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Chapter 6

1. Thamugadi was established in about 100 CE as a colony for retired soldiers of the
Roman Third Legion and represents the deep imprint _____ROME______ left upon its
entire empire.
2. Rome admired Greece for its cultural achievements, from its philosophy to its
sculpture, and as we have seen, its own art developed from Greek
_____Hellenic____ models.
3. By the fifth century BCE, the _____ETRUSCANS_____ were known throughout the
Mediterranean for their skill as sculptors in both bronze and terra cotta.
4. The Etruscans adapted the Greek Doric order to their own ends, creating what
Vitruvius called the ____TUSCAN___ order.
5. _____ROME_____ was literally the crossing place of Etruscan and Greek cultures.
6. Romes sense of its Greek origins is nowhere more forcefully stated than in the
story of its founding by the Trojan warrior ____AENEAS____, who at the end of the
Trojan War sailed off to found a new homeland for his people.
7. According to legend, Romulus inaugurated the traditional Roman distinction
between ____PATRICIANS___, the land-owning aristocrats who served as priests,
magistrates, lawyers, and judges and ___PLEBIANS___, the poorer class who were
craftspeople, merchants, and laborers.
8. Whenever ____ROME____ conquered a region, it established permanent colonies
of veteran soldiers who received allotments of land, virtually guaranteeing them a
certain level of wealth and status.
9. ____CICERO_____ recognized the power of the Latin language to communicate
with the people. Latin, by the first century CE was understood to be potentially more
powerful than Greek.
10. Both the ____GREEK____ and the Roman busts are essentially propagandistic in
intent, designed to extol the virtues of the sitter.
11. Under Augustus Roman men between the ages of 20 and 60 and women
between the ages of 20 and 50 were required to ___MARRY_____.
12. Livia, the wife of the ruler Augustus, became a figure of idealized
____WOMANHOOD____ in Rome and the female leader of Augustus programs of
reform, a sponsor of architectural subjects, and a trusted advisor to bother her
husband and son.
13. ___EPICUREANISM____ is based on the theory of Epicurus, who believed that
fear, particularly fear of death, was responsible for all human misery, and that the
gods played no part in human affairs.
14. Perhaps the most influential poet in Rome before the Augustus age was Gaius
Valerius ___CATULLUS_____.

15. Virgils poem ______THE AENEID_______ (2 words) is on one level, an account of

Romes founding by Aeneas, but it is also a profoundly moving essay on human
destiny and the great cost involved in achieving and sustaining the values and
principles upon which cultureRoman culture in particular, but all cultures by
extensionmust be based.
16. According to ____OVID____, a man should become friends with the husband of a
woman he desires and lie to hertell her that he only wants to be her friend.
17. Improvements Augustus planned would be a kind of imperial propaganda,
underscoring not only his power, but also his care for the people in his role as
____PATER PATRIAE_____ (two words). Public works couldand indeed didelicit
the publics loyalty.
18. At least as early as the third century BCE, the ancient Romans created a new
type of living space in response to overcrowdingthe multistoried apartment block,
or ____INSULA____.
19. One of the most significant contributions of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, which
extends from Augustus through Nero, was an enormous ____AQUEDUCT___, the
Aqua Claudia.
20. Vespasian, the former commander in Palestine under Nero, built the
21. The _______FORUM OF TRAJAN________ (3 words) was commissioned by Trajan
as a large marketplace much like a contemporary mall that had 150 different shops
of different levels.
22. A ____BASILICA____ is a large rectangular building with a rounded extension,
called an apse, at one or both ends, and easy access in and out.
23. The Roman city of Nimes, France received 8,000 to 12,000 gallons of water a
day from the _____PONT DU GARD______ (three words) aqueduct.
24. During Vespasians reign, his son Titus defeated the Jews in Judea, who were
rebelling against Roman interference with their religious practices. Titus army
sacked the ________SECOND TEMPLE______ (2 words) of Jerusalem in 70 BCE.
25. The ______COLUMN OF TRAJAN________ (3 words) is built of marble with a
staircase winding through the interior of the shaft leading to a viewing platform on
the top.
26. Across the architrave (the bottom element in an entablature above the columns)
of the faade is an inscription that serves both propagandistic and decorative
purposes ______MARCUS AGRIPPA________, (2 names) son of Lucius, three times
consul, made this.
27. The dome of the _____PANTHEON_____ is 20 feet thick at the base but narrows
to only 6 feet thick at the oculus which is 30 feet in diameter.

28. Of the 20,000 inhabitants of Pompeii, 2,000 died, mostly ______SLAVES_____

and the ____POOR____ left behind by the rich who escaped the city after early
warning shocks.
29. A typical house in Pompeii had an _____ATRIUM_____, a large space with a
shallow pool for catching rainwater below its open roof extending behind the
30. In Pompeii, ___MOSAICS____ decorated many floors of the domus, and paintings
adorned the walls of the atrium, the hall, the dining room, and other reception
rooms throughout the villa.
31. If the domus was the urban townhouse of Romes wealthier class of citizen, the
____VILLA____, or country residence was often far more luxurious.
32. The Baths of ____CARACALLA____, Rome were set within a 50-acre walled park
on the south side of Rome and were fed by an aqueduct dedicated exclusively to
this purpose.
33. By the early fourth century CE, ___CHRISTIANITY_____ across the Roman
Empire forbade visitation to the baths arguing that bathing might be practiced for
cleanliness but not for pleasure.
34. _____DIOCLETIAN_____ saw the Roman Church as a direct threat to his own
authority, recognizing that it had achieved an almost monarchical control over the
other dioceses or Church territories in the Empire.
35. Constantine ordered his troops decorate their shields with crosses, and perhaps
the Greek letter chi and rho. The Greek letter chi and rho stood for Christos; chi and
rho had long meant chrestos, ___AUSPICIOUS__ and Constantine probably meant
this and not Jesus Christ.
36. In 313, Constantine issued the ____EDICT OF MILAN______ (3 words) which
granted religious freedom to all, ending religious persecution in the Empire.
37. Horaces ____ODES____ are lyric poems of elaborate and complex meter.

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