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The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank

Darabont, and starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. The film tells the story of Andy
Dufresne in prison and his later escape.
In 1947, Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), a banker in Maine, is convicted of murdering his wife
and her lover who was a golf pro. Andy is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at the
Shawshank State Penitentiary. In that moment, he thought I should not have drunk and thrown
my gun that night.
In prison Andy befriends, Ellis "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman), an inmate who is able to
smuggle things from the outside. Red procures a rock hammer and later a large poster of Rita
Hayworth for Andy.
Red believes Andy intends to use the hammer to engineer his escape in the future, but when
the tool arrives and Red sees that it is so small that Red puts aside the thought, that Andy could
ever use it to dig his way out of prison.
Andy is such a different person that he attracts attention from "the Sisters," a group of inmates
who sexually assault other inmates.
In 1949, working on the roof Andy overhears the captain of the guards, Byron Hadley,
complaining about being taxed on an inheritance, and offers to help him legally shelter the
money. Though at first he threatens to throw Andy off the roof, Hadley, who was such a brutal
guard that all inmates were afraid him, agrees.
Warden Samuel Norton hears about how Andy had been so helpful to Hadley that uses a
surprise cell inspection to size Andy up.
Norton profits on Andy's knowledge of accounting and makes Andy launders money for him by
setting up many accounts in different banks, using a fake identity: "Randall Stephens.
In 1965, a young inmate named Tommy comes to Shawshank to serve time for armed robbery.
One day Red tells Tommy about Andy's case. Tommy is visibly upset at hearing Andy's story
and tells Andy and Red that he had a cellmate in another prison who had killed a man who was
a pro golfer, along with his lover. The woman's husband, a banker, had gone to prison for those
murders. With this new information, Andy meets Norton, expecting he helps him to get another
trial with Tommy as a witness. Later Norton meets Tommy alone and asks him if he will testify
on Andy's behalf. Tommy enthusiastically agrees and Norton decides to kill Tommy.
Afterwards, Andy says if I were freed, I would like to go to Zihuatanejo, a beach town on the
Pacific coast of Mexico. He also tells Red that, if he were paroled, he should look for a farm in
Buxton, Maine, and look for an oak tree at the end of a stone wall. There, under a large black
volcanic rock that would look out of place, Andy has buried a box.
The following morning, Andy is not accounted as usual in his cell. At the same time, Norton
rushes to Andy's cell and demands an explanation. Then a furious Norton starts throwing Andy's
sculpted rocks around the cell. When he throws one at Andy's poster of Raquel Welch, the rock
punches through and into the wall. Norton tears the poster away from the wall and finds a tunnel
just wide enough for a man to crawl through.
During the previous night's thunderstorm, Andy packed some papers and Norton's clothes into a
plastic bag, and escaped through his hole. Crawling through 500 yards in the pipe, Andy
emerged in a brook outside the walls.
That morning, Andy walks into the Maine National Bank in Portland, where he had put Norton's
money. Using his assumed identity as Randall Stephens. Then, he continues his visitations to
nearly a dozen other local banks, ending up with some $370,000.

FBI agents take Hadley into custody, and then Hadley realized that he must not have helped
Norton. At the same time, Norton commits suicide by shooting himself to avoid his arrest,
thinking in that he must not have trusted Andy.
Shortly after, Red receives a postcard from Fort Hancock, Texas, with nothing written on it. Red
and his friends kill time talking about Andy's exploits, but Red just wishes he could be with Andy.
In 1967, Red is finally paroled. After that, he wishes he had not been paroled since he felt he
had no life outside of prison where he has spent most of his adult life.
One day, remembering what Andy said to him, Red travels to Buxton and arrives at the stone
wall Andy described. Just as Andy said, there was a large black stone. Under it was a small box
containing cash and a letter. Andy said he needed somebody "who could get things" for a
"project", and also said Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no
good thing ever dies, I will be hoping that this letter finds you and finds you well, your friend
Red breaks his parole and then takes a bus to Fort Hancock, Texas where he crosses into
Mexico, admitting he finally feels hope. The two friends are finally gathered on the beach of
Zihuatanejo on the Pacific coast.

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