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Assignment No 3

Submitted by
Group 10
Udita Banik 1527360
Pravin Shinde 1527229
Beauty Singh 1527242
Karthik Kumar 1527132
Simran Batra 1527161
Reetika 1527353
Udharshini 1527359

Looking for Pez Dispensers: 199596
Paris-born Pierre Omidyar, who immigrated with his family to the United States when he was six,
graduated from Tufts University in 1988 with a degree in computer science. While at Tufts,
Omidyar met his future wife, Pam, who had an unusual hobby: she collected and traded Pez candy
dispensers. When Pam complained it was hard to find people with similar interests, Omidyar
decided to create a small online auction service. AuctionWeb was launched Labor Day weekend
in 1995. Set up as a sole proprietorship in San Jose, California, the online bazaar was considered
a "grand experiment" by its creator. Little did he know the impact his brainchild would have on
the Internet, auctions, and corporate history.
At the time he launched AuctionWeb, Omidyar was working at the General Magic Corporation as
a software developer. His background included cofounding Ink Development Corp., which became
eShop, a pioneer of online shopping before it was bought by Microsoft. Omidyar also developed
consumer applications for Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Computer, and had even written a software
program for his high school library at the age of 14.
For the first five months of AuctionWeb's existence, Omidyar offered the new service for free,
building a base of buyers and sellers through word of mouth. In May 1996 he incorporated eBay
(which stood for "electronic Bay Area"), becoming its chief executive and quit his day job. By the
end of 1996 the company had six employees, including Jerry Skoll, eBay's original president.
The Concept
Prior to AuctionWeb, online auctions were either business-to-business or business-to-consumer.
There was nothing comparable to Omidyar's concept either online or offline; flea markets and yard
sales were the most similar kind of person-to-person interaction offered by the precursor of eBay.
Unlike traditional auctions, there was no auctioneer. At AuctionWeb sellers posted information
about their items, and buyers were able to browse the site and submit bids by electronic mail (email). The actual auction for an item was held over three to four days, with bidders receiving email notices when someone made a higher bid. They could then counter the bid or drop out. The
winning bidder made arrangements with the seller for payment and shipping.
eBay served the role of a broker; the firm did not own any of the items being sold and was not
responsible for distribution. Bidding was free, but it did cost between 25 cents and $2 to list an
item for sale, plus a commission of between 2.5 and 5 percent of the sale price. The site was
profitable almost from the beginning, unlike the vast majority of e-commerce sites. Much of the
site's success appeared due to Omidyar's sense of what people wanted: a simple, central location
to buy and sell items, and the ability to talk with (and perhaps eventually meet) people with similar
interests. From the beginning, eBay's auction service sought to create the sense of an old-fashioned
marketplace and encouraged communication between hobbyists and collectors.

During 1996 the site hosted more than 250,000 auctions in some 60 categories including Beanie
Babies, stamps, coins, and computers. By the end of the year it was overseeing about 15,000
simultaneous auctions daily, with 2,000 of them new each day. The site received over two million
hits a week, and the amount of money exchanged for goods sold exceeded $6 million for the year.
Fighting Fraud: 1997
The site's popularity continued to increase and in the first quarter of 1997 AuctionWeb saw over
330,000 completed auctions, with the total transaction value of goods sold worth more than $10.25
million. Among these items was an original 1959 "Suburban Shopper" Barbie doll, which sold for
$7,999. In a May 1997 press release, eBay President Jerry Skoll stated that the growth "clearly
demonstrates the receptivity and the eagerness of the general public to participate in online
commerce. Our goal is to provide a fun, efficient, and reliable forum for both buyers and sellers."
Omidyar and Skoll decided the company needed venture capital and a more experienced
management team. In mid-1997 Benchmark Capital, a venture capital firm in Menlo Park,
California, put $5 million into the company to acquire a 22 percent stake. With their advice, the
company began targeted advertising, renamed itself eBay in September, and launched a secondgeneration service with a redesigned site. By the end of the year the company had about 340,000
registered users and was hosting approximately 200,000 auctions at any given time. eBay had also
established a relationship with America Online Inc. (AOL), and eBay became featured in AOL's
Hobby and Classifieds prompts. A year later, in 1998, eBay became the exclusive auctioneer in
the Classifieds area, paying AOL a guaranteed $12 million over three years.
Internet fraud soon became a growing concern, with buyers paying for goods that were never
delivered. In November 1997 the U.S. Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
conducted hearings into Internet commerce. The National Consumers League found fraud reports
had tripled after it created its Internet Fraud Watch project in March 1996. In addition to false
promises for discounted services and charges for Internet services that were supposed to be free,
people were experiencing problems at auction sites such as eBay as well. Between January and
October 1997, Internet Fraud Watch received 141 complaints about auction sites. As Susan Grant
of the National Consumers League told Internet World, "The problem basically is that auction sites
really don't take responsibility for the sales if they go bad. They merely put the buyer together with
the seller."
In the same article, eBay reported it had only 27 disputes from over one million transactions
between May and August 1997. To keep such disputes to a minimum, eBay instituted a feedback
system for buyers to post reviews of their transactions. Sellers were then given a rating based on
the number of their successful auctions: positive comments received one point, neutral responses
a zero, and negative comments a minus one. Potential buyers were able to read the comments as
well as view the rating. A rating of minus four (4) resulted in a seller being denied use of the
Major Growth and Change: 1998

eBay grew phenomenally, recording gross merchandise sales of $100 million and revenues of $6
million in the first quarter of 1998. The first quarter had become the company's best, as eBay
promoted the auctioning off of unwanted Christmas gifts.
Some competition, however, was beginning to develop. Late 1997 saw the business-to-business
auction service OnSale Inc. add person-to-person auctions and the launch of Auction Universe
Inc., a web auction firm owned by Los Angeles Times parent Times Mirror Company. During 1998
Auction Universe began providing city-oriented auction sites through a group of affiliated
newspapers, each offering its own local auction site (but run by Auction Universe). Such web sites,
aimed primarily at the newspapers' local areas, made it easier to auction large items, since it was
expensive to ship a used car or a large piece of furniture across the country. It also offered
newspapers a way to regain revenues lost when classified ads became too expensive for low cost
eBay bought Jump, Inc., the developer and operator of Up4Sale, an advertising-supported
trading/auction site, launched in 1997. Planning to use Up4Sale to introduce complementary future
services, eBay operated the site as a separate service. In May, Meg Whitman was appointed
president and CEO of eBay, with Pierre Omidyar becoming chairman. Whitman came from Hasbro
Inc.'s preschool division, where she had been general manager. She had previously headed FTD
Inc., where she launched its web site and oversaw the transition of the organization from a network
of individual florists to a private company. Known for her experience in managing and marketing
consumer brands, including Teletubbies and Playskool, Whitman concentrated on raising eBay's
profile through increased advertising aimed at hobbyists and groups of collectors.

Initial Investments
Some Initial Investments of ebay are:

In 1995, after the traffic increased on ebay site his personal internet account could not
support it. So Omidyar moved eBay to a much more expensive business account which
was an initial investment.

In November 1996, eBay entered into its first third-party licensing deal, with a company
called Electronic Travel Auction to use SmartMarket Technology to sell plane tickets and
other travel products. This was one of the major initial investments.

With growing popularity, in 1998, ebay hired Margaret Whitham as the CEO. She invested
by creating a new marketing division.

As the company expanded product categories beyond collectibles into almost any saleable
item, business grew quickly. In February 2002, the company purchased iBazar, a similar
European auction web site founded in 1998, and then bought PayPal on October 3, 2002.

In late 2009, eBay completed the sale of Skype for $2.75 billion.

Pierre Omidyar
Founder of eBay Inc.
Founded: 1995
"I never had it in mind that I would start a company one day and it would really be successful. I
have just been motivated by working on interesting technology."-Pierre Omidyar
Omidyar was born in Paris in 1967, but moved to Baltimore when his father began his medical
residence at the Johns Hopkins University Medical Center. A precocious teen, he became
interested in computers and would regularly sneak out of physical-education classes to play with
his high school's PCs. Rather than punish Omidyar for ditching class, the principal hired him to
write a computer program to print catalog cards for the school library at $6 per hour. It wasn't
much, but it was a beginning.
In 1991, Pierre and three of his friends founded a company to write programs for the pencomputing market. As a lark, he set up an early e-commerce site called eShop on the company's
Web site. Pen computing turned out to be one of the more notable technology flops, but the eShop
site proved lucrative enough to attract the attention of Microsoft, who later bought the company.
Fed-up with start-ups, Omidyar took a job as a developer relations engineer for software-maker
General Magic in 1994, and was making a little money on the side as a freelance Web page
designer. It was about this time that he met his spouse-to-be, Pamela Wesley. An avid collector of
Pez dispensers, Wesley complained that she was having difficulty finding like-minded souls on
the Internet. Eager to help out, Omidyar included a small online auction service on his personal
Web page so Wesley could communicate, buy from and sell to other collectors from all over the
United States.
Launched on Labor Day 1995, the fledgling auction site which Omidyar dubbed eBay (for
"electronic Bay," a reference to the San Francisco Bay area) bore little resemblance to the company
that would make Omidyar a fortune. Back then, Omidyar made no guarantees about the goods
being offered, took no responsibility and settled no disputes. He simply offered a place where users
could go online, interact and bid for items.
Much to Omidyar's surprise, collectors of Barbie dolls, Beanie Babies and household junk of all
sorts seized upon eBay almost immediately. By February, the site had become so popular that it
outgrew Omidyar's personal Internet account. With the help of his friend and fellow computer
programmer Jeff Skoll (who would later become eBay's president) Omidyar moved eBay to a
much more expensive business site and to cover his increased costs, began charging a few cents to
list an item and collecting a small commission if it was sold.
Unknowingly, Omidyar had tapped one of the richest veins in the online world-the desire of people
to connect with others who share their interests. And he quickly realized that few interests generate
more passion than collecting. "I thought people would simply use the service to buy and sell












Encouraged by this early success, Omidyar quit his day job, and he and Skoll devoted their time
to building eBay's community and technology. The duo rationalized that as long as the system
worked, the community (and the profits) would continue to grow. And grow they did. By mid1997, eBay had become the one of the most visited sites on the Web, with more than 150,000 users
bidding on 794,000 auctions every day. The average eBay shopper was spending nearly 3.5 hours
per month on eBay, longer than the average shopper on any other site.

Growth of the Company

EBay recorded net revenue of $2.14 billion in the period, which was up 3.7% from the
$2.06 billion in the first three months of 2015.

Analysts projected an average revenue estimate of $2.08 billion and eBay previously stated
that it had expected sales for the quarter to fall between $2.05 billion and $2.1 billion.

EBays ticket reseller subsidiary posted net revenue for the quarter of $177 million, up
34% from the same period last year, while classifieds grew 15% year-over-year with sales
of $186 million.

EBay also said that it grew the number of active buyers, or users that have closed a
transaction in the previous 12 months

For the first quarter, it said active buyer count was at 162 million, up 4% from the same
period last year but flat compared to the fourth quarter of 2015. Gross merchandise volume,
or the value of goods transacted across eBays platforms, came in at $19.58 billion, up half
a percentage point from the first three months of 2015.

EBay expects second quarter net revenue to fall between $2.14 billion and $2.19 billion
compared to an average estimate from analysts of $2.14 billion. The company also
projected adjusted earnings per share to land between 40 cents and 42 cents a share while
analysts predicted 44 cents a share. For 2016, eBay expects revenue of $8.6 billion to $8.8
billion, compared to analysts average estimate of $8.73 billion.

EBays shares briefly climbed more than 4% in after-hours trading before falling back
down toward Tuesdays closing price of $24.49. Since the start of 2016, the companys
stock has fallen nearly 11%.

Life Cycle of EBay

In the past, eBay has really focused on optimizing for sales transactions. During the height of this
phase, community-focused initiatives were closed off as a specialized project that really didn't
transcend borders within the company.
The company now is entering a new phase:

Bringing back its social roots to offer a truly social experience for users
Focusing on its product offerings and marketplace platform.

Consumers are engaging in a social product life cycle, where they're engaging their family and
friends and also connecting with people that share their interests and inspire them. And what they
want is a social marketplace and social shopping experience that is as private or as social as they
Essentially, eBay is now developing products based on the way people purchase items.
The traditional purchase funnel also known as the marketing funnel or customer funnel is
outlined by five key stages:


A consumer becomes aware of a product, considers various options or brands, chooses the one
she wants, buys that one, and then eventually either repurchases or defects.
EBay considers this product life cycle when taking user feedback and designing products.
In 2010, eBay developed one of its first social experiments, Group Gifts, which enabled users to
source the power of their social networks to collectively purchase gifts. While it is a lesser-used
product on eBay, the company found that when groups of buyers use it, they are four times more
likely to finish the purchase cycle than if they tried to purchase a group gift otherwise.
Recognizing the difficulty of buying event tickets as a group, eBay launched another social
product called eBay Go Together. The product enables users to discover tickets as a group,
split the purchase cost, plan the event and discuss the event afterwards, serving as a part of the
experience from start to finish.

Venture Capital Investments:


Invested In



Jul, 2015


$82.1M / Series A

Jul, 2015


$82M / Series A

Sep, 2014


$60M / Series G

Aug, 2014


$3M / Venture (Lead)

Mar, 2014


$90M / Series F

Feb, 2014


$133.7M / Series D (Lead)

Jan, 2014

Volta Industries

$1.88M / Seed

Dec, 2013


$2M / Seed

Jul, 2013


$12.1M / Series C

Apr, 2013

Bypass Mobile

$3.5M / Venture (Lead)

Apr, 2013


$50M / Series C (Lead)

Jun, 2012

Just Dial

$57M / Series E

May, 2012


$32M / Series E

Mar, 2012


$200k / Seed

Nov, 2011


$15M / Series C


Invested In



Jul, 2011


$6M / Venture (Lead)

Van Kerckhove

May, 2011


$8M / Series D

May, 2011

$28M / Series C

Oct, 2010


$9M / Series B

Mar, 2010


$22.5M / Venture (Lead)

Nov, 2009


$50M / Debt Financing

Sep, 2008


$20M / Series D

May, 2008

$23M / Series B

Aug, 2007

$4M / Series A

May, 2007


$30M / Series C

Mar, 2006


$4.5M / Series C

Apr, 2005


$18M / Series B

Apr, 2005

$2M / Seed

Aug, 2004


$13.5M / Venture (Lead)

Jan, 2004


$7M / Series A

Mar, 2000


undisclosed amount /Venture (Lead)

Nov, 1999

$22M / Series C (Lead)

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