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Ammar Mushtaq

Research Center for Modeling and Simulation (RCMS)

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
Islamabad, Pakistan

Improve Quality
Ammar Mushtaq

Modeling, Simulation & Optimization Lec 6: 1

System Study

Whenever we study a system, the primary purpose is to Evaluate/

Improve the system
Ammar Mushtaq

Modeling, Simulation & Optimization Lec 6: 2

Quality Control
Quality has become an important factor
in customer decision
The quality of a product can be described and
evaluated in several ways


Durability and etc

Ammar Mushtaq

Modeling, Simulation & Optimization Lec 6: 3

Quality Improvement

Quality means fitness for use

Product must meet the requirements of the user

Quality is inversely proportional to variability

Reduction in products variability will result
in its quality improvement

Design of Experiment (DOE) is a very useful

statistical method to improve quality
It is an approach of systematically varying input
parameters of a process and determining the effects
on output parameters

Ammar Mushtaq

Modeling, Simulation & Optimization Lec 6: 4

Mode, Mean & Median


Mode is most
frequent number

Mean is
average of
all numbers

Median is the middle

number in list

Symmetrical Distribution

Asymmetrical Distribution

10, 11, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16

Ammar Mushtaq

Modeling, Simulation & Optimization Lec 6: 5

Variance & Standard Deviation

Variance measures how far a set of numbers is spread out
variance of a constant random variable is zero
Variance is always non-negative

Standard deviation (sigma) is the square

root of the variance
Variance and the standard deviation are both
measures of the spread of the distribution
about the mean
1 SD
2 SD

Standard deviation has same physical unit as the original data

Calculate Mean, Variance and Standard deviation of a die

Ammar Mushtaq

Modeling, Simulation & Optimization Lec 6: 6

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