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International Baccalaureate

Physics SL
PreLab: Snells Law

PreLab: Snells Law

Research Question
How does the angle of refraction of a ray bent through glass vary according to the angle of
incidence of the ray?
Background Information
The refractive index n of a given medium is a measurement of its optical density. It is an
non-dimensional parameter defined

as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum (c) and the speed
in the given medium (v):
n = cv , where n is always equal to or greater than 1.
light propagating in a medium

of refractive index n1 is incident with an angle 1 on a

medium of refractive index n2 through a flat surface, it experiences a change on its propagation
direction depending on the ratio of the refractive indices, so that the refracted angle 2 obeys the
following relationship coined by Dutch astronomer Willebrord Snell in the early 17th century
(Davidson, 2015):


Figure 1.1: Depiction

of light refraction from medium with n1 to medium with n2 (Adapted from

Tsokos, 2014, p. 173)

In the case of light incident from glass with refractive index ng onto air ( n 1) , the relationship
between the angle of refraction r and the angle of incidence i can be written as:
sinr = ng sini

From this relationship we can determine the refractive index of glass by simply measuring the
incidence and refraction angles.
For large angles of incidence, the product ng sini could be greater than 1, which is impossible
because the sine function has a range of 1. This would imply the inexistence of the refracted ray
and all the energy of the incident ray is reflected inside the original medium. This phenomenon is
known as total internal reflection, which happens when the angle of refraction reaches 90, for
which the corresponding angle of incidence is known as the critical angle c and
is calculated

using the following expression (Tsokos, 2014, p. 175):

sinc =


This phenomenon only happens when n2 is greater than n1. For the case of light changing from a
glass to an air medium, the equation would be expressed as follows:
sinc = n1g
The sine of the angle of refraction (sin r) will vary linearly according to the sine of the angle of
incidence (sin i). The gradient of a sin r vs. sin i graph will be the refractive index of glass
Graph 1.1: Expected variation of sin(r) with sin(i)

Table 1.1: Experimental variables and their impact

Likely impact upon the


How the variable will be changed/


incidence i () will
be measured from
the incident ray to
the normal line.

The sine of the angle of incidence

shares a linear relationship with the
sine of the angle of refraction.
However, by increasing the normal
angle of incidence the angle of
refraction will increase until we get
into the critical angle in which light
will bend parallel to the block, then
no light will come through. Having
passed this angle, total internal
reflection will occur and will be
measurements of the angle of

The sheet of paper will be divided with a

straight line that will be defined as the
normal vector. We are also going to draw
lines of the angles of incidence. The
incidence ray will start at 10 and will
increase by ten every 3 measurements until
it gets to 50, allowing a considerable
amount of data to be retrieved so as to
linearize the relationship of the variables
and determine the index of refraction with
the gradient of the graph.
All angle measurements will be made with a
protractor. The laser beam is going to be
positioned in a universal to avoid any
misuses and inaccuracies in the retrieval of
the angle of refraction.

Dependent variable
refraction r () will
differ from the
incident angle due to
the refraction of
normal line.

Measuring the angle of refraction

will allow our team to experiment on
the linear relationship of the incident
angle and the refractive one when
graphed using Snells Law. The
constant in the equation will
therefore be the refractive index of
glass. We will increase the incidence
angle until the angle of refraction is
90 which is the critical angle and
from then, increasing the angle will
then cause an internal total

All the set of equipment will be firmly

placed so that it cannot move while we take
the angle measurements with a protractor,
but we are going to see estimates of the
angles as the sheet is going to have lines to
define every 10.

Control variables
Perspex Block, the
medium in which
the laser beam will
refract, has to be

Maintaining the same medium will

ensure that the change in speed of
the ray is kept constant and thus it
does not alter the angle in which the
light refracts.

The semicircular Perspex path has to

cleaned up using alcohol to remove any
stains that might affect its transparency. We
will also be careful when placing it in the
sheet of paper to avoid leaving fingerprints
on it. The outline of the block will be

throughout the the
trials to keep a fair
The intensity and
color of the laser.
refraction of a semicylindrical disk of
approximately 1.51

By keeping the intensity of the laser

beam constant we are going to have
the same measure of width from the
semicircular Perspex and the
uncertainty of the angles will be
more precise. Using the same color
of light will keep the wavelength of
the ray constant. Thus, will not affect
the bending of light through the
semicircular Perspex.

marked so it can be easily moved and

placed again in the same position.

As the angle of refraction is
dependent to the medium, if the
The refractive index refractive index of air is not exactly
of air.
1 then our calculations might have
some inaccuracy.

We are unable to control this variable, but

we will consider it in our analysis of the
data by adding the corresponding
uncertainties to specify that there is
possibility that the index of refraction of air
was different from 1.

In order to keep both color and light

intensity constants, the same laser apparatus
will be used in all the experiment. Only
members of the team will be allowed to
manipulate the set and the laser will be used
after new batteries have been placed.

Protractor (0.5)
Sheet of paper
Geometry set
Ruler (0.05cm)
Semicircular Perspex block
Laser (=53210nm)
Universal support stand
Universal support clamps
Method (Adapted from Tsokos, 2014, Cambridge IB Free Resources)
1. Divide the sheet of paper in fourths by drawing two lines on it and label one of them as
normal to boundary.
2. Using the protractor, mark the angles of incidence in 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50. Call them

3. Place the straight edge of the Perspex block aligned to one of the lines and in the middle
of its perpendicular.
4. With the help of the universal holding and tweezers, align the laser so that it crosses the
10 mark, the curved side of the Perspex box and the intersection of both lines in the
sheet of paper.
5. Mark the refracted ray in the paper and measure its angle from normal to the boundary.
Call it r.
6. Calculate sin i and sin r and write your results down.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for the rest of the angles of incidence.
8. Plot a graph with the sine results.
9. Increase the angle of incidence as much as possible until no light is refracted from the
glass surface. This is the critical angle.
Figure 1.2: Experimental Setup

Safety and Ethical Considerations

Do not let the laser strike your eyes since it can cause damage and be careful with the other
teams. Avoid disturbing their experiment with the laser. Try to predict the trajectory of the
refracted laser beam before it is turned on to avoid any mishaps.After prolonged use the laser
gets hot. Turn it off and wait for it to cool down if this happens. Do not play with any of the
instruments and manage each of them carefully.

Chu, W. (2001). The Law of Refraction. University of British Columbia. Retrieved August 10,
2016, from
Davidson, M. (2015). Willebrord Snell. Science, Optics & You. Florida State University.
Retrieved August 10, 2016, from
Tsokos, K.A. (2014). Cambridge IB Free Resources. From Physics for the IB diploma. United
Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved August 10, 2016, from
Tsokos, K. A. (2014). Physics for the IB Diploma (6th ed.). United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press.

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