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CBCP launches Individual registration Disturbing trends in CINEMA

online news for Youth Day opens latest statistics Reviews

Bossi returns to his Cruz: “good intentions

flock, expressed no are not enough”
bitterness for abductors LINGAYEN-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar V.
Cruz said there will always be good intentions
TEARS of joy are expected on Wednesday as from people in government and no one would
Italian missionary Giancarlo Bossi returns to oppose efforts to promote common good.
his flock at St. Paul the Apostle parish after 40 Interviewed over Catholic-run Veritas 846,
days in the boondocks of Lanao del Norte. His Archbishop Cruz said no one would oppose
parishioners said they are in the thick of prepa- moves for a more peaceful and terrorist-free
ration for a meaningful celebration. society.
Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace He however said “the government appears
Bossi said he longs to return to his parish, “to
be with my people whom I love.” He has been to be less worthy of public trust for good in-
parish priest to Payao residents for the past six July 23 - August 5, 2007 Vol. 11 No. 15 Php 20.00 tentions will never be enough.”
Cruz / A6
Bossi / A6

Church rejects
By Roy Lagarde survey and its short and long
term impact to human and ma-
A CATHOLIC bishop rejected a rine life, the local communities
plan to allow oil exploration in a and their officials as well as other
marine protected area off Bohol. groups who have a stake in the
The opposition could face a area were not duly consulted be-
major setback for the govern- fore the survey had been under-

oil drilling plan

ment, which had insisted that oil taken,” he said in a statement.
exploration would help safe- He said the survey, in search
guard supply of energy. of natural gas and oil, was con-
Australia-based NorAsian En- ducted with the go signal of both
ergy Ltd. (NAEL) is reportedly the Department of Energy (DOE)
keen to start oil exploration in and the Department of Environ-
the area next year, in order to re- ment and Natural Resources
duce the country’s dependence on (DENR).
fuel imports. The bishop then urged the
The Church and various envi- faithful to reject the oil drilling
ronmental groups, however, ar- project unless the government
gued that the Bohol blue sea revealed to the public the details
should be left untouched. of the service contract and other
But despite the resistance of agreements.
Tagbilaran Bishop Leonardo He also called on the public of-
Medroso and the clergy of his ficials concerned to apply “cou-
diocese, a seismic survey was rageously” the environmental
done in the seas of Bohol that laws to the oil exploration.
paved the way for allowing drill- And there’s more to that, said
ing to commence next year. Medroso. The survey was initi-
Medroso criticized the survey ated on an exploration site that
conducted by the government had been officially declared as a
and the firm in the seawaters of “Marine Protected Area” (MPA)
Panglao, Dauis, and Maribojoc by the national and local govern-
for failing to consult the local ments.
residents about it. “Needless to say, the explora-
“We are appalled to learn that, tion site boasts of numerous ma-
given the nature of the seismic Church / A6

PGMA’S SONA draws mixed

reactions from Bishops
AMID the glamour and glitter this year’s SONA, he said “it was
that accompanied President promising, sort of making
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s de- people feel good and every-
livery of her State of the Nation thing is okay in the country.”
Address at the joint session of The prelate added “I think that
Congress, Monday afternoon, remains to be seen and what I
Catholic bishops and officials want is some teeth into what
intently listened and observed the president said.”
the proceedings and took note He said the government
of the significance of her state- should be ready for some moni-
ments. toring (of activities) from con- “Filipino children: Reflecting love, Representing joy, Renewing the Church." Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales with other bishops are swamped by children during the 2nd National
President Gloria Macapagal- cerned citizens Congress of the Holy Childhood at the Manila Cathedral, July 12, 2007; the event is part of the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Pontifical Mission Societies Philippines.
Arroyo’s 7th State of the Nation Lingayen-Dagupan Arch-
Address from 2001 drew mixed bishop Oscar V. Cruz, a former
reactions from Catholic bish-
ops and lay leaders. Randomly
interviewed late Monday after-
noon and midday Tuesday,
most of the respondents said
CBCP President said this year’s
SONA “is as usual, an extremely
hopeful and super positive in
spirit.” He added “it would be
not only physically but also
CBCP initiates Second National Rural Congress
CATHOLIC Bishops’ Conference of the Phil- of Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) and (NASSA) and the CBCP Offices for BECs and
they were not surprised at all morally impossible for her ad- ippines (CBCP) President and Jaro (Iloilo) church-based rural development programs. Indigenous Peoples.
with the accomplishment re- ministration to achieve those Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo said the The congress will also review the impact The CBCP president appealed to diocesan
port of sorts. predictions.” He further said he CBCP will convene the Second National Ru- of key social legislation and engage gov- social action centers, schools and research
Bacolod Bishop Vicente is wary of her salvo statements ral Congress early next year to commemo- ernment agencies in the implementation of centers, farmers’ organizations, NGOs and
Navarra said he partly watched that the Philippines would be rate the 40th anniversary of the first national widely-publicized social reform programs government agencies to actively participate
the proceedings on television. some kind of a first world coun- rural congress and review the continuing is- under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform in the activities relative to the National Ru-
Asked how he would describe PGMA / A6
sues confronting the country’s poor in the Law and the Indigenous People’s Rights Act, ral Congress.
rural areas. among others. He said the Second National Rural Con-
In a statement released to the CBCPNews, He added the congress hopes to come up gress’ success lies on the participation of ev-

Vatican official challenges RP Archbishop Lagdameo said the Congress will

provide the venue for the affected sectors,
with a fuller description of the rural pov-
erty situation and do a deeper analysis of
ery diocese and its BECs.
Sub-regional consultations on rural poor

youth to work for peace

farmers, fisherfolks, rural women and youth the situation in the light of the Social Teach- sectors and rural issues will be conducted
to “speak by themselves, the discerning, the ings of the Church and formulate concrete by the Philippine-Misereor Partnership, the
proposing of their own ideas, the planning proposals for action addressed to the rural Association of Major Religious Superiors of
of how we must as a people come together to sectors, local churches, government agen- the Philippines and the Rural Poor Solidar-
work for the common good of our country.” cies, NGOs and other concerned agencies. ity coalition of non-government and
Adopting the widely accepted See-Judge- Diocesan consultations on the BEC level people’s organizations.
Act methodology, Lagdameo said the par- have begun early this month and will go on Archbishop Lagdameo said Cagayan de
ticipants will describe the current situation until November with the assistance of the Oro Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma, S.J. is
of various sectors of the rural poor, the role National Secretariat for Social Action CBCP initiates / A6
© JP Acuña / CBCP Media

Fr. Madhu’s case made CBCP: “Hope it will

IN a country marred by vio- spiritual help in this quest for “little progress,” says SVD not happen again”
lence and prejudice, the Filipino freedom,” said Byrne, who at-
youth must take a proactive tended the event representing AFTER more than 100 days of the he was murdered. THE Catholic Church has
stance in pursuing the path to Pope Benedict XVI. killing of Indonesian missionary, There have been a lot of talks, lauded the release of Fr
peace and justice, a Vatican of- The gathering is also the cul- Fr Fransiskus Madhu, in the a lot of promises, a lot of press Giancarlo Bossi, but said what
ficial said. minating activity of the 75th an- northern Philippines; the case has releases regarding the solution he had been through should not
Pontifical Mission Societies niversary of the foundation of made “a little progress,” said his of his murder, but up to now, they happen again.
(PMS) Secretary-General Fr. the PMS in the Philippines with superiors. are just talks.” Pope Benedict XVI ex-
Patrick Byrne made the candid the theme “Filipino children: Fr Jerome Adriatico, SVD, pro- “We are still praying, hoping pressed “great joy”
call for more young people to Reflecting love, Representing vincial superior of SVD northern and working for justice. Or shall now that life of the
get deeply involved in the joy, Renewing the Church”. Province, to which Fr. Madhu, 30, we, as many do in our country, Italian priest Fr.
Church and its search for peace. PMS-Philippine national di- belonged, said in a statement that ‘just make this’ while the leaders Giancarlo Bossi is
“There is so much war and rector and newly installed Daet the investigation case of slain of our government continue talk- back to normal, a
so much crime in our society (Camarines Norte) Bishop Gil- priest has not made much head- ing and talking?” he added. Vatican official
that we need to change,” Byrne bert Garcera said the occasion way after three months. According to police, a farmer said. Bossi.
told his young audience ac- is aimed at giving more impor- Madhu, SVD, a native of Ende from the northern province of Fr Federico Lombardi, direc- “My thoughts turn each day
tively participating in the 2nd tance to the value of mission in on Indonesia’s predominantly Kalinga, Nestor Wailan, alias tor of the Holy See Press Office, to Father Bossi,” the Pope said
National Congress of the Holy the country especially for the Catholic Flores Island, was Sukman, and other three men said the liberation of the 57-year prior to Bossi’s release as he af-
Childhood held in Intramuros, youth. gunned down on April 1 while shot him five times with an M-16 old missionary from the Pon- firmed that he had been updated
Manila. “Let us give the youth a preparing for Palm Sunday Mass Armalite rifle. tifical Institute for Foreign Mis- with the progress of the inves-
He invited the youth to chance to be missionaries too at Mabongtot Elementary School They have been held as sus- sions (PIME) “brings great joy tigation into the case.
bravely follow the light of so that they could reach out to in Lubuagan, Kalinga province. pects. The case is still under in- to the entire Church and also for In a separate statement, the
Christ in their lives and in their other people,” he said. Another SVD priest Fr. Agerico vestigation and the motive of the the Holy Father”. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of
search for peace in ways “op- “It’s good to see children help- Orbos, mission secretary of SVD killing has not yet been estab- Upon arriving at the Italian the Philippines (CBCP) also ex-
posed to violence and discrimi- ing other children.” Around central province said, “I just came lished. alpine region of Lorenzago di pressed appreciation to those
nation”. 900 young Catholic faithful at- from Tabuk, Kalinga, the place On account of this, SVD priests Cadore early this month for a who facilitated his release.
“And always return to Jesus tended this year’s occasion that where Madhu walked the earth have been expressing serious short vacation, the Pope said “We welcome with joy and
Christ so that you have the ended on July 14. (Roy Lagarde) for the Lord prior to his death. It concern about the case of Madhu. he’s praying daily for the im- gratitude the release of the mis-
has been three months now since Fr. Madhu’s / A6 mediate and safe release of CBCP / A6
CBCP Monitor
A2 World News Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007

Pope joyful at release of kidnapped priest

Father Bossi returns after 39-day captivity
ZAMBOANGA, Philippines, July ery day for the release of Fa- Bossi was freed Thursday 39 days, I was constantly
20, 2007—Benedict XVI ex- ther Giancarlo Bossi. The news evening in the city of moved from place to place. I
pressed great joy over the release of his release brings great joy Karumatan, Asia News re- prayed for my captors every
of a kidnapped missionary to the entire Church and also to ported. evening.”
priest, Italian Father Giancarlo the Holy Father.” Although it is not yet clear who “I used to smoke a lot prior
Bossi, who was missing for 39 “It seems,” continued Father is responsible for the kidnapping, to the abduction,” confessed the
days in the Philippines. Lombardi, “that our prayers have the police chief described nego- 57-year-old missionary. “Then
The Pope commented on vari- been answered. We now hope that tiations for the release of Father one day when I was climbing a
ous occasions that he was fol- Father Bossi may tranquilly re- Bossi as “frenetic.” mountain together with the ab-
lowing the case of the Pontifical turn to his missionary duties and “Father Bossi was released ductors I felt very weak, so I
Institute for Foreign Missions that there be no further abduc- without any payment of any said to myself, if I want to sur-
priest, who was kidnapped from tions or other episodes of vio- ransom. What the Church in vive I should not smoke any-
© JP Acuña / CBCP Media

his parish on June 10. lence in the region.” the Philippines did was pray more, and so I didn’t!”
The Holy Father was imme- for a positive outcome,” said Archbishop Romulo Valles of
diately informed Thursday of The release Monsignor Pedro Quitorio, Zamboanga said the abduction
Father Bossi’s release Thursday. spokesman for the Filipino of Father Bossi had been a mat-
“The Pope,” said Vatican According to Jaime bishops’ conference. ter of great concern, adding
spokesman Father Federico Caringal, who says he medi- Speaking about his captivity, that his release had “overjoyed
Lombardi, “prayed each and ev- ated with the abductors, Father Father Bossi said: “During the the whole Church.” (Zenit)

Los Angeles Cardinal Mahony apologizes Holy See hopes China

to sex abuse victims as Archdiocese seeks approval of bishop
PIEVE DI CADORE, Italy, July 19, The Patriotic Association has

reaches a settlement 2007—The Holy See is favorable

toward the bishop chosen to lead
the Diocese of Beijing, and is “op-
chosen “a very good, well-
suited” person, Cardinal Bertone
said. This is “a positive sign,” and
timistic” that the official Church now “we hope that they seek the
LOS ANGELES, USA, July 16, The deal settles all 508 cases will seek Vatican approval, said Holy See’s approval. We are wait-
2007—Cardinal Roger Mahony that remained against the arch- Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. ing.”
of Los Angeles apologized Sun- diocese, which also paid $60 mil- During a press conference He added that “the election took
day to the hundreds of the plain- lion in December to settle 45 cases Wednesday in Pieve di Cadore, place according to canons of the
tiffs involved in the recent settle- that weren’t covered by the in- close to where Benedict XVI is official Church. Normally, they
ment over allegations of sex surance companies. vacationing, the Vatican secre- enter into contact with the Holy
abuse. Under the latest deal, the arch- tary of state commented on the See and ask approval. We are wait-
“There really is no way to go diocese will pay $250 million, election of 43-year-old Bishop ing and we are optimistic.”
© Gene Blevins/LA Daily News/Corbis

back and give them that inno- insurance carriers will pay a Joseph Li Shan by the commu- Regarding the letter recently
cence that was taken from them. combined $227 million and sev- nity—priests, religious and la- sent to Chinese Catholics by
The one thing I wish I could give eral religious orders will pay $60 ity—of the Beijing Diocese. Benedict XVI, Cardinal Bertone
the victims ... I cannot,” he said. million. The remaining $123 mil- The elected Bishop Li stands to said: “There are no official reac-
“Once again, I apologize to lion will come from litigation succeed Archbishop Michele Fu tions at this time; we believe the
anyone who has been offended, with religious orders that chose Tieshan who died in April and government is prudently reflect-
who has been abused. It should not to participate in the deal, re- received a state funeral from the ing on it and this is a positive
not have happened, and it will ported the AP. Communist Party. The election development.”
not happen again.” The settlement will not affect is the first to take place in the The letter, he added, “initiated
More than 500 alleged victims the archdiocese’s core ministry, country since Benedict XVI sent a dialogue between the official
Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles
of clergy sexual abuse will get a Cardinal Mahony said, but the letter to the faithful of China last Church and the underground one.
share of a $660-million settlement church will have to sell buildings, the release of priests’ confiden- relief,” said Michael Hennigan, month. In the last few days, I have re-
reached late Saturday, reported use some of its invested funds and tial personnel files after review archdiocese attorney, told the AP. The “Council of Bishops” is ceived a message from an offi-
The Associated Press. This is by borrow money. The archdiocese by a judge. “But it’s a disappointment too expected to accept his nomina- cial bishop who wrote me that
far the largest payout since the will not sell any parish property, Cardinal Mahony and all par- that we didn’t get it done much tion. In the past, the Pope has ap- the letter is very nice and now
nationwide clergy abuse scandal he said. ties are expected before a Los earlier than this.” proved certain bishops elected ‘we are studying it in-depth.’”
emerged in 2002 in Boston. Cardinal Mahony met with Angeles Superior Court judge According to the AP, these this way. (Zenit)
The amount would average a dozens of people alleging sex today to enter the settlement into settlements push the total
little more than $1.3 million per abuse in the past 14 months, the court record. A judge must amount paid out by the U.S.
plaintiff, although individual
payouts will vary according to the
severity and duration of the
which he said helped him under-
stand the importance of a quick
sign off on the agreement.
“I think for those of us who
have been involved in this for
church since 1950 to more than
$2 billion, with about a quar-
ter of that from Los Angeles.
Pope John Paul opposed easy
abuse. The settlement also calls for more than five years, it’s a huge (CNA)
annulments, tribunal judge says
Nuncio says Catholic Church’s cases of clerical sex VATICAN, July 19, 2007—The late
Pope John Paul II was staunchly
opposed to easing the standards
make that principle the most im-
portant criterion for their judg-

abuse rank among the lowest

for obtaining marriage annul- Bishop Stankiewicz told KAI
ments, the dean of the Roman Rota that he fully agreed with the de-
has said. ceased Pontiff in supporting the
In an interview with the KAI permanence of marriage.
MADRID, Spain, July 19, 2007— In a reference to the accusations he called a form of “discrimina- tinued, “and that is called dis- news agency, Bishop Antoni The Polish bishop said that it is
The Apostolic Nuncio in Spain, of clerical abuse, in both real and tion” against the Church “with crimination, no matter how sin- Stankiewicz said that Pope John dangerous to adopting lax stan-
Archbishop Manuel Monteiro, fabricated cases, the archbishop evil intentions.” cere they are trying be.” Paul always stressed the indissolu- dards in issuing decrees of nul-
said this week data from interna- said, “Why should the Church pay “Read the newspapers, and The Nuncio made his com- bility of marriage in his messages lity, since easy annulments sug-
tional organizations shows that and other entities not?” He de- you will find the same cases ev- ments in the city of Aranjuez, to the Vatican tribunal, and in- gest bad will and a lack of com-
priests are responsible for the cried that news of clerical abuse ery day, sometimes a whole page where he was participating in a sisted that Church jurists should mitment to marriage. (CWNews)
smallest percentage of sexual appears “every day on the front long, and that is where you can conference at the King Juan
abuse. pages of certain media,” which see the evil intentions,” he con- Carlos University. (CNA)
Suspended bishop maintains lead
Claretians promoting program of collaboration, development in Paraguay’s presidential race
MANILA, July 21, 2007—The Zamboanga project. “growing network of multi- It has been marked by a long
Claretian missionaries in the The program includes micro- sectoral and multilateral move- standing conflict between the Fili-
Philippines in cooperation with lending to community livelihood ments in Mindanao aimed at pino army and the Moro Islamic
the government and other agen- groups, particularly the urban fighting poverty and strengthen- Liberation Front (MILF).
cies have launched a new pro- and rural poor, water systems, ing peace and security,” Fr. Calvo In 1996 a Bishops-Ulama Fo-
gram for peace and development mangrove replanting, supply of said. rum was set up. It includes Catho-
in Mindanao. health services, organizational Manos Unidas, an interna- lic, other Christian and Muslim
Its basic thrusts are health ser- development trainings initia- tional Spanish foundation based religious leaders in Mindanao
vices, livelihood enterprise assis- tives, non-formal education and in Madrid (Spain) is among the par- who advocate inter-religious
tance, good governance and ca- others. ticipating organizations; it also en- dialogue.
pacity-building at the commu- The coalition of groups behind joys the support of the Spanish The Claretian missionaries’
nity level, peace advocacy, envi- the program is called the government. initiative is a further sign of their
ronment enhancement and sus- Zambanga City-Basilan Inte- Mindanao, which includes the commitment to achieve shared

tainable agriculture, said grated Development Alliance provinces of Zamboanga and welfare and concrete support for
Claretian Fr Angel Calvo, chair- (ZABIDA) and its goal is to pro- Basilan, is a southern island re- the local population. (Santosh
man of the Peace Advocates mote co-operation as part of a gion that has a Muslim majority. Digal / AsiaNews)

Polish leaders urge restraint on Italian bishops concerned by

ASUNCION, Paraguay, July 17, sign from the priesthood. But
2007—A suspended Catholic Church officials pointed out that
bishop has a comfortable lead in the priesthood cannot be re-

radio priest terms of religious-freedom law

Paraguay’s presidential race, ac- signed. Incumbent President
cording to the latest poll figures. Nicanor Duarte has announced
Fernando Lugo Mendez is plans to invoke the constitutional
drawing support from 40% of the provision to block Lugo from the
KRAKOW, Poland, July 20, ance toward political opponents. ROME, July 18, 2007—The Ital- any sect as equivalent to Catho- voters surveyed, according to a presidential ballot.
2007—Several hundred promi- Describing the priest’s public ian bishops’ conference (CEI) is lic marriages; to date these report in the International Herald In February the Vatican an-
nent Polish figures have joined statements as “contemptible,” opposing a legislative measure unions where have been treated Tribune. His closest rival lags 10% nounced that Lugo had been sus-
in public call for disciplinary ac- and saying that his influence has that purports to broaden reli- in Italian law as civil marriages. behind that level of support. pended a divinis because he re-
tion against the priest who heads become steadily more divisive, gious freedom in the country. The bishops’ conference notes Running as a populist candi- fused to curtail his partisan po-
the controversial Radio Maryja. the signatories asked Church Bishop Giuseppe Betori, the that the government’s treat- date, Lugo has been the consis- litical campaign. Sources in the
Former Prime Minister leaders to take action to curtail general secretary of the CEI, ex- ment of Catholic marriages is tent front-runner in the campaign Paraguayan bishops’ conference
Tadeusz Mazowiecki and former the public influence of the plained that the bishops object regulated by the concordat be- leading up to presidential elec- have suggested that the conflict
foreign minister Wladyslaw Redemptorist priest. to the bill—which is currently tween Italy and the Holy See. tions in May 2008. could eventually lead to Lugo’s
Bartoszewski led a group of over Earlier this week Father Joseph pending before a parliamen- The Italian bishops are con- Despite his popularity, how- excommunication.
700 people who signed an open Tobin, the superior general of the tary commission on constitu- cerned that approval of the new ever, the 58-year-old cleric still Bishop Lugo was appointed in
letter released through the Cen- Redemptorist order, said that he tional matters—because it legislation could give rise to faces an important obstacle: a pro- 1994 to head the San Pedro dio-
ter for Culture and Dialogue in has investigated reports about Fa- would put the Catholic Church social problems—for example, vision of Paraguay’s constitution cese. He resigned in January 2005,
Krakow, complaining that pub- ther Rydzyk’s public statements, on the same level as religious in cases involving religions that bars priests from serving in claiming uncertain health—a
lic statements by Father Tadeusz and said that a statement about the sects. such as Islam, which allow a the presidency. claim that has been undermined
Rydzyk have “revealed his con- controversial priest will be re- The proposal would recog- man to marry more than one At the start of his campaign, by his subsequent political activ-
tempt” for Jews and his intoler- leased shortly. (CWNews) nize marriages performed by wife. (CWNews) Lugo said that he wished to re- ity. (CWNews)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007 News Features A3

CBCP launches online news service

THE Media Office of the Explaining the objectives of CBCP Monitor,” said Quitorio.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference CBCPNews before the press, CBCPNews sources its news pri-
of the Philippines (CBCP) Lagdameo said that the online marily from the statements com-
launched its online news ser- news service provides a “more ing from the CBCP President and
vice at the press room of CBCP organized thrust in evangeliza- the Permanent Council. Other
Media Office July 5. tion, conscientization and forma- sources include the various Epis-
With a specific mission of help- tion of public opinion according copal Commissions and the bish-
ing “spread the Gospel through to the Gospel values that can be ops in their respective dioceses.
contemporary technologies of attained.” (PCP-II, 102-105). The online news service was
communication by re-telling in With evangelization as its pri- conceptualized as “an indepen-
news reports and features how it mary objective, CBCPNews is an dent news organization to be
is witnessed in the daily events excellent means of spreading the staffed by Catholic journalists
and lives of people”, CBCPNews Gospel in the fastest way pos- dedicated to providing accurate
is the first local online Catholic sible. news written from a distinctively
news service in the country. Quitorio said reports posted in Catholic perspective.”
Present during the launching the news service can be down- Though the project was ap-
which was attended by members loaded free of charge. proved by CBCP Permanent
of the CBCP press corps, were “It will be circulated to the glo- Council as early as 1997, various
CBCP President, Archbishop An- bal community free-of-charge constraints such as personnel and
gel Lagdameo, DD; CBCP Me- through its online facility logistics, kept the news service
dia Director, Msgr. Pedro (, email to become fully operationalized
Quitorio; and staff of CBCP Me- subscriptions, RSS (Really Simple until this year. (Pinky Barrientos,
dia Office. Syndication) or through the FSP)

Korean bishop issues caution Hosting

on alleged Marian revelation program
SEOUL, Korea, July 19, 2007—A
bishop in South Korea has re-
began making claims about a
weeping statue of the Virgin in
launched to
care for World
newed his caution to the faithful 1985. She later added the claim
about a group led by a woman that she receives private revela-
who has claimed special mes- tions, and has reported Eucharis-
sages from the Virgin Mary. tic miracles at the shrine she es-

Youth Day
Bishop Boniface Choi Ki-san of tablished in Naju.
Inchon has instructed Catholics A Church investigation into
of his diocese not to participate the claims ended in 1998 when
in activities at the Naju shrine, Archbishop Victorinus Youn

founded by the alleged seer Julia Kong-hi of nearby Kwangju an-
Kim Young Hong-sun. He issued nounced that there was no evi-
his order after several hundred dence of supernatural phenom-
people gathered at the shrine for ena at the Naju shrine. Church
liturgical services led a Korean- officials rejected the reports of
A group of Filipino pilgrims pose before the Naju Shrine where the statue of the born priest now living in the US. miracles in a second statement
Blessed Mother is said to be weeping. Julia Kim Young Hong-sun issued in 2005. (CWNews) SYDNEY, Australia, July 16,
2007—Organizers of World
Youth Day (WYD) 2008, to be
held in Sydney, Australia, have

Pope Benedict uses older ritual

launched a program called
HomeStay to provide housing
for the thousands of young
people set to attend the event.

for his private Mass

The hosting program asks
Sydney homeowners to host
two or more visiting pilgrims
from overseas or outside
Sydney. and community spirit. It’s not
VATICAN, July 16, 2007—Pope sal use before the liturgical Paul II, who regularly invited datory preface to the book The The approaching World just for Catholics, but the wider
Benedict XVI, who recently is- changes that followed Vatican visitors to attend the Mass that Reform of the Roman Liturgy, in Youth Day, scheduled for July Sydney community.
sued a motu proprio allowing all II—was never abrogated. he celebrated each morning in which Msgr. Klaus Gamber de- 15th-20th 2008, is expected to “When I was in Cologne I was
Catholic priests to celebrate the Since becoming Roman Pon- his private chapel, Benedict XVI cried many of the liturgical involve 500,000 people includ- treated like a member of the
old Latin Mass, uses the older tiff, Benedict XVI has always has made it his regular practice changes of the past few decades. ing 125,000 overseas visitors family, and that’s something
ritual himself for his private used the new ritual—which he to celebrate Mass with only a Then Cardinal Ratzinger also and up to 175,000 from other that I will cherish forever. Now
Mass, CWN has learned. identifies in Summorum few aides. The Pope’s closest as- traveled to Wigratzbad, in Ba- parts of Australia. the event is here in Sydney, I
Informed sources at the Pontificum as the “ordinary sociates have established a repu- varia, to ordain priests for the “World Youth Day will bring want to return the favour and
Vatican have confirmed reports form” of the Roman rite—for tation for preserving confi- Fraternity of St. Peter, a group the biggest ever contingent of show our overseas visitors the
that the Holy Father regularly public celebrations of the Eucha- dences. devoted to the use of the tradi- young people to Sydney,” great Australian hospitality
celebrates Mass using the 1962 ristic liturgy. However few Pope Benedict has long been tional liturgy. He performed WYD08 Coordinator Bishop An- that we are renowned for.
Roman Missal. people have witnessed the Pope known as an ardent defender of those ordinations, as well as thony Fisher OP said. “Families that speak a lan-
In his motu proprio Summorum celebrating his private daily the Catholic liturgical tradition. Mass on Easter Sunday in 1990, “Most will be accommodated guage other than English in par-
Pontificum the Pope says that the Mass. In the early 1990s he raised eye- using the 1962 Roman Missal. in schools and parish halls, but ticular should get involved and
older form—the form in univer- Unlike his predecessor John brows in Rome by writing a lau- (CWNews) we’ll need up to 50,000 to be host non-English speaking pil-
hosted in homes across Sydney. grims,” she said.
“Sydneysiders are a friendly Communities all around

First deaf-mute priest ordained in Asia and generous bunch, and we be-
lieve many will open their
hearts and their homes to young
pilgrims from out of town.”
Sydney are preparing to take in
pilgrims next year. The
Fernandez family are part of the
Maroubra community which is
SEOUL, South Korea, July 20, handicap he decided to become a became his spiritual director. with a handicap, I was given a lot
2007—On July 6 Cardinal painter. After graduating, he studied the- of media attention even before Sydney residents Cheryl preparing to take in as many
Cheong Jin-Suk of Seoul, South At the school for the deaf he ology at St. Joseph’s Seminary in my ordination, but I am not a Fernandez and her brother Carl pilgrims as they can house.
Korea, ordained the first deaf- met Father Michael Cheong- New York and then attended the star, I’m an ordinary priest,” he stayed with two separate fami- HomeStay providers will be
mute priest in Asia, Father Soon-o, to whom he revealed his University of St. John, where he said, asking the faithful to “pray lies in Cologne, Germany dur- asked to supply sleeping spaces
Benedict Park Min-Seo, after 22 desire to become a priest, but received a degree in 2004. He for me to be a humble and hon- ing World Youth Day 2005, and and breakfast for two or more
years of vocational discernment because of the lack of courses for returned to Seoul where he con- est priest.” their family is planning to host pilgrims.
and study. the deaf in Korean seminaries he tinued his studies at the seminary Father Michael Cheong Soon-o pilgrims next year. Applications to participate in
Father Park, who was born in was sent to the United States. and was ordained a deacon in said, “The ordination of Father “HomeStay is a fantastic way HomeStay and further details of
1965, lost his hearing at the age In 1994 he entered the Univer- July of 2006. Mark shows God’s love for people for Sydneysiders to play a very the program are available now
of two after he was prescribed the sity of Gallaudet to study philoso- “First of all I want to thank who cannot hear or speak.” “We important role in an historic in- at
wrong medicine. He felt the call- phy and mathematics, and there God for accepting me as a priest,” need to pray for him that he may ternational event,” said Cheryl. homestay or you can find out
ing to the priesthood at a very he met Father Thomas Coughlin, Father Park said after his first be light and salt for handicapped “This is an opportunity to details through local schools
young age but because of his the first deaf priest in the US, who Mass. “As the first Catholic priest persons,” he added. (CNA) promote Australia’s hospitality and Catholic parishes. (CNA)

South Korea Gives Vatican

Digital Technology
ROME, July 20, 2007—South Ko- Center.
rea gave the Vatican a digital The technology,
multimedia broadcasting system pioneered by
to transmit programs offered by South Korea, is a
Vatican Radio and the Vatican digital radio trans-
Television Center. mission system for
The vice minister of informa- sending multime-
tion and communications of dia broadcasts to
South Korea, Younghwan Yoo, mobile devices,
was received in audience Thurs- such as cellular
day by Vatican Secretary of State phones, that are
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, in or- equipped with
der to present the apparatus that digital multimedia
will enable the Holy See to broad- broadcasting
cast with new digital technology (DMB) receivers.
called T-DMB (terrestrial digital DMB is used
multimedia broadcasting). mainly in South
Also present for the event was Korea, but is being
Pier Carlo Cuscianna, director of tested in several countries, such programs digitally, and Romans
telecommunications for the as Italy. The technology is cur- with DMB receivers will be able
governatorate of Vatican City, rently unavailable in North to receive them.
and Jesuit Father Federico America. The South Korean official also
Lombardi, director of Vatican The Vatican will soon broad- gave the Vatican about 100 small
Radio and the Vatican Television cast both television and radio DMB receivers. (Zenit)
CBCP Monitor
A4 Opinion Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007


Putting the Lamp on the

Lamp Stand
THE Second National Congress of the Holy Childhood was held
second week of July, right after the bishops’ bi-annual meeting.
It was organized by the Pontifical Mission Societies Philippines
now under the baton of Daet Bishop Gilbert Garcera.
By the looks of it, the event was well participated by children
coming from all parts of the country. They gathered at the Pope
Pius XII Catholic Center, at the Manila Cathedral, and at the Clam
Shell in Intramuros. It was the whole country in potentia. These
children could be the crowd of congressmen, militants and
bystanders around the SONA in 2030—the GMA timeframe
when the country will be closer to paradise. Or they could be the
Layout by Denz Dayao

crowd in the nth national gathering of priests and religious with

one of them standing tall as the CBCP President. But they could
be, too, the jueteng lords (Archbishop Cruz will be out by then and
jueteng should be painting every town red!), the COMELEC
officials and government spinners—and by then PAGCOR should
have bought more congressmen and senators for another franchise
extension to last a lifetime.
But the event did not hit the pages. It was no match against the
gigantic issues of the day: the Human Security Act, the Summit
on Extra-judicial killings and disappearances, the lost and finding
of Fr. Bossi, and the hush-hush of the upcoming SONA (State of
the Nation Address).
By reason of consequence, and even dignity, the 2nd Nation
Congress of the Holy Childhood was more significant than all the
prevailing issues. In fact, it is not an overstatement to declare that
the talks given to these docile children were 3 times better and
more realistic than all the past 6 or 7 SONAS combined. After
listening to the talks given to the children, one comes out with
more faith and commitment; after listening to the sound and fury
of the SONA nobody comes out with anything—well, it’s like
going to sleep to dream and dream for more.
Abp. Angel N. Lagdameo, DD
Publicity gives a bad connotation. But to organize a church even
without others knowing it, is a very literal exegesis of not letting
Prophetic Role of
the right hand know what the left hand is doing. In the Church it
is normal for one office not to know what’s happening with the In and Out of Season Priests
And we talk about proclaiming the Good News from housetops
and disdain about lighting a lamp only to be hidden under a tub. (This is lifted from the talk of Archbishop Angel isterial (servant) community. to the sick and disabled in the community, the poor
Lagdameo to Theology Seminarians of the Visayas The role of the priest is precisely to help and the victimized in society. Recognizing the
Basically, our difficulty really is proactively putting the lamp on Region on the occasion of their 6th Gathering on
“operationalize,” “realize,” “fulfill” these plight of the poor and deprived who are so often
the lamp stand. July 23, 2007—Ed)
characteristics of the Christian community. neglected by the rich and the mighty, the servant-
DEAR Students of Theology from the Visayas He is in their midst foremost as priest, min- leader encourages the Christian community (es-
Region: I am pleased to welcome you to Jaro ister and prophet. He develops his spiritual- pecially the better-off among them) to reach out
for your 6th Gathering with the theme “The ity through his personal encounter with with compassion to the weak. He makes real to the
In search of good persons Role of Priest as Prophets.” Christ, priest, servant-leader (king) and
Christian community Christ’s love of preference
for the poor.” (cf. PCP-II, #526 & 527).
As anointed by the Holy Spirit to be a con-
IN its Pastoral Statement on the 2007 National Elections dated 8 temporary representative (Alter Christus), the Let me remind you what the PCP-II teaches My dear Seminarians: your formation is
July 2007, the CBCP made a collective pronouncement on the ordained minister fulfills his threefold office about the prophetic community and thus getting closer and closer to what you and God
lights and shadows that accompanied the said democratic of priest, prophet and minister (king). If you about the priest’s prophetic role: “Evangeli- envision you to become. According to God’s
exercises. In rather clear and relatively few words, the Episcopal go back to PCP-II (Workers of Renewal: Clergy) zation means bringing the Good News to all condi- promise, the Lord’s Spirit who will anoint
you will read there that the community over tions and status of human life; its specific attitudes you on your ordination day, through you will
Conference pointed out both the admirable as well as the censurable
which the priest presides is a community and values, styles of life that go against the Word of renew the hearts of people, engrave the law
factors that accompanied the political event as far as their ethical formed by the Word of God, a Eucharistic God and His loving plan to save all. Like the com- in them and create them into a community of
elements and moral dimensions were concerned. Community, a prophetic community, a min- passionate Good Shepherd, the priest reaches out priests, prophets and servant-leaders.
As an appropriate ending of the statement, the CBCP made seven
specific recommendations in the spirit of good will and in sincere
service to the people. The bishops began by recommending the Oscar V. Cruz, DD
full revamp of the COMELEC and ended by proposing the
cleansing of the voters’ list. It further urged the prosecution of
those responsible for electoral anomalies and continued by
SONA Warning Views and Points
endorsing a systematic and continued political voters’ education.
Finally, the Episcopal Conference saw the need of modernizing
the electoral system (automation), reforming the electoral laws
THERE is a known saying that being fore- was not a joke when someone supposed and gether with all conceivable agenda in Luzon,
(legislation), and giving special vigilance to the elections held in warned is being forearmed. The 2007 is a good expected to end governing by 2010, is in fact the Visayas and Mindanao, there were too
ARMM. warning of ominous things to come. What poised to run again for another office, an- many incumbent politicos from all over the
Without formally and explicitly saying it, it is quite obvious that the SONA expressly and implicitly said are other tenure. land were meticulously named one by one—
the CBCP sees one over-all imperative behind all of its seven enough for those concerned to heed well— Then there was the explicit and earnest plea with proper admiration and gratitude—to-
categorical recommendations. It is clearly the fundamental need lest they be caught unaware and unprepared. for both houses of congress to reform the tax gether with due applause for their self-ela-
There are some three distinct eventualities law! It would be the height of idiocy to pre- tion.
of good persons—upright, credible and honorable individuals—
that the SONA surreptitiously forwarded and sume that such an endorsed reformed tax law It was in effect a roll call of many key po-
who should be behind all its proposed agenda. Without the that should be even now already much noted. would be in order to lower direct and/or in- litical personalities from all the Philippine
presence and service of such good people behind the CBCP The opening salvo that the Philippines will direct taxes. The assumption akin to certitude regions for the purpose of getting their de-
recommendations, the country would simply again experience be a first world country in 2030 is signal and is that sometimes soon, taxes will be in fact sired support when already needed—such as
the shame of the 2004 Elections and the fraud in this 2007 crystal in its implications. There are so many raised in any way, by all means, come what in the event of a proposed charter change, in
Elections on the occasion of the projected crucial 2010 National projects to finish and to start. There are so may. time of another campaign for leadership po-
Elections. many plans to accomplish, so many programs So many airports to build, so many roads sition come 2010. They are useful for getting
to actualize. All these cannot be done in there to make, so much infrastructure to put up, so votes.
In other words, a constitutional body like the COMELEC manned
years up to 2010. If they were not achieved much development to attend to. In fact, even What a SONA! By merely listening to it,
by unscrupulous officials urges even well meaning people to before in some six long years since 2001, how guarding—protecting, defending—the one is transported to wonderland and be-
adopt unconstitutional means for redress. Good counting machines could they be done in but three years from Malacañang occupant is becoming more and yond. But when thereafter thinking about it,
become the worst vote counters in the hands of unscrupulous 2007! more expensive. Who is targeted to pay for one is brought back to the sad national reali-
operators. Electoral laws no matter how good are no match for The implication is obvious. The lead plan- all these? Who else but the entire Filipino ties—continuous killings, abductions and
deceitful officials tasked to implement them. A sound electoral ner and head programmer should thus have people—the rich and the poor, the children corruption, endemic lying, cheating and steal-
system is always receptive of distortion by corrupt executives. many more years in office—up to 2030 if at and the adults, the hungry and the sick in- ing, poverty, hunger and sickness (to men-
all possible. Otherwise, the first world vi- cluded. tion a few)—brought about by none other
That is why without well chosen honest and just public servants sion for the country would be just that—a Lastly, there was that strong and continu- than the visionary of a first world Philip-
placed as heads and helpers behind all the seven CBCP quixotic vision. The conclusion is obvious: it ous political undertones in the SONA. To- pines.
recommendations, such would be simply another futile and vain
exercise. In general, it can be even rightfully said that manned by
lying, cheating and stealing personnel, even the legislative,
Nicolo F. Bernardo
Harry Potter and the
executive and judicial branches of government become a
composite curse of the governed.

Lifeguard Latin Mass

ISSN 1908-2940

CBCP Monitor
Protagonist of Tr u t h , Promoter of Peace
WHEN the seventh and final book of J.K.
Rowling’s Harry Potter series hit the stores,
fanatics and critics alike sighed, “it’s finally
over.” So goes Potter’s bastardized Latin
spell, “expelliarmus!”
Roman Mass) as “an extraordinary form” of
celebrating the Holy Eucharist. This Mass can
serve not only traditional Catholics’ nostal-
gia but the youth who want a spice of code-
rich religiosity and profundity. Instead of
The Latin Mass can be a catechetical break
as many Catholic classics were Latin ab origine.
Recurrence of the past and understanding of
new languages are after all today’s trends:
the fad for revivals here and there and for
Pedro C. Quitorio I leave it to reviewers to comment on this hearing kids mutter pseudo-Latin Potter award-winning foreign flicks with subtitles.
Editor-in-Chief fantasy novel’s (de)merits. Yet what would spells such as “expecto patronum,” “wingardium Just a year ago, there was a debate on UST’s
seem to stay is young people’s enchantment leviosa,” and “levicorpus,” they better pray in philosophy yahoo group pro et contra
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos for things esoteric, exotic and enigmatic. real Latin. Latin would not be hard mnemon- Tridentine Mass. Surprisingly, there were stu-
Associate Editor Feature Editor Fascinations for antique and medieval mar- ics, with all the “imperio” (to command), dents who favored it because of perceived
vels such as the Da Vinci Code, New Age spiri- “tergeo” (to wipe off), “reparo” (to restore), abuses on the way the New Mass has been
Melo M. Acuña Rowena T. Dalanon tuality, the new-wave Gregorian chant, Free- “protego” (to protect), “oppugno” (to attack), adapted to be more and more pop, accom-
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor masonry, Grail legends, Cabbalism, Gnosti- “nox” (night), and “furunculus” (boil) kids modating and conventional. But Benedict XVI
Dennis B. Dayao cism, Order of Hermetics, Wizardry, and have already learned from Potter. issued a less compartmentalized answer: not
Ernani M. Ramos
On-Line Editor Circulation Manager other witchologies are probably symptoms The Tridentine Mass may be old but it is an either/or but both/and. The normative New
of a deeper desire for more mystery, sym- new to young Catholics (like me) who have Mass stays as the ordinary form of celebrat-
Roy Q. Lagarde Marcelita Dominguez bolic expressions, communion with the su- never attended one. Many youngsters have ing the Eucharist that can suit the charismatic,
News Editor Comptroller pernatural and extraordinary forms of spiri- heard of it only from their grannies or from but there’s also the X.O. version. The two
tuality. Maybe Umberto Eco is right, people Mel Gibson who keeps a private chapel where complement each other, one is not higher
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP are pining for “a new Middle Ages,” for al- Latin masses are celebrated per diem. Much as than the other, and they only differ in ex-
Communications Development Foundation, Inc., with
editorial and business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St.,
ternative old-style flavors, with the crisis of New Age deviations are old superstitions ab pressions of the same faith. The Church has
Intramuros, Manila. P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. modernism. absurdo recast anew, so is the Tridentine Mass diverse Eucharistic rites, including Eastern
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612. What could work as a timely response to an old liturgy whose revived rite and lan- versions in Oriental patriarchies.
Email: this explosion of “extraordinary mysticism” guage can spark interest into the Church’s The Tridentine Mass codified during the
Website: is Pope Benedict XVI’s green light for the long tradition and its mysterium fidei like a Council of Trent (1570) has a rich liturgy
Tridentine Mass (a.k.a. Traditional/Latin/ “chamber of secrets” to sanctity. Lifeguard / A6
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007 Opinion A5
Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
An Open Letter to the
Love Life Padre de Familia Honorable Members of the 14th
Congress on Climate Change
I GREW up looking forward to Mother’s Day Dr. Keith Krull, a psychologist, writes, their stories about school, friends, and and the Unique Role of
in May. My father would remind me and “Men who are striving to be more than things they see on television. With the exo-
my brothers and sisters to make a greeting breadwinners tend to become “second moth- dus of female overseas workers, the fathers Indigenous Peoples
card for our mom. But there was no celebra- ers”. What’s needed is for men to find their are suddenly left to taking care of the home
tion of Father’s Day in June then. It has only distinctive role.” I like what he says about without much preparation. “When thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are
been these past two decades that the second the distinctive role of fathers—that they Where do the fathers learn how to give
Sunday of June is being celebrated as should be “a bridge to the community” with emotional support which seems to be more created;And thou renewest the face of the
Father’s Day, especially by commercial es- “one foot at home and one in the commu- natural to women? This is when the Church earth.” (Ps 40:30)
tablishments and the media. Very often, in- nity”. In this way, the father introduces his could play a significant role. Yes, the par-
stead of making people more aware of the children to the larger world outside the fam- ishes have Family and Life Ministries offer- Ladies and Gentlemen:
importance of fatherhood, the responsibili- ily. While we are not here to go against the ing pre-marriage counseling, marriage en-
ties of fathers, and the ways by which chil- tide of feminism, as that ideology has some richment seminars and individual counsel- Climate change is fast becoming a major concern, not only
dren can show appreciation for their fathers, good points, such as the campaign to stop- ing. But what per cent of the parishioners is among governments and international scientists, but also
the day is spent in much unnecessary spend- ping the use, abuse and subjugation of reached out by these programs if surveys among ordinary citizens who bear the brunt of nature’s in-
ing due to advertising. women, we are certainly not for reversal of show that only 15% of Catholics go to creasingly unpredictable behavior.
With so many conflicting messages on roles of fathers and mothers in the home. church. Environmental disasters due to climate change have pro-
what and how a father should be, it is a won- Because many families are now changing Every now and then, Archbishop Paciano duced another breed of refugees: environmental or climate
der how men nowadays can carry on this structure, the father is expected to give more Aniceto, Chair of the Episcopal Commis- refugees, estimated to be at least 10 million worldwide. The
role without too much anxiety and stress. “emotional output”. Sometimes, the father sion on Family and Life, call us to a meet- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) under
The campaign for women empowerment, if is more present at home with the children ing at the CBCP office. There I meet the the UN, predicts the figures to balloon to 150 million by the
not clarified and worked out by both men than the mother who works till late at night heads of marriage and family life organiza- year 2050 due mainly to the effects of coastal flooding, shore-
and women in communities, tend to leave or is even out-of-town or out of the coun- tions—very committed and well-informed line erosion and agricultural disruption.
the men out of the picture and wondering try. It is the father who has to attend to the leaders of the Church. We listen to each oth- The Philippines, being an archipelago and situated in the
what is there for them now. day-to-day needs of the children, listen to Love / A6 typhoon belt, is no stranger to climate-related devastations
which have more than doubled in intensity and frequency
these past decade due to global warming. Those who are di-
rectly affected are rural families, particularly farmers, fisher-
Jose B. Lugay
Convergence for
men, and indigenous peoples, who depend directly from the
environment for livelihood and food. This translates to a sharp

Human Development Laiko Lampstand rise in the number of poor and displaced people desperately
finding refuge in cities, particularly in Metro Manila, or seek-
ing jobs abroad.
Our pursuit of development gains without regard for envi-
ronmental impact is a major contributor to this situation. The
THE key word to highlight the 31st National ter, 3) Employment, 4) Education, and 5) the economy. excessive use of fossil fuels in industry and transport leads to unac-
Assembly of the Bishop Businessmen’s Con- Health. The ARMM in Mindanao topped the list ceptable amounts of carbon emissions that contribute to global warm-
ference held last July 6 at the AIM Confer- The assembly was convincingly enlight- as No. 1 in occurrence of hunger of all the 17 ing while massive deforestation deprives us of forest areas which
ence Hall is CONVERGENCE. Henceforth ened by the statistical reality of hunger, the regions surveyed. The National Capital Re- serve as storehouses of carbon. This is further aggravated by the
the organization will be named Bishop measure of extreme poverty by no less than gion ranked No. 2. The two regions repre- present Administration’s promotion of mining which is be-
Businessmen’s Convergence. The rationale SWS Chairman Mahar Mangahas. The results sent the rural and the urban poor. The help ing flaunted all over the papers these days, overshadowing
for the change was very well explained by of their surveys of hunger covered the years given them by different donor institutions whatever measures are made to mitigate the effects of global
Senator Vicente Paterno. He explained that 1998 to 2007. How could one determine the was also surveyed. What is surprising was warming.
it is not enough for businessmen to share accuracy of a sample size of 1200 persons to that the poorest of the poor received less of On the contrary, our indigenous peoples, who live in the
funds for developmental projects of the represent the total population of 70 to 80 the donated products than the not so poor. country’s remaining forests, have constantly kept their stand
Church but more importantly with the million Filipinos? This question was antici- This means the distribution of food to the in giving voice to our Mother Earth’s silent pleas, and have
present state of poverty in the Philippines, pated by Mr. Mangahas and his ready an- needy must be improved. been trying to live out a sustainable and viable existence
businessmen need to share resources of their swer was: “A larger sample size will be ex- Two dioceses represented by their social within these areas. With the threats of global warming and
hearts, talents and skills. pensive but the trends shown in the SWS re- action directors presented to the assembly, climate change at the backdrop, our indigenous peoples’
The theme chosen for this year’s assem- sults had been validated by an independent probable areas of future cooperation and struggle to protect and preserve our environment particu-
bly was “The Business of Building Peace: survey of the government.” The Bureau of convergence between the Dioceses and BBC. larly their ancestral domain is no longer a stranger of the so-
Addressing the Issues of Rural & Urban Pov- Agricultural Statistics of the Department of Sister Eden Orlino of the Diocese of called minority, but a struggle for survival of the nation and
erty” Archbishop Angel Lagdameo in his Agriculture was conducted in 2003 by then Bayombong, Nueva Viscaya presented the the whole human race.
welcome remarks, recalled the phrase DA Secretary D. Panganiban using a sample agricultural products of their region: 1) Development experts and environmental advocates recog-
“Peace is synonymous to human development” size of 8600 households. The conclusion is Yacon tuber and 2) Table Oranges. The yacon nize the unique responsibility and special role of indigenous
according to the encyclical Populorum the same. The occurrence of hunger (not be- tuber is sweet without the sugar which dia- peoples in mitigating global warming. Indigenous
Progressio of Pope Paul VI which celebrates ing able to eat 3 meals a day or no meal at betics are prohibited to ingest. The farmer’s worldview, on which indigenous knowledge, systems and
its 40 th anniversary this year. The Arch- all) was on an increasing trend for the years yield is 2800 kilos yacon per hectare. How practices are rooted, consider Mother Earth sacred, thus IP
bishop also identified 5 priorities for hu- 2003 to 2007 despite the Arroyo can the businessmen give them help in mar- community practices are geared to protect our ecosystems
man development, namely. 1) Food, 2) Shel- Administration’s claim of improvement of Laiko / A6 for the present and future generations. The value of IP com-
munities, their lifeways and practices was recognized through
the legislation of the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997.
Bp. Guillermo V. Afable, DD And yet, after almost ten years of IPRA, the struggles of our
Restoring Moral Values IP brothers and sisters continue. The eviction of the Subanon
community from their ancestral domain in Canatuan, Siocon,
DADITAMA through BECs - II Zamboanga del Norte in favor of a Canadian mining com-
pany two years after President Gloria Arroyo awarded their
Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title is one among the many
grim examples of the government’s lack of political will be-
ALLOW me to go back to the issue of restor- garded. The people must continually hear family, the small Christian community, and cause of conflicting interests. The slow response of the gov-
ing moral values. Earlier, I pointed out the the Word in order to acquire the values of also for the larger community. These lead- ernment on the Ati’s claim over their ancestral domain in
potential for personal and social transforma- God’s Kingdom. The Gospel of Jesus Christ ers stand out not for their monetary and so- Boracay reflects the disregard for IPs even as their rights are
tion of the 5,800 or more BECs in Daditama as must be preached relentlessly and deepened cial standing but for their uprightness and specified in the law.
a grassroot level approach to transforming by continuing catechesis. They learn, by break- genuine love and concern for peoples in the It is with great urgency that indigenous people’s rights
our political culture to one that is imbued by ing together the Word of God, cascading into likeness of Jesus the Servant-Leader par ex- over their ancestral domains and to self-determination be
moral values and one that institutionalizes becoming the Word of life. They learn to cellence. Recognizing and encouraging the respected and recognized by our government so that IP com-
responsive and accountable governance. think, to see, and move, and act in the light laity’s proper role and function in the Church munities can contribute to and probably even spearhead the
Without wanting to preempt the results of of Faith. This is why, the Biblical apostolate and and society, the lay leadership formation pro- restoration of our country’s ecosystem, thereby responding
the upcoming MSPC XIII (Mindanao-Sulu Catechetical apostolate is given utmost atten- grams are given much attention. to the issue of climate change.
Pastoral Conference) on this issue, let me put tion and consideration. 7. Finally, the BEC must be a praying and We, therefore, urge and implore all the honorable mem-
forward some points for consideration. 4. It is only from hearing the Word that worshipping community imbued with the bers of the 14th Congress to:
1. The BEC is not just another pastoral pro- genuine conversion to Jesus Christ is effected clear sense of God’s abiding presence, in all 1. Come up with policies/legislation to: a) immediately
gram but becomes the locus and focus of evan- and the consequent journey of true faith be- the mysteries of their history, journeying declare a moratorium on mining and logging operations in
gelization for personal and social transfor- gins in prayer and worship, constant listen- with them in their struggles for fullness of ancestral domains and in the whole country; b) fast-track de-
mation. To organize and form BECs as cen- ing to the Word, and the moral life. Disciple- life. Their sacramental life, especially the lineations, awarding, registration and recognition of ances-
ters of moral restoration, imbuing society ship, more than just sacramentalization of the Eucharist, builds up their community of faith. tral lands/domains.
with values of the Gospel, requires no less faithful, is the thrust. It makes them a faithful, hopeful, loving and 2. Investigate human rights violations committed by armed
than the concerted, unified, integrated and 5. The call of discipleship and moral res- caring people, “doing what is just, to show con- men against our indigenous peoples;
coordinated efforts of all ministries and toration is not an individual effort. The jour- stant love, and to live in humble fellowship with 3. Work for the ratification of ILO 169 or the Indigenous
apostolates in the diocesan and parish level. ney of faith is mediated by, through, and with our God” (Mic.6:8) and Tribal Peoples convention which is the only legally-
2. Restoring moral values through BECs a community, starting from the small From the foregoing considerations, it is binding international instrument for the protection of indig-
starts in the home. The family is the most nucleus, that is the family, and on to the small clear that the process of restoring moral val- enous people’s rights; and
natural locus for learning moral values and Christian community. The Word of God builds ues through the BECs would be a long 4. Implement seriously and sincerely the IPRA of 1997.
correcting bad ones that are passed on from up the family and the community. Though drawn-out process. It is the approach from With you, our beloved representatives in both Houses of
one generation to the next. The value of the small and oftentimes, marginalized, the and with the little people, with whatever Congress, giving due importance to our requests, and rely-
genuine family must, therefore, be upheld power of BECs is not in the tyranny of their little they have, wherever they are. Struc- ing on the Providence of Almighty God, we dare to see a
and protected vigorously. Integrated family numbers. Its power, rather, is moral power tural and systems change may be effected bright future for our country and our people.
and life programs take prominence in this from above, convinced of one’s weakness, more easily, but without the corresponding
over-all pastoral plan. but confident of God’s faithfulness and the values change in people, these will not per- For the Episcopal Commission on Indigenous Peoples of
3. In order for the families and BECs to triumph of good over evil. sist in the long run. To take this path of re- the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines,
fulfill their role in society, it must be con- 6. Maturing BECs, powerful through its newal requires boldness, patience, persever-
tinuously evangelized. This is the most vital moral authority, will engender and will ef- ance, and commitment. +SERGIO I. UTLEG, DD
activity of the BEC that cannot be disre- fect the emergence of servant-leaders in the My email: Bishop of Laoag and ECIP Chairperson

Jesus the fetus would get hiccups—isn’t that cute?—still, he would hardly
Teresa R. Tunay, OCDS be a unique creature until 23 weeks, when his fingerprints would begin
Mary, Eucharist, to form. At 29 weeks his hearing would be more acute and he could
distinguish sounds and voices—yes, he would hear Joseph hammering

Incarnation …and that’s the truth! away at his shop while Mary would be humming in her kitchen. If he
heard music from cymbals and trumpets then he would also remember
that after birth.
At last Jesus was born, and dwelt among us… Skeptics, unbelievers,
ONE “strange” day the Angelus kept repeat- through her mind for some time. “How can I the science of human reproduction took place. cynics and atheists would regard the Incarnation as pure pap, but we
ing itself in my head at odd hours. Although explain my bulging tummy to my parents? Through Mary’s acceptance of the Angel’s believers who are wedded to mystery do not set limits to what God can do
I noticed it I ignored it until it dawned on me What will my friends say when the whole declaration, God became man—of flesh and in our lives. If God could come down to live among us through the
that what this beautiful prayer says is but the village starts talking about me?” blood, like us—without assistance from any cooperation of a simple village girl from Nazareth, what would stop Him
beginning of an incarnation that continues to Many times in our life—especially when human male, thank you. The divine was in- from causing another kind of incarnation through our cooperation?
this day! And we ordinary mortals conceived we tend to be too rational—we need to be carnated in the human, growing in Mary’s With the Eucharist, we give our “Yes” to God as well. When the priest
in sin do have a part in it! inspired by and to imitate Mary’s docility to womb and after nine months came out into holds the consecrated host before us as he says “Body of Christ”, and we
The imitation of Mary is our springboard, the Father’s will. Many Catholics can not un- the world like any other human being born say “Amen” and consume the Eucharist, are we not, like Mary, allowing
leading us to experience our own “Angelus” derstand or completely believe how the host of human parents. Isn’t that just marvelous? Jesus to be incarnated anew in us? Impervious to ridicule from our
in the Eucharist. can be the body and blood of Jesus Christ yet If you have seen photographs of a fetus in critics and touched by the self-forgetfulness of Mary, we faithfully let
The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary… they go ahead and receive Communion any- various stages of growth inside the womb, you Him into our body, literally, Sunday after Sunday, day after day, and in
Mary ’s reason could not grasp how she could way. If in total humility we follow the ex- can now imagine that Jesus, like any of us, love desire to be one with Him. Who can claim that none of miracles
have a baby when she knew no man, and yet ample of Mary and in total trust in God’s love didn’t have ears and eyes until six weeks after occurring in our midst has been caused by this union and communion?
she accepted it as God’s will. Be it done to me for us we accept what we cannot yet know or Mary said “Yes” to the angel Gabriel. Jesus Who can say that this is not some kind of an ongoing incarnation that
according to Thy word… We do not know understand about the Eucharist, who can say would also develop limbs after eight weeks in has the power to purify and transform us until it is no longer we but
how long the Angel waited until Mary said what God has in store for us? the womb, and at 12 weeks make reflex move- Jesus who lives in us?
“Okay, go ahead.” But we can surmise that a And the Word became flesh… All it needed ments like bending the arms, pursing the lips, Just a thought—for next time you say the Angelus. It may be a wild
few apprehensions at first must have ran was Mary’s “Yes”, and the greatest miracle in clenching and opening the fists, etc. At 16 weeks one, but it’s coming from the heart. And that’s the truth.
CBCP Monitor
A6 Local News Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007

Bishop hopeful on summit vs. killings

THE Supreme Court’s summit on stakeholders who are seeking violence.
extra-judicial killings has raised ways to end the extra-judicial kill- The small discussion groups,
optimism of a Catholic Church ings in the country. each headed by an associate jus-
leader that the problem can fi- CBCP president Archbishop tice, also urged for a dialogue
nally be addressed. Angel Lagdameo named Iñiguez, between government and vari-
Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueb- ous sectors of society to solve the
Iñiguez said the meeting may los, CBCP secretary general insurgency, saying that it’s not
“turn into a veritable effort” to Msgr. Juanito Figura and media just a military problem but a po-
confront the problem of human director Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III litical one.
rights violations. to attend the two-day summit. The participants also con-
“It can turn into a veritable Participants of the summit demned the alarming number of
effort to comfort the area of hu- were one in pushing a law that summary and arbitrary execu-
man rights crisis objectively,” he would criminalize violence tions, adding that extra-judicial

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

said. against political dissenters and killings and abductions are un-
Iñiguez, an outspoken critic of journalists. lawful and have no place in a
the Arroyo administration, was The 12 groups of panelists also democratic society.
one of the delegates named by approved the proposal of Armed Also present were Parish Pas-
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Forces chief General toral Council for Responsible
the Philippines (CBCP) to the Hermogenes Esperon Jr. for the Voting (PPCRV) national chair-
summit held at the Manila Hotel resumption of peace talks with man Henrietta De Villa, Fr
last July 16 to 17. communist rebels. Joaquin Bernas, SJ, members of
Attending the summit were They believed that the failure the diplomatic corps and inter- CHURCH JOINS SC-SPONSORED SUMMIT ON EXTRA-JUDICIAL KILLINGS. Photo shows Atty. Jo Aurea Imbong, CBCP Legal
Office Executive Secretary (foreground), former Philippine Ambassador to the Holy See Henrietta T. De Villa (extreme left) and Fr. Joe
government officials, academe, of government and the insurgents national human rights organiza- Dizon (extreme right) listen intently to the discussions at the Manila Hotel. Kalookan Bishop Deogracias Iniguez, Jr. was appointed head
civil society, other religions and to forge a truce is the cause of the tions. (CBCPNews) of delegation. Not in photo are CBCP Secretary General Msgr. Juanito Figura and CBCP Media Director Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III.

Church / A1 CBCP initiates / A1

RP bishops address poverty, rine sanctuaries and coastal based

resource management pro-
grams,” the prelate said.
Medroso also said the project’s
the NRC Central Committee’s
executive chairman and Manila
Auxiliary Bishop Broderick
Pabillo as Vice Chairman, with
sultations on BECs with Msgr.
Elmer Abacahin of the CBCP-
BEC Office and a representative
from the Episcopal Commission

social development issue location is a home to a growing

and world-famous eco-tourism
industry that provides livelihood
Balanga (Bataan) Bishops Socrates
Villegas, Laoag (Ilocos Norte)
Sergio Utleg and NASSA Execu-
on Indigenous Peoples as mem-
The ad extra secretariat for
to hundreds of his flocks. tive Director Sister Roseanne Sub-regional consultations in
THE Catholic Bishops’ Confer- enous people, fishermen and ru- under the poverty line in 2003. The government is pursuing oil Malillin, SPC as members. rural issues includes Philip-
ence of the Philippines (CBCP) ral women.” But latest statistics released by exploration as one of its programs The Episcopal Advisory coun- pines-Misereor Partnership Of-
will hold the second National Archbishop Ledesma was the government last 6 June 2006 to make the country energy-inde- cil is composed of Manila Arch- fice Lourdes Cipriano as coordi-
Rural Congress (NRC-II) in early speaking at the CBCP headquar- indicates that approximately 24 pendent and lessen fuel importation. bishop Gaudencio B. Cardinal nator, Bro. Hansel Mapayo of
2008 to address country’s poverty ters after a two-day of delibera- out of 100 Filipino families did The Visayan Sea, especially the Rosales, (Luzon), Cebu Arch- AMRSP and Belinda Formanes
issue and strengthen sustainable tions in the 95th bishops’ semi- not earn enough in 2003 to sat- Tañon Strait (between western bishop Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal of Rural Poor Solidarity.
social development in the light annual plenary assembly, Manila, isfy their basic food and non-food Cebu and Negros), the Cebu-Bohol (Visayas), Cotabato Archbishop The members of auxiliary arm
of Church’s social teachings. July 8-9. requirements. Strait and the Cebu-Leyte Strait Orlando Quevedo, OMI of the National Rural Congress
“The dignity of the rural poor Last January the bishops had Another objective of the NRC- were reported to have an abun- (Mindanao) and Jaro Archbishop is composed of CBCP Offices for
is a gospel concern and the said, “But this time, our farmers II is to stress the role of BECs and dance of untapped oil or gas re- Angel N. Lagdameo (CBCP). Research under Archbishop
Church must go to the villages,” must do the speaking by them- Church-based programs in rural sources. NASSA Executive Director Sr. Ledesma, Media directly under
CBCP vice-president Archbishop selves, the discerning, the propos- development. Government programs meant to Rosanne Malillin, SPC was ap- Msgr. Pedro Quitorio and the
Antonio Ledesma of Cagayan de ing of their own ideas, and the The NRC central Committee improve the economy, he pointed pointed coordinator for the ad CBCP Secretariat under Msgr.
Oro said. planning of how we must as a would be composed of Arch- out, should not be left to the judg- intra secretariat for diocesan con- Juanito Figura. (Melo Acuna)
The NRC-II to be held in two people come together to work for bishop Ledesma as executive ment of those who possess too
phases is to commemorate the the common good of the country.” chairperson, Archbishop Angel much economic power, or of the Cruz / A1
40th anniversary of the National The first phase of the forth- N Lagdameo, CBCP president as political community alone. He said positive action Cruz said all the problems in
Rural Congress held in 1967 in coming Congress would be done honorary chairperson, and mem- “In this light, and in view of the would be greater than all the 2001 appears to be the same to-
the light of Church’s social teach- at diocesan level in the context of bers: Bishops Socrates Villegas of greater risks to both human and intentions and words from the day with no end in sight.
ings, the prelate said in a press the Basic Ecclesial Communities Balanga and Sergio Utleg of marine life, it is a serious moral country’s leaders. He said the coming State of
conference held at CBCP Media (BECs) followed by sub-regional Laoag, Auxiliary Bishop obligation for those who will de- He further said the govern- the Nation Address on Monday
office, July 9. level gatherings. Broderick Pabillo of Manila and prive profit from the natural re- ment appears to be the first ter- would be listened to by people.
The bishops’ plenary assembly The second phase would con- Sister Rosanne Mallillin, a St. source to set up a mechanism of rorist as it sows fear among the However, Archbishop Cruz
decided to hold NRC-II in order sist in collating inputs emerging Paul de Chartres nun, who is the just compensation before the oil people, the media and civil so- asked, “Who among those who
to “To describe the current situa- from the first phase. executive secretary of the bish- drilling begins and with the par- ciety. would listen would believe in
tion of various sectors of the ru- Philippine government’s data ops’ national secretariat for so- ticipation and approval of those He compared the country’s what President Gloria
ral poor, small farmers, indig- say 30 percent of Filipinos live cial action. (Santosh Digal) who may bear the possible harm leadership to a dog running af- Macapagal-Arroyo would
of loss because of human error or ter its tail as “we go circles with say?”
PGMA / A1 Fr. Madhu’s / A1 CBCP / A1 accidents,” said Medroso. the same and unsolved prob- Quoting media reports prior
try in 2030.” He surmised “the im- Last month, SVD superior del- sionary, Fr Giancarlo Bossi, by The bishop added that the his- lems such as floods when the to the midterm elections, Arch-
plication is that she may not stop egate in the Philippines, Fr. his abductors,” said Jaro Arch- tory of oil exploration is “replete rains come, lack of basic ser- bishop Cruz said “they said the
ruling in 2010 that she feels she has Dante Venus, urged SVD foreign bishop Angel Lagdameo, CBCP with examples of individual and vices which the people deserve, country’s budget was alright
to go on and on and on.” missionaries and associates to be president. corporate greed and insensitivity ‘missing’ firemen whenever but today they say it’s short.”
Caloocan Bishop Deogracias “careful” in the country in the Foreign missionaries, he said, to the people in the locality.” conflagrations occur.” (Melo Acuña)
Iniguez, Jr. said he listened partly to backdrop of recent abductions are giving a great service to the
Bossi / A1
the SONA while on his way to his and extra-judicial killings. people especially in Mindanao
annual clergy retreat outside Metro Venus said there is no need to amid sacrifices and dangers. years. Being a parish priest he Convinced he was abducted places in the frontiers for safer
Manila and said “it sounded like get frightened being missionar- “We hope that what had hap- said is comparable with a head for ransom, Fr. Bossi said he had places, we all better go back home
looking for sympathy and praise.” ies in the country, rather go on to pened to Fr Bossi will not hap- of a family “who ought to be with difficulties adjusting to the new (to Italy) where we also lack
Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes spread the Gospel of Jesus. He was pen again,” said Lagdameo. his children.” and forced routines. “I began my priests,” Fr. Bossi said.
said “at least she is telling us what addressing local and foreign mis- Prior to the Italian priest’s re- The jolly missionary who was day with prayers and spent time Still the same gregarious per-
she accomplished.” He however sionaries at a meeting held at lease, 14 soldiers were killed in a common figure in his parish, a sitting on a hammock or rock,” son his fellow missionaries knew
added “the picture of the Philip- Christ the King Mission Semi- a “barbaric” encounter with sus- part of the Prelature of Ipil, said the 57-year old missionary said. before the June 10 kidnapping, Fr.
pines is not just as good as what nary, June 17. pected Moro rebels in Basilan he has no bitterness despite the He had a lot of time to think Bossi said he never feared for his
she told us because we (still) expe- It is good to be cautious in the while searching for Bossi. hardships he had for 40 days. and reflect on the harsh realities life, because of his personality,
rience real poverty and extra-judi- wake of recent abduction of the The CBCP, Lagdameo said, He admitted he doesn’t know of living in the jungles of south- “having high spirits and (being)
cial killings.” Italian priest Giancarlo Bossi, (57) condemned such heinous act, if his abductors learned anything ern Philippines. He said he never a jolly person.”
He further said he is “glad be- a Pontifical Institute for Foreign and join the appeal for justice in from him during the 40 days he saw policemen and military He said this experience deep-
cause she did not mention mining Missions (PIME) missionary, Fr. the restoration of peace. was held captive. He has consid- troopers nor his abductors imme- ened his faith for “when one is held
activities which is a very destruc- Venus said. “Let the same not happen again ered his captors his brothers and diate families and children in the captive, he has all the time to re-
tive way of earning money.” Media reports say a group of in our society of already precari- prayed for them at night. hinterlands. flect, meditate and ask questions.”
National Secretariat of Social Indonesian Catholics staged a ous peace,” the CBCP head said. He, however, added, “if they His congregation, the Pontifi- Bossi admitted his abductors
Action, Justice and Peace executive demonstration before the Philip- Zamboanga Archbishop kidnap me again, I would still cal Institute for Foreign Missions had an ustadz at their side dur-
director, Sister Roseanne Malillin, pine Embassy in Jakarta on July Romulo Valles, meanwhile, pray for them as there’s no bit- will have its general assembly in ing the early days of his captiv-
SPC said while she share President 10, exactly 100 days after of kill- thanked the faithful who prayed terness in my heart whatsoever.” Manila with their Superior Gen- ity. “This ustadz was very strict
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s ing of Madhu. for the safe release of Bossi, af- He said, “when we pray the eral in attendance, early next in prayer as my abductors prayed
dreams for a brighter future for the A statement read by a protester ter over a month in captivity. ‘Lord’s Prayer,’ we are all His month. five times a day,” Fr. Bossi said.
country, “I am still very much con- during the two-hour rally asserts, “They have accomplished a sons and we are all brothers and Asked whether his kidnapping Such an experience led him to
cerned about the present plight of “To uphold human rights, we truly arduous mission,” he said. sisters.” and that of Fr. Luciano Benedetti ask himself if indeed they were
our struggling poor and I would demand the Philippine govern- “Let us continue to pray and He managed to laugh about an in 1998 would result in a para- praying to the same God. “Faith
perhaps work and cooperate with ment expedite the murder case of work for peace, harmony and au- incident last June 10 when he was digm shift in missionary work, and life are one,” Bossi explained.
her in the immediate uplift of our Madhu.” thentic human development for abducted while on board a mo- the over six feet missionary said He added his abductors believed
people’s condition from poverty.” About 150 Catholics, including all, and for a situation where in- torcycle. “I was told by my cap- he personally believes their pro- a gap exists between faith and life,
Asked whether she shares the one priest and two Religious sis- cidents like this will no longer tors to move fast, ‘dali, dali’ (lit- gram thrusts would remain the “that it is alright to hold one hos-
same view that hunger in the coun- ters, from a group called happen,” he added. (Roy erally translated: faster, faster),” same. tage and pray and thank God at
tryside has been significantly re- Solidaritas Kemanusiaan (human Lagarde) Bossi said. “I think if we abandon certain the same time.” (Melo Acuña)
duced, Sr. Roseanne said “it is rela- solidarity), joined the protest ini-
tive to the region and the sources tiated by Advocacy Service for Love / A5
of data” as there are still isolated Justice and Peace in Indonesia
ers’ dreams and plans, frustra- Should we put more attention who can hardly be reached and their emotional, marital, or
cases and instances which are not (PADMA, Indonesian acronym).
tions and struggles, on how to to the newly married that they who refuse to attend meetings spiritual needs.
quite known. (Melo Acuna) (Santosh Digal)
truly reach out to those who need learn the skills in responsible and education sessions? Pro-life Philippines offers
most our services. and effective parenting and I hope that soon, our people training workshops for those
Lifeguard / A4 The challenge seems to be so avoid child neglect and abuse? will see the Church as a haven who wish to set up Help Desks.
traced to the fourth century. The the former teach the latter of the vast. We are sometimes stuck Or should we concentrate now that they can run to when they This is in coordination with the
priest and the congregation in the meaning of the rituals. On Sep- with identifying what to priori- on the older married couples to have problems—that family help CBCP Office on Women, tasked
old Mass would face the Taber- tember 14, the feast of the Tri- tize. Is it marriage preparation? encourage them to be active in desks are set up and there are with setting up Diocesan
nacle much as Old Testament He- umph of the Cross, many That means educating our youth Church and be the new leaders? well-trained volunteer counse- Women’s Desks. Call our Pro-
brews would face the Holy of churches will celebrate the “ex- who often confuse love and sex What about the solo parents who lors as well as parish staff who life office at 911-2911 or text me
Holies in offering sacrifices, or traordinary form” of the Mass for and who are captivated by wrong are increasing in number? And know how and where to refer at 0920-945-5494 for more infor-
as Jesus and the Apostles were the extraordinary occasion. The values from media and peers. above all, what about the fathers whoever comes to the parish for mation or to refer cases.
supposed to have sat around a use of readings or multimedia
table facing the Temple of Jerusa- projectors for the translations and Laiko / A5
lem during the Passover meal (as for the community’s Latin re-
portrayed in Da Vinci’s painting). sponses is suggested. keting this? Another crop is the sented the opportunity for project ments, the NGO’s, the financial that is, access to finance and to
There was stress on the Mass’ sac- Let us recall 2,000 years ago, table citrus of different varieties cooperation between the Diocese institutions, the technical groups education, development of skills
rificial nature, communion with when Christ was crucified and a abundant in Nueva Viscaya. The and the BBC. This is in the area both in the private and public sec- and sustaining cooperatives
angels, souls, and saints, and plate saying “Jesus of Nazareth, farmgate price is P 20 to P 30 per of product development of the tors, the cluster of priorities may The proposals of the business-
Christ’s presence in the Taber- King of the Jews” in Hebrew, kilo while this sells at P 100 per abundant harvest of castor oil be acted upon at once. These pri- men need to be addressed imme-
nacle (which unfortunately, some Greek, and Latin was posted atop kilo in Manila. The businessmen beans and organic rice. These are orities for intervention according diately. It can start with a dia-
Catholics now think to be a store his head. Hebrew is still in use in can help in the area of market- just two examples of probable to Engr. Meneleo Carlos, Co- logue between the Social Action
box). Israel. So is Greek in Greece. So ing, post harvest facilities and areas of cooperation between the chairman of Labor & Employ- Directors of the Dioceses and the
I watched an EWTN News say- is Latin in use (again) in the product development. Mr. BBC and the Diocese or in an- ment are the following: 1) Lack BBC representatives and the or-
ing that some churches in the US Church. It is a marvel that the Vicente Paterno who operates other perspective between the of know-how and skills; 2) Ca- ganized laity of the 17 regions
have started celebrating the original languages used on the 7-11 stores immediately re- laity and the local Church. The pacity building—access to infor- where hunger and poverty pre-
Tridentine Mass. The faithful are Christ still endure. Perhaps they sponded that he can help the Laity represented by BBC indi- mation and the ability to use this; vail. The opportunity may be the
reportedly open. The move heals spell his mysteries right saecula group in the area of cold storage cated the areas of convergence. 3) Innovation and the need to convening of the second Na-
divisions between traditionalist saeculorum. No final releases, non facilities. With the businessmen’s exposure pursue this; 4) Access to credit tional Rural Congress to cel-
and Vatican II Catholics, and finis. Just superior magic that Ms. Myrna Sion of the Archdio- and knowledge in dealing with through cooperatives; 5) Institu- ebrate the 40 th anniversary of
bonds the old and the young as never ends. cese of Cagayan de Oro also pre- the national and local govern- tional change—remove barriers, Populorum Progressio.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007 Features A7
Adultery charge against
prelate who criticized
Vacation should nourish
regime in Zimbabwe prayer life, Pope says
HARARE, Zimbabwe, July 16, in his office. The woman’s hus-
LORENZAGO DI CADORE, Italy, maritan, the Pope said that Jesus
2007—Government officials in band reportedly named the arch-
July 16, 2007—Pope Benedict XVI is ‘the Good Samaritan par excel-
Zimbabwe have announced bishop in a lawsuit filed today.
held a public audience in the Ital- lence because he lowered himself
adultery charges against Arch- The archbishop is the most
ian Alps on July 15, speaking to to man’s estate in order to save
bishop Pius Ncube of Bulawayo, prominent member of
the public from the Castle of us. Imitation of Christ’s love, he
in a move that the archbishop’s Zimbabwe’s Catholic hierarchy,
Mirabello, near the town of said, is the heart of Christian life.
lawyer described to reporters as which has condemned the cor-
Lorenzago di Cadore where he Love, “aroused in us by the
an “orchestrated attempt” to em- ruption of the Mugabe regime
is vacationing. Holy Spirit, makes us witnesses
barrass the prelate, a leading and called for change toward de-
Before leading the Angelus of Christ,” the Pope continued.
critic of President Robert mocracy in the impoverished
prayer, the Pope began his mid- He said that this would be the
Mugabe. African country.
day audience by remarking on theme of his message for the 23rd
A state-controlled television Archbishop Ncube recently
the beauty of the surroundings, World Youth Day, which will be
network announced on July 16 announced that he was prepared
with the “panorama of fields, released next week. Pope
that Archbishop Ncube was be- to risk his life in the effort to
woods, and peaks towering up to Benedict concluded his remarks
ing accused of conducting an af- change the government.

© Osservatore Romano/Pool/Immaginazione/Corbis
the sky.” In many vacation sites, by asking the faithful to pray for
fair with a secretary who worked (CWNews)
he said, appreciated for the glo- the success of the World Youth
ries of nature can be “easily trans- Day celebrations in Sydney, Aus-
formed into prayer.” tralia, which will take place one

KC’s Vocations Films “Each good Christian knows

that vacations are an appropriate
time for physical relaxation, as
year from now.
On Saturday, July 14, the Pope
held one of the few private audi-

Earn Awards well as for nourishing the soul

by allowing more time for
prayer and meditation,” the Pope
ences that will take place during
his vacation, greeting a delega-
tion of 50 local officials includ-
NEW HAVEN, USA, July 19, gold winner in the Aurora Awards said. ing the mayor of Lorenzago di
2007—Documentaries produced and an award of excellence in the In a short reflection on the day’s Cadore and the head of the local
and distributed by the Knights of Videographer Awards competi- Gospel reading, which told the Treviso diocese, Bishop Andrea
Columbus on vocations in the tions. familiar story of the Good Sa- Bruno Mazzocatto. (CWNews)
Catholic Church have won an Other award-winning titles in-
unusually high number of indus- clude The Vocation to the Priesthood
try awards. and The Vocation to Marriage. A new
John M. Capobianco, the films’
executive producer and president
of Lumen Catechetical Consult-
film entitled The Vocation of the La-
ity will be released soon. All titles
are English only.
Individual registration for Youth Day opens
ants Inc., said the K of C shows The documentaries have aired SYDNEY, Australia, July 20, Racecourse.
are competing against “thousands on the Eternal Word Television 2007—Individual registration Danny Casey, the event’s chief
of productions with secular Network (EWTN), Canada’s Salt for World Youth Day is now operating officer, said: “These
themes, being judged by industry and Light Television network and available. events will be open to the pub-
experts” and earning top awards on dozens of local cable access Previously, registration had lic, but registered pilgrims will
in film competitions. Capobianco channels. been open only to groups. Now have priority seating wherever
is a member of Father Rosensteel Each film runs approximately individuals can register and places are limited.
Council 2169 in Silver Spring, Md. 30 minutes and are free to Knights purchase accommodation and “So those who want to get the
The most recent show, The Vo- and their families; a small ship- meal packages for the six-day best view possible should com-
cation to the Religious Life for Women, ping and handling charge is ap- event, July 15-20, 2008. plete their registrations early.”
has won six awards including a plied to each order. Today marks one year until Casey said 125,000 interna-
Benedict XVI celebrates the fi- tional pilgrims are expected to
nal Mass of the international attend the event, with the United

Vatican City State opens youth event for an expected

500,000 people at Randwick
States and Italy expected to send
the largest contingents. (Zenit)

new portal
Vatican to assess growing needs of elderly
Pontifical Council to host International Congress
VATICAN CITY, July 19, 2007— Barragán, president of the Antonio Golini, from the fac- “Faith, Charity and the Elderly
As the number of elderly people dicastery, will inaugurate the con- ulty of statistics at La Sapienza and Infirm.”
grows around the world, experts ference. University in Rome, will illus- Pastoral care of the elderly
at the Vatican will examine the Doctor An Verlinde, a mem- trate the demographics of the who are sick will be studied from
pastoral care specifically suited ber of the pontifical council, will world’s elderly population. the religious, biomedical,
to their needs. moderate the first part on “The Part two, “What to think,” will sociopolitical and familial points
The 22nd International Con- Situation.” study what Revelation, sacred of view in part three, “What to
gress of the Pontifical Council for During that part, Peter Crome, Scripture, the Fathers of the Do.”
VATICAN CITY, July 19, 2007— Institutions, Monuments and Health Care Ministry will be held professor of geriatrics at the Uni- Church and writings from Church Other themes that will be dis-
The Governorate of Vatican City Shop) the portal “presents the this November to discuss three versity of Keele in Great Britain history say about the care of the cussed include catechesis and
State today opened a new Internet State’s bodies, the key monu- elements of pastoral care of the and president of the English So- elderly and the infirm. faith education, the sacramental
portal ( in ments with descriptions and im- elderly: “The Situation,” “What ciety of Geriatrics, will trace the The theologian of the Pontifi- life and pastoral aspects linked
order to meet the needs of the ages, and useful time schedules to Think” and “What to Do.” history of assistance give to the cal Household, Dominican Father to psychology. (Zenit)
ever increasing numbers of pil- for the public” reads the English- Cardinal Javier Lozano aged and infirm. Wojciech Giertych, will speak on
grims and tourists in the Vatican, language communique.
and to respond to the continuous The site also offers a photo tour
requests for information reach- of the Vatican Gardens, as well
ing the various offices of Vatican
State though the traditional chan-
as giving real time access via five
webcams to some of the most fa-
mous sights: the dome of St.
Holy See Calls for Study of Global Poverty
A communique made public
yesterday afternoon explains that
the new website, which will run
Peter’s, St. Peter’s Square, a pan-
oramic view of Rome, the tomb
of John Paul II and the palace of
Encourages Redirection of Foreign Aid
alongside the official Holy See the Governorate.
website (, has Via the new portal, the commu- structure of communities that is capacity building in manage-
been implemented in five lan- nique concludes, “visitors will assured not only by governments ment, and enable local partners
guages (Italian, English, French, soon be able to purchase Vatican but also by community-based to provide more employment
Spanish and German) with Por- coins, stamps and other articles organizations and institutions, opportunities.
tuguese soon to be added. available from the Vatican including those sponsored by “Foreign investors need to
Through its five sections (State Museum’s publications and repro- faith-groups, such as schools, hos- contribute to the overall devel-
and Government, Services, Other ductions sales office.” (VIS) pitals and clinics, community opment of the country in which
centers, and youth training and they establish operations; this is
recreation programs. particularly relevant for those

Bertone: clergy sex abuse

engaged in the extraction indus-
© Denz Dayao / CBCP Media

Education try and other short-term com-

mercial enterprises.”

attacks identity, mission

Archbishop Tomasi highlighted
the special importance of educa- Ethical investment
tion as a tool to fight poverty.
“An educated person can be Archbishop Tomasi also noted

of the Church fully aware of his/her worth and

dignity and that of every human
being and can act accordingly,”
the responsibility of govern-
ments to “assure conditions that
are favorable to ethical invest-
LORENZAGO DI CADORE, self.” “Certainly this is a prob- GENEVA, July 15, 2007—The analysis is needed to understand he said. “Consider the most im- ment, including a well function-
Italy, July 20, 2007—The Vatican lem that is painful for everyone. Holy See says that the eradica- how existing methods of trade portant feature of the person: be- ing juridical system, a stable sys-
Secretary of State, Cardinal In the Church and outside,” he tion of poverty is a priority, for and mechanisms of production ing relational with others. Edu- tem of taxation, protection of the
Tarcisio Bertone, said this week added. the benefit of rich and poor coun- should be modified in order to cated people can establish among right to property, and an infra-
cases of alleged sexual abuse by At the same time, he contin- tries alike. lift people out of poverty.” themselves social relations not structure that allows access by
members of the clergy are an ued, the Church receives expres- Archbishop Silvano Tomasi Archbishop Tomasi noted that based on force and abuse but on local producers to regional and
“attack on the identity and mis- sions of gratitude from all over said this recently at a session of foreign aid has not ended na- respect and friendship.” global markets.”
sion” of priests and should not the world for the work she does the U.N. Economic and Social tional poverty in some countries The Holy See representative The 66-year-old prelate af-
overshadow the work of the vast to help humanity. “We receive Council in Geneva. and encouraged the directing of also noted the need for techno- firmed that the eradication of
majority of priests. thanks from presidents and min- In his July 4 address, the arch- aid to community-based organi- logical development in poor na- poverty is the work not just of
In a press conference at isters of Muslim countries as bishop called for a re-examina- zations, including those spon- tions. poor nations, but of the interna-
Lorenzago di Cadore, near well for the works of the Church tion of the reasons why develop- sored by religious groups. He said: “In order to promote tional community.
where the Pope is vacationing, in so many sectors,” the cardi- ing countries are unable to rise “Perhaps it is necessary to di- development at the macroeco- “Concrete persons are the mo-
Cardinal Bertone responded to nal stated, especially in the area above poverty, noting that the rect aid to more targeted and less nomic level it seems necessary tor of development,” he said.
questions about the news that of health care, the fight against number of people living on less generic projects that can bring to reinforce the productive capac- “Eradication of poverty is a
the Los Angeles Archdiocese hunger and education. that $2 a day continues to rise. about tangible, measurable and ity of the poorer countries by moral engagement. The various
will pay out over $600 million “The vastness of the painful “Poverty elimination demands empowering change in the daily means of investment in technical religions and cultures see its
in settlement payments for cleri- phenomenon in the Archdiocese an integration between the life experience of individuals and formation; this allows for com- achievement as a most important
cal sex abuse cases. of Los Angeles is overwhelming. mechanisms that produce wealth families and in the social fabric petition in today’s knowledge- task that frees people from much
According to Vatican Radio, And, although we’re talking and the mechanisms for the dis- of the community,” he affirmed. based economy and gives sup- suffering and marginalization,
Cardinal Bertone underscored about a minority in comparison tribution of its benefits at the in- “Directing aid to the creation of port to enterprises that create new that helps them to live peacefully
“the overwhelming vastness of with the percentage of social ternational, regional and na- jobs would fall within this ap- jobs and decent work. together, and that provides indi-
the problem” and that “the workers who commit these tional levels,” he said. “In a con- proach. “In this regard, transnational viduals and communities the
Catholic priests implicated in crimes, it is an attack on the iden- text of globally increasing wealth “Such effective aid requires corporations carry a particular freedom to protect their dignity
this crime” are attacking “the tity and the mission that we have and availability of goods, a more multiple channels of distribution responsibility to facilitate the and actively contribute to the
great mission of the Church her- to develop,” he said. (CNA) systematic and comprehensive and should reach the basic infra- transfer of technology, sponsor common good.” (Zenit)
CBCP Monitor
A8 People, Facts & Places Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007

CBCP Commission Markings

on Prison to Attend CELEBRATED. FR. BER-
“BILL” MCAVOY, MHM, of the

Congress in Rome
MHM, 63, of the Congrega- Congregation of St. Joseph’s
tion of Mill Hill Missionaries; Missionary Society, otherwise
25th anniversary of sacerdo- known as Mill Hill Missionaries;
tal ordination, at Western 50th year of sacerdotal ordina-
Visayas Sanitarium, Sta. Bar- tion, July 7, 2007. A native of
bara, Iloilo, on June 26, 2007. Scotland, Fr. McAvoy was
A native of the Netherlands, sent first to Uganda in 1957
Fr. Spaandonk had been as- where he worked in the Minor
THE Episcopal Commission on action that will include moves to signed in Malaysia Sarawak Seminary of the Diocese of Tororo for 18 years. His
Prison Pastoral Care (ECPPC) Ex- compel nations under UN to as a Brother for many years. second appointment was to Kenya where he helped
Following his ordination to the
ecutive Secretary Rudy Diamante comply with the ICCPPC resolu- priesthood in 1982, he was
in the formation program in the Minor Seminary of the
is set to attend the 12th Interna- tions on death penalty and juve- Diocese of Kisii. In 1994 he came to the Philippines. He
sent to the Philippines and was assigned in the fol- is currently the Chaplain to the Mensa Domini Sisters
tional Catholic Commission on nile detention cases,” he said. lowing places: Patnongon, Antique in 1983; Bugasong/ and helps out in their Formation House. The Golden
Prison Pastoral Care (ICCPPC) During the congress, Diamante Guisijan, Antique from 1983-1985; and Dao, Antique, Jubilee Mass was celebrated at the Mensa Domini
from 1985-1986. He was Chaplain to Western Visayas
Congress in Rome this Septem- will be accompanied by Fr. Tony Sanitarium at Sta. Barbara, Iloilo in 1983; and from
ber. Saniel, Fr. Angelo Durana, Fr. 1986-2002, after which he took a year of sabbatical in CELEBRATED.
“On behalf of the CBCP, I will Burton Villarmente, Juanito Wales. He is currently assigned as Chaplain to the STA. RITA ACAD-
attend with seven chaplains and Sieras, Gerald Bernabe, and Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Phil- EMY (SRA), in
ippines at their Mother House in Molo, Iloilo City.
convenors to represent the Phil- Walen Ponce. Sibalom, Antique,
ippine delegation to this con- Moreover, Diamante said the 40 th anniversary

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

CELEBRATED. MSGR. of foundation;
gress,” Diamante said. ECPPC will spearhead an appre- THADDEUS F. MERCADO, PA, July 10, 2007. Sta
To deliver a talk on the Death ciation day celebration of the SThD, of the archdiocese of Rita Academy
Penalty situation in the Philip- “Justice that Heals” fund-raising Nueva Segovia; 40th anniver- (Assumption-An-
sary of presbyteral ordination
pines, Diamante is also set to con- campaign on October 22, and lead and solemn investiture as
tique) was
founded on July
duct a workshop on children in the celebration of the 20th Prison Protonotary Apostolic Super- 10, 1967 upon the request of Rev. Father John
conflict with the law. Awareness Week on October 23 numerary of His Holiness Pope Nepomuceno Pamer, MHM. The first group of Sisters
“Aside from reporting on the to 29. It will likewise conduct the Benedict XVI, at St. Paul Met- were Sr. Ma. Carmela (Superior), Sr. Marie Leonie, Sr.
ropolitan Cathedral, Vigan City,
status of the campaign against seventh General Assembly of ECPPC Exec Sec. Rodolfo Diamante July 2, 2007. Msgr. Mercado
Maxima Eugenia, Sr. Estefania and Sr. Agueda Maria
death penalty in our country, I Chaplains and VIPs on Novem- of the Religious of the Assumption. Sta. Rita Academy
was ordained in 1967 at the is the only Catholic Elementary School in Sibalom
will likewise give the congress a ber 27 to 30 at Maryhill Renewal Political Rights, the publication Pontificio Collegio Filipino owned by the Religious of the Assumption. SRA has
view of how children in deten- Center in Taytay, Rizal. of the second edition of Chapel in Rome by Bishop Francis Reh. He obtained served families of different religious denominations
his Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical
tion are treated in different na- Apart from these endeavors, Sourcebook on Restorative Jus- Gregorian University in 1967, and Doctorate from the
who value a holistic Christian Education for their chil-
tions,” he said. the ECPPC also targets to com- tice, and the lobby for the pas- dren. It is engaged in various out-reach programs in
Angelicum University in 1981. He also took up Gradu- the locality: Medical-Dental Mission in the barangays,
Diamante likewise said his lec- plete a number of its plans for sage of bills pertaining to Pre- ate Studies in Ecumenism at the Angelicum in Rome, Gift giving, ‘Twinning’ with a diocesan school in San
tures are all in relation to UN’s the remainder of the year. Its tar- Trial Release Program, Correc- and Aquinas School of Theology in Dubuque, Iowa, Remigio, ‘Buruyloganay’ festivities of the municipality
USA in 1969. His previous pastoral assignments were:
concrete plan of action that will gets include the conduct of Re- tional Act of 2007, and grant of Vice Rector and Rector of San Pablo Seminary in
and the liturgical and stewardship programs of the
resolve issues on international storative Justice Seminars among Executive Clemency. Baguio, Archdiocesan Administrator, and Vicar Gen-
conflicting laws on death penalty policy makers, the advocacy for Diamante said the commission eral and Chancellor of Nueva Segovia. He was parish PASSED TO ETERNAL REWARD: S. Ma. Lolita Legaspi,
and juvenile detention cases. the signing of the Second Op- doesn’t see any problem imple- priest of St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral in Vigan from RVM, June 17, 2007; S. Ma. Petra Cabactulan, RVM,
“At the end of the convention, tional Protocol to the Interna- 2000-2006, and administrator of Sacred Heart Parish,
menting their remaining Na’alehu, and Holy Rosary Parish, Pahala, Hawaii, USA
June 13, 2007; S. Ma. Consolata Narvacan, RVM, June
the congress will draft a plan of tional Covenant on Civil and projects. (Kris Bayos) from 2006 up to present.
10, 2007.

CFA trains diocesan workers

on web design
A 5-day training-workshop on facilitated by Rev. Fr. Stephen gation and visual appeal.”
Web Design and Development Cuyos, MSC. Fr. Cuyos has Knowledge on web-
(Diocesan Media Directors been designing websites since authoring tools acquired from
Training Series) was held at 2001. In his lectures and dem- the workshop will help partici-
Communication Foundation onstrations he made use of free pants “to create attractive and
for Asia (CFA), Sta. Mesa, Ma- and Open Source Softwares professional-looking websites”
nila last July 9-13. (FOSS). which will be of great help to
The 22 participants who at- The training aimed “to teach their respective dioceses.
tended the training represented participants how to plan, de- The training-workshop was
18 dioceses from various parts sign, test and promote websites conducted with the help of Aid
of the country. that have the perfect balance of to the Church in Need Founda-
The five-day workshop was user performance, ease of navi- tion. (Emma Bauan)

Participants to the training-workshop conducted by CFA for Diocesan Media Directors last July 9-13.

ECY opens WYD ’08 registration

THE sub-group registration of delegates for the tural activities in an Australian diocese. However,
upcoming World Youth 2008 in Sydney began last participants may choose not to join the 5-days in
July 16 and will go on until October 15 this year, the diocese event, and concentrate only on the main
said Episcopal Commission on Youth (ECY) Ex- events of WYD.
ecutive Secretary Fr. Cunegondo Garganta. Emphasizing that WYD is a journey of faith,
A sub-group is composed of 5 or more interested Garganta reiterated the importance for delegates
persons coming from the parishes, diocese, national to fully understand the responsibility of being a
youth organization, school or socio-civic group. participant to WYD. The person should be fully
The number of sub group for each diocese will de- conscious of his motives and primary objectives in
pend on how many applicants there are. joining the event, he said.
“The sub-group should be endorsed by their “Maturity in faith is also very important. Those
bishop,” said Garganta. who want to participate should be aware of this,”
A primer containing guidelines and principles repeated Garganta.
to follow for registration and other steps necessary “WYD should be a means to enrich us spiritu-
for application was distributed by ECY to different ally. As co-pilgrims we should be able to bring and
dioceses to guide Filipino youth and youth minis- share Christ to people,” said Garganta. “In coming
ters interested to join the WYD ‘08 through ECY- back, we should be able to share to our own young
Philippines. people what we have experienced there,” he added.
There are three types of participants for WYD The upcoming 23rd WYD08 in Sydney has the
according to Garganta: youth pilgrims, 16-35 years theme “You will receive power when the Holy
old, and minors, 16-under 18 years of age who must Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my wit-
be accompanied by a chaperon and carry authori- nesses” (Acts 1:8).
zation from parents or legal guardian; youth min- In 1995, the Philippine Church hosted the Tenth
isters, 20-60 years of age; and adult pilgrims, 36-60 World Youth Day. The ecclesial event left such a
years old. great impact on the Filipino youth, that “many
Garganta said delegates will undergo prepara- dreamt of continuing the pilgrimage, to encounter
tory session that both include spiritual and practi- Christ and experience a bigger community of the
cal aspects, to make them fully prepared for the faithful through this ecclesial event.”
activities that will happen in Sydney. The World Youth Day was instituted by Pope
“This will enable the members of the sub group John Paul II in 1985. Since then, it has been cel-
to make their participation in WYD more fruitful,” ebrated internationally every two or three years,
said Garganta. while a National Youth Day is celebrated annually
The celebration of WYD on July 15-20, 2008 is in local churches. (Pinky Barrientos, FSP)
preceded by 5 days of spiritual gathering and cul-
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 15 • July 23 - August 5, 2007

Pastoral Concerns
B2 Updates
Priests in Public Office

B3 Diocese
Diocese of Catarman
B7 Social Concern Commission:
The Tragedy of Mining in Youthful in
Rapu-Rapu Island tending the

Families under pressure

Bishop endorses movie
Disturbing trends in of neophyte filmmaker
latest statistics
By Pinky Barrientos, FSP
EPISCOPAL Commission on Youth Chairman and
Masbate Bishop Joel Z. Baylon has endorsed the highly
commendable film entitled “IDOL: Pag-asa ng Bayan”
slated to be shown commercially in several SM theaters
in the country in late July and early August.
By Father John Flynn, L.C. In a letter sent to all diocesan youth directors and lead-
ers of the Federation of National Youth Organizations
MARRIAGE and family life continue to suffer the inroads of contem- (FNYO), Baylon asked youth leaders to invite friends and
porary society. From England came the recent news that the number fellow youth ministers to view the film.
of women giving birth outside of marriage rose by 22% in the last 5 “I am highly recommending it, and I would like to ask
years. you to encourage your young people and fellow youth
ministers to watch it,” said Baylon in his letter.
According to a were born out of wedlock, that the tax and benefits system Baylon, who saw the movie with some bishops on July
June 29 report pub- 59,000 more than in 2001. In “brutally discriminate,” against 6, said IDOL “does not mean just to entertain, but to make
lished by the Daily terms of a proportion of over- two-parent families, reported us pause and think.”
Mail newspaper, all births, in 2006 no less than the Times newspaper, June “It is about honesty and truthfulness, about making
in 2006 a total 43.7% of babies had unmar- 14. decisions on certain issues and knowing how such deci-
of 327,000 ried mothers. Currently a single mother sions affect and change our lives—issues that are very
chil- The Daily Mail quoted Pa- working 16 hours a week, relevant and challenging not only to the young, but to
dren tricia Morgan, author of a after tax credits, gains a total everyone,” explained Baylon.
number of studies on the income of 487 pounds a week, Baylon cited the film as powerful in terms of its impact
family, who accused the Brit- explained Field. By contrast, a on the Filipino value system.
ish tax system favoring single two-parent family earning the “It hits us all to the core because the values and issues
parenthood. “Two out of three minimum wage has to work it tackles are realities and concerns that we face today…at
of the babies outside marriage 116 hours to gain the same in- home, at school, in the streets, in society…” he said.
will have been born to couples come, as the tax credits system He added that these values and issues are what we get
with one eye on the benefit au- does not make allowance for confronted with everyday but so often take for granted, if
thorities,” she told the news- the second adult. not disregard completely: honesty, integrity and honor.
paper. Her remarks were con- The negative effects on More than merely viewing the movie, Baylon encour-
firmed by a former Labour families of such a system, was aged the youth to go deeper and discuss among them-
Party minister for confirmed by data published selves the merits of the film.
welfare reform, earlier this year by the British “Watching the film, my dear young people, must make
Frank Field. Office for National Statistics you ask questions like, ‘Would I have done the same?’”
He ar- (ONS). According to an April Baylon said. “And more importantly, I hope you also
gued 11 report by the Independent have the right answers,” he added.
newspaper 24% of children in
Great Britain lived with just one ‘A wake-up call’
parent in 2006. This compares Fr. Nick Cruz, SJ, Ateneo Film professor and member
with 22% in 2001. of MTCRB, also lauded the film, saying it is a “must-see
These children are more especially for today’s youth.”
likely to live in rented housing “IDOL promises to be a ‘wake-up call’,” he said. “I
and in “non-decent” homes, highly recommend this film not only for students but
according to the ONS. also for teachers and parents,” he added.
The report by the ONS also The Catholic Educational Association of the Philip-
found that since 1971 the pro- pines (CEAP) has also spearheaded a campaign among
portion of all people living in its member schools to watch the film.
traditional family households The movie in fact, had just finished its campus tour on
of couples with dependent selected schools, some of which were Ateneo High School,
children has fallen from 52% Miriam High School, Philippine Christian University, UP
to 37% of the population. In Integrated School, POVEDA, XAVIER, ICA and La Salle
addition, the proportion of Greenhills. Students described the film not only as enter-
people living in couples with taining, but thought-provoking and touching as well.
no children rose from 19% to Written and directed by Cesar Buendia, a neophyte

filmmaker; the movie depicts an unsettling analysis of the

culture of corruption in Philippine society. The film was
Lower marriage rates a project in a film workshop organized by The Garage,
Data on the numbers of Jesuit Communications Creative Technologies.
Disturbing / B2

cial concerns, on July 1, 2007, we began another two years. threat of materialism that creeps
another pastoral concern ––our year of In the report of my vocation director, into our lifestyle due to globaliza-

the family. This particular year is to be an area that still needs to be improved is tion?
led by our family and life apostolate the entry and coordination of vocation I have a different wording for
workers. promoters from religious congrega- globalization-induced materialism
For this year, 2007-2008, we would tions. While I believe that vocation that you refer to. I call it cultural
like to specifically put a premium on to diocesan priesthood is essentially shifts. I do not completely condemn
coming up with better and more re- distinct from vocation to religious life, the phenomenon of globalization;
sponsive FLA programs for our Chris- it does not sit well with me to find out but, of course, I take a critical stand
QUESTIONS tian families.
I would like to anticipate that in the
that a number of religious vocation pro-
moters “trespass” into our territory.
against elite globalization that is
characterized by an unquenchable
coming twelve months, our ministry corporate greed as exemplified by
for families would go beyond its usual How is the continuing formation pro- the trans-national mining corpora-

Bishop Antonio
services—pre-Cana seminars, marriage gram of your clergy? tions fixing their eye of interest unto
validation orientation seminars, etc. In consonance with the CBCP and our mineral-rich country or are
I would like also to see that hon- region-initiated formation program actually already raping our nation’s

P. Palang, SVD,
est-to-goodness discussions on other for the clergy, the AVSJ implements natural resources.
equally crucial issues relative to fam- its own formation for clergy. I have an As we become one global village,
ily—such as reproductive health, episcopal vicar for this. it’s part of an ensuing process that

children’s rights, family catechesis—are Geography is the primary obstacle to weaker cultures are being eaten up
done down to the level of the BEC’s or a frequent clergy and religious gather- by stronger ways of life. As it were,
grassroots to awaken in our people a ing; yet we manage to regularly meet at we are led to a journey that seems
critical stand and lead them to a kind of least four times a year. It is during these to end with the most dominant
life that bears witness to the teachings meetings that we collectively have our culture imposed on the entire global
APPOINTED Apostolic Administrator planned and implemented relative to of the Church. human and spiritual formation, do our population.
of the Vicariate on June 26, 2000, Most this year of particular ministry. rest and recreation, and seriously talk I see the role of the Church along
Rev. Antonio P. Palang, SVD, DD, was By and large, about our pas- this line as: to ensure that Gospel
ordained bishop on May 31, 2002. On
the same day, he was installed as Vicar
our year of so-
cial concerns
I do not completely condemn the phenomenon of toral plans. values unendingly permeate the ex-
isting and yet-to-exist life patterns
Apostolic of the Apostolic Vicariate of is about advo- globalization; but, of course, I take a critical stand against How would of people, and to advocate for glo-
San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. In this cacies—e.g., you generally calization (emphasis on the local) in
issue of CBCP Monitor, Bishop Palang against mining, elite globalization that is characterized by an unquenchable describe your lieu of brazen globalization.
talks about the different programs in the small town lot- corporate greed as exemplifi ed by the trans-national mining relationship
Would you say that consumerism
apostolic vicariate: the implementation tery, charter with your
of social concerns agenda, the family life change, etc. corporations fi xing their eye of interest unto our mineral- clergy? has affected our sense of values?
Parallel to my view on globaliza-
apostolate, pastoral work on vocations,
the continuing formation of the clergy
These advoca-
cies have been
rich country or are actually already raping our nation’s Prior to my
appointment tion-caused materialism, my thoughts
and his relationship with them, and the AVSJ’s priori- natural resources. as Vicar Apos- on consumerism is practically on
effects of globalization and consumerism ties already for tolic of AVSJ, cultural perspective. Consumerism is
in our lifestyle and values. quite a long time now. Thankfully, on How is the pastoral work on vocations I worked as seminary formator in the a mind system determining how we
this year of social concerns, these have in your diocese? island of Mindoro. Majority of our di- live. As in a contest, it presents itself
How are the social concern agenda been taken up and appropriated by our I am glad to say that if the number of ocesan priests were my students. That’s as an alternative to Church-preached
of the Church being implemented parishes—and, in the process, have be- our seminarians were to be the gauge, an advantage for me! life ways.
in your diocese? come broader in scope and quality. I could claim that our vocation pro- Admittedly, I am more at ease with In this view, the Church is being
We launched the year of social Having closed our year of social motions in Occidental Mindoro have the role of a father to my priests. I am challenged never to be complacent
concerns in the Apostolic Vicariate concerns, I look forward to the start of already improved. less inclined to act as an administrator as may be occasioned by its being an
of San Jose (AVSJ) on July 1, 2006, institutionalization of social projects For the last five years, our average to them. institution of a long history. In these
which coincided with the anniver- or initiatives in our every parish. I am enrollment of new seminarians is This preference is not always a guar- times, our prospect requires us to be
sary of the canonical establishment confident that we are ready for this ven- seven to nine. Such is already a mod- antee for a smooth bishop-and-priests more seriously creative and enter-
of the vicariate. We closed our year ture, given our maturity in this pastoral est number, considering that annually relationship. But I see no reason to dis- prising in our evangelization efforts.
of social concerns last June 30, 2007. enterprise. our seminary receives more than one continue it, for I knew that any model The Gospel of the Lord needs to be
At present, we are going around hundred applications from interested of relationship will always be found relevantly preached. More convinc-
the local Church assessing and How is the family and life apostolate secondary education seniors. wanting. ingly, the Gospel truth must reach our
documenting the interventions that in your diocese? For this year, we shall have an ordi- people as THE way of life to freedom,
every parish and vicars forane have Actually, as we closed the year of so- nation. And God willing, two more, in What is your take on the perceived happiness and salvation.

vol11-n15 B.indd 1 7/24/2007 5:32:29 PM

CBCP Monitor
B2 Updates Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007

Priests in public office

By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D.
Perpetual exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament
SHOULD perpetual adoration or exposition of the
In the recently held Philippine elections, several priests ran for public office. One, in fact, was elected
Blessed Sacrament take place in parishes?
governor of his province. It caused quite a furor in ecclesiastical circles, but thankfully the scandal
RESPONSE: The Roman Ritual: Holy Communion and
seems to be waning. The problem now is how to explain the affair to concerned faithful, who continue
Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass (HCWEOM),
to ask the following questions: Was the priest right to run for public office? Is it correct to say that
no. 90, states that, according to their constitutions and
it is alright for him to assume public office, since he is on leave from his priestly ministries? After
regulations, some religious communities and other pi-
his term of public office, can he return to active ministry as a priest?
ous groups have the practice of perpetual eucharistic
adoration or adoration over extended periods of time.
are consecrated by a particular sacrament (Holy prohibition can be punished by singular precept If by “perpetual eucharistic adoration” is meant prayer
Orders) and sent (through a canonical mission) in or by judicial or administrative decree according before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle, this in-
order to be dispensers of the mysteries of God (1 to c.1399 which states: Besides the cases stated volves no special permission. However, if by “perpetual
Cor 4, 1), or in words of Vatican II, to preach the here or in other laws, an external violation of a eucharistic adoration” is meant adoration of the Blessed
Gospel, to shepherd the faithful and to celebrate divine or ecclesiastical law can be punished by a Sacrament exposed in the ciborium or monstrance, the
divine worship, as true priests of the New Testa- just penalty only when the particular seriousness permission of the local Ordinary is required.
ment (Lumen Gentium, 28). of the violation demands punishment and there Perpetual exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is
IN two recent issues, we had dedicated this col- Four things need to be emphasized regarding is an urgent need to preclude or repair scandal. a devotion and practice which is permitted to those
umn to the question of Catholic Associations and c.285, §3: Can.1399 is the ultimate recourse of the eccle- religious communities that have it as an integral part
Partisan Politics and Priest and Politics. The two 1st. It is a norm of Universal Law—thus oblig- siastical authority in order to exercise—with of their communal life and to pious associations of the
articles had taken for granted that even if priests ing all priests of the Roman Catholic Church: due cause—the ius poenandi (right to inflict laity which have received official recognition.
could be tempted to get involved in partisan whether secular or religious, and whatever the penal sanctions) which is part of the power of If a pious association of the laity, which has perpetual
politics, they would never run for public office personal and social circumstances in which they jurisdiction of the Church. For the salus ani- exposition as a part of its constitution, is established
themselves and much less assume public office. may be exercising their ministry. marum—which does not exclude the good of within a parish, the activity of that association should
Now it appears that this criterion is not very ob- 2nd. The prohibition extends to the exercise the faithful who is guilty of an action which is be seen as separate from that of the parish, although all
vious to everyone. From the start, let me clarify of all civil power—in all its forms: executive, harmful both to himself and to the ecclesiastical members of the parish are free to participate in it.
that here we shall be examining the issue from legislative or judicial. community—the Ordinary can impose a penalty
the canonical standpoint—i.e., without getting 3rd. It is an imperative norm—going much on whoever persists to violate an ecclesiastical May perpetual exposition take place in the parish
into the inner motives of the persons, which are further than a mere counsel or recommendation. law in a serious way, despite due warning. As church?
more properly something for the internal forum This is clear not only from the categorical tenor c.1311 declares: The Church has an innate and RESPONSE: Because perpetual exposition is a de-
of Confession or spiritual direction. of the canon—Clerics are forbidden—but also proper right to coerce offending members of the votional practice of a religious community or a pious
from the absence of any provision or consider- Christian faithful by means of penal sanctions. association, it should normally take place in a chapel
The Role of the Priest in Political Life in ation of the possibility of obtaining permission of that religious community or association. If for some
General to act to the contrary, as in the cases of the other The Case of San Fernando good reason perpetual exposition must take place in
The Directory on the Ministry and Life of prohibitions, e.g.: In the recent notorious case of a priest running a parish church, it should be in a chapel distinct from
Priests, issued by the Congregation for the Clergy • Without the permission of their Ordinary, for—and subsequently winning and assum- the body of the church so as not to interfere with the
on 31.I.1994, summarized the underlying prin- clerics are neither to become agents for goods ing—public office in the diocese of San Fernando normal activities of the parish or its daily liturgical
ciples for the canonical dispositions that we shall belonging to laypersons nor assume secular (Pampanga), the canonical data are quite clear as celebrations.
shortly take up. follows: When Mass is celebrated in a chapel where the Blessed
• “The priest, as First, the priest ran Sacrament is exposed, the Eucharist must be replaced in
servant of the univer- In the case of San Fernando, the priest-turned-provincial for public office, despite the tabernacle before the celebration of Mass begins.
sal Church, cannot tie
himself to any histori-
governor has been suspended from his priestly functions stern and repeated warn-
ings from his archbishop May perpetual exposition take place twenty-four
cal contingency, and and duties. It is quite incorrect to portray the whole matter not to do so. It is not cor- hours a day, 365 days a year?
therefore must be above rect to say that he was on RESPONSE: Groups authorized to have perpetual
any political party. He
as if he were on leave from his priestly ministry; in the same leave from his priestly exposition are bound to follow all the liturgical norms
cannot take an active way that it would be wrong for someone to claim he were on ministry, and therefore given in Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucha-
role in political parties could assume public of- rist outside Mass, nos. 82-100. Under no circumstances
or labor unions, unless vacation from his job when in fact he has been suspended fice, since the Universal may perpetual exposition take place during the Easter
according to the judg-
ment of the ecclesiasti-
from exercising it further because of something he has done Law precludes such a
Triduum. There should always be a sufficient number
of people present for Eucharistic adoration before the
cal authority, the rights in violation of company policy. Second, the archbish- Blessed Sacrament exposed (see HCWEOM, no. 88).
of the Church and the op of San Fernando, ex- Every effort should be made to ensure that there should
defense of common good require it.” offices which entail an obligation to render ac- ercising his ius poenandi under c.1399, in fact be at least two people present. There must absolutely
• “In fact, even if these [political parties and counts… (c.285, §4). proceeded to inflict a penalty on the erring priest: never be periods when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed
labor unions] are good things in themselves, they • Clerics are forbidden to conduct, person- a suspension. and there is no one present for adoration. It may prove
are nevertheless foreign to the clerical state, since ally or through others, business or trade either Third, according to c.1333, §1, a suspension necessary to expose the Blessed Sacrament for adora-
they can constitute a grave danger of division in for their own or that of others, without the is a form of censure, imposed only on clerics, tion only at stated times when members of the faithful
the ecclesial communion.” permission of legitimate ecclesiastical authority which forbids him from carrying out: (1) either are present.
• “Like Jesus (cf. Jn 6, 15 ff.), the priest ought to (c.286). all or some acts of the power of Orders (i.e., from
refrain from actively engaging himself in politics, • Clerics are not to have an active role in politi- carrying out priestly functions); (2) either all or Who is responsible for overseeing perpetual exposi-
as it often happens, in order to be a central point cal parties and in the direction of labor unions, some acts of the power of governance (e.g., from tion?
of spiritual fraternity. All the faithful, therefore, unless the need to protect the rights of the Church carrying out pastoral or administrative functions RESPONSE: The local Ordinary has the responsi-
must be able to approach the priest without feel- or to promote the common good requires it in as parish priest); (3) the exercise of either all or bility for the regulation of perpetual exposition. He
ing inhibited for any reason.” the judgment of the competent ecclesiastical some rights or functions which are attached to determines when it is permissible and establishes the
• “The Priest will remember that it does not authority (c.287, §2). an office. regulations to be followed in regard to perpetual expo-
fall on the shoulders of the Pastors of the Church 4th. But it is not a penal norm—i.e., there is In the case of San Fernando, the priest-turned- sition of the Blessed Sacrament. He normally entrusts
to intervene directly in political activities and in no law specifically typifying the violation of the provincial governor has been suspended from his the superior or chaplain of religious communities or the
social organizations. This task, in fact, forms part prohibition (a priest taking public office with priestly functions and duties. It is quite incorrect local pastor or chaplain, in the case of pious associa-
of the lay faithful’s vocation, in which they work public power) as an ecclesiastical crime and to portray the whole matter as if he were on tions, with the responsibility of seeing that the liturgical
by their own initiative together with their fellow specifying the punishment attached to it. This is leave from his priestly ministry; in the same way norms and his regulations are followed.
citizens. Nevertheless, he will not be absent in the indeed curious, since other prohibitions stated that it would be wrong for someone to claim he
effort to form in them an upright conscience.” less taxatively are in fact typified as crimes—e.g., were on vacation from his job when in fact he Must the local bishop permit perpetual exposition?
clerics or religious who practice trade or business has been suspended from exercising it further RESPONSE: The bishop is responsible for all matters
Canon Law categorically prohibits Clerics as- against the prescriptions of the canons are to be because of something he has done in violation pertaining to the right ordering of the celebration of the
suming Public Office punished in accord with the seriousness of the of company policy. Eucharist and adoration and devotion to the Eucharist
Can. 285, §3 of the Code of Canon Law cat- offense (c.1392). Only the same ecclesiastical authority (the outside Mass. It is his duty to promote and guide the
egorically states: Clerics are forbidden to assume archbishop in this case) who imposed the sus- liturgical life of the diocese. Consequently, he alone
public offices which entail a participation in the Violation of this Prohibition can be Punished pension has the power to lift it, and it would be determines the pastoral appropriateness of perpetual
exercise of civil power. by Ecclesiastical Authority up to him to do so and when to do so. In other exposition in his diocese and accordingly may permit
As mentioned earlier, this norm finds its Notwithstanding the absence of a specific words, it wouldn’t be up to the priest to return it or not and may limit the number of places where it
doctrinal justification in the very nature of the penal law—typifying the violation of the prohibi- to ecclesial ministry at his pleasure, but rather up takes place.
ministerial priesthood and—consequently—in tion for clerics to assume public office as a crime, to the ecclesiastical authority to give him back his (Source: Committee on the Liturgy, USCCB)
the proper mission of the sacred ministers. Clerics and attaching a penalty—the violation of this ministry or otherwise.

Disturbing / B1
marriages had family groups warning that divorce, although not all couples that regis- remain together, those who see their mar-

The CBCPWorld Network

the institution was under serious threats, ter their separation then go on to divorce. riage breakup are at increased risk of mental
reported the Telegraph newspaper, Feb. 22. One of the few bits of comforting infor- health problems, in particular depression.
Figures from the ONS for 2005 revealed that mation on the family came from the United Financial difficulties often follow marital
the number of people choosing to marry fell States, where the divorce rate is continuing dissolution, added the report. This is espe-
A network of Dioceses, Parishes, in 2005 by 10%, leading to the lowest mar-
riage rates since they were first calculated
to decline, reported the Associated Press
on May 10. The divorce rate peaked at 5.3
cially the case for women, who according to
data from a 10-year study from 1994/1995
Catholic Schools and religious in 1862. There were 244,710 marriages in divorces per 1,000 people in 1981. It has to 2004/2005 in Canada, are nearly three
groups. Today, over a hundred of England and Wales in 2005, down from
273,070 in 2004.
continued to drop and is now at 3.6 per
thousand, the lowest rate since 1970.
times as likely as their men to experience
a major decline in household income fol-
them nationwide. Pursuing one | | +632 4041612, 4042182

Families in Ireland are also declining, lowing divorce.

mission, linked under one nation- according to statistics recently published
by the Central Statistics Office. Information
Divorce data
Nevertheless, an analysis in the May
The Canada study also confirmed the
overseas experience that shows a link
wide satellite system. Connected released from the 2006 census showed that 21 edition of the Wall Street Journal of the between divorce and depression. This as-
together with the same passion for the traditional family unit has declined in report published by the Associated Press sociation is present even when other events
the Gospel. all of the nation’s main cities since 2002,
reported the Irish Times on June 1.
showed that interpreting the data is not
that simple. For a start the statistics deal
that often accompany a break-up, such as
a drop in income and a decline in social
Moreover, unmarried cohabiting couples with divorces as a proportion of the total support are taken into account. The study
Our Broadband Connectivity is delivered are the fastest growing type of family unit in population, but don’t reveal what percent- showed that it was men who were more at
Ireland. In 2002, the total number of cohabit- age of marriages end in divorce. risk of experiencing depression following
to our network members through a VSAT ing couples was 77,600. By 2006 this rose to In addition, while divorces have de- divorce than were women.
system on a C-band or through a wire- 121,000, an increase from 8.4% of all family clined, so too has the marriage rate per 1,000
less IP system on a microwave platform, units in 2002 to 11.6% by last year. Lone people, by some 30% in the past 25 years. Hearth of life
parents, the vast majority of them women, Therefore, with more couples cohabitat- Family life continues to be a frequent
originating from our network operations accounted for 152,542 Irish households. ing a part of the decline in divorce could theme in Benedict XVI’s speeches. “The
center in Clark Special Economic Zone Commenting on the figures for the Iona be due to people living together so that family was and is the school of faith, the
in Angeles City. Institute, John P. Byrne, author of a recent the eventual separations are not counted training-ground for human and civil val-
paper on tax and the family, said that the as divorces. The matter is complicated by ues, the hearth in which human life is
current tax regime penalizes single income the fact that a decade ago the government born and is generously and responsibly
Our Content Department aims at saturat- married couples to the tune of up to €6,240 stopped collecting more detailed statistics welcomed,” he noted in his May 13
ing the cyberspace with wholesome con- per annum. on marriage and divorce that would allow speech opening the 5th General Confer-
“As a society, we need to examine how to a clearer analysis of the situation. ence of the Episcopate of Latin America
tents that are faith-related, educational make the economy more family-friendly,” Further data on divorce came from Cana- and the Caribbean.
and social-advocacy oriented. Its services he added in the June 28 press statement da, in the May edition of “Health Reports,” The Pope also observed that the
are: web designing, web maintenance, released by the institute. published by the government body, Statis- family is suffering adversity due to the
Meanwhile, data published by Italy’s tics Canada. The agency calculated that in forces of secularism, ethical relativism,
web hosting, content sourcing and edit- Central Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), re- Canada, an estimated 4 marriages in 10 will poverty and legislation weakening
ing, and video production. vealed that from 1995 to 2005 the number end before the couple celebrates their 30th marriage. It is indispensable, he urged,
of divorces sharply increased. According to wedding anniversary. The most recent data for the Church to engage in vigorous
a report by the Repubblica newspaper June available from the Divorce Registry is for pastoral care of families.
Our Traning Department conducts the 26, over the 10-year period divorces grew the year 2003. It showed that nearly 71,000 Moreover, the Pontiff continued, it
following trainings: EdTech, IT Aware- by 74%, reaching 47,036 in 2005. married couples divorced in 2003. is indispensable to promote family life
ness, WebArt, SysAd Training. The number of separations increased by The report then went on to detail some of through adequate public policies. “The
57.3% in the 10-year period, reaching 82,291 the deleterious effects of divorce. Detailed family,” he said, “constitutes part of the
in 2005. Under Italian law separation is the studies from the United States and Europe good of peoples and of the whole of hu-
preliminary stage in being able to obtain a suggest that, compared with people who manity.” (Rome, July 16, 2007, Zenit)

vol11-n15 B.indd 2 7/24/2007 5:33:04 PM

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007 Diocese B3

The Diocese of Catarman

IF you take a look at the map of the the Moros razed to the ground the village By Msgr. Gaspar D. Balerite, H.P., S.Th.D.
Philippines, at the eastern edge you will of Catubig. Catubig used to be where
notice a contour of a dragged footstep— Las Navas is now situated but moved
this is the island of Samar. The Diocese to its present location after the Moros
of Catarman comprises the whole burned it. Fr. Vicente Lopez, a Franciscan
province of Northern Samar. Catarman friar, became the protector of the lives and
being the capital of the province and the properties of the Samareños. Toward the
seat of the Diocese; is the front sole of end of the eighteenth century, he arrived
the foot. When this writer asked Sen. in Catarman where he taught himself how
Mar Roxas during his dialogue with to handle war implements and strategies.
the clergy on August 28, 2006, why Historian Fr. Juan Duarez y Santa Cruz
Northern Samar had been neglected said: “The reason Samar is not part of the
by the Government, his reply was to Muslim kingdom is due to the zeal, valor
ask for something that could speak of and endurance of the priests who are the
Northern Samar. In fact, some see the captains, who defend in all ways the law
whole island as a place with nothing to and flock of Jesus Christ.”
boast of, no identity to flaunt at, and no
name to brag of, except the occasional The Franciscan Missionaries
mention of PAGASA locating the po- After King Charles III expelled the Jesu-
sition of a coming typhoon, which is its from the Spanish colonies in 1768, the
usually east of the island of Samar. The Franciscans took over the vacated missions
reason why Samar is almost ignored in Samar. They arrived in the provincial
by the top leaders of our government capital of Catbalogan on September 25,
is contained in what my late father de- 1768, and immediately took over the mis-
scribed in his History of Laoang, “The sion centers of Catbalogan and Palapag.
main livelihood of the Samareños is The Augustinians who had also held Gui-
fishing, farming, and politics.” uan, Balangiga and Basey had to cede these
pueblos to the Franciscans due to the short-
A Place with a Glorious Past age of priests. The last Jesuit rector of the
Yet, the Diocese of Catarman sits on Palapag mission was Fr. Roque Corbinos
a place which was the sight of a glori- who was at the same time the Vice-Provin-
ous past, of being one of anchorages of cial for the whole Visayan Jesuit mission.
Spanish trades, of being the cradle of The Franciscans continued to administer
Christianity in Eastern Visayas, and of some parishes in Samar until 1941 when
being a gate to the Visayas and Mind- they decided to turn over the parishes to
anao in the present time. the care and services of the secular and
The coasts of Northern Samar became native clergy. In 1952, the Franciscans of
important ports of Spanish international the Province of the Assumption (USA)
trade and the evangelization of eastern took over the pastoral care of Balicuatro
Visayas for two hundred years after the areas, the towns along the western coast of
discovery of the Philippine archipelago Northern Samar. They left this mission in
in 1521. The sea that divided the south- 1992 with the last parish of San Isidro.
ern tip of Luzon and the northern tip
of Samar was an important route of Creation of Parishes and Mission Cen-
Spanish ships (naos as the Spaniards ters
would call them) that would cross the For three centuries the mission of Pala-
Pacific Ocean. pag was a great influence in the Christian-
The island of Samar had no resources ization of the whole of Samar island. From The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Annunciation at Catarman, Northern Samar
sufficient to support its inhabitants till this mission center a pastorship was placed
the coming of the Spaniards. Northern in Bobon in 1697 while Catarman became Samar. On January 1, 1968, the Province People’s Army. After the rebels staged suc- were almost always out under suspicion
Samar, unlike Central Luzon, was not dependent on it. In 1768 Laoang was al- of Northern Samar was fully organized. cessful ambushes on government troops in by the military. The suspicion did not re-
blessed with large plains which allowed ready a pueblo when the Franciscans took Three years later, the Provincial Board different areas of the island of Samar, five main a suspicion. On December 20, 1979,
large scale of monoculture of rice. Only over the administration from the Jesuits. In of the new province unanimously ap- battalions of Philippine Constabulary were Fr. Restituto Cardenas, Jr., the Diocesan
the plains of Palapag through the Catubig the 1800’s there was a birth of new proved Resolution 62-H requesting Pope sent to the entire island. Northern Samar Social Actions Director, was arrested and
valley and some parts of Catarman were parishes and mission centers. Paul VI through his Nuncio to the got the infamous 60th Battalion, and a Bri- incarcerated without Arrest, Search and
the major lowland areas available for the In 1864 Capul became Philippines, Archbishop Camine gade camp of Philippine Army was set up Seizure Order (ASSO). To dramatize and
cultivation of rice. Moreover, infestation of an independent parish, Rocco, to make Northern Samar in Catarman. Violations of human rights stage the effect on the people when a priest
rats and locusts and the occasional ravages freeing from Calbayog a separate diocese with See in in the form of outright arrests, summary would be unjustly incarcerated, the Bishop,
of typhoons and floods would sometimes in ecclesiastical mat- Catarman. Pope Paul VI is- executions of suspected enemies of the in consultation with the presbyterium sus-
seriously reduce rice harvests, which led ters. Other pueblos sued a Bull “Quae Ampliores regime, and other military abuses created pended the celebrations of Christmas and
the people to rely on camote and gabi (taro). which got their own Exspectantur” on December fear among the Nortehanons. The whole New Year midnight Masses. There were
Thus, the inhabitants had to turn to the sea pastors were Catu- 5, 1974, creat- province experienced massive evacua- mixed emotions among the people but
for food. With the coming of the Spaniards big, Allen, and Cat- tions of barrio folks from their understanding of the situation prevailed.
and the consequent entry of Samar into arman. In 1901, San farms to the populated The bishop and his clergy wrote letters of
world market, the Samareños found new Antonio celebrated towns. All through appeal to the leaders of the Church and
resources: beeswax and abaca, the two its first fiesta, finally government. Finally, Fr. Cardenas was
articles of high value in international trade. changing the name released on January 11, 1980.
Without the rope made of abaca, sailing Manoglaya to the Pa- On September 15, 1981, the in-
ships in the eighteenth and nineteenth tron’s name. In 1903, habitants of the village of Sag-od
centuries was extremely difficult. Without Lavezares got a in the municipality of Las Navas
the beeswax from Samar, the households permanent were massacred by Integrated
of the upper classes of Spain, Mexico, and pastor Civilian Home Defense Forces
Peru would be engulfed in night darkness. and military deserters acting
Palapag was the Pacific terminus while as mercenaries in the security
Capul was the stop-over of the galleons force belonging to the log-
which plied to and from Manila and ging concession owned by
Mexico once a year. It was in Palapag the family of then Secretary
that these precious articles were loaded of National Defense, Juan
into the Spanish ships. Capul, being a Ponce Enrile. These men first
major stop-over, perhaps got its name herded the male and strafed
from the word “Acapulco.” them to the ground, and
when the women protested,
The Christianization of Samar Is- they too together with chil-
land dren and toddlers received
The seed of the Gospel was brought volleys of fire. The event was
to the island of Samar by the Jesuit in retaliation to the burning
missionaries. The pioneering task of of heavy equipments owned
evangelization began on October 15, by the company. The male
1596, with the establishment of a mis- population of Sag-od was
sion station in a large village called IMPORTANT FACTS: suspected as NPA. When
Tinagon, today known as Dapdap, Bishop 1 the Diocesan Office of Social
the former site of the poblacion now at Priests: Action documented and protested the
Tarangnan, Western Samar. The first Diocesan 59 unjust and genocidal act, a reply came in
evangelizers were Fathers Francisco Religious 2 the form of calumny in the newspaper. In
Ortazo, Bartolome Martes, and Brother Sisters:
the front page of a government sequestered
Domingo Alonzo. The first cabecera to Bishop Emmanuel C. Trance, DD and the Diocesan Catholic Center national daily the Diocese of Catarman
Filipino 45
assume the responsibility for the vast was the headline. A certain Cecilio Arillo,
region of northern and eastern Samar Seminarians: a native of Catarman but a Manila writer
was Catubig located in Northern Samar. in the name of a Samareño native, Fr. Wenc- ing a diocese comprising the Province Theology 20 allied to Enrile, authored an article alleging
But since the missionaries felt that the eslao Singzon. In 1949, Gamay became a of Northern Samar with the See in Cat- Philosophy 30 that Bishop Hobayan confided to a certain
place was too far removed and too deep parish but got its permanent pastor only arman. On March 11, 1975, Archbishop Doing Pastoral work 1 Australian writer, Peter Hastings, that eight
in the interior, the center was moved to in 1950. Two new municipalities became Bruno Torpigliani, Papal Nuncio to the Pre-College 19 of his clergy had jumped off to the fold of
a place near the eastern shoulder of the parishes in the 1950’s: San Jose, formerly Philippines; formally installed the Most Minor 4 the NPA’s. In a visit to the Brigade camp
island sometime in 1605 and 1606. This Carangián, and San Isidro, a former barrio Rev. Angel T. Hobayan, D.D., as the Seminary 1 in Catarman by Sec. Enrile, the priests of
was Palapag (which in later years became of Allen. When the Diocese of Borongan first Residential Bishop of the new dio- Diocesan Divisions:
the diocese were also invited to what an
also the springboard of rebellion against was created in 1962, Gamay, Lapinig, and cese. Most Rev. Emmanuel C. Trance, army officer had called a dialogue with the
Vicariates 4
the Spanish Government). Eleven years Mapanas were annexed to the new diocese D.D. was installed as Auxiliary Bishop Secretary. This writer acting in his capacity
Parishes 21
later, Catbalogan was established as an- while the new municipality of San Roque of the diocese on August 12, 2004. He as Mass Media Director of the diocese in-
other center replacing Tinagon which was was created a parish a year after. Mission Centers 5 formed Enrile that the newspaper account
succeeded as Bishop of the diocese
often the object of Moro plunders. Thus, Chaplaincy 1 was false and baseless. But the Secretary
on March 11, 2005 upon retirement of
Palapag in the North and Catbalogan in The Birth of the Diocese Bishop Hobayan. Educational Centers: retorted with a chilling quip: “A priest who
the West became the centers of mission in Since 1596 the whole island of Samar Kindergartens 7 crosses the line between politics and reli-
the whole island of Samar, except the towns was part of the Diocese of Cebu which was The Diocese Lived its Prophetic Primary/elementary 1 gion should be dealt with RUTHLESSLY.”
from Basey to Guiuan which belonged to erected a diocese by Pope Clement VIII, on Role High Schools 6 Until now the perpetrators of the infamous
the Augustinian mission of Dagami. The August 14, 1596. Pope Pius X separated The Diocese of Catarman was born College 1 massacre have never been brought to jus-
Palapag mission covered the north and the islands of Samar and Leyte from the during the dark period of Martial Population 500,639 tice. Meanwhile, the license of the logging
eastern parts of the island (from Biri to Diocese of Cebu by creating the Diocese of Law. Faithful to the prophetic role of concession was halted in 1989, when the
Catholics 365,967
Borongan) while the Catbalogan mission Calbayog on April 10, 1910. On November the Church, the new diocese had to Catubig River which was a tributary of the
covered the western section including the 28, 1937, the island of Leyte became inde- Area 3,498 sq. kms. big falls in the logging area swelled and a
respond to the call of the time. Killings,
island of Capul which now belongs to the pendent from the Diocese of Calbayog massacres, mass evacuations, tortures, hundred people perished.
province of Northern Samar. through the creation of the Diocese of illegal detentions ruled this period. The these sufferings the diocese stood with the
Palo. On October 22, 1960, Pope John XXIII Martial Law of President Ferdinand E. people, provided the refugees with relief, Pastoral Concerns
The Sheep in the midst of Wolves decreed the division of the island of Samar Marcos wrought havoc not only on the documented human rights violations, and Since 1985, Catarman has been nurtur-
The missionaries who brought the into two dioceses by erecting the Diocese political stability of the country but on the protested the injustices inflicted upon the ing the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC)
Christian Faith to the island of Samar were of Borongan. In the civil side, Republic seemingly unperturbed institution of the people. as the apostolic thrust of the diocese. As a
not spared from the stalking martyrdom Act 4221, divided the island of Samar into Catholic Church. Owing to the massive But such involvement put the young result, a BEC secretariat was formed and a
in the hands of Moro pirates and blood- three provinces: Eastern Samar, Samar, opposition to the martial rule the entire diocese under attack. Bishop Hobayan felt year after, the Religious of the Sacred Heart
thirsty natives. The worst Moro plunder which comprised the western portion of country became a favorable environment that any effort aimed at helping the refu- (RSCJ) came to Catarman in response to
happened sometime in 1774 or 1775 when the island, and the Province of Northern for the growth of the communist New gees and protests against the militarization Catarman / B6

vol11-n15 B.indd 3 7/24/2007 5:33:05 PM

CBCP Monitor
B4 Commissions Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007

CBCP Youth Ministry:

Youthful in tending the young

By Kris Bayos

AFTER successfully launching a Father to the Youth of the World on

number of activities for the youth the occasion of the 22nd World Youth
apostolate, the CBCP Episcopal Com- Day.
mission on Youth (ECY) proves to Just as preparations are made for the
be extra motivated in launching yet World Youth Day 2008 at Sydney, Aus-
another smorgasbord of activities bent tralia on July 15 to 20, 2008, the ECY
on nourishing the youth ministry. has also laid down its plans for the Fili-
In its report during the 95th CBCP pino delegation, including organizing
Plenary Meeting last July 7 to 8, the the ECY-Philippines, a group that will
ECY laid out its upcoming youth min- work in close coordination with the
istry events, inspired by the successful Australian Organizers for settlement
launch of Unang Hakbang and other of travel and accommodation concerns
projects pertaining to it. of the delegates. The ECY-Philippines
This November, ECY will be gather- will be implementing similar policies
ing some 400 youth ministers around and principles as it has done for the
the country in the Archdiocese of Jaro past WYD celebrations.
for a kickoff National Conference of After the WYD, another pilgrimage
Youth Ministers. A convention of the is set to take place under ECY. In co-
national youth coordinating council operation with the Taizé Community
will then follow. from France, ECY will sponsor the Pil-
Come December, ECY will spear- grimage of Trust in Manila within the
head the Youth Ministry Awareness first quarter of 2009. It is expected that
Week. Celebrated a week prior to the Brothers from the Taizé Community
National Youth Day, this celebration will frequent the country to visit the
hopes to become an opportunity for dioceses and youth organizations.
the local Churches, through their di- Finally, ECY will host the fifth
ocesan youth ministries, to promote Asian Youth Day (AYD) in response
awareness and understanding of the to the invitation of the Federation of
importance of the youth ministry. Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC).
With the National Youth Day cel- Although the ECY accepted the post of
ebration on December 16, the ECY hosting the AYD, the organizers have
will prepare and distribute a module yet to decide on the date and program
that deepens the message of the Holy of this event. Filipino delegation to the 4th Asian Youth Day held in Hongkong last August 2006. Photo courtesy of ECY

Liturgy and Ecumenism:

How to apply
Participants in the National Convention of Catechetical Directors, Coordinators and ACCCRE Officers held at St.
Michael Retreat House, Antipolo City last July 9-11, 2007. Photo courtesy of ECCCE

Vatican Council II
by Sandro Magister

JUST a few months ago, the French bish- my life as a bishop and as a man. This
ops were extremely concerned about the is a day of mourning not only for me,
news that Benedict XVI was preparing but for the many who have lived and
to liberalize the celebration of the Mass worked for Vatican Council II. What
labeled as that of Pius V. “Such a deci- has been negated is a reform for which
sion endangers the Church’s unity,” many worked at the cost of great sacri-
wrote the most alarmed of them. fices, motivated solely by the desire to
Benedict XVI shot straight from the renew the Church.”
hip, with the “motu proprio” released Among the theorists of Vatican II as a
on July 7. But there was no reaction “rupture” and a “new beginning,” the
of rejection from the French bishops. most explicit against the papal provi-
Nor was there from the bishops of the sions were the founder and prior of the
touchiest countries: Switzerland, Ger- monastery of Bose, Enzo Bianchi, and
many, Great Britain. On the contrary, the historian of Christianity Alberto
their most authoritative leaders hailed Melloni, coauthor of the most widely
the pope’s decision with positive com- read “History of Vatican Council II”
ments: from the German cardinal Karl in the world. For Melloni, the objective
Lehmann to the English cardinal Cor- of pope Ratzinger is nothing less than
mac Murphy O’Connor, both ranked that of “deriding” and “demolishing”
among the progressives. Vatican Council II.

ECCCE holds convention for diocesan

The same happened with the docu- But instead it is known that Benedict
ment released on July 10 by the con- XVI’s clear objective—plainly enunci-
gregation for the doctrine of the faith, ated and argued in the memorable

catechetical directors which nails down some firm points of

doctrine about the Church. There was
no comparison with the criticisms that in
discourse to the Roman curia on De-
cember 22, 2005—is that of freeing the
Council from a particular interpretation:
By Pinky Barrientos, FSP the summer of 2000 were hurled—even precisely the interpretation of “rupture”
by high-ranking churchmen—against and “new beginning” dear to Bianchi
THE Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic The New National Catechetical Directory of the Philip- the declaration “Dominus Iesus,” and Melloni.
Education (ECCCE) hosted a national meeting of all Di- pines signed by then-cardinal Joseph Ratz- “The hermeneutic of discontinuity,”
ocesan Catechetical Directors, Coordinators and ACCCRE In its report of activities in the recent bishops plenary inger, which to a great extent dealt with the pope said in this address, “risks
(Association of Catechetical Centers and Colleges with assembly held at Pope Pius XII, the commission reported the same points of doctrine. Cardinal ending in a split between the pre-con-
Religious Education) Officers on July 9 to 11, at St. Michael the granting of approval by Vatican for the New National Walter Kasper, one of the critics back ciliar Church and the post-conciliar
Retreat House in Antipolo City. Catechetical Directory of the Philippines (NCDP) and its then, decisively supported the Vatican Church”.
More than a hundred participants representing various subsequent publication. document this time: “Clearly stating While instead the correct interpreta-
dioceses attended the seminar-workshop aimed to help The original NCDP, entitled Maturing in Christian one’s own positions does not limit ecu- tion of Vatican Council II, in the view
personnel in the Catechetical ministry by improving and Faith, was published in 1982. The book served as the “of- menical dialogue, but fosters it.” And of Benedict XVI, is this:
upgrading the formation programs for catechists through a ficial guide for the catechetical work of the Church in the from Moscow, metropolitan Kirill of “... the hermeneutic of reform, of
established network of collaboration and communion. Philippines.” Smolensk, president of the department renewal in the continuity of the one
The 3-day meeting hoped to strengthen linkages among Since NCDP was published, various initiatives have come for external relations at the Russian subject-Church which the Lord has
diocesan catechetical directors and coordinators and ECC- up, such as the publications of Catholic Catechism for Fili- Orthodox patriarchate, described the given to us. She is a subject which in-
CE; to present the New National Catechetical Directory for pino Catholics and PCP II Acts and Decrees, which consider- text as “an honest declaration, because creases in time and develops, yet always
the Philippines; to present the Compendium on the Social ably affected the catechetical ministry in the Church. sincere dialogue requires a clear vision remaining the same, the one subject of
Doctrine of the Church and Compendium of the Catechism The revised edition of NNCDP, which took three years to of the respective positions.” the journeying People of God.”
of the Catholic Church; to provide updates on ACCCRE; finish; presents principles and guidelines for an “updated, Criticisms did arrive, naturally, The “motu proprio” that liberalizes
to formulate a 3-year diocesan catechetical strategic plan integrated and inculturated catechetical ministry in the against both of these promulgations, the ancient rite of the Mass and the suc-
for 2007-2010; and to provide a forum with the Bishops on Philippines.” It contextualizes “the universal catechetical from within and outside of the Church, cessive document from the congrega-
catechetical issues and concerns. guidelines provided by the Magisterium within our specific and especially from Protestants and tion for the doctrine of the faith are both
The convention also tackled recent developments in Filipino context”, cultural and otherwise. Jews. But in the Catholic camp the applications of this stated aim.
the ministry of catechesis like the Compendium of the The updated version of NNCDP is published by CBCP- protests were limited to confined sec- The pope explained this in the letter
Catechism of the Catholic Church and the New National ECCCE. The subsidized edition for bishops costs only tors, mostly Italian: the sectors of the to the bishops that accompanied the
Catechetical Directory of the Philippines (NNCDP). P50.00. liturgists and of the intellectuals who “motu proprio.” But he also had the
interpret Vatican Council II as a “rup- foresight to expound and discuss his
ture” and a “new beginning.” reasons on June 27, ten days before the

ECMI strengthens formation program for children of OFWs Among the liturgists, the one most
pained in contesting the papal “motu
proprio” was Luca Brandolini, bishop
publication of the “motu proprio,” with
a select group of bishops from vari-
ous countries, including the cardinals
By Edmund H. Ruga of Sora, Aquino, and Pontecorvo, and Lehmann, Murphy O’Connor, and
a member of the liturgical commission Jean-Pierre Ricard, Philippe Barbarin,
THE Episcopal Commission for the bong conducted a seminar and assembly in Lipa City. Around 35 participants of the Italian bishops’ conference, in and André Vingt-Trois of France. This
Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant of its SDOFP animators at Saint Louis attended the activity representing 22 an interview with the newspaper “la preliminary meeting with the pope con-
People (ECMI) is strengthening the for- School in Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. Thirty schools from 15 parochial/private and Repubblica”: tributed to the later positive welcome of
mation program of children of overseas participants, mostly guidance counselors 7 public schools. Most of the schools “I cannot hold back my tears; I am the provision on the part of all of these.
Filipino workers (OFW), called Sons from 8 parochial and 11 public schools present were elevated into the core living through the saddest moment of (Roma, July 16, 2007, www.chiesa)
and Daughters of OFWs Formation attended the seminar. council with Canossa Academy of
Program (SDOFP). SDOFP Diocesan Coordinator, Ms. Lipa as the lead school and center of
SDOFP is one of ECMI’s strategies to
accomplish the mission of strengthen-
Jannette Calata, acknowledged the impor- coordination.
Lipa SDOFP is in its 3rd year of
CBCPNews is online
tance of the program because most of the
ing the families of OFWs. The program students being assisted by the guidance implementation and has localized
is done in partnership with the different counselors are OFW kids. the OFW Kids Group into ANAK
Diocesan Migrants Desks/Commis- The activity concluded with the elec- Batangueño or Anak ng mga Nangin-
sions and coursed through the paro- tion of 13 schools as members of the core gibang Bansang Batangueño. CBCPNews is an independent news organization
chial schools for implementation. council. Elected lead school and center The ECMI’s SDOFP is already on its staffed by Catholic journalists dedicated to pro-
This school year, ECMI assisted of coordination is Saint Louis School of 5th year. More dioceses are now avail-
ing of the program.
viding accurate news written from a distinctively
two dioceses, Bayombong and Lipa; Solano.
in facilitating the institutionalization Meanwhile, Lipa archdiocese also held The next phase of the program for Catholic perspective.
of SDOFP. the SDOFP seminar and assembly of its these two arch/dioceses is the SDO
Last June 22, the Diocese of Bayom- animators last June 29 at the MBL Center Diocesan Election and Congress. Subscribe to CBCPNews. Email to:

vol11-n15 B.indd 4 7/24/2007 5:33:08 PM

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007 Statements B5
Press statement on the CIRCULAR LETTER Diocese of San Jose de Antique
“Tridentine” Mass To the Reverend Fathers, Religious Padua Parish in Barbaza, Fr.
Sisters and Brothers, Seminarians and Walter “Janjan” Tamboong
WE fully welcome with respect and appreciation the recent Apostolic Let-
Lay Friends: as Parochial Vicar of San
ter of Pope Benedict XVI on the “Tridentine” Mass. It clarifies for us the
Peace be with you! I pray you are all Nicolas de Tolentino Parish
status of the Tridentine Mass in the Latin Language.
okay and raring to do more for the Lord in Tobias Fornier; Fr. Gre-
In accordance with the Apostolic Letter (“Motu proprio”) entitled
in your respective responsibilities. gorio “Boygreg” Soldevilla
“Summorum Pontificum” of Pope Benedict XVI, the celebration of the
as Parochial Vicar of Sta.
so-called Tridentine Mass, which is in the Latin language, as approved
RA Foundress Canonization Monica Parish in Hamtic;
by Blessed Pope John XXIII in 1962 continues to be fully permissible as an
It was a great privilege for me and Fr. Cornelio “Lius” Ysulat,
extraordinary form of the Mass. The Tridentine Mass was never forbid-
Bishop Jose Romeo Lazo of Kalibo to Jr. as Superintendent of
den or abrogated.
be among the few bishops of the Philip- Diocesan Schools (start-
The so-called “New Mass” which was introduced after the Second
pines to be invited to the Canonization ing in September 2007); Fr.
Vatican Council and approved by Pope Paul VI in 1970 has become more
Rites for St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus on Servillano “Gongon” Carro,
popular among the people because it allowed the use of some approved
3 June 2007 at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Jr. as Rector of St. Peter’s
adaptations, including the use of the popular languages and dialects. It
Vatican. The canonization of Marie Seminary (SPS); Fr. Gerald
became the ordinary form of the Mass, widely celebrated in the parish
Eugenie and three priests took place Lacson as SPS Dean of Stud-
under pouring rain before, during and ies; and Fr. Edwin Rubido
When may the Tridentine (Latin) Mass be celebrated? According to the
after the Rites. I saw Pope Benedict XVI as SPS Spiritual Director.
letter of Pope Benedict XVI, it may be celebrated by Catholic priests of the
(my first personal view of the new Pope) We are most grateful to
Latin Rite: a) in private masses, b) in conventual or community mass in
from some 20 feet away for I was with Bishop Jose Romeo Lazo
accordance with the specific statutes of the Congregation, c) in parishes
the group of Archbishops and Bishops and the Diocese of Kalibo
upon request of the faithful and under the guidance of the bishop (in ac-
in full regalia behind the Cardinals. We for lending us a priest—Fr.
cordance with Canon 392). In such Masses, however, the readings may
all got wet! By and large, the downpour Ike Temporasa as Parochial
be given in the vernacular.
did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Vicar of St. Vincent Ferrer
This permission given by Pope Benedict XVI means that the Mass in
crowd that stayed on with umbrellas and Parish in Pandan.
Latin and in accordance with the formula of the Council of Trent, hence
raincoats till the end of the ceremony.
Tridentine, with the celebrant’s back to the faithful may be celebrated,
We congratulate our local Assumption Where are the Rest?
as it was never forbidden or abrogated. For new priests, this will require
Sisters and their students and friends for From the North to the
formation in the Latin Mass.
this great honor. South here they are: Fr.
Now, we are instructed that in the liturgy of the Mass, there is the ordi-
Segundo “Ikis” Auxilian,
nary form which is that approved by Pope Paul VI in 1970 after the Vatican
Prayers for Fr. Bossi Jr., St. Thomas Aquinas Par-
II; and there is the extraordinary form—the Tridentine (Latin) Mass which
We are one with our PIME Fathers ish in Libertad; Fr. Joaquin
is that approved by Blessed Pope John XXIII in 1962. The two forms will
Fernando Milani and Luciano Benedetti “Kin” Dioso, Jr. – St. Vincent
have their way of leading the faithful to the true worship of God in prayer
in hoping and praying for the safety and Ferrer Parish in Pandan;
and liturgy; and may even be a factor for unity in the Church.
release of their kidnapped confrere Fr. Fr. Reynaldo “Dodoy Rey”
Giancarlo Bossi, PIME. He was kid- Cazeñas – St. Blaise Par-
napped on 10 June 2007 in Zamboanga ish in Sebaste; Fr. Danny
Archbishop of Jaro
Sibugay, Mindanao. Please ask your “Bobong” Tabuyan – St.
CBCP President
parishioners and constituents to pray for Michael the Archangel Par-
July 9, 2007
his well-being. ish in Culasi; Fr. Arnel “Bo- St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus

Towards a second National

bet” Zamora – San Nicolas
Poor Clare Monastery Blessing de Tolentino Parish in Tibiao; Fr. Mark gatherings after July will take place on
The last building required of a com- Anthony “Mark” Matillano – St. Isidore the third Tuesday and Wednesday as

Rural Congress
plete Poor Clare Monastery was blessed Parish in Laua-an; Fr. Ireneo “Neong” recommended during a meeting at the
by yours truly on 12 June 2007 at 9:00 Abong – St. Luke the Evangelist Parish June ’07 annual retreat.
a.m. in the presence of Mother Abbess in Valderrama; Fr. James “Koos” Spruit,
Trinitas, OSC from Basilan; priests, MHM – Our Lady of Candles Parish in Future Priests, Future Laborers
FORTY years ago, the Church in the Philippines convened a National Rural Poor Clare Nuns, Mr. Victor Consunji Belison; Fr. Jose “Boyet” Tubianosa – St. We are happy to announce that the
Congress highlighting the call that “the Church must go to the barrios.” The and his nephews and a few others. Mr. Vincent Ferrer Parish in San Remigio; Diocese has two pre-deacons: Sem.
involvement of the Church in rural issues was concretized in the formation of Consunji, his family and Semirara Min- Fr. Edione Febrero, Pastor, and Fr. John Jauod from Valderrama and Sem.
diocesan social action centers, rural cooperatives, advocacy groups for agrarian ing Corporation donated this whole Joselito “Joey” Escote, Parochial Vicar Raymund Orfelia from Hamtic. They
reform, and others. building which includes the Professed – Sta. Rita de Cascia Parish in Sibalom; are assigned to the parishes of Hamtic
To commemorate that event held in 1967, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference Dormitory, Library, Kitchen and Dining Fr. Fernando Milani, PIME, Pastor, and and Barbaza respectively. God willing,
of the Philippines issued early this year the pastoral statement, “The Dignity Room. I am truly grateful to Mr. Victor Fr. Luciano Benedetti, PIME, Parochial they will be ordained as deacons in mid
of the Rural Poor – A Gospel Concern”. We made a call for a Second National Consunji and family. To Engr. Ronilo Vicar – San Pedro Parish in San Pedro, October this year. Eight seminarians are
Rural Congress (NRC II) to review the continuing issues confronting the ma- Castillon and the workers, thank you and San Jose; Fr. Ersal Tortal, Parochial Vicar in Theology at St. Joseph Regional Semi-
jority of our people living in rural areas. “But this time,” we said, “our farmers congratulations for a splendid job. May – St. Joseph Cathedral in San Jose; Fr. nary in Jaro, Iloilo: 3 in Theo. 4; 2 in Theo.
must do the speaking by themselves, the discerning, the proposing of their own we and our people appreciate the value Sergio “Serge” Maniba, Christian Forma- 3; 2 in SPFY and 1 in Theo. 2. Several SPS
ideas, the planning of how we must as a people come together to work for the of monasticism and pray for vocations to tion Officer – SAC; Fr. Fortunato “Bobit” graduates are now on guided regency
common good of the country…” this special life. Abiera, Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator, and hope to enter or go back to the Major
In this light, we are adopting a SEE-JUDGE-ACT methodology in convening Seminary in the coming school
this Second National Rural Congress. There are five objectives: Clergy Retreat year. The St. Peter’s Seminary
1. To describe the current situation of various sectors of the rural poor—e.g., The Annual Retreat of the this year has 46 college semi-
small farmers, landless workers, indigenous people, small fishermen, rural Antique Diocesan Clergy narians: 5th Year – 10; 4th Year
women and youth, etc.; was held on 18-21 June at – 8; 3rd Year – 9; 2nd Year – 11
2. To describe the role of Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) and church- the Holy Rosary Retreat and 1st Year – 8. May the Lord
based programs in rural development; House in Calumpang, Iloilo who has begun the good work
3. To review the impact of key social legislation and to engage government City. It was facilitated by in you bring it to fulfillment.
agencies in the implementation of ongoing social reform programs under the Fr. Edgar Javier, SVD, an Courage!
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL), the Indigenous People’s Rights expert in Missiology con-
Act (IPRA), etc.; nected with the Faculties of 6 New Members for SSJW
4. To apply the Social Teachings of the Church to the concrete problems of UST and ICLA (Institute of It is a joy to see the Sisters of
Philippine rural society and to arrive at recommendations and action plans; Consecrated Life in Asia). St. Joseph the Worker (SSJW),
and The Retreat was followed by a group of women dedicated
5. To collate and disseminate research findings through media channels, and a one-day BEC Seminar fa- to the poor, the handicapped
to promote continuing dialogue among local churches, NGOs and academe in cilitated by Bukal ng Tipan’s and orphans grow in number.
the social transformation of rural—as well as urban poor—communities. Fr. Martin, CICM, Stella and Sr. Concordia Villaram, SSJW,
Epie. Both the Retreat and Foundress and Superior of the
The timetable comprises two phases Seminar were much appre- community is very happy to
Phase I: (July-November 2007) in two parallel tracks: ciated by the Fathers. Fr. Giancarlo Bossi, PIME be joined these past two years
A. Diocesan consultations on BECs in rural development (to be conducted by 6 aspirants and postulants
by the National Secretariat for Social Action (NASSA), and the Offices for BECs Installations, Anyone? and Fr. William “Bill” McAvoy, MHM namely: Sr. Rosabella Gatila of San Jose,
and Indigenous People); While not a must, installations are good – Bishop’s House in San Jose; Fr. Casper Antique; Sr. Cheryl Lungay of Surigao;
B. Sub-regional consultations on rural poor sectors and rural issues (to be for the person being installed and good Rietbergen, MHM – Sacred Heart Par- Sr, Mae Alvero of San Jose, Antique;
conducted by the Philippine-Misereor Partnership (PMP), the Association of for his constituents. Thus, we installed Fr. ish in Egaña, Sibalom; Fr. Agustin Fre- Sr. Jenky Elanga of Egaña, Sibalom,
Major Superiors of the Philippines (AMRSP), and the Rural Poor Solidarity Gladwin Rios as Pastor of the St. Antho- nademez, MHM – Sto. Niño Parish in Antique; Sr. Rhea Joy Lunasco of San
(RPS) coalition of non-government and people’s organizations. ny de Padua Parish in Caluya during its Guinsang-an; Fr. John Ambrose, MHM Remigio, Antique; and Sr. Mary Jean
Phase II: (First Quarter of 2008) – convening of NRC II to discuss the collated Fiesta Mass on 13 June 2007. On 14 June, – St. John Nepomucene Parish in Anini- Nicor of Sibalom, Antique. We wish you
inputs from the diocesan and sub-regional consultations. The Congress itself we installed Fr. Jose “Joban” Bantolo as y; and Fr. Michael Peter “Mike” O’Brien, the best, Sisters.
may take two-to-three days. President of St. Anthony’s College dur- MHM – Sta. Teresa de Avila Parish in
Overseeing the entire process under the CBCP Plenary Assembly is the NRC ing the school’s Holy Spirit Mass. Then, Casay, Anini-y. MHM Golden Jubilarians
Central Committee with Archbishop Antonio Ledesma (Executive Chairman), on 17 June we installed Fr. Victor “Vic” Last but not the Least, Fr. Edgar Alan We offer our sincerest congratulations
Bishop Broderick Pabillo (Vice Chairman), Bishop Socrates Villegas, Bishop Baguna as Pastor of Sto. Niño Parish, in “Ega” Pacete – Pasig Diocese, Metro Ma- to Fr. James “Koos”Spruit, MHM who
Sergio Utleg and Sr. Rosanne Mallillin, SPC (members). Bugasong. On the Solemnity of the Birth nila; Fr. Rogelio “Boboy” Pon-an – Cu- will celebrate his Golden Anniversary of
The Central Committee is to be assisted by the Episcopal Advisory Council, of St. John the Baptist on 24 June, we in- bao Diocese, M.M.; Fr. Eulogio “Eling” Presbyteral Ordination on 7 July at 8:00
which is composed of Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales (Luzon), Ricardo Cardinal stalled Fr. Jose Glicerio “Gigi” Geremia Estaris – Calgary Diocese, Canada; Fr. a.m. at the Our Lady of Candles Parish
Vidal (Visayas), Archbishop Orlando Quevedo (Mindanao), and Archbishop as Pastor of St. Joseph Cathedral. His Pablito “Pabs” Maghari – Staten Island, Church in Belison, Antique. On the same
Angel Lagdameo (CBCP). appointment as Vicar General was also Archdiocese of New York, U.S.A.; and Fr. day at 4:30 p.m., Fr. William “Bill” McA-
The ad intra secretariat for the diocesan consultations on BECs includes: Sr. affirmed. Five other parish priests have Dominic “Minic” Regoniel – Canada. voy, MHM will preside at his Golden
Rosanne Mallilin of CBCP-NASSA (Coordinator), Msgr. Elmer Abacahin of yet to be installed if they so wish. They Jubilee Mass at the Mensa Domini
the CBCP-BEC Office, and a representative of the Episcoal Commission on are Fr. Ramon Fr. Rex to Study in Chapel in San Jose, Antique. For many
Indigenous Peoples. The ad extra secretariat for Sub-regional consultations on “Monching” Spain years now, Fr. Bill has been a formator,
rural issues includes: Ms. Lourdes Cipriano of PMP (Coordinator), Bro. Hansel Navallasca of We wish Fr. Rex Chaplain, Spiritual Director and Confes-
Mapayo of AMRSP, and Ms. Belinda Formanes of RPS. the Immacu- Marfil the best in his sor of the Mensa Domini Sisters (MSLT).
An auxiliary arm of the NRC Central Committee will be composed of the late Concep- 2-year Dogmatic Theol- Another Golden Jubilarian, Fr. Pio Craz-
CBCP Offices of Research (under Abp. Antonio Ledesma), Media (under Msgr. tion Parish in ogy Licentiate (master’s zolara, MHM, now retired, will have
Pedro Quitorio), and Secretariat (under Msgr. Juanito Figura). Guisijan, Laua- degree) course at the his celebration with confreres in Brixen,
Moreover, from time to time, there will be periodic consultations of notable an; Fr. Pedro University of Navarre Italy. Fr. Bernard Spandoonk, MHM cel-
lay advisers, research centers, and other Episcopal commissions. (cf. the orga- “Nedy” Silava, in Pamplona, Spain. He ebrated on 25 June his Silver Anniversary
nizational flow of NRC II in the Appendix.) Jr. of San Nico- took a 2-week course in at the Iloilo Sanitarium (Leprosarium) in
It is in this light that we make an appeal to all our diocesan social action las de Tolen- Spanish language as a Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Until about 3 years
centers, schools, and research centers as well as farmers’ organizations, NGOs, tino Parish in preparation. ago, Fr. Bernard was the much-loved
and government agencies to participate actively in a spirit of solidarity in the Tobias Fornier Chaplain of the Leprosarium where he
various activities outlined for the NRC II process. (Dao); Fr. Per- Semirara Now under also built a simple house for himself. He
The expected outcome of this NRC process, including Phases I and II, are: egrino “Gene” SVD is today the Chaplain of the Dominican
1. SEE: a fuller description, both quantitative and qualitative, of the rural Alar of Sta. Thanks to the gen- Sisters of Molo.
poverty situation; Monica Par- erosity of the SVD
2. JUDGE: a deeper analysis of the situation in the light of the Social Teach- Fr. William “Bill” McAvoy, MHM RA in Antique
ish in Hamtic; Fathers, Philippine
ings of the Church; and Fr. Segundino Central Province, the We wish to warmly welcome Sr. Rose
3. ACT: concrete proposals for action addressed to the rural sectors, local “Gunding” Laude of St. Augustine Semirara Chaplaincy for 3 years (2007- Peter Infante, RA to the Diocese. She
churches, government agencies, NGOs, and others. Parish in Patnongon; and Fr. Anrunico 2010) will be in the hands of the SVD is the new Superior of the RA Sibalom
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of Truth, Justice, and “Ronnie” Elemento, Pastor of St. Francis Fathers who also manage the Divine Community replacing Sr. Giselle Valder-
Love—and through the intercession of Our Lady of the Immaculate Concep- Xavier Parish in Patria, Pandan (finishing Word Semirara School. Fr. Alex Vitualla, rama who is now assigned in Cagayan de
tion, may we carry out these proposed activities in solidarity with our brothers his one-year mission by the end of Au- SVD is the present Chaplain. Oro. She was a junior Sister here during
and sisters in the countryside. gust this year in the Apostolic Vicariate Bishop Cornelio De Wit’s time. Then she
of San Jose, Occidental Mindoro). Presbyteral Gathering was appointed Superior when Bishop
For the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines; The next gathering of priests will take Raul Martirez was Bishop. She hails from
Other Assignments place on Monday, 9 July 2007 at the Bish- Iloilo and has two sisters who are also
+ANGEL N. LAGDAMEO, D.D. While the rest of the Fathers have op’s House. The gathering will include a RAs. Kruhay, Sister! On July 10 at 10:00
Archbishop of Jaro retained their previous assignments, recollection, a lot of bonding and some a.m. in Sta. Rita de Cascia Parish Church,
President, CBCP the following Fathers got new ones: Fr. business or updating. The Commission the RA Sisters and Sta. Rita Academy
16 July 2007 Lorenzo “Lorenz” Fernandez as Paro- on Clergy chaired by Fr. Vic Baguna is along with the alumnae/alumni of San
chial Administrator of St. Anthony de in-charge of this activity. The monthly Circular / B7

vol11-n15 B.indd 5 7/24/2007 5:33:10 PM

CBCP Monitor
B6 Reflections Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007

There is more to life Bo Sanchez

God answers
than material riches 18TH Sunday in Ordinary Time (Lk. 12:13-21)
prayers His way
WHEN my wife announced to me that she was pregnant, we
embraced each other for the longest time I can remember.
August 5, 2007 We acted like lunatics. We sang. We danced. We cried. So
this was how it felt.
I was going to be a father. This can’t be real, I told myself.
But it was true! Spontaneously, I straightened my back,
expanded my chest, and beamed a brand-new-Daddy’s
So each day, we prayed for our little miracle, laying our
hands on her tummy. Every night, I spoke to our child,
whispering gently, “Baby, do you know that I love you very
much? Mommy loves you a lot, too. And God loves you even
more.” Each night, I’d say these lines over and over again.
And each night, I’d read aloud the Gospel of the day, and
added my own homily. Stuff like, “You see, baby, the Greek
word ‘Logos’ in John 1:1 is epistemologically rooted in a very
rich hermeneutic context…”
I imagined my little baby nodding her head. I also won-
dered if she’d become a preacher one day. Or, perhaps a
writer. But it didn’t matter, really. Because my daily prayer
was, “Lord, make her a happy child, and she can be anything
You want her to be!”

Two days later, at 6:00 AM, I found my

Bp. Joel Z. Baylon, DD was motivated by selfishness. As he would and again, and again for all eternity. This is wife sobbing and shaking uncontrollably
later tell his audience (and us as well), “Take not our lot on this earth. We are not doomed
“IN 1923, a big business meeting in Chicago, care to guard against all greed, for though to a life of useless efforts and empty dreams. in the bathroom. She pointed to the mass
USA, brought together nine of the most success-
ful money-makers in the world—the president
one may be rich, one’s life does not consist
of possessions”.
The Second Reading reminds us that “we
have been raised up in Christ”—we are a
of blood in the toilet bowl, and I quickly
of the largest independent steel company; the To further explain his point Jesus relates new creation. While we may feel at times grabbed my trembling wife in my arms.
president of the largest utility company; the to them the parable of the rich fool. This that our efforts are indeed useless and fruit-
president of the largest gas company; the greatest man had a bumper harvest and built big- less, still life has meaning if we entrust it to God took that prayer seriously and answered it one day
wheat speculator; the president of the New York ger barns for his crops. Having done so, the Christ. He will show us the way. In fact the after Christmas.
Stock Exchange; a member of the US President’s man felt secure and went on to congratulate Second Reading goes on to say that since we We were spending the holidays with the poor, the elderly,
cabinet; the greatest investor on Wall Street; himself. But God sternly reminded him that have been raised up in Christ, our ultimate and the orphans in ANAWIM. That afternoon, my wife saw
the head of the world’s greatest mo- destination is not this earth. a small drop of dried blood on her undergarments. Was this
nopoly; and the president of the Bank We belong “somewhere” else. something to worry about? We didn’t think so.
of International Settlements. For the Christian, life is neither a hedonistic, Thus we are asked to “seek We were wrong.
What happened since then to these
nine wealthy men? The first died
selfish search for meaning and happiness nor what is above and not what is
on earth”.
Two days later, at 6:00 AM, I found my wife sobbing and
shaking uncontrollably in the bathroom. She pointed to the
bankrupt; the second left the US a spiritualized form of existence that refuses This does not mean a denial mass of blood in the toilet bowl, and I quickly grabbed my
and died penniless; the third went of earthly labor and human trembling wife in my arms.
insane; the fourth died abroad loaded involvement in worldly affairs and concerns. goals, either! For the Christian, We lost our baby.
with debts; the fifth served a long jail
sentence; the sixth was released from
While we are asked to look forward to the life life is neither a hedonistic,
selfish search for meaning and
“Angel shall be your name,” I managed to say, my voice
failing me, “and I baptize you in the name of the Father, and
prison so he could die at home; the that only heaven can fulfill, we are also asked happiness nor a spiritualized of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
seventh, eighth, and ninth all com- form of existence that refuses
mitted suicide.” to responsibly work for the betterment of this involvement in worldly af-
Yes, Baby Angel is your name.
Not once did we feel what it was like to cradle you in our arms.
This strange statistics from earth by working for justice, harmony and fairs and concerns. While we Not once did we feel the thrill of watching you make your first
Msgr. Arthur Tonne, a famous are asked to look forward to tiny steps.
American writer and homilist, peace among men. the life that only heaven can Not once did we feel the inner pleasure of hearing you say,
is a stark proof of what today’s fulfill, we are also asked to “Mama” and “Papa”.
Readings speak about, that there is more to his life was about to end and his wealth and responsibly work for the betterment of this But you see, that doesn’t change the fact that you are our
life than material riches and personal gain, security was of no use to him. earth by working for justice, harmony and child.
and anyone who puts his/her hopes on “Vanity of vanities!”, Qoheleth tells us peace among men. And Angel is your name.
them is bound to fail. in the First Reading. If we only rely on our “If today you hear His voice, harden not God did answer our prayer. You are a happy child today, far
One may wonder why Jesus appeared own efforts or even in the abundant fruits your hearts.” (Responsorial Psalm) Every more than we can ever imagine. And He made you what He wanted
rather harsh and intolerant to the man in the that those efforts produce, in the end we time we celebrate the Eucharist we encoun- you to be.
Gospel who came to him for help regarding end up with nothing. For everything in this ter God in His Word. He tells us how to live For God so determined that it is you Angel who now cradles us
an inheritance problem. It seems that his world has its limit, and nothing on this earth the right way. In Him we learn the ways of in your arms of prayer. And it’s you Angel who thrills in watch-
concern was after all a legitimate one. But lasts forever. love and sharing, and how to avoid selfish- ing our every step, our every move, our every breath. And it’s
Jesus was not against seeking after what But this is not the final statement. In Greek ness and greed. He teaches us how to keep you who have not stopped saying “Mama” or “Papa” since you
one rightfully owns or what is justly due mythology there is the story of Sisyphus, a our sight fixed on heaven, and how not to be entered the portals of Heaven, for you mention our names before
to someone. He reproached the man who man who was condemned by the gods to lured by the illusions of this earth. We also God everyday.
sought his help because it was not righteous roll a stone up the hill. As soon as the stone encounter Him in the species of bread and You were never with us, and yet will always be with us.
concern for justice that the man was after, gets to the top, it rolls down the hill; and wine, which becomes food for us along the And no one can take you away from us anymore.
but a desire for wealth and possessions that Sisyphus must push it to the top once again, journey. It is our foretaste of heaven! For Angel is your name.

Catarman / B3
Fr. Roy Cimagala
the invitation of the Bishop to head the sec- Episcopal anniversary.

Governance retariat. Through some foreign assistance

the Bishop was able to put up a diocesan
pastoral center where pastoral offices were
moved from the Diocesan Catholic Center.
The birth of the new millennium ushered
in a new perspective in the apostolate of the
local Church. From looking into the Chris-
tian ethics of politics in the past twenty-five
During the quadricentennial celebration of years, the Diocese now has entered into
the Christianization of Samar, the diocese the apostolate that considers the preserva-
conceived a year-long celebration which tion of God’s creation. From influencing
THE word is out and we have to officials are given the mandate to It obviously will be a growing art, commenced on April 18, 1985. The Parish the pro-life program of the Province, the
actively spread it around. Now that lead, the beauty of a democratic subject to the vagaries of trials and Pastoral Assemblies (PPA), which preceded Diocese has also ventured into aggressive
the elections are over and the public state is that everyone is encouraged errors, and so we also have to learn the First Diocesan Assembly, was held at apostolate against the destructive exploita-
officials have been sworn in, we have to participate in any way one can in to be patient and to coordinate. But this time. The PPA’s were participated in tion of natural resources. Bishop Trance
to focus on the delicate and demand- the governance of state affairs in the the objective need is there. We can- by 2,074 participants in twenty-one parishes pursued his predecessor’s crusade against
ing task of governance. different levels. not wait until things get irremedi- and one chaplaincy. The whole number of mining and wide scale commercial log-
This is a serious matter that needs In short, while leaders and officials ably bad. the participants represented the 1.14% of ging. In November of 2005, together with
to be studied thoroughly and pur- have to improve on their governing In this regard, it should be noted the voting population of Northern Samar, Bishops Medroso of Borongan, Palma of
sued relentlessly by all of us. skills, there should also be effort to that on the leaders and officials is based on 1995 census. The First Diocesan Calbayog, and Hobayan, his predecessor,
We cannot allow the running of involve more and more people in the invested a sacred trust they should Assembly was held on April 16-17, 1996, he appealed to President Arroyo to restore
towns, cities and provinces, let alone, task of governance. try their best to carry. Their personal participated in by the Bishop, thirty-two the logging moratorium in Samar. These
the whole country to go to the dogs Everyone should support this. qualities and dispositions play a priests and one deacon, seven female reli- bishops accused the Department of Natural
of mere popularity, alleged charisma, Surely, a lot of due education and for- crucial part in determining the gious, and forty-six lay persons. The body Resources, through Secretary Mike Defen-
strong connections, clever publicists, mation is needed here. And it’s truly kind of leadership they are going came up with documents containing the sor, of hastily issuing a timber license agree-
pressure groups, lobbyists, and the welcome to have a mushrooming of to make. Vision, Mission, Goals and Priorities of the ment (TLA) to San Jose Timber Corporation
like. institutions developing in a scientific They should try their best to diocese. Based on the proceedings and the (SJTC), a firm owned by the family of Sen.
We cannot allow the governance of way this craft of governance. sharpen their talents, develop those results of the PPA’s the Bishop mandated Juan Ponce Enrile. The license allowed the
our government units to be spoiled Even the remotest “barangay” where they find themselves lagging that the pastoral structure of the diocese SJTC to log in 95,770 hectares that fell within
by useless politicking, shameless cannot afford to be marginalized in in, always conscious that a continu- should be composed of commissions on the Samar Integrated Forest Reserve (SIFR)
maneuvers to wrest ing improvement of Worship, Education, Service, Temporalities, and the Samar Natural Park (SINP). Samar
power for oneself, etc. While it’s true that the public offi cials their own selves is at and Youth (WESTY), and he enshrined it is one of the world’s 200 ecologically richest
I hope we can outgrow the beginning of any in a decree which was promulgated on regions and SJTC wanted to claim a vast
this, or at least, that we are given the mandate to lead, the beauty good transformation in June 15, 1996, the Feast of the Immaculate area in Las Navas, Northern Samar, a place
have enough people
who have the weight
of a democratic state is that everyone is society. Heart of Mary. owned by the Samareños but not a heritage
The virtue of prudence of the owners of the logging firm.
to correct things when encouraged to participate in any way one is especially crucial. A New Apostolic Perspective
they tend to go the poli- Leaders and officials
ticians’ crazy ways.
can in the governance of state affairs in the should sharpen their
Bishop Trance took over the adminis-
tration of the diocese on March 11, 2005,
The Future Spells Hope
From twenty-one priests and one
Thanks to our prog- different levels. prudential skills—con- the 30th anniversary of the diocese. After deacon when the Diocese was erected
ress in communications sulting, dialoguing with familiarizing with the ropes of the job, he in 1975, there are now fifty-nine priests
technology, more and more people the global march for development different parties, studying, making embarked on tracing back the benefits of and three deacons working in different
can now have their voices heard, and in all its aspects. We have to get our decisions, reviewing, adapting, etc. what his predecessor had done. He called apostolates and parish duties: forty-nine
a greater and quicker consensus on act together. Failure in this, given Besides, the Compendium of the for an evaluation of the decrees of the in active duty in the diocese, three in
issues, can be achieved. the present context, can constitute a Social Doctrine of the Church re- First Diocesan Pastoral Assembly held in USA, one in Cebu, four in Manila, and
We have to go beyond feudalism, grave criminal act. minds us that the first thing everyone 1996. Since last October, the parishes and two in Rome for post graduate studies.
improvisations, amateurism and The institutions promoting this art should do to effect a change in soci- mission centers have been conducting the The place cannot totally remove the scars
knee-jerk reactions to problems and have devised ways of how leaders ety is “to renew oneself interiorly.” evaluations which was consolidated on of the wounds inflicted by Martial Law
challenges. In this, we have to under- can develop a vision for their respec- (552) May 26, 2007, the Eve of the Pentecost, and is in constant suffering due to the
stand that everyone is involved: the tive unit, translating it into workable We are persons, not machines, and in the Parish of Allen. This is hoped to onslaughts of typhoons and occasional
officials and the citizens in general, plans, with clearly specified means, therefore not ruled by impersonal guide what the Diocese should face and floods. But the diocese still stands firm
as well. resources and timeline. determinism but by the right use of accomplish in the future. with the people, bearing the role of a local
We have to retrieve the idea of Standards are made, developments freedom. The transition of the administration of Church, and staunch in protecting God’s
governance from being an exclusive and improvements are monitored, This, to me, is indispensable. Re- the diocese in 2005 was only a change of creation in obedience to the mandate of
concern of some people alone. At this accomplishments are certified. This gardless of how savvy one may be in shepherd but not of the staff. In fact, Bishop the Blessed Lord: “Go into the world
time, governance has to be a concern may look like an elementary exercise the technical part of governing, if he Trance symbolically accomplishes this by and proclaim the gospel to every creature.
of everyone. Not, of course, in the in the beginning, but then once the fails in this first requirement, things using the same crosier which the clergy Whoever believes and is baptized will be
sense of an anarchic free-for-all. take-off point is reached, things can won’t go very far. Power and its co- of Catarman had given as a gift to Bishop saved; whoever does not believe will be
While it’s true that the public really become different and exciting. horts can easily spoil persons. Hobayan when he celebrated his 25th condemned” (Mk. 16:15-16).

vol11-n15 B.indd 6 7/24/2007 5:33:11 PM

CBCP Monitor
Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007 Social Concern B7
THE mining industry in the Phil- that pushed the surface waves opportunity to do mining if La- ment agencies were forewarned communities describe the experi- starch in the chloroplasts inside
ippines has always been a boom from Rapu-Rapu to Sorsogon. fayette leaves— since 1976, no since year 2000, after a first study ence as “eating their foot”. One the leaves. Examples are the grass
economy. It provides livelihood Thus, it is more likely that the one in the island tried to mine of the Institute for Environmen- can imagine a bleeding island bioindicator, Cyperus kyllingia
in terms of labor especially in fishes died at sea, floated with the abandoned Hixbar mine tal Conservation and Research where blood, laden with toxic and Digitaria ciliaris. Thus, no
remote areas where majority the waves towards Sorsogon and because people are afraid of the (INECAR) of Ateneo de Naga heavy metals such as arsenic, food is produced consequently
of the people lacks the neces- along the way, the cyanide-laced acidic water due to its obnoxious University. The study recom- cadmium, chromium, copper, affecting health and growth of
sary skills and knowledge to be silt (probably also contaminated smell, the red river’s water is mended a “No mining in rapu- lead, zinc, including gold, silver, dependent animals in the process
employed in more challenging with heavy metals) continue to “itchy and seems to eat their foot” rapu”. It was conducted because and others, flows out to other of eating and being eaten along
jobs. Thus, the influx of migrant kill fishes. The northeast mon- (interview by INECAR, 2000); 2) the former Bishop of Legazpi, water bodies and surrounding the food chain. Some plants ac-
workers creates short-term busi- soon and rainy season are major All solutions are concerned only Most Rev. Jose Sorra, DD and land and sea. cumulate heavy metals in their
ness opportunities for the local factors that affected Sorsogon with structural stability of their current Auxiliary Bishop, Most Economic reasons - mining bodies, yet the effects are not
economy. and will always affect the same infrastructure; 3) No solution was Rev. Lucilo Quiambao, requested destroyed the major sources of manifested externally. This is the
The trade-offs however are areas while mining continue to given to what will happen to the for assistance from the Ateneo livelihood (fishing and agricul- danger of heavy metal pollution.
deforestation, pollution of land operate for years to come and heavy metals that will remain de Naga University President, ture) of the local communities. It Without warning, their levels in
and water bodies, fish-kills and beyond. in the various ponds. Metals do Fr. Joel E. Tabora, SJ. The good has brought economic difficulties the body of living organisms can
other associated impacts. Yet, Nevertheless, after several not disappear even if the acid Bishops and the priests of Sta. to the people of Rapu-Rapu and increase dramatically.
mining small islands surrounded months of test run, the mining water has been neutralized; 4) Florentina Parish of Rapu-Rapu, Sorsogon. Based on published lit- Health reasons - In humans, the
by corals reefs is a graver crime to company was allowed to resume the monitoring of the evalua- wanted to be clarified about the erature, the effects of cyanide, silt damaging effects of heavy metals
humanity. Islands are fragile eco- operation by the Department of tion made by the DENR and the impacts of a mining project in and heavy metals are devastating. are all forms of cancer, growth
systems because their survival Environment and Natural Re- Multipartite Monitoring Team the said island. The results of the Cyanide immediately kills fishes reduction, mental retardation,
hangs on maintaining a critical sources (DENR). The bases for (MMT) were only concerned study showed elevated levels of and other aquatic organisms. Silt damage to the nervous system,
balance of ecological sustainabil- this decision were the reports about water testing and leaks, arsenic, cadmium and lead in the injures the gills of fishes, eventu- hearing impairment, muscular
ity. They are also the last frontiers from the DENR and the MGB, and does not include heavy metal soil and water affected by past ally suffocating them and finally instability, adverse effects on the
of sustainable fishery because of the latter was backed by a report contamination of soil/sediments mining activities. Several reasons killing them. Heavy metals in digestive, excretory, reproduc-
their distance from the mainland from the Dr. Carlos Primo Da- and biota that adsorb/absorb the to support the “no mining” stand turn are toxic to fishes and other tive, immune and cardiovascular
that are already suffering from vid and Rustica Romero (2006). contaminants, thus, the assess- were also generated from the marine life. Elevated levels of (heart-blood) systems, lung prob-
siltation and pollution from hu- Those reports however, were ments is very much inadequate study. These are: copper for instance also cause lems, that eventually would also

The tragedy of mining in Rapu-Rapu

Island Ecosystem, Albay Province
man activities. By Emelina G. Regis lead to death. But before death
On July 2005, Lafayette Phil- occurs, the person suffers disabil-
ippines, Inc. started mining ity, unable to live a productive
in Rapu-Rapu, a small island life, burdening the family, and
facing the Pacific at the eastern causing poverty.
boundary of the province of Al- Biodiversity reasons - Rapu-
bay, Philippines. It is a domestic Rapu is within the marine con-
subsidiary of Lafayette Mining servation priority areas, and clas-
Ltd. of Australia, the true own- sified as extremely high priority
ers of the mine in Rapu-Rapu. (Ong et al.2002). There are still
Within barely four months of undiscovered species of plants
operation, Lafayette however and animals unique to island eco-
caused cyanide spill and fish- systems like Rapu-Rapu includ-
kills in October 11 and 31, 2005. ing marine species. Their genetic
The result was devastating. For wealth are important to medicine,
months, it paralyzed the liveli- industry and improvement of
hood of predominantly poor crops to sustain the developing
local communities in Rapu-Rapu economy of our country. We are
and Sorsogon in fishing and responsible for taking care of
tourism. Protests were launched these natural resources and en-
by affected groups and those sure that they continue to survive
sympathetic to the communities for generations to come.
of Rapu-Rapu and Sorsogon, Currently, Bishop Arturo Bastes
especially because of the multi- of Sorsogon is at the forefront of
plier effects that also impacted the advocacy against mining in
other communities dependent Rapu-Rapu. This was a response
on fishing. to the environmental problems
Lafayette denied the fish-kill. that was experienced and prob-
Mines and Geosciences Bureau ably is presently happening, and
(MGB) supported it with a report could be repeated in the coastal
that only 2-15 kilos of dead fish areas of Sorsogon, while mining
were collected at the outfall of in Rapu-Rapu continue operat-
the river/creeks, further exoner- ing. As in Rapu-Rapu, Sorsogon
ating Lafayette from the blame. is also a primary impact area

The report of the Pollution Ad- due to the fact that cyanide, con-
judication Board (PAB) in 2005 taminated silt and heavy metals
however showed cyanide levels come directly from the spill of the
in water of the affected creeks Lafayette mining operation in the
and siltation ponds, exceeding Island of Rapu-Rapu.
the standard of 0.05 parts per A bird’s eye view of the Lafayette mining site in the island of Rapu-Rapu, Albay. It is sad that in the midst of
million (ppm) up to 36,000 times. unsolved problems of mining
In fact, this was the reason why insufficient as bases for lifting the to guarantee “safe” mining tech- The geophysico-chemical na- immediate deaths. It may also in Rapu-Rapu, the government
PAB slapped more than P10 mil- suspension order to the mining nology; 5) with regards to dead ture of the island of Rapu-Rapu accumulate to a critical concen- continue to invite foreign mining
lion fine to Lafayette for violating operation of Lafayette. marine organisms found along - 1) island ecosystem with steep tration before death of the organ- companies to mine many areas in
the Clean Water Act. For instance, aside from the ad- the shore during test run the slopes that cause water and soil ism follows. All heavy metals the Philippines. What is further
Opposing forces of denial on mission on the part of the DENR, solution was only “to moni- to easily move down to the sea are toxic, at chronic level (small heartbreaking, is the fact that
one side and accusations from “of serious lapses in their judg- tor heavy metals in water until and coral reefs; 2) Type II cli- amount accumulating from long these foreign companies, such
the other, prompted Most Rev- ments”, most remedial measures the condition became normal”. mate described by the Philippine time exposure), are teratogenic as Lafayette Mining Ltd. of Aus-
erend Arturo Bastes, SVD, DD, focused only on the physical and Nonetheless, “normal condition Atmospheric, Geophysical and (cause birth defects), mutagenic tralia, come from rich countries,
Bishop of the Diocese of Sor- economic solutions such as, 1) of pH” by DENR standard was Astronomical Services Admin- (mutation of some parts of the yet their own government would
sogon, Southern Luzon, to bring preventing polluted water from achieved by lime dosing (David istration (PAGASA) as having body), and carcinogenic (causes tolerate their mining, causing
the matter to President Gloria affecting the processing plant & Romero, 2006). Lime dosing of no dry season, and rainy most cancer of various parts of the destruction of large areas of pro-
Macapagal-Arroyo. Hence, the and creeks by using sandbags to water however only neutralizes times of the year, a condition that organism’s body). ductive land and sea in a poor
Rapu-Rapu Fact-Finding Com- hold back the silt and water; 2) fi- the acidity but heavy metals do hastens movement of materials In a recent study made by Re- country and results to further
mission (RRFFC) was created nancial compensation and tax in- not disappear. to the sea; 3) Typhoon path that gis and Alto (2006) of INECAR, destruction and poverty.
with His Grace as chair. Vari- centives to solve economic losses It is in this regard that the kind disperses material to a wider area, just after the Lafayette mine spill Mining is not only a political
ous investigations made by the by fishermen and as solution to Bishop Arturo Bastes of Sorsogon and 4) the more problematic iron incidents, evidences of pollution issue in the Philippines because
commission, especially on the the environmental problems re- organized two important gather- sulfide rocks that contain the pre- on land through the high levels it causes the destruction of the
engineers and workers of Lafay- sulting from the destruction of an ings of church groups, NGOs, cious ores, yet naturally generates of arsenic (23.2 to35 mg/kg) and major economic base of a poor
ette, and residents who actually island; 3) self monitoring which POs, LGUs, former members Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) that cadmium (6.3 to 10.9 mg/kg), country. People depend on ag-
witnessed the incident, including is the most ridiculous require- of the Rapu-Rapu Fact-Finding dissolves toxic metals from the and very high levels of copper riculture and fisheries that are
the reports of the Environmental ment of the DENR since mining Commission (RRFFC), provincial ores. (400 to 990 mg/kg) were mea- sustainable and could sustain
Management Bureau (EMB) projects are proven to create quite officers and academe on May 10 Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is sured in the soil/sediments col- generations of people from all
and the Mines and Geosciences a number of environmental prob- and June 6, 2007. The latter was naturally occurring phenomenon lected from the river banks of the walks of life in spite of typhoons,
Bureau (MGB), revealed the fol- lems. In this requirement, the attended by foreign nationals, whereby as soon as iron sulfide two river/creek that pass by the earthquakes, including human-
lowing: the two incidents of tail- mining company simply informs delegates of the “Development rocks are exposed to oxygen in mining site. The maximum toler- induced disasters. In the end, the
ings spill caused the health and the concerned government agen- and Peace”, a Catholic Organiza- the air, and water from humid able contents are only 20 mg/kg, issue is moral, which is greed.
environmental hazards in Rapu- cies of leaks, broken pipes and tion of Canada. The purpose of environment, a chemical reaction 3 mg/kg, and 100 mg/kg respec- Its perpetuation is ultimately an
Rapu and coastal communities of the like during their operations, the gathering was to discuss ur- follows producing sulfuric acid tively. Copper also increases issue on justice for peace loving
Sorsogon (RRFFC 2006). after which, the same agencies gent concerns specifically on the and red iron precipitate that coats towards the shore while arsenic people living in separate islands
In the case of Sorsogon, this can now respond. Permanent Lifting Order (PLO) rocks and sediments. It is almost and cadmium tend to concentrate but linked with a simple trust to
province is only 12 kilometers On the “MGB Evaluation Re- granted to Lafayette. as if, a crystal clear, sparkling, more at the outlet. a loving God.
from the mining site in Rapu- port on the Rapu-Rapu Polyme- The current problem of Lafay- river suddenly turns into a red Heavy metals also impacted
rapu and during the time of the tallic project under the test run ette mining can never be blamed river that emits foul smell with marine and terrestrial plants (Emelina G. Regis, PH.D., is the
spill, the northeast monsoon (or conditions”, these are: 1) That on the weather because this acidic water that is itchy to touch, through the destruction of their Director of INECAR, Ateneo de
amihan) was the prevailing wind small-scale miners will take company and concerned govern- where many people in mining cells or the disappearance of Naga University)

Circular / B5

Jose Academy will celebrate a Thanksgiv-

ing Mass for the 3 June 2007 Canonization
of St. Marie Eugenie. The Mass will also be
Garcera was appointed Bishop of the
Diocese of Daet in the Bicol Region and
will be ordained Bishop on June 29th at
CBCPMonitor Name _________________________________________________
(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)
a thanksgiving for the 40 years of Sta. Rita the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Naga.
Academy in Sibalom. Ad multos annos! Fr. Bobit will represent the Diocese of San Mailing Address ________________________________________
Jose de Antique in this event. Welcome to
Pontifical Missionary Societies (PMS) the “Bishops’ Club”, Msgr. Gilbert. ________________________________________________________
To mark the 75th Anniversary of the Finally, I wish to thank you who of- The CBCP Monitor is published Phone No.: _________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: ___________
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PMS National Director, Msgr. Gilbert 27 June 2007

vol11-n15 B.indd 7 7/24/2007 5:33:15 PM

CBCP Monitor
B8 Entertainment Vol. 11 No. 15
July 23 - August 5, 2007

Moral Assessment


Technical Assessment

Below Average
Above average

CINEMA Rating Guide

VA - For viewers of all ages

V13 - For viewers age 13
and below with parental
V14 - For viewers 14 and
V18 - For mature viewers 18
and above
NP - Not for public viewing

Title: HARRY POTTER and the Order of the Phoenix

Running Time: 138 min. This film engrosses and engages the view- cast which includes Maggie Smith (as the
Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Maggie Smith, ers’ interest, though it does not enthrall inimitable Minerva McGonagal), Helena
Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman, Imelda Saunton, Helena as Harry and his friends shed off their Bonham Carter (as the deranged Bellatrix
Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Ralph Fiennes, Gary Oldman, childhood innocence and Harry himself Lestrange) Alan Rickman (as the Professor
Brendan Gleeson, Richard Griffiths, Jason Isaacs courageously confronts the dangers of his Severus Snape), Michael Gambon (as the
Director: David Yates destiny. There are few “fun” moments self assured Dumbledore), Robbie Colfran
Producers: David Barron, David Heyman but the young viewers will most probably (as the giant Hagrid). All had just one or
Screenwriter: Michael Goldenberg be entertained by the superbly choreo- two brief shining moments but they deliv-
Author: J.K. Rowling
Music: Nicholas Hooper
graphed fight scenes especially that at the ered with gusto.
Editor: Mark Day ministry building towards the climax of the Contrary to expectations because of the
Genre:Fantasy/Adventure/Drama story. The very good special effects (CGIs) first four films in the Harry Potter series,
Cinematography: Slawomir Idziak have also much to do with the successful this film Harry Potter and the Order of
Distributor: Warner Bros. execution of the fight scenes. The same is the Phoenix is not a children’s film. For
Location: England true of the crackling caper of the Weasley one thing, Harry is no longer a child,
Technical Assessment: ● ● ● ½ brothers that successfully rattles the hated wide-eyed with a sense of wonder and
Moral Assessment: Dolores Umbriddge on exam day. Expert the expectation of exploring a new world.
CINEMA Rating: For viewers age 13 and below, With parental cinematography expands the Hogwarts Now at seventeen and on the threshold
guidance landscape as Harry and his group flies over of adulthood, he is confronted with prob-
London following the Thames River and lems and difficulties that involve not only
cleared of the charges but some officials Voldemort’s return. Dolores’ reforms picking out landmarks like the Big Ben. himself but the community to which he
at the Ministry of Magic claim that Harry establishes an atmosphere of repression, Harry Potter and the Order of the belongs. Most of these have to do with
POTTERMANIA reaches its zenith this lies when he claims that the dreaded evil gloom and dissatisfaction. Moreover, Phoenix is J.K. Rowling’s longest book the imminent confrontation with the dark
month because of the convergence of two one Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) has been she does not teach students the spells and with more than 800 pages, yet this film forces, as personified by Voldemort who
important events as regards the Harry resurrected and has assumed human form. strategies needed to defend themselves is the shortest in the series so far, at two sees in Harry an obstacle to his total control
Potter saga. We have the world premier Though some doubt Harry’s word, there against attack. As a result, Harry and his hours and 18 minutes. The director has of his world. So this serious film is actu-
of the film Harry Potter and the Order of are those who feel that they have to be pre- close friends Hermione Granger (Emma compressed the narrative, omitting what ally another setting of the constant battle
the Phoenix based on J.K. Rowling’s fifth pared for the imminent attacks Voldemort Watson) and Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) he probably thinks is not consistent with between good and evil, where the good
book of the series and the launching of will unleash on the wizard populace who recruit friends to join a group whom Harry his interpretation of the story. There are triumphs. The movie is fantasy and even if
the last and seventh book Harry Potter do not wish to follow his evil schemes. will teach magical spells and techniques no exciting quidditch matches, something it involves magic, witchcraft and the like, it
and the Deadly Hollows, a few days later. An organization called the Order of the for their defense. They call themselves that young viewers always enjoyed and focuses on positive values. Stripped of the
CINEMA shares the interest of the view- Phoenix is formed to fight Voldemort and “Dumbledore’s Army”. As the screws looked forward to. The game has to be magic and fantasy, characters could still be
ers, especially as regards the film which it his followers, the Deatheaters. Phoenix are tightened by Dolores, things head played in broad daylight and does not real and relatable as the conflicts, struggles
reviews as a matter of commitment to its members meet secretly in their headquar- towards a showdown, especially between seem to fit into such a somber story. There and issues are true and the fight for the
own vision and mission. ters, the ancestral home of Sirius Black Voldemort with this Deatheaters and the are also no cutesy ghosts and practically no good is sincere and determined.
While on summer vacation from the (Gary Oldman), Harry’s godfather wanted Order of the Phoenix. elves. Though very much shortened, the Harry is the personification of courage,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiz- by the authorities for a crime he did not All the previous films on Harry Potter “labyrinthine” plot is still richly textured. dedication to a cause often at the risk of
ardry, seventeen year old Harry Potter commit. Harry finds Sirius, the Weasley were well received and became phenom- There are few scenes depicting personal his life. Tested by Voldemort who wishes
(Daniel Redcliffe) is attacked by demen- family and other close friends committed enal box office hits. Though megged interrelationships like that between Harry to control his mind, Harry reacts with fear
tors (tormentors at the infamous prison to their cause. by different directors, they were all well and his best friends Harmione and Ron. and anger but resists with all his might the
of Azhkaban). To protect himself and his When Harry returns to Hogwarts for crafted. The same can be said of the present Yet the numerous characters of previous incursions of evil into his person. He listens
cousin, Harry uses his wand to produce his fifth year, he finds many changes. film. Director DavidYates has consistently films in the series are retained with new to his godfather who advises him to control
the patronus charm that repels the demen- There is a new professor on the Defense portrayed the dark and grim events of the ones added like the loony Luna Lovegood his feelings and use his mind to overcome
tors. Soon he is informed that he is being Against the Dark Arts by the name of story with dark and grim images. The (Evanna Lynch) and the villainess Dolores evil. He shows that a person has the ca-
expelled from Hogwarts because he has Dolores Umbridge (Imelda Staunton). scenes are practically all done in darkness Umbridge (Imelda Staunton). Dolores pacity to do good or evil and he chose to
violated an important rule: not to use a Dolores was sent by the Ministry of Magic and shadows. One never sees the Hog- with her eternal fake smile and signature remain good. Other values extolled by the
magical spell in the presence of muggles to supposedly upgrade the educational warts impressive buildings and beautifully pink dress is well cast and her excellent film are friendship, compassion, concern
(non-witches or non-wizards) and outside system at Hogwarts through “reforms” but serene surroundings in the light of day. performance is one of the pleasures of the for the welfare of others, the willingness
of the school parameters. He is subjected actually she is there to keep Dumbledore Just as one sees the characters including film. The teenage actors have upgraded to sacrifice for the right cause. This picture
to an inquisition-like trial but is defended and Harry in check. This is due to the Harry always looking pensive and serious their acting skills especially Harry Potter presents good discussion points for older
by Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) paranoia of the head of the ministry that as if they carry the world’s problems on who has matured and does very well children and teenagers. In this film rated
headmaster of Hogwarts on the premise Dumbledore is interested in taking over their shoulders. The production design tackling even difficult scenes like the V-13, adults need to guide young viewers
that the spell had to be used due to the his position and therefore Dumbledore exudes an atmosphere of gloom and sets “possession” part. Bravo for the excellent regarding sequences of fantasy violence
extreme danger facing Harry. Harry is and Harry are spreading “lies” about the stage for the coming of darker events. performance of the rest of the support and frightening images.

Running Time: 85 min.
Cast: Kate Beckinsale,
Luke Wilson, Frank
Whaley, Ethan Embry
Director: Nimrod Antal
Producer: Hal Lieberman
Screenwriter: Mark L.
Music: Paul Hasluger
Editor: Armen Minasian
Genre: Horror/Suspense
Cinematography: Andrzej
Distributor: Columbia
Location: New Mexico,
Technical Assessment:

A bickering couple on the verge sion. The TV could only show story that plays up a forbid- horror film, still it could serve as
of divorce, David and Amy some available video tapes ding atmosphere that increases a reminder not to drive in lonely
(Luke Wilson, Kate Beckinsale) placed by the set. In horror the feeling of suspense as the and unfamiliar places, especially
find themselves stranded on an they see on screen sequences movie unfolds. It will not be in the dark. For David and Amy
empty and dark country road. and episodes of violence being easy to guess what is going to on the verge of splitting up, the
They are lost, tired and their car perpetrated on some men and happen to David and Amy, and shock and terror brought them
has broken down. They have women until their death. Amy whether they could make their back together, for they needed
no choice but to check into the and David become more fright- escape. The acting of the cast, each other to escape their im-
only accommodation available, a ened when they realize that they especially that of the gutsy Luke pending death. Their combined
run-down motel with an appar- are watching home-made films, Wilson and Kate Beckinsale, and courage and daring helped, even
ently amiable manager (Frank a bloody reality show and that the pacing of events maintain to the extent of realizing their
Whaley) in charge. Unable to these are made in the very same viewers’ interest. Violent acts mistakes, leading to repentance,
relax or sleep because of the room they are occupying. Real- and sequences are portrayed forgiveness and reconciliation
sudden disturbances from the izing that they would become in long shots and shaded light with each other. No matter how
other rooms and around, like the next victims of the video- lessening somewhat the impact horrible and painful the ordeal,
loud distressful cries, banging making gang, husband and wife of the violence shown. This is the good people eventually
of walls and slamming of doors, search for ways to escape with however, not done in all brutal prevail. This is rated for 14 and
and with no way to have these their life. acts depicted. above viewers because of the na-
irritating noises stop, they turn Rather than a film focusing Although such a story as Va- ture of the story, which requires
to the television for some diver- on violence, Vacancy is a tight cancy could be taken as a fiction- some maturity to understand.

vol11-n15 B.indd 8 7/24/2007 5:33:16 PM

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