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(Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of Mumbai)

(Scheme of Instruction & Evaluation and Course contents)
(Revision 2014)
Third Year
Four Year Undergraduate Programmes Leading to
Bachelor of Technology (B Tech) Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Implemented from the batch admitted in Academic Year 2014-15


(Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of Mumbai)

(Scheme of Instruction & Evaluation and Course contents)
Third Year
Four Year Undergraduate Programmes Leading to
Bachelor of Technology (B Tech)
102 Mechanical Engineering

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2

B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
1. To attain Analytical, Experimental and Computational expertise in Mathematics, Applied
Sciences and Core Engineering subject domain.
2. To discharge responsibilities towards society by achieving high standards of
professionalism, leadership and ethical behavior.
3. To comprehend the need for higher studies and lifelong learning so as to remain in
competitive and sustainable environment.
Program Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data,
and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend
and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and
give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3


engineering and management principles and apply these to ones own work, as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Our Graduate should be able to apply principles of Mechanical Engineering to:
1. Specify, manufacture, test, operate and document basic mechanical systems and processes.
2. Analyse, design, develop and implement advanced mechanical systems and processes.
3. Select solutions to the mechanical engineering problems based on ethics, sustainability and
long term benefits to society.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4

Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

BTech. Mechanical Engineering
Scheme of Instruction and Evaluation







Scheme of Instruction
Course Title

Numerical Methods for

Mechanical Engineers
ME3002T Measurement and Control
ME3002P Measurement and Control
Systems Laboratory
ME3003T Mechanical Vibrations
ME3003P Mechanical Vibrations
ME3004T Fluid Machinery
ME3004P Fluid Machinery
ME3005T Manufacturing Technology
ME3005P Manufacturing Technology
ME3006T Heat Transfer
ME3006P Heat Transfer Laboratory
HM3001L Communication and
Presentation Skills

/ week)

Scheme of Evaluation
Credits TA












100 % CIE




100 % CIE




100 % CIE




100 % CIE
100 % CIE



100 % CIE

Abbreviations: L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, TA: Teacher Assessment / Term work

Assessment, IST: In Semester Tests (comprise of average of two In semester tests), ESE:
End Semester Written Examination, CIE: Continuous In-semester Evaluation

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 5

BTech. Mechanical Engineering

Scheme of Instruction and Evaluation






Scheme of Instruction
Course Title


Machine Design
Metrology and Quality
ME3009T Computer Aided Design /
Computer Aided
ME3009P Computer Aided Design /
Computer Aided
Manufacturing Laboratory
ME3010T Internal Combustion
ME3010P Internal Combustion
Engines Laboratory
ME3011T Refrigeration and AirConditioning
ME3011P Refrigeration and AirConditioning Laboratory
Program Elective Course 1
Program Elective Course 1
HM3002L Advanced Business

/ week)

Scheme of Evaluation
Credits TA


















100 % CIE




100 % CIE


100 % CIE


100 % CIE


100 % CIE

Abbreviations: L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, TA: Teacher Assessment / Term work

Assessment, IST: In Semester Tests (comprise of average of two In semester tests), ESE:
End Semester Written Examination, CIE: Continuous In-semester Evaluation
Semester VI List of Program Elective 1:
S. No

Course code

Course Title
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Welding Technology

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 6

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Numerical Methods for Mechanical Engineers
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers I and II
The student should be able to
1. Solve algebraic equations, Eigen value problems
2. Analyze data using interpolation and regression methods.
3. Employ numerical techniques to obtain solutions for differential equations.
4. Apply optimization techniques to solve mechanical engineering problems.

Course Contents
Solution of Equations and Eigen Value Problems
Solution of equation Fixed point iteration - Newtons method Solution of linear system by
Gaussian elimination and Gauss-Jordon method Iterative method-Gauss-Seidel method Inverse of a matrix by Gauss Jordon method Eigen value of a matrix by power method and
by Jacobi method for symmetric matrix, Engineering Applications.
Solution of problems using computer code.

Interpolation and Approximation

Lagrangian Polynomials Divided differences Interpolating with a cubic spline Newtons
forward and backward difference formulas.
Least square Approximation - Linear Regression (Fitting a Straight Line), Polynomial
Regression (Fitting a Second Degree Parabola) Engineering Applications.
Solution of problems using computer code.

Numerical Differentiation and Integration

Differentiation using interpolation formulae Numerical integration by trapezoidal and
Simpsons 1/3 and 3/8 rules Rombergs method Two and Three point Gaussian
quadrature formulae Double integrals using trapezoidal and Simpsons rules.
Solution of problems using computer code.

Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations

Single step methods: Taylor series method Euler method for first order equation Fourth
order Runge Kutta method for solving first and second order equations Multistep methods:
Milnes and Adams predictor and corrector methods.
Solution of problems using computer code.

Boundary Value Problems in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, Finite difference solution of second order
ordinary differential equation Finite difference solution of one dimensional heat equation

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 7

by explicit and implicit methods One dimensional wave equation, Solution of problems
using computer code.

One-dimensional Unconstrained optimization- Golden Section Search, C-program and
algorithm for Golden section search, Quadratic Interpolation, Newtons Method.
Multi-dimensional Unconstrained optimization- Gradient Methods, Steepest Ascent Method.
Solution of problems using computer code.

Text Books
1. T. Veerarajan and T. Ramachandran, Numerical methods with programming in C, Tata
McGraw-Hill, Second Edition, 2007
2. K. Sankara Rao, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, Prentice Hall of India
Private Ltd, New Delhi, Third Edition, 2007

Recommended Reading

S.C. Chapra and R.P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, Fifth Edition, 2007
C. F. Gerald and P.O. Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education Asia,
New Delhi, Sixth Edition, 2006
B.S. Grewal and J.S. Grewal, Numerical methods in Engineering and Science , Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi, Sixth Edition, 2004

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 8

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Measurements & Control Systems
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers I and II,
Electrical Machines and Drives
The student should be able to
1. Estimate errors in measurement
2. Interpret the behavior of the measurement systems
3. Analyze systems for input/output conditions

Course Contents
Significance of Measurements
Mechanical Measurements, Classification of Measuring Instruments, Generalized
Measurements Systems, Types of Inputs: Desired, Modifying and Interfering Inputs.

Static Characteristics
Static Calibration (calibration of gauges), Static Sensitivity, Accuracy, Static Error, Precision,
Reproducibility, Threshold, Resolution, Hysteresis, Drift, Span, Range.

Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems

Linear time invariant systems, Laplace Transforms, Transfer Functions, Order of systems

Dynamic Characteristics of Measurement Systems

Standard Inputs: Step, Ramp, Impulse and Sinusoidal Inputs. Time domain and Frequency
domain analysis of first and second order systems.

Errors in Measurements
Types of Errors, Uncertainty Analysis in Measurements, Probable Errors

Strain Measurement
Theory of Strain gauges, Gauge Factor, Temperature compensation, Bridge Circuits,
Orientation of strain gauges for force and torque measurements, Strain gauge based load
cells, Torque sensors, Pressure cells.

Study of Different Types of Transducers used in measurement

Transducers Used for Measurement of angular velocity.
Transducers Used for Measurement of Displacement
Transducers Used for Measurement of Pressure.
Transducers Used for Measurement of Vacuum
Transducers Used for Measurement of Acceleration
Transducers Used for Measurement of Temperature
Transducers Used for Measurement of Humidity

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 9

Control Systems
Introduction to Control theory, Mathematical modeling of control systems, Block diagram
algebra. Transient and steady state analysis of first and second order, Feedback
Characteristics of Control Systems, Introduction to concepts of stability, Stability analysis
using Root locus, Bode plot and Nyquist Plots. State space modeling.

Text Books:
1. Thomas Beckwith, Mechanical Engineering Measurements, Pearson Education, 2013
2. E.O. Doebelin, Measurement Systems (Applications and Design), McGraw Hill, Fifth
3. C.S. Rangan & G.R.Sarrna, Instrumentation Devices & Systems, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. I.J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, Control System Engineering, New Age International
Publishers, Fifth Edidtion

Recommended Reading

A. K. Sawhney, Mechanical Engineering Measurements, Dhanpat Rai & Sons

K.Ogata, Modem Control Engineering, Prentice Hall, Fifth Edition
Dhanesh Manik, Control systems, Cengage Learning.
W. Bolton, Instrumentation and Control System, Elsevier
S.P.Venkateshan, Mechanical Measurements, Ane books, India
Norman Nise, Control System Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, Sixth Edition, 2010
Richard S. Figliola, Donald E. Beasley, Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements,
Wiley, Third Edition, 2011

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 0

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Measurements & Control Systems Laboratory
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers I and II,
Electrical Machines and Drives
The student should be able to
1. Calibrate various measuring Instruments
2. Estimate errors in measurement

List of Experiments
1. Calibration of Bourdon tube pressure gauge.
To calibrate a pressure gauge using a dead weight tester and determine following
characteristics of the pressure gauge.
i. Accuracy.
ii. Linearity by least square method and Terminal Based Lines
iii. Hysteresis
iv. Probable error.
2. Calibration of diaphragm type pressure cell.
To calibrate a pressure cell using dead weight tester and determine its static sensitivity and
i. Linearity by straight line fitting, using terminal based line and by least square method.
ii. Static sensitivity and
iii. Hysteresis.
3. Calibration of load cell.
To calibrate a load cell using dead weight and determine its linearity and accuracy.
i. Linearity by straight line fitting, using terminal based line and by least square method.
ii. Percentage error and accuracy on the basis of true value and full scale deflection.
4. Calibration of LVDT.
To calibrate LVDT using slip gauges and to determine its linearity and accuracy.
i. Linearity by straight line fitting, using terminal based line and by least square method.
ii. Percentage error and accuracy on the basis of true value and full scale deflection.
5. Calibration of potentiometric angular displacement sensor.
To determine the static characteristics of potentiometric angular displacement sensor.
6. Determination of time constant of thermometers.
7. Torque measurement using strain gauges.
To measure torque using strain gauges and to calibrate the setup for torque measurement.
8. Programming using Matlab/Scilab.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 1

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Mechanical Vibrations
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers I & II,
Mechanics of Solids
The student should be able to
1. Model a physical system using various principles.
2. Estimate response for the given system.
3. Evaluate response for the given system.
4. Justify parameters required for vibration control.

Course Contents
Basics of Vibration
Basic concepts of vibrations, causes and effects of vibrations. Classification of Vibrations,
Vibration parameters- spring, mass, damper.
Degree of freedom, static equilibrium position.

Free undamped single degree of freedom vibration system

Longitudinal, transverse, torsional vibratory systems.
Formulation of differential equations by various principles. Effect of spring inertia on natural

Free Damped single degree of freedom vibration system

Viscous damped system-under damped, critically damped, over damped systems Logarithmic
decrement. Coulombs damping.
Equivalent single degree of freedom Vibration system.
Conversion of multi springs, multi masses, multi dampers into a single spring mass and
damper with linear or rotational co-ordinate system.

Forced single degree of freedom vibration system

Analysis of linear and torsional systems subjected to harmonic force and harmonic motion
excitation (excluding elastic damper). Force and motion Transmissibility.

Vibration measuring instruments

Principle of seismic instruments, Vibrometer, accelerometer, sensors used in measurement.
Introduction to FFT analyzer.
Introduction to condition Monitoring and Fault diagnosis.

Multi degree of freedom Vibration systems

Lagrange Method, Exact and approximate solution methods

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 2

Rotor Dynamics
Two rotors, three rotors system, geared system, whirling of shafts.

Theory of balancing. Static and Dynamics balancing, Balancing of rotary masses.
Balancing of Reciprocating masses, balancing of In-line Engines, V Engines

Text Books
1. G. K. Grover, Mechanical Vibrations, Nem Chand & Bros, Eighth Edition, 2009
2. Graham Kelly, Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000
3. P.L. Ballaney, Theory of Machines, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.

Recommended Reading

S. S. Rao, Mechanical Vibrations, Pearson Education, Fourth edition, 2009

P.Srinivasan, Mechanical Vibration Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, 1982
Den, Chambil, Hinckle, Mechanical Vibrations
J.P. Den Hartog, Mechanical Vibrations, McGraw hill Book Company Inc.
Leonard Meirovitch, Elements of Vibration Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, Special Indian
Edition, 2007
Grahm Kelly, Mechanical Vibrations, Schaums outline series, Tata McGraw Hill,
Special Edition, 2007
William Seto, Mechanical Vibrations, Schaums outline series-McGraw Hill
J.S.Rao, K.Gupta, Theory and Practice of mechanical vibrations, New Age International
W.T. Thomson, Theory of vibrations with applications, CBS Publishers, Delhi, 2003

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 3

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Mechanical Vibrations Laboratory
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers I & II,
Mechanics of Solids
The student should be able to 1. Estimate response for the given system.
2. Evaluate response for the given system.
3. Justify parameters required for vibration control.

List of Experiments

Experimental prediction of radius of gyration from natural frequency of a given bar.

Experimental investigation of longitudinal vibrations of helical springs connected in
series and parallel
3. Experimental prediction of natural frequencies, and nodal points for single rotor and tworotor vibratory system, and comparison with theoretical results
4. Experimental and theoretical investigation of whirling of shaft (comparison of
experimental and theoretical natural frequency and justification of discrepancy between
experiment and theory)
5. Experimental prediction of damping constant of a given fluid.
6. Experimental investigation of forced vibration system
7. Experimental investigation of Transverse vibrations of beam (Dunkerley's Rule Expt.)
8. Experimental Investigation of Static and dynamic Balancing of multi-rotor system.
9. Prediction of spectral response of vibrating machine using FFT Analyser.
10. Vibration analysis of mechanical system using codes.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 4

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Fluid Machinery
Fluid Mechanics

Semester V

The student should be able to
1. Analyze the performance of hydraulic turbines
2. Analyze the performance of pumps
3. Analyze the performance of compressors

Course Contents
Principles of Fluid Machines
Introduction, Classification of Fluid Machines, The Linear-Momentum Equation, Impact of
jet on fixed and moving Vanes, The Angular- Momentum Principle, Euler Equation for
Turbo machines

Hydraulic Turbines
Hydro Electric Power Plants: Components of Hydro Electric Power Plants, Classification of
Hydel plants. Classification of hydraulic Turbines.
Pelton Turbine: Components and their functions, Force, Power and Efficiency, Design of
components, Specific speed, Limitations
Francis Turbine: Components, Draft tube. Design of components, Degree of reaction, specific
speed and runner shapes, Types of draft tubes, Cavitation, Thomas Cavitation parameter.
Kaplan/Propeller Turbine: Components, Design Parameters
Main and operating Characteristics of Turbines, Model Testing, Governing of turbines, surge
tanks, Selection of turbines, Bulb turbines, pumped storage power plants

Classification of Pumps: Positive displacement & Non positive displacement pumps
Positive Displacement Pumps: Types and applications
Reciprocating Pumps: Components, Working, Types, Work done by reciprocating pump,
Indicator Diagram, Effects of acceleration of piston, Air vessels
Rotary Pumps: Gear pumps, vane pumps & Piston pumps, Classification, Construction and
Working aspects, Characteristics
Centrifugal Pumps: Introduction, classification of pumps, Pumping System and the Net Head
Developed, Centrifugal pump components and their functions. Mechanical seals, Materials of
construction, Slip Factor, Terminology frequently used, theory of centrifugal pump impeller:
Euler Head, Theoretical characteristics, Losses and Efficiencies. pump characteristics, Duty
point, Pumping systems and system head curves, Operating point, Specific speed and its
relation with pump characteristics, model testing, Pumps in Series and Parallel

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 5

NPSH & Cavitation in Pumps: Calculation of NPSH (A) and significance

Axial Flow or Propeller Pump,
Selection of pumps, Axial Thrust & Radial Thrust, Operation and Maintenance of pumps,
Field Troubles
Pump testing: procedure for testing, tolerances allowed (reference to IS codes), Affinity laws.

Compressors, Blowers, Fans

Centrifugal Compressors: Components, Work done & pressure rise, Slip factor, Power input
factor, Losses, Performance characteristics. Axial flow Compressors: Work done and
Pressure rise, Degree of reaction, losses and efficiency, Surging, Compressor characteristics
Working Principle of a Centrifugal Blower, Velocity Triangle and Parametric Calculations:
Work, Efficiency, Number of Blades and Impeller size.
Fan Laws, Performance of Fans.

Text Books

S.K.Som, G.Biswas, Suman Chakraborty, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid

Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, Third Edition, 2013
Dr P. N. Modi & Dr. S. M. Seth, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic
Machines, Standard Book House, Twentieth Edition, 2015
Bansal, R. K., A textbook of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines, Laxmi
Publications, Revised Ninth Edition, 2010

Recommended Reading

Miroslav Nechleba, Hydraulic Turbines, ARTIA Prague

J. Stepanoff, Centrifugal and Axial flow Pumps, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Second
Edition, 1993
Igor J Karassik & Roy Carter, Centrifugal Pumps, McGraw Hill
S. M. Yahya, Turbines Compressors and Fans, Tata McGraw Hill, Fourth Edition

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 6

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Fluid Machinery Laboratory
Fluid Mechanics

Semester V

The student should be able to
1. Evaluate the performance of fluid machinery
2. Analyze characteristic curves of turbines, pumps and compressors

List of Experiments:

Impact of Jet
Constant head characteristics of Pelton Turbine
Constant head characteristics of Francis/Kaplan Turbine
Constant speed characteristics of Pelton Turbine
Constant speed characteristics of Francis/Kaplan Turbine
Performance Characteristics of Centrifugal Pump with Iso- efficiency curves
Performance Characteristics of Reciprocating Pump
Performance Characteristics of Gear Pump
Pumps in Series and Parallel
Characteristics of centrifugal blower
Water Hammer & Pipe Surge

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 7

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Manufacturing Technology
Material Science, Manufacturing Processes
The student should be able to
1. Illustrate the use of various tools used in industries to manufacture the component.
2. Identify effect of various parameters on tool life.
3. Select appropriate machining process depending upon desired output characteristics
4. Optimize cost of component manufacturing.

Course Contents
Tool Geometry
Tool signature of single point cutting tools ASA, ORS, MRS and NRS systems. Tool
geometry of drills, reamers, milling cutters, broaches, gear hobs.

Tool Wear, tool life and Machinability

Tool wear types, mechanisms and measurement. Tool life equations. Effect of machining
parameters on tool life. Machinability criteria and its measurement. Coolants functions,
types, selection, effect on cutting forces, tool life and surface finish.

Metal Cutting Theory

Features of commonly used machining processes and machining parameters. Cutting Tools
types, materials, properties and tool geometry. Mechanism of chip formation, Orthogonal and
Oblique cutting, Chip flow direction in turning, shaping, drilling and milling with force
analysis. Measurement of cutting forces, dynamometer power calculation and efficiency of
machine tools.

Economics of Machining
Costs associated with machining operations. Calculation of optimum cutting for minimum
cost and maximum production rate.

Press Tool Design

Press Types, classifications, operations, specifications and selection. Press tool
components, Types of Dies Piercing, Blanking, Progressive, Compound and Combination,
Cutting Action in shearing of metals in Press Tool operations, Effect of clearance, Cutting
force calculations, Methods of reducing cutting forces, Blanking and Piercing Die Design,
Design principles of Bending Dies.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 8

Jigs and Fixtures

Parts, Construction, Types and operations on Jigs and Fixtures. Principles of Jigs and Fixture
design location, clamping, clearance, stability and handling. Design of Jigs and Fixture of
simple components.

Gear Manufacturing
Gear materials and methods of gear manufacture. Form and generation methods of gear
cutting milling, shaping, planning, Cutting of spur, helical and straight bevel gears. Gear
finishing operations shaving, grinding, lapping and honing.

Non-Conventional Machining-I
Introduction, Classification, Principle, Working and Applications of Chemical Machining,
Electrochemical Machining, Abrasive Jet Machining, Ultrasonic Machining.

Non-Conventional Machining-II
Introduction, Principle, Working and Applications of Electric Discharge Machining, Electron
Beam Machining, Ion Beam Machining, Plasma Arch Machining, Laser Machining- Cutting
and Welding

Text Books
1. Chapman, Workshop technology vol. I,II & III, Edward Arnold Publication Ltd., London
2. S.K. Hajra Choudhari, Workshop Technology, Vol. I & II, Media Promoters & Publishers,
3. R. K. Jain, Production Technology, Khanna Publications, Seventeenth Edition
4. Hoffman, Introduction to Jigs and Fixtures, Galgotia Publishers

Recommended Reading
1. HMT Hand book, Production Technology, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited,
2. P. C. Sharma, Production Engineering, Khanna Publications
3. S. E. Rusinoff, Manufacturing Processes, Times India Press
4. Doyle, Manufacturing Processes and Materials for engineers, Prentice Hall of India Press
5. S. K. Basu, Fundamentals of Tool Design, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 1 9

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
Material Science, Manufacturing Processes
The student should be able to
1. Develop skills in precision turning, shaping, milling and grinding work.
2. Detect the difficulties encountered during manufacturing and assembly.

List of Experiments

Job on turning
Job on precision turning
Job on screw-cutting
Job on shaping
Job on milling
Job on grinding
Small project for a group of students based on all the manufacturing processes.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 0

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Heat Transfer
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers I & II,
Applied Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics
The student should be able to
1. Apply the major theories, approaches and methodologies used in Heat Transfer.
2. Derive mathematical model for each mode of heat transfer.
3. Analyze different heat exchangers and fins.
4. Employ numerical techniques to solve Heat transfer problems.

Course Contents
Modes of Heat Transfer
Importance of heat transfer in engineering, basic modes of heat transfer, applications in

Mechanism of hear transfer by Conduction, Fouriers three dimensional differential equation
for conduction with heat generation, for unsteady state; in Cartesian co-ordinates.
Solution of Fouriers equation for one-dimensional steady state Conduction through isotropic
materials of various configurations such as plane wall, cylinder and sphere, composite wall,
composite cylinders and composite spheres.(For cylindrical and spherical walls, derivation of
Fouriers three-dimensional equation is NOT included.)
Thermal Insulation-insulating materials, Critical thickness of insulation. Extended surfaces,
Solutions for heat transfer through rectangular fins. Types of fins and their applications.
Effectiveness and efficiency of fins. Unsteady state Conduction Bodies with no internal
resistance, thermocouples, Bodies with finite internal resistance-Use of Heisler charts.

Mechanism of heat transfer by convection Free convection and Forced convection.
Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers, Similarity between velocity profile and
temperature profile. Relation between the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer,
Convective heat transfer coefficient (film coefficient), Effect of various parameters such as
physical properties of the fluid, system geometry, fluid flow etc. on heat transfer coefficient.
Application of dimensional analysis to convective heat transfer. Empirical relations for free
convection and forced convection, Physical significance of dimensionless numbers such as
Nusselts Number, Grashoffs Number, Prandtls Number, Reynolds Number and Stantons
Number. Reynolds analogy between momentum and heat transfer, Condensation and

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 1

Heat Exchangers
Classification of heat exchangers. Applications, Overall heat transfer coefficient, Fouling
factor, pressure drop in fluids across heat exchangers. Logarithmic Mean Temperature
Difference in parallel flow, counter flow and cross flow heat exchangers, Multi pass heat
exchangers. Effectiveness of a heat exchanger- Relation for the effectiveness in terms of
Number of Transfer Units.

Mechanism of heat transfer by Radiation. Concept of black body and grey body. Emissive
power and Emissivity.
Basic laws of Radiation: Plancks law, Kirchhoffs law, Stefan- Boltzmann law, Wiens
displacement law and Lamberts Cosine law, Intensity of Radiation. Shape factors for simple
geometrical shapes. Properties of shape factor. Radiosity and Irradiation. Radiation heat
exchange between two black bodies. Electrical network analogy.

Text Books
1. J. P. Holman, Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill Companies, Tenth Edition, 2009
2. R. K. Rajput, Heat and Mass Transfer, S. Chand & Company Ltd., Revised edition, 2008
3. M. M. Rathore, Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, University Science Press, Third
edition, 2015

Additional Reading
1. Donald Pitts & L. E. Sisson, Heat Transfer, Schaum Series, McGraw Hill International.
2. Yunus A. Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill International
Edition, 2002.
3. Eckert and Drake, Heat and Mass Transfer
4. Ozisik, Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill, 1985.
5. Incropera and Dewitt, Heat Transfer, John Willey and Sons, 2002.
6. M. Thirumaleshwar, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Pearson Education India,
7. A.F. Mills and V. Ganesan, Heat Transfer, Pearson Education, 2009.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 2

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Heat Transfer Laboratory
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers I & II,
Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics
The student should be able to
1. Compare various heat transfer phenomenon using experimentation.
2. Investigate the performance of different heat exchangers and fins.

List of Experiments

To determine the thermal conductivity of a Metal Rod

To determine the thermal conductivity of an Insulating material
To determine the thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of a composite slab
To determine the convective heat transfer coefficient -'h' for
a. Free convection
b. Forced convection
5. To determine experimentally the value of Stefan-Boltzmann constant
6. To determine the emissivity of a circular disc.
7. To determine LMTD & overall heat transfer coefficient 'U' for ' a tube in tube ' type of
heat exchangers fora. Parallel flow conditions
b. Counter flow conditions
8. To examine the phenomenon of Boiling and Condensation
9. To compare heat exchangers (shell and tube, concentric tube, tube-in-tube and plate type
heat exchanger) using computerized interface.
10. To determine heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate of pin fin arrangement.
11. To demonstrate concept and application of critical radius of insulation

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 3

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester V
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Communication and Presentation Skills
The student should be able to 1. Apply the principles and practices of business communication for communicating in a
professional environment.
2. Design a technical document with correctness of language, appropriate vocabulary and
3. Deliver formal presentations employing effective range of verbal and nonverbal skills.
4. Recognize the attributes of a suitable candidate for a job, through participation in group
discussion, interview and resume writing.

Course Contents
Basics of Business Communication

Concept and meaning of communication

Verbal and non-verbal communication
barriers to the process of communication
Channels of communication
Role of communication in the age of information technology

Professional grooming and etiquette; cross-cultural communication

Grammar, vocabulary and summarization techniques

Common errors
Use of articles, prepositions, subject - verb agreement
Punctuation and capitalization
Technical vocabulary: business idioms, phrasal verbs


Basics of public speaking
Gaining confidence

Presentation Skills
a. Public speaking
b. Oral presentation
c. Graphic presentation

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 4

Career Oriented Communication

a. Resume, Language and format of job application
b. Job Interviews
i. Purpose and process
ii. How to prepare for interviews
iii. Language and style to be used in interview
iv. Types of interview questions and how to answer them
c. Group Discussion: structure, dynamics and techniques of effective participation

Technical Writing

Technical writing process

Style and organization in technical writing
Objectivity, clarity, precision as defining features of technical communication
Language and format of various types of business letters, reports; proposals, e-mails,
minutes of meeting, research paper

Language Laboratory

Listening and comprehension skills

Reading Skills
Sound Structure of English
Intonation patterns

Text Books
1. Hory Sankar Mukerjee, Business Communication, Oxford University Press, 2012
2. Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2005
3. Meenakshi Raman, Prakash Singh, Business Communication, Oxford University Press,
Secind Edition, 2012

Recommended Reading
1. E.H. McGrath, Basic Managerial Skills for All, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, Ninth Edition,
2. R. Subramanian, Professional Ethics, Oxford University Press, 2013

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 5

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Machine Design
Mechanics of Solids, Kinematics of Machinery,
Dynamics of Machinery, Material Science
The student should be able to
1. Use various considerations in design.
2. Apply theories of failure.
3. Apply various National and International standards used in design
4. Design machine elements for given conditions.

Course Contents
Basics of Machine Design
Mechanical Engineering Design, Design methods, Aesthetic and Ergonomics considerations
in design, Material properties and their uses in design, Manufacturing consideration in design
Tolerance, Design consideration of casting and forging, types of fits, selection of fits, Design
for assembly.
Various National and International standards used in design.
Basic principles of Machine Design, Modes of failures, Factor of safety, Design stresses,
Principal Stresses, Theories of failure, standards. Preferred Series and Numbers.
Green/ Lean Design concepts

Design against static loads

Design of machine elements like Cotter joint, knuckle joint, strap end connecting rod.
Bolted and welded joints concentric and eccentric loading.
Power screw-Screw Jack, screw presses
Introduction to Re-circulating ball screw.

Design against fluctuating Load

Fatigue failure, Variable stresses, reversed, repeated, fluctuating stresses
Static and fatigue stress concentration factors. Estimation of endurance limit.
Design for finite and infinite life. Soderberg and Goodman design criteria.
Fatigue design under combined stresses.
Design of shaft - under static and fatigue criteria. Design / selection of keys and couplings
Design of bolted joint subjected to internal pressure

Design of springs
Helical compression, tension springs under static and variable loads,
Laminated springs.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 6

Text Books
1. V.B.Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, Third Edition,
2. J.E.Shigley, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill, Sixth Edition, 2001
3. Merhyle Franklin Spotts, Terry E. Shoup, Lee Emrey Hornberger, Design of Machine
Elements, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Eighth Edition, 2004

Recommended Reading
1. Robert L. Norton, Machine Design- An Integrated Approach, Pearson Education Asia,
Fifth Edition, 2013
2. D N Reshetov, Machine Design, Mir Publishers
3. Black Adams, Machine Design, McGraw Hill, Third Edition
4. Hawrock, Jacobson, Fundamental of Machine Elements, McGraw Hill, Third Edition,
5. V.M. Faires, Design of Machine Elements, The Macmillan Co., Fourth Edition
6. P. Orlov, Fundamentals of Machine Design, Mir Publishers,
7. Design Data Book, PSG, 2012
8. Design Data Book, Mahadevan, CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt Ltd, Fourth Edition,

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 7

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Metrology & Quality Control
Manufacturing Processes, Measurements and Control
The student should be able to
1. Compute the parameters in measurement.
2. Analyze different measurement technique used in industries
3. Suggest appropriate quality systems

Course Contents
General Concepts: Generalized measurement system, Basic terminology, Errors in
Linear and Angular Measurements: Length Measuring Instruments, Angle measuring
Limits, Fits, Tolerances and Gauging: Interchangeability, Terminology, Types of fit, BasicHole System, Basic-Shaft System, Problems, Tolerance grades, Metric fits, Design of limit
Comparators: Mechanical, Pneumatic, optical, electrical and electronic comparators
Gear and Screw Thread Measurements
Surface Roughness Measurement
Geometric Form Measurement: Straightness, Flatness, Roundness, Coordinate Measuring

Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) and Machine Vision

Fundamental features of CMM development of CMMs role of CMMs types of CMMs
modes of operation types of probes probe calibration non-contact type probes direct
computer control software packages operational modes metrological features coordinate systems portable arm CMMs machine vision systems illumination
magnification vision system measurement multisensor systems.

Laser Metrology
Free electron laser optical alignment, measurement of distance interferometry, reversible
counting, refractive index correction, reversible counting, refractive index correction, surface
topography and optical component testing, beam modulation telemetry, pulse-echo
techniques surface velocity measurements using speckle patterns laser spectroscopy
modular beam spectroscopy, saturation spectroscopy, two photon spectroscopy

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 8

Quality in Manufacturing Engineering

Importance of manufacturing planning for quality initial planning for quality concept of
controllability: self-controls defining quality responsibilities on the factory flow self
inspection automated manufacturing process quality audits

Quality in Design Engineering

Opportunities for improvement product design - early warning concepts and design
assurance - designing for basic functional requirements designing for time oriented
performance (reliability) availability designing for safety designing for
manufacturability cost and product performance cost of quality design review
concurrent engineering

Quality Management System

Need for quality management system design of quality management system - quality
management system requirements ISO 9001 and other management systems and models improvements made to quality management systems. Introduction to ISO-9001-2015.

Text Books
1. Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology,
Pearson, Sixth Edition
2. P.N.Rao, Manufacturing TechnologyMetal Cutting and Machine Tools, Tata McGraw
Hill, Third Edition, 2013
3. S.K.Hajra Chowdary and A.K. Hajra Chowdary, Elements of Workshop Technology,
Vol. II, Media Promoters and Publishers
4. I.C. Gupta, Engineering Metrology, Dhanpat Rai Publications, Seventh Edition
5. R. K. Jain, Engineering Metrology, Khanna Publishers, Twentieth Edition, 2009

Recommended Reading
1. John S. Oakland, Total Quality Management Text with Cases, Butterworth Heinemann
An Imprint of Elseiver, First Indian Print, 2005
2. K.R. Nambiar, Lasers Principles, Types and Applications, New Age International
Limited Publishers, 2009
3. C. Dotson, R. Harlow and R. Thompson, Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology,
Thomson Delmer Learning, Singapore, Fourth Edition, 2003
4. John A Bosch, Giddings and Lewis Dayton, Coordinate Measuring Machines and
Systems, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1999
5. J.M. Juran and F.M. Gryna , Quality Planning and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Edition,
6. J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes, Lasers Principles and Applications, Prentice Hall, 1987

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 2 9

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided
Computer programming and problem solving,
Computer Aided Machine Drawing
The student should be able to
1. Construct and transform geometric objects.
2. Employ various techniques of geometric modeling.
3. Develop Part programs for NC-CNC Machines

Course Contents
Overview of CAD/CAM
Product life cycle & CAD/CAM, Design process, Concurrent engineering

Computer aided Design

Computer Graphics
Scan conversion: - line, circle, ellipse.
2D and 3D Transformations (Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection), Matrix
representation, Concatenations,
Projections-TAXONOMY of projection, parallel projection (orthographic- Iso, di, tri-metric
projections, oblique cabinet, cavalier projections)

Geometric Modeling for Design and Manufacturing

Curves: - Parametric representation, Hermite, Bezier, B-Spline Curves.
Surfaces: - Planer surface, bilinear surface, surface by lofting, Coons patch, sweep surfaces
Rotational sweep, translational sweep, Synthetic surfaces
Solid Modeling and Applications: - Introduction, solid representation, B-rep, CSG schemes.
Feature Based Modeling, Geometric Data Exchange - DXF, IGES, STEP, STL

Computer Aided Manufacturing

Computer Numeric Control of Machine Tools
An overview of CNC Machines, Types of CNC, Major components of a CNC system, CNC
procedure, CNC Co-ordinate system, Constructional features, CNC Tooling, tool offsets
CNC Work holding, Automatic Tool Changers, Automatic Pallet Changers
DNC-Introduction, Types of DNC
Adaptive Control, Types of adaptive Control

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 0

CNC Part Programming & CNC Software

Manual Part Programming-Machining Center programming, turning center programming,
Use of Subroutines, macros and do loops
Computer assisted Part Programming APT language, geometry, tool motion, postprocessor,
auxiliary statements, Macro.
CNC program generation from CAD models

CAD/CAM Applications
Coordinate Measuring Machine, 3D-Scanner, Reverse Engineering
Rapid Prototyping FDM, SLS, SLA, 3D-printer
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Text Books
1. P.N. Rao, CAD/CAM Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, Third
Edition, 2010
2. Zhigang Xiang, Roy Plastock, Computer Graphics, Schaum Outlines, Second Edition

Recommended Reading
1. Ibrahim Zeid, R. Sivasubramanian, CAD/CAM-Theory & Practice, Tata McGraw Hill
Publications, Special Indian Edition, 2009
2. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics, Eastern Economy Edition
3. Foley Van Dam, Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Third Edition, 2013
4. Roger & Adams, Mathematical elements for computer graphics
5. David F. Rogers, Procedural Elements for computer graphics, Second Edition,
6. Hans B. Kief ,T. Frederick Waters, Computer Numerical Control, Glemcoe, 1992

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 1

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided
Manufacturing Laboratory
Computer programming and problem solving,
Computer Aided Machine Drawing
The student should be able to
1. Employ various techniques of geometric modeling.
2. Develop Part programs for NC-CNC Machines

Course Contents
Scan Conversion (Programming)
a) LINE-by DDA, Bresenham algorithm; CIRCLE- by Midpoint, Bresenham. ELLIPSE- by
Midpoint algorithm
b) 2D & 3D transformations of any geometryTranslation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection, shearing
c) Perspective, Orthographic and Isometric Projection of geometry (e.g. cube, pyramid)
d) Curves Hermite, Bezier, B-Spline, Blending function curve
e) Generation of Surfaces by bilinear, lofting and Sweeping (e.g. sphere, cylinder, disc, ring,
cone, screw etc.), Coons Patch surface

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

a) Component and assembly modeling of mechanical components and assemblies
(CATIA/Pro-E/Solidworks or similar)
b) Manual and APT part programming using CAM software
c) Part programming and job making on CNC milling and turning trainers
d) Demonstration on Rapid Prototyping Machine (FDM)
e) Demonstration on Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 2

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Internal Combustion Engines
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer
The student should be able to
1. Undertake the cycle analysis of SI engines.
2. Undertake the cycle analysis of CI engines.
3. Evaluate the performance of naturally aspirated and supercharged engines.
4. Suggest methods to minimize the environmental hazards caused by I.C.Engines

Course Contents
Classification of I.C. Engines
Four stroke and two stroke engines. Classification based on other parameters. Applications.

Cycle Analysis of I.C. Engines

Air standard cycles, Fuel air cycles, Actual working cycles, Valve timing diagrams.

Fuels of I.C. Engines

Physical and Chemical properties of fuels. Rating of Fuels- Octane No, Cetane No. &
Performance No. Alternate fuels for I.C. Engines (Only introduction).

Engine Lubrication
Properties of Lubricants used in I.C. engines. SAE Ratings of Lubricants. Types of
Lubrication Systems.

Engine Cooling
Systems of Cooling- Air cooling, Water cooling. General arrangements.

S.I. Engines
Carburetion - Theory of Carburetion. Simple carburetor, various systems in actual
Carburetor. Types of Carburetors
Petrol Injection- Advantages of injection, MPFI systems
Ignition System Battery and Magneto Ignition Systems, Electronic Ignition Systems
Combustion in S.I. Engines- Pressure - crank angle diagram, Stages of combustion, Ignition
Delay, Flame Propagation, Afterburning.
Abnormal Combustion Auto ignition, Effects of auto ignition, factors affecting combustion
& auto ignition/detonation, Control of abnormal combustion.
Principles involved in combustion chamber design, Types of combustion chambers used in
S.I. engines.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 3

C.I. Engines
Fuel Injection Systems - Types of fuel injection systems, Types of Nozzles. Necessity of
governor in Diesel engines.
Combustion- PressureCrank angle diagram, combustion phenomenon in C.I. Engines,
Stages of combustion, delay period, Abnormal combustion, Knocking, Factors affecting
combustion and knocking. Types of combustion chambers used in C.I. engines.

Supercharging/Turbo charging
Objectives of Supercharging, Effect of Supercharging / Turbo charging on power output &
efficiency of engine. Methods of Supercharging, Types of Superchargers / Turbochargers.
Limit of Supercharging.

Performance Characteristics of S.I. & C.I. Engines

Heat transfer in an engine, Losses, Unit air charge/ volumetric efficiency, Indicated
efficiency, Mechanical efficiency, Brake thermal efficiency, Effect of load and speed on
indicated, mechanical, brake thermal & volumetric efficiencies. Torque, Mean Effective
Pressure, Specific Fuel consumption (Indicated and Brake parameters for all of these), Heat
balance for an engine. Methods of determining indicated power of the engine.

Air Pollution due to I.C. Engines

Air/Fuel Ratio with the help of exhaust gas analysis, various pollutants and sources of
pollution in the engine. Pollution control devices, EURO standards/ Bharat Standards.

Recent Developments in I.C. Engines

Introduction to CNG, LPG, Stratified Charge and Wankel engines. Other significant
Text Books:
1. E.F. Obert, Internal Combustion Engines, Harper and Row, 1973
2. V. Ganesan, Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill, Fourth Edition, 2012
Additional Reading:
1. Richard Stone, Internal Combustion Engines, Palgrave publications, Third Edition, 1999
2. John Heywood, Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011
3. Willard Pulkrabek, Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd. Second Edition
4. Collin Ferguson, Allan Kirkpatrick, Internal Combustion Engines: Applied
Thermosciences, John Wiley and Sons, Third Edition, 2015

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 4

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Internal Combustion Engines Laboratory
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer
The student should be able to
1. Identify various components of SI and CI engines
2. Perform tests on SI & CI Engines
3. Prepare heat balance sheet for CI engine

List of Experiments
1. Dismantle an I.C. engine
2. Conduct a Load test on an S.I. engine
3. Perform a Speed test on an S.I. engine
4. Conduct a Load test on a single cylinder C.I. engine
5. Conduct a Load test on a multi-cylinder C.I. engine
6. Prepare Heat balance sheet on a C.I. engine
7. Perform Load test on a turbocharged engine
8. Identify subsystems in Carburetors by assembling or dismantling.
9. Assemble Battery Ignition System and compare it with Magneto Ignition System
10. Dismantle a Fuel Injection system for CI engine.
Seminar- Report / Presentation based on relevant current developments in the field

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 5

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Applied
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer
The student should be able to
1. Apply the Laws of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer to analyze the given systems.
2. Analyze the basic cycles of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning systems.
3. Optimize the performance of given Refrigeration & Air Conditioning systems.
4. Provide the remedial actions for the harmful effects of refrigerants on environment.

Course Contents
Basic Refrigeration Systems
Definition of Refrigeration, Reversed Carnot Cycle, Reversed Joule Cycle or Bell Coleman
cycle, Refrigerator, Heat Pump, Performance parameters like Tonnes of Refrigeration (TR),
Coefficient of Performance (COP), kW (power) per TR, TR per kW etc.
Application of various Air Standard Refrigeration cycles used for cooling Aircraft cabins.
Actual Vapor Compression cycle. Multistaging, Cascade Refrigeration.
Introduction to air-cooled and water cooled chiller packages.
Refrigerants & their nomenclature, types and properties. Alternate refrigerants. Ozone
Depletion Potential (ODP) & Global Warming Potential (GWP), Montreal Protocol & Kyoto
Binary mixtures, Construction of Enthalpy-Concentration Charts, Basic processes of binary
mixtures, Rectification Column, Theoretical Vapour Absorption Refrigeration cycle,
Ammonia-Water (NH3 - H2O) system, Lithium Bromide-Water (LiBr-H2O) system.

Advanced Refrigeration Systems

Electrolux Refrigeration, Thermo-electric Refrigeration, Waste Heat Refrigeration,
Cogeneration Refrigeration, Magnetic Refrigeration, Triple Fluid Refrigeration System ,
Steam Jet Refrigeration.

Definition of Air Conditioning, Psychrometry Properties of moist air. Theoretical Analysis,
Construction and use of Psychrometric Charts.

Air Conditioning Processes

Psychrometric processes Adiabatic mixing, Sensible heating / cooling, Humidification /
Dehumidification, Bypass Factor, Apparatus Dew Point (ADP). Types of Sensible Heat
Factors (SHF) like Room SHF, Grand SHF, effective SHF

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 6

Heating / Cooling Load Calculations, Comfort Air Conditioning- Effective Temperature,

Comfort Charts, Comfort Zone.
Summer / Winter A.C., Year Round A.C., Room and Split Air-conditioners, Package and
ductable air-conditioners, Central A.C.
Air handling unit & Duct Design.
Introduction to Variable Refrigerant Flow system.

Text Books
1. Arora & Domkundwar, Course in Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning, Dhanpat Rai
Publications, Eighth edition, 2013
2. Manohar Prasad, Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning, New Age Intl. Publications, Third
edition, 2010
3. C. P. Arora, Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill, Third Edition, 2004

Recommended Reading
1. ASHRAE Handbook, 2013 Edition.
2. Threlkeld, Thermal Environmental Engineering, Prentice-Hall Inc, Third edition, 1998.
3. Jordan & Priester, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Prentice-Hall India, Second edition,
4. W. P. Jones, Air Conditioning Engineering, Butterworth-Heinemann, Fifth edition, 2000.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 7

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Applied
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer
The student should be able to
1. Apply the Laws of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer to analyze the given systems.
2. Analyze the performance of basic cycles of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning systems.
3. Optimize the performance of a given Refrigeration & Air Conditioning systems.
4. Provide the remedial actions for the harmful effects of refrigerants on environment.

List of Experiments

Test on Water Cooler

Performance Tests (minimum 3) on the Refrigeration Tutor (Hilton Model)
Test on Thermoelectric Heat Pump (Hilton Model)
Test to evaluate Psychrometric Properties of moist air.
Performance Tests (minimum 2) on Air-conditioning Tutor (Hilton Model).
Visit to a Refrigeration and Air-conditioning plant or Industry (Optional)

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 8

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Numerical Methods
for Mechanical Engineers
The student should be able to
1. Analyze methodologies used in CFD.
2. Apply finite volume method to heat transfer and fluid flow problems.
3. Develop computer codes for simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow problems.

Course Contents
Fundamentals of CFD
Overview of CFD, need, Advantages of CFD, Numerical vs. Analytical vs Experimental,
Applications of CFD, CFD methodology, grid independence, Verification and validation

Governing equations of mass, momentum and energy

Derivation, Discussion of physical meanings and presentation of forms particularly suitable
to CFD, Boundary Conditions Dirichlet, Neumann, Robbins, initial conditions,
mathematical behavior of partial differential equations Elliptic, parabolic & hyperbolic
equations, impact on CFD

Discretisation methods
Introduction to Finite Difference Method, Finite Volume Method, Finite Element Method.
Concepts of Convergence, consistency, stability. Solution of discretised equations, Direct
methods and iterative methods, Tri Diagonal Matrix Algorithm, iterative convergence

Finite volume method for diffusion problems (Conduction)

Steady state one dimensional heat conduction with or without heat generation, Dirichlet,
Neumann, and Robins type boundary conditions, Multi-solid heat conduction, Non-linear
Heat Conduction, Unsteady heat conduction-Explicit, Crank-Nicolson , implicit schemes,
two dimensional steady and unsteady heat conduction. Gauss-Seidal point by point and line
by line TDMA methods.
Finite volume method for Convection-diffusion problems: One dimensional
convection-diffusion problem - Advection schemes-Central, first order upwind, hybrid,
power law, Second order upwind, QUICK etc., Conservativeness, boundedness,
transportiveness, False diffusion, Extension to two dimensional steady and unsteady
advection diffusion

Solution algorithms for pressure velocity coupling in steady flows

Staggered grids, SIMPLE, SIMPLER, SIMPLEC, PISO algorithms, unsteady flows

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 3 9

Turbulence modeling
Turbulence, Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations, introduction to turbulence
modeling - DNS, LES, k- , k-, RSM models

Introduction to Grid Generation

Structured and Unstructured Grids, General transformations of the equations, body fitted
coordinate systems, Algebraic and Elliptic Methods, multi block structured grids, adaptive

Text Books
1. S V Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, ANE BOOKS-NEW DELHI,
Special Indian First Edition
2. H K Versteeg and W. Malalasekera, An Introduction to Computational Fluid DynamicsThe Finite Volume Method, Pearson Education, Second Indian Edition, 2010

Recommended Reading
1. Jiyuan Tu, Guan Heng Yeoh, Chaoqun Liu, Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Practical
Approach, Elsevier, Second Edition, 2012
2. John. D. Anderson, Jr., Computational Fluid Dynamics - The basics with applications,
McGraw-Hill, Indian Edition , 2012
3. A.W. Date, Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press,
4. Ferziger and Peric, Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer, Third Edition,

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 0

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Numerical Methods
for Mechanical Engineers
The student should be able to
1. Develop computer codes for simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow problems.
2. Implement CFD process by using CFD software.
3. Evaluate data obtained from the numerical solution

List of Experiments
Development of computer codes
1. To develop computer codes for steady state one dimensional heat conduction with or
without heat generation, different boundary conditions, Multi-solid heat conduction, Nonlinear Heat conduction, Unsteady heat conduction, two dimensional steady and unsteady
heat conduction and comparison with analytical solution
2. To develop computer codes for one dimensional convection-diffusion problem to
implement various advection schemes like - Central, first order upwind, hybrid, power
law, Second order upwind, QUICK etc., two dimensional steady and unsteady convection
diffusion and comparison with analytical solution
3. To develop computer codes for implementation of pressure velocity couplings like
SIMPLE for problems like benchmark problems like Lid driven cavity etc. and
comparison with analytical/numerical solution.
Use of CFD software

Determination of numerical solution of laminar flow in pipe using CFD software and
comparison with analytical solution
Determination of numerical solution of turbulent flow in pipe using CFD software and
comparison of different turbulence models
To determine numerical solution of boundary layer on a flat plate using CFD software
and compare with analytical solution
To determine numerical solution of Flow over an aerofoil using CFD software and
compare with analytical solution.
To determine numerical solution of laminar convection in a pipe using CFD software and
plot variation of Nusselt number along the pipe.
To determine numerical solution of turbulent convection in a pipe using CFD software
and plot variation of centerline and wall temperature along the pipe.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 1

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers I and II,
Kinematics of Machinery, Measurement and Control
The student should be able to
1. Identify various Robotic systems
2. Perform calculations of Robot kinematics and Robot dynamics
3. Apply various methods of Robot vision and Trajectory planning
4. Implement programming for Robot

Course Contents
Automation & Robotics, Robotic System & Anatomy, Classification, Robot languages, Robot
Applications, Future prospectus

Different types of drives used in robot systems, Basic control system concepts & models,
Various control system, Robot activation & feedback components, position & velocity
sensors, Actuators, Timer belts, Power transmission systems.

Robot and its peripherals

End effectors- types, Mechanical & other grippers, Tool as end effecter, Sensors: Sensors in
robotics, Tactile sensors, Proximity and Range sensors, Sensor based system, User vision

Robotic Transformations
Transformation matrix for robot arm

Robot kinematics
DH algorithm for Forward and Inverse Kinematics of Robots

Robot Dynamics
Static Force Analysis of robots, Dynamic equations for multiple degree of freedom of
Robots, Transformations of Forces and Moments between Coordinate Frames.

Robot Vision
Introduction, Low level & high level vision, Sensing & digitizing, Image processing &

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 2

Trajectory Planning
Basics of trajectory planning, Joint-Space Trajectory Planning, Cartesian Space Trajectory
planning, Continuous Trajectory Recording.

Programming for robots

Methods, Robot program as a path in space, Motion interpolation, Level & task level
language, Robot Languages, Programming in suitable languages, Characteristics of robot.

Customize the robotic systems

Customize robotic systems for the various industrial applications such as Material transfer,
Machine loading & unloading, Processing operations, Assembly & inspections, Robotic cell
design & control with the consideration of social & economic issues of robotics.

Text Books
1. Robert J. Schilling , Fundamentals of Robotics, Pearson Prentice Hall, 1990
2. Saeed B. Niku, Introduction to Robotics, Wiley, Second Edition, 2010
3. Ashitava Ghosal, Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis, Oxford University
Press, 2006

Recommended Reading

John Craig, Robotics, Pearson, Third Edition, 2008

R.P. Paul, Robot manipulators : Mathematics, programming & control, 1981
Groover and Zimmers, Industrial Robotics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 1986
Yoram Koren, Robotics of engineers, McGraw-Hill. 1985
J. F. Engelberger, Robotics in practice, Amacom, 1980
Ulrich Rembolds and Christian Blume, Computer integrated manufacturing technology
& systems,
Ernest Doebelin, Measurement systems, McGraw Hill Higher Education, Fifth Edition,
Richard D. Klafter, Thomas A. Chmielewski, Michael Negin, Robotic Engineering: An
integrated approach,
Spyros G. Tzafestas, Intelligent Robotic Systems, New York/Basel: Marcel Dekker,

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 3

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Robotics Laboratory
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers I and II,
Kinematics of Machinery, Measurement and Control
The student should be able to
1. Investigate problems of direct and inverse kinematics
2. Implement programming for 5 axis robot manipulator
3. Build the robotic systems for simple operations

List of Practicals

Problems on transformation matrices using computer programming

Validating Direct and Inverse Kinematics analysis problems using Robotics simulation
software such as Robo Analyser
Programming using 5 Axis robot manipulator for
Pick and Place Operations Continuous path operations
Micro Controller Programming using Arduino platform
To build line follower robot
To build wireless robot

1. Intellitek 5 axis robot manual
2. Robot analyser software built in help (online)
3. Arduino robot controller built in help (online)

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 4

Programme Name

Course Code
Course Title

Bachelor of Technology in
Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Welding Technology
Material Science, Manufacturing Technology

The student should be able to
1. Select appropriate joining process depending upon desired output characteristics.
2. Use modern engineering techniques necessary for joining of components.
3. Perform the failures analysis of welded joints.

Course Contents
Processes and types of joints
Classification of fusion welding processes, heat source intensity, and heat input rates,
shielding methods. Heat and mass flow in welding, heat sources. Arc; definition, physics of
arc, characteristics of arc, column; heat flow in electrode, weld pool and base metal.
Metallurgical effects of weld thermal cycle, residual stresses, formation and relieving. Types
of weld joints, edge preparation, cleaning of edges, tack welding.

Arc Welding
Electrodes, types of covering, welding techniques for manual welding, power sources, arc
cutting, submerged arc welding, gas tungsten arc (GTA) and gas metal arc (GMA) welding,
electric slag welding, carbon dioxide (CO2) welding, plasma arc welding.

Gas Welding
Gas welding, fuel gases, flames, torches, filler metal, fluxes, backward and forward welding,
filler rod diameter, atomic hydrogen welding, thermit welding.

Thermal Cutting of Metals

Oxygen cutting, flame cut ability of metals, effect of cutting on structure and properties of
steel, oxygen lancing, machine cutting.
Welding of structural, carbon and alloy steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys,
copper, aluminium, brass, bronze, magnesium, nickel and their alloys.

Soldering and Brazing

Capillary and wetting action, temperature range, filler metals and fluxes, processes and
applications, design and strength of joints.

Resistance Welding
Spot welding, electrode, nugget size, resistance and force, current and time, types of
equipment, rocker arm press type, multiple welding guns and portable welders, applications,
seam welding, projection welding, flash and butt welding, applications.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 5

Solid Phase Welding

Cold pressure welding, weld formation, techniques for lap and butt welding, applications;
diffusion joining; friction welding; process variables, applications, forge welding, ultrasonic
welding; process characteristics, equipment and applications, explosive welding, nature of
bond, velocity of impact, angle of contact and applications.

Radiation Welding
Laser welding, electron beam welding types of electron gun, spot size beam power, operating
voltage, pulse technique, deep penetration and applications.

Weld ability
Design, process and metallurgical consideration, testing and improvement of weld ability,
microstructure of welds, welding defects and remedies.

Heat Treatment of Welds

Flame hardening, equipment, procedure and applications.

Inspection and Testing of Welds

I.S. Codes for welding, destructive and nondestructive tests for welds, tension, bend,
hardness, fatigue, controlled thermal severity test, tongue bend test for pipes, liquid penetrant
test, florescent penetrant test, magnetic particle inspection, eddy current testing, ultrasonic
techniques and radiography. Welding Procedure Specification and Procedure Qualification
Records with Introduction to ASME section VIII. Welders Certification process and weld
joint qualification.

Text Books
1. A.Ghosh and A. K. Mallik, Manufacturing Science, Affiliated East-West Press Private
Limited, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2010
2. Sindo Kou, Welding Metallurgy, John Wiley Hoboken, Second edition, 2002
3. J.F. Lancaster, Metallurgy of Welding, Woodhead Publishing Series in Welding and other
Joining Technologies, Sixth Edition, 1999
4. Robert D. Messler Jr., Principles of Welding: Processes, Physics, Chemistry and
Metallurgy, Wiley VCH, Second Edition, 2004
5. Richard L. Little, Welding and Welding Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1977

Recommended Reading
1. ASM Metals Handbook - Welding and Joining, Vol. 6, ASM Metals Park Ohio, Ninth
Edition, 2011

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 6

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Welding Technology Laboratory
Material Science, Manufacturing Technology
The student should be able to
1. Use various welding techniques necessary for joining of components.
2. Rectify simple problem connected with welding.
3. Perform various tests on welded joints

List of Experiments
Experiments on the following weldings using AC and DC power sources including testing of
welds such as tensile, hardness and bending:
1. Arc Welding: submerged arc welding, gas tungsten arc (GTA) and gas metal arc (GMA)
welding, electric slag welding, carbon dioxide (CO2) welding, plasma arc welding.
2. Gas Welding: Gas welding, fuel gases, flames, torches, filler metal, fluxes, backward and
forward welding, filler rod diameter, atomic hydrogen welding, thermit welding.
3. Welding of structural, carbon and alloy steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys,
copper, aluminium, brass, bronze, magnesium, nickel and their alloys.
4. Soldering and Brazing
5. Resistance Welding: Spot welding, seam welding, projection welding, flash and butt
6. Radiation Welding: Laser welding, electron beam welding.
Following materials may be used for welding:
Carbon and alloy steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, copper, aluminium,
brass, bronze, magnesium, nickel and their alloys
One design and drawing of a welding fixture.
Seminar report on any topic based on published literature.

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 7

Programme Name Bachelor of Technology in

Semester VI
Mechanical Engineering
Course Code
Course Title
Advanced Business Communication
Communication and Presentation Skills
The student should be able to
1. Draft technical documents for specific purposes.
2. Create various types of technical reports .
3. Analyze standard practices of business ethics and culture for development of self and for
the organization.
4. Conduct effective meetings with proper documentation.

Course Contents
Technical Writing
a) Framing definitions writing instructions
b) Description of objects
c) Explaining a process

Report Writing

Objectives of report writing

Language and Style in a report.
Types of reports
Formats of reports: Memo, letter, project and survey based

Work Culture

Corporate ethics/Ethical codes of conduct in business and corporate activities

Etiquette in social and business settings
Email etiquette
Telephone Etiquette
Cross-cultural awareness

Strategies for conducting effective meetings

a) Notice
b) Agenda
c) Minutes of the meeting

Interpersonal Skills

Emotional Intelligence
Leadership and team-building
Conflict Resolution
Negotiation Skills
Time Management

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 8

Writing Research Paper

Text Books

Lesikar and Petit, Report writing for Business, Tata McGraw-Hill

Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2005
R. Subramanian, Professional Ethics, Oxford University Press, 2013
Hory Sankar Mukerjee, Business Communication, Oxford University Press, 2012
Anne Eisenberg, Effective Technical Communication, McGraw-Hill Inc., US, Second
Revised edition, 1992

Recommended Reading
1. E.H. McGrath, Basic Managerial Skills for All, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, Ninth Edition, 2011
2. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Modern Language Association of
America, Seventh Revised edition, 2009

VJTI B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 2014-15|P a g e 4 9

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