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MEDT 7478

Jami OConnor
Impact on Learning
IMPACT ON LEARNING Requirements May be used at Tk20
Design for Instruction
School & community
demographics; student
Standard(s) this could be
CCS, Ga. Standards, or
Information Literacy Standards
Grade level
Pre/Post Test (include actual
test here or provide link or
Activity explanation (include
all activities you did plus all
resources used for this unit of

Mountain View Elementary School, Cobb County, Georgia

The student population at Mountain View is diverse. We have a large ELL population as well as a large population
of special needs students. 68% of the population is white, 8% African American, 10% Asian, and 14% Hispanic.
The school is located in East Cobb which is one of the most sought after areas of Cobb County.
S4CS6. Students will question scientific claims and arguments effectively.
a. Support statements with facts found in books, articles, and databases, and identify the sources used
This lesson focused on finding non-fiction books to support curriculum.
4th Grade 25 students total. 13 students are in the Target/Gifted program, 4 students are ELL and the remaining 8
students are general education students. There are 13 girls and 12 boys in this class.
A pre and post test was given using the Kahoot App on the iPads.

I created a Pokemon Goes Dewey hunt for the students. The class was divided into 10 groups of 2 or 3 students per
group. The ELL students were placed with students that were higher level readers so they could read the clues to
the ELL students if needed. I created clues and hid 10 Pokemon characters in a book from each section of the
Dewey. I passed out clues for the students to help find the books. Once they found their Pokemon character, the
character had instruction for the groups to look around the section of Dewey that their Pokemon was in and write
down the types of books that they found in that section. Pokemon Clues After the groups wrote down the types of
books they noted in their sections, we came back together as a whole group and shared what we found. I wrote
down on the whiteboard the different sections of Dewey and noted what the students found. After we discussed all
the 10 sections of Dewey, we watched the Dewey Rap on ViewPure. Once we watched the Rap, we discussed the
different sections of Dewey and how the books were classified. After we completed our chart on the whiteboard,
the students took the post-test (same as the pre-test) to see what they had learned.

Analysis of Student Learning

Table, chart, or graph of whole
group data

Table, chart, or graph of

subgroup data
Narrative of findings

Reflection and Self-Evaluation

Reflection on your instruction
strengths / weaknesses /
changes recommended

The following image is a breakdown of the test scores for the pre and post test

The subgroup data is included in the table above.

When looking at the data from the pre and post tests, I can see that this lesson was effective in explaining what the
Dewey Decimal system is and how resources are placed in the Dewey System. The subgroup grew but not as much
as I had hoped. The data shows that the general education students showed significant growth in Dewey
Strengths: A strength in this lesson was that the students had a very fun time on the Pokemon hunt. They were
engaged and discussing how to figure out the clues and were very involved in looking at the different resources in
each section in Dewey. They were using their prior knowledge of how to search in Destiny to find the books that
the Pokemon were hiding in. Some groups were working together to help each other and they all collaborated
together. They asked to see the Dewey rap 2 times after I initially showed it and I allowed them to get up and
dance to it as long as they sang along. During the whole group discussion, I would give a topic and ask what

section of Dewey you would find a book on this topic in. Using the whiteboard, the students would discuss in
groups which section they thought that topic would be found in. This proved to be a great discussion as if a table
gave an answer and another table thought it was a different section, the students would refer to our notes and give
an explanation as to why they thought their answer was correct. This was great collaboration and the teacher and I
would ask guiding questions to help determine the correct area of Dewey.
Weaknesses: I think this lesson needs to be longer. I would like to make them search for more than one Pokemon
in each group. I would start each group off with a hint and then they could go and find the Pokemon but leave him
in the book and the clue would be to go find another Pokemon in a different section of Dewey until they found all
ten Pokemon in each group. This would give the groups an opportunity to see all the sections of Dewey and have a
deeper conversation/collaboration when the activity was complete and we come back together to discuss what the
groups found. I would also like to include an entire grade in instead of one class from a grade level.
Reflection (what I would change): I really enjoyed this lesson but I have found a few things that I would change.
First, I gave out paper clues, I would like to change this to QR codes and use to make the Pokemon
talk when you click on the QR code to give the next clue. I would start each group off with a hint and then they
could go and find the Pokemon but leave him in the book and the clue would be to go find another Pokemon in a
different section of Dewey until they found all ten Pokemon in each group. This would give the groups an
opportunity to see all the sections of Dewey and have a deeper conversation/collaboration when the activity was
complete and we come back together to discuss what the groups found. I would also like to include an entire grade
in instead of one class from a grade level. I would teach the lesson over the course of a week for each fourth grade
class then analyze the data from each class to see where I can make additional changes. This lesson gave me a
deeper understanding of the Dewey system.

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