and their
relative weightings
Assessment Strategy
The assessment gives students the opportunity to utilise the various
quantitative tools in order to interrogate collected data in a relevant
business context. The aim of the assessment is to provide a
platform for students to apply the tools and practice their abilities to
make appropriate decisions based on data analysis. By engaging in
the formative tests students are given an opportunity to test their
abilities in a safe environment and through feedback develop
correct responses to the quantitative analysis challenges posed by
the summative assessment. As formative assessments offers
immediate feedback, students will be able to consolidate the
learning experience. Through the repetitive engagement with
problem solving, the formative assessment is the bases for the final
summative assessment.
Assessment Methods
Formative Assessment
Practice test exercises (individual work)
Following an exhibition of how to perform business analysis in Excel
during the seminars, the students will be given business datasets
and will be asked to perform similar analysis in their own time. This
will enable them to familiarize themselves with the Excel
Summative Assessment
Mid-Term test: 50% TMM (individual submission)
Students are assessed using an on-line multiple choice tests and the
feedback will be instant enabling students to reflect on their

understanding of the topics covered. Students are encouraged to

practice these topics at home using practice online questions.
Exam: 50% TMM (individual submission)
The purpose of the assessment is to give students the opportunity
to apply the statistical tools to unseen data sets. Furthermore, the
assessment raises students awareness of their own capabilities in
responding to a data from a global scenario and gives them insights
how well they can apply the tool kit.
7. Mapping of assessment tasks to learning outcomes
Assessment tasks
Learning outcomes
A5 B7 C5 C6 C7 D8
Mid-Term Test
8. Teaching staff associated with the module
Tutors name and contact details Contact hours
Dimitris Tsouknidis
9. Key reading
Author Year Title Publisher Location
W. G & WATHEN, S. A.
2009 Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics
Higher Education
10. Other indicative text (e.g. websites)
OAKSHOTT, L. (2011) Essential Quantitative Methods (4th Edition),
Palgrave Macmillan.
The textbook has a companion website with slides
BENNETT, M. & BRIGGS, J. (2008) Using and Understanding
Mathematics. A Quantitative Reasoning Approach (4th Edition), FT
Prentice Hall
WISNIEWSKI, M. (2010) Quantitative Methods for Decision-Makers
with MathXL (5th Edition), FT Prentice Hall: Chichester

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