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ee Cea Interview Work Book WEST TE Ui Oe ye Ua SUMMA AMI LA Tt s STUN CUR MEE CMa CSC CCU a e ir . 4 oe fae — a= = Wr r ena — oot -«: ee > —- = ay au > CONSULTING AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK Sten AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK www. Contents 4, INTRODUCTION 0.22.00. .eeceee 3 2, THE PHONE OR SKYPE INTERVIEW . 4 3, THE PANEL INTERVIEW. 1 tnep ene son FIRST IMPRESSIONS: 5 5 6 7 ‘THE FORMAT OF A TYPICAL PANEL INTERVIEW. 4, HOWTO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. QUESTION 1. ‘Tellus about yourself”. ... : QUESTION 2. "What do you have to offer our company?™..........seeee QUESTION 3, “Why do you want to work for our ating?” oes e eee 18 5, OTHER POWERFULL QUESTIONS . Negative Style Questions . Weaknesses Overcoming Negatives, BEHAVIOURAL QUESTIONS. TECHNICAL QUESTIONS . SCENARIO BASED QUESTIONS. ‘TOP 50 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS . . GROUP EXERCISES. .... HELP DESK .. FLIGHTDEGK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - © cx Figuask Coss 201) 2 1. INTRODUCTION Airline pilot interviews have evolved dramatically over the last decade. Gone are the days of two check captains rigorously probing your aerodynamic technical knowledge. Nowadays the interview team will generally consist of at least one member of the human resources department and representatives of ‘light operations, ‘The modem aie interviow is now centered around the bbohevioral based concopt developed by human resource teams around the world and can seemingly have very litle todo with aviation. Behavioral based interviews work on the prernise that how you have conducted yoursetf in the past is ‘an indication of how you wil perform inthe future, ‘Thore are three general catagorios of beheviorel questions: 1. Example Based Questions 2. Negative or Difficult Questions ‘3. Open Ended Questions FUGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK ~0czpyr Hes Cas Plots are very good at what they do but tend to perform [poorly when faced wath this type of job interview. This werk ‘booklet will give you guidance and examples on how 10 ‘approach and prepare for your interviow. “This booklet has been designed to be used in conjunction with the Virtual Interview Program. Whist not designed {0 provide you with the answers, they must be your own words and experiences, It wil nap you structure and datver your responaes in @ clesr and concise manner \We are here to he'p, so please do not hesitate to get in contact with us should yau feel you have a question that we have not baan ila to answer for you. Beet of luck! The Team At Flightdeck Consulting 2. THE PHONE OR SKYPE INTERVIEW Apre-interview telephone screening assessment During your preparalion write your answers in point form. 's becoming an increasingly common tool used by Human Ding the inteniew this will alow you to refer to your notes. Resource Departments around the world, ‘whist sill ensuring your answers are fresh, natural and Itis essential to ensure your phone intorvow is afar booked Wnserpted appointment and not an impromptu telephone call the The opening questions wil normally confi the information ‘hone call is taken and you are not ready, explain to the___thet they have about you is correct. Your contact : Caller thet you are notin a position to take the cal, take their information, icenses, ratings and fying hours. Know your CV ‘name and number and call therm back al a time thal suits and make sure it is up to date. You, orockn an gppointmant tat matualy conerient The wil not be coneired ude nor wil kjeoparcze you chance of success. The phone enfow a your ir atop in getting that drearn job; it must be treated seriously and —————— not dismissed as just a friendly chat with someone from the ADVANCE recrulmest ofc, Rernamber fo ren professional ove ‘hey, sonar to bs overly canal Tall me about your carcer to date? ‘Why do you want to work for us? ‘What do you know about ou company? Wht do you have to offer us? What remuneration are you expecting? When are you availabe to start? |B Make an appointment forthe phone interview and ensure mo you think you wil be able to cope with the flexibity Yyou can take the cal ata time that wil alow you not 10 rechired by last minuta roster changes? be distracted and you are in a quiet location. Tip: W Yeu wit behing wih ctr peptone me 1 erin pceesonaleienbat ie an ene, ee ie te ee tare @ Refer to your notes but don't read from them, use bullet ‘rom yoursss"? Fora tt elemce Noma ny wl ten ein he process tom nr an : wale pee wh anhow hy econ yoo eu 1 Sty upbeat, postive an passions sae ow 1 Smile whon yout iar ner feu WEE nn crap on Par ann we hae outa n re al gales onan si anon a 1 Use shart, er acon are ‘man he rete on a, oe yout auc WeaOsd ‘sound natural and unscripted. Whilst ine interview will normaly last 10- 15 minutes, be prepared to clear an hour of your time so as nat to be time pressured. There are several standard questions thet must bbe asked end this wil alow you to prepare in advance Notes FLUGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK -0cspyor Fi eng ot) 4 FIRST IMPRESSIONS From the mament you walk int the bilsng your interview has bog. Everybody tom the dooman to tne receptionist is watering you and they wil al form an opinion so the ot ying about frst impressions apps ftom the moment you walkin the door untl you're safe out ofthe bulding, \wiryn seconds of meeting someone a fist impression is made and that mpresson is vtualy eversble. That val {rot fow minutos of meatng the inteniowers, your geting, handshake, smie and body language wil determine how Your intervewers wl perceive you and the tone for the day ‘al be at their opinion of you is positive then throughout the day they wil be lookng at your actions and answers to ceonfm thee decision, ana wsa versa if tis negalive ‘Much of what is required to mak a good impression is.cormmon sense, But witha ite extra thought and freparaion, you can hone your intutive style and make {hat fst impression not ust good bul gree. Just remember ‘you want tobe the standout cancidate, but for the right reasons! Tips: 1M Dress should bo neat, tidy and appropriate, There is no ‘such thing as over dressing in a job interview, however it 's best to be conservative. A confident handshake, but not too fm, making eye ccantact with your opposite. Have a pleasant and warm smi, Make positive small talk, this wil lp to settle your Bo courteous and ationtive, 1B Have a postive, confident outlook on the day. You have worked hard for this cay, don't blow It by ‘making a joke thats taken the wrong way. nave seen too many jokos back fie on the candidate, it's not professional and has no place in todays professionel job Interview. |B Use common sense 1H Be yoursel, but be the best version of yourself possible. We al ie to work with people we ike and who tke us. |B Turn your phone OFF, don't just leave it on “Silent. |B Watch your smal talk, “So your just the rerulter?” Won't go down vory well 1B Everyone you meets part of the interview process. Don't {el jok9s to the secretary or ask where the “tle boys room" is. Maintain your professionalism throughout RPM mal eM eth THE FORMAT OF ATYPICAL PANEL INTERVIEW Representatives from both the HR department and! Fight (Operations will conduct your siting interview. ‘Questions wil be asked in order to cover the fllowing topes: 1m About your career About yourselt ‘About the company Behavioral questions ‘Scenario based questions Technical questions Your questions to the intewiaw panel Notes FUGHTDEGK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - cx rooe Coosa 20 HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS NoVA MUS aL thought out and delivered TaN ROMO) oO VMI ‘SOUNDS SIMPLE DOESN'T IT! ‘THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS 4, “Tell us about yourself?” 2. “What attributes will you bring to this company?” 3. “Why do you want to work for our company?” ‘These are three questions that must and will be askod in ery panel interview. They are also the three ensswers that you must perform wel with in order to be a successful canddeto. FUGHTOECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK ~© osript rats Ceosing 2011 eS QUESTION 1. “Tell us about yourself” OR “Tell us about your career to date”? OF “Tell us how you got to be sitting here today”? This question is normally the interview opener. “Nice to meet you Mark, why don't you start by telling us a little bit about yourself?” ‘Some may cal it an "ice breaker" but in really itsats the I_Start off with @ quick introduction of yourself, your tone forthe remainder of tha interview. Interests and the current postion you hol. ‘Your answer must highight and concentrate primeriyon __-_ Then go al the way back to the begining of your ‘your aviation career, yu ae there for en avietion postion so intrest in aviation, leading into your fit joo and keep t aviation reated, subsequent career ‘Structure your answer using the folowing guidelines: |B Bing your story to cose with bi summary of your ‘Gutent employment. This is rofered to 2s closing the "oop" “My name is Jason Steven's, | am 28 years old, married and the father of two young girls. | am a keen fisherman and enjoy keeping fit by cycling and chasing my girls around the house. , 1am currently employed as a Dash 8 First Officer with Central Plains Airlines. | completed my commercial license in 2002 at Proflite Flying School in California and was immediately employed as a flight instructor. In 2004 | relocated to Phoenix to take up a First Officer position on a Brasilia with Phoenix Air Charter. Unfortunately shortly after my initial line check the company went Into liquidation. To support my family | undertook casual waiting jobs at night whilst job hunting by day. In December 2006 | was offered and accepted a position with Central Plains Airlines in Arizona on the Metroliner and worked my way up to the position of First Officer on the Dash 8-400" Try an example for yourself FUGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK ~ 9 copra Fermnaccarsarg 23 7 Itis essential to rehearse this answer, however it must come lover as fresh, interesting and unscripted. The best way to Schieve this i by Keeping the manner anc grammar of your “answer informe, as if you are chatting toa friend over cofte. itmasds to come from the heart and have your passion and ‘enthusiasm shine through. Stories about your time in @ particular company will keep the pane’ interested es well as making your answer persona to you “The importance of this is that when the compery has the “Wvagh up" of athe interviewees for the week they will review the nates on your particular interview. You want to stand out through Keeping your answers interesting, not by a scripted perfectly worded answer that i impersonal. Be icolal old Pansies Ta Peeks ecmrir ea UeLd ara holies THE JOB!!! Ty to create a hook in your answer, This is something the imerviewors wl feriamber you by. Unfortunately most ‘candidates tend to bland nto one another after iong days Of interviewing, If you can add in an interesting story or fact bout yoursell, this wll give them something to remember ‘you by. “the guy that grew up in Kenya, “the guy that use {6 ook after a camal head in Australie.” The guy that use 10 ‘work at that Tequila factory putting those ile red hats on the bottes."*The gi that use to drive 9 hours each way to {0 to hor fying lessons on the weekends". Hooks meke you Fremorable and create an anchor forthe interviewers to fal bback on, ‘When you discuss employment at a company aways tae about the positives ot your time there, if you find that there fare areas where you hac difficulty n certain positions and ‘imes in your Garoar the less said the bette. Femember, everything is positive, allis good, you are an Upbeat 27 happy person with @ fantastic outlook on ie! Ifiive persona i displayed then this is how the inteniowors Wil remember you, ff you come across as a negative pereon veto has had a hard career and fee's hard done by, then the intsviewers wil go avy with a negatve outlook on your ‘Sortormance and! wil cactanly think twice about employing someone with those characteristics. FUGHTOECK AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK = 0.0m near Interviewers remember negative statements. Avoid using". can't" Idonit” or have’, instead tall then you what you Ste wiling to 60 o° try and wa! you are looking forward to. Always end on @ postive ryou havent own a twin fora or operated muli-cren, sey * The opportunity hasnt presented itself as yet, however | am ready whan it doos anc Pom very much looking forward foi.” isnt that better than fsaying, haven't flown mul-crew ye.” or “I don't get to ty the twins, I'm too junio:” It you have areas of non-aviation employment then by all means meron it, however keep it bref. For exemple “From 2002 to 2004 | was ‘employed in various IT positions for two major communications ‘companies based out of Sydney.” Tips: Tak slowly end amphasts the important information. Be sincere, passionate end positive! (Don't wat or rene yours keep it short and tothe point, Thorough yat suecrt. Be cleer, concise whist using postive words. |B Never make a personal comment or opinion on someone cor something. Add in short examples of your time In particular ‘companies: 1m Remember your posture, I's not just what you say but how you say it Ge familar wth youre, your work experience and the skils you bring to tho taba. Match these with the postion and erganisetion you are interviewing tr 1m Don't tak and waste tine on relevant skls, certificates ‘and experience, leave thal information to the resume, 1B Use positive body language, don't shift in your seat, (Oss your arms, I'states nervousness and disinterest. 1m Be focused and pay attention to what is going on, having ‘a good response tothe questions being asked is erucil, QUESTION 2. “What do you have to offer our company?” Other varens of this question ean be This question is all about you and this is your ‘What altriputes will you be bringing with you? moment to ... ‘Why should we hire you? Haw do you stand out amongst the other candidates? How would your curent manager doscibe you? \Whet er your srongths? Wie are iteriewing 20 pe00l fr one postion, why sould you get the ob? “The candidate before you has an impressive resume, why should we hire you over hi? 1 What do you have to offer over and above the other candidal we are interning lodey? “There isa smple method to folow that helps anyone to answer this question. The best way to stat to write down 5 ‘descriptive words that best describe you. Expanding tne words into examples, Description plus Evidence gives Credibility “| am dedicated to my career, | worked part time in the hospitality industry for over three years in order to support my passion for flying and to allow myself to pursue my career in aviation. On completion of my commercial pilots licence | packed my bags and headed North to Darwin in hope of finding work. After 3 months of cleaning hangars | was offered my first charter flight with the company. | was told it was in reward for my hard work and dedication. | stayed with that company for over 3 years, during which time | moved up through the ranks until | was flying RPT multi- ‘crew operations on Dash-8's. Iam also very reliable. | am more than happy to help out in anyway that | can and my company know that they can always rely on me. Recently the company found themselves short staffed at the last minute so they called me on a day off, | was in the pre-flight briefing within the hour. In the past | have also helped out with extensions of duty when requested. Jam very passionate about my flying career, from a very young age | have loved aviation. | still to this day collect model aircraft and am always excited to go to work and never think of it as a chore. | wear my uniform with pride and | am always striving to do the best job possible on every flight. “lam also very honest and approachable. | am not afraid to admit fault, own up to a problem or speak up if | fee! | need to. | believe my honesty and positive outlook on life also makes me more approachable. In the past | have often found myself being approached by the “new guy” who has numerous questions about our operation and | am more than happy to sit down and go over things to help out in my spare time. These are qualities I will bring with me to Virtual Airlines.” FLIGHTDEGK. AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK -oc:p/ap erssccomaxraaat ° Below are some descriptive words to get you started, Cee ie Pec) Ere reno Emphatic Perec enue Choose five descriptive words to expand on. Hs Know your opening and closing statements. by heart and make them powerful! Greer ia Ces cera ae Coc aC FUGHTOECK AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK = 2c: cerning 285 10 FLGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - oc=pyx aguscx Oveung 20) 4 Now try combining the five words into a complete answer. How do you stand out from other candidates? A FUGHTOECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK -© cry gk Carat 2011 12 QUESTION 3. “Why do you want to work for our airline?” The answer should be 90% about the company and only 10% about you. ‘There are two great resources to help you on your way, 1m Visit the Aitines website Click on “About Us”. Here you wil find deta on such things as the companies “ethos”, headquarters, personnel, destinations etc, This a handy insight ito how the company views itsel. 1 Visit Wikipedia and search for your aitine. Prin it cut and make notes to refer Back too, ‘Ait having reseerched the company you then need to build your answer. A simple way to structure your answer is to create 8 pons 1. About the company; How you personally view the company, it’s reputation in the industry, financial state, growth, awards and any extra information that is key to the company operation. Be honest here. 2. The Aircraft they fly, the type of operation and the destinations. Why that interests you, now and for the future. 3. The people they employ, the lifestyle and the opportunity for you as a pilot. ‘Simplifying it to 3 points and then personalising it by stating why these facts are important to you is the key, Lot's have a lock at an example below. Please note thatthe facts contained inthe below example are fiction, please don't quote ths information in your interview. (1) Lwant to work for Cathay Pace because it Is a company that has consistently shown financial strength in the marke, Just last year the annual proft was $1.43, up 30% from lest year. This is important fo me because it wil offer me job security Cathay Pactic has also won many awards for excellonce over the yoars, consistently being in the top 3 Skytradks awards for “Atne of the year". The plots are regarded as the best trained inthe industry and are hugely respected, | have always ‘wanted to be the best plot that | can be and | would be very proud to work for Cathay Pacific, (2) You ty a varaty of aircraft, tram the atest B777-BO0ER to the ABGO and have over 90 aicreft currently on order, you are ‘Also about to take delivery of the new A350. Itis algo one of the yourgest fleets inthe Industry. Along with this you have a varity of destinations and operations. Ula Long Haul to regional flying. This is enportant to me as | consider Cathay a8 a ceroor move, an ane | wil stay wit for the rest of my career, Cathay wil ge me fantastic icra to fy, vanety oF fying, keeping me interested and challenged throughout my career. (3) The type of people you employ are friendly, young, professional and from all ends ofthe globe, a true international ‘company, 1 know | al enjoy going to work everyday. Cathay wil also offer me a teste change that Iwill embrace, the ‘chance 10 Ive in Hong Kong. tie for these reascn | would very much lke to work for Cathay Pacific, FUGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK ~ ore FircCxnatirg in 13 Make notes on the folowing, Company headquarters and key personnel Brief History Financial situation, business outlook and management style Alliances: FLIGHTOECK. AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK ©. tax Comino Aircraft type, numbers and orders Destinations, frequency and future destinations Key markets i.e. business, I ‘The type of people they employ And most importantly, what makes the company unique FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK = ©c:py ht rgnssexcarine 2082 _—_— Having now done your research combine your information into a unique answer. Example: Virgin Blue, Australia * Virgin Blue has an innovative approach to business with a very dynamic and forward way of thinking. | really like how they think outside of the square with their advertising campaigns. The company has a secure financial position with recent expansions internationally into the Asia Pacific region providing plenty of opportunity for advancement. They have a modern feet of aircraft that are highly efficient, flying to interesting destinations around Australia and the Pacific. Everyone within the ‘company seems to have an energy about them that is contagious, they are open, tpbeat and friendly. On a personal note working for Virgin Blue would offer me a long- term stable career with boundless opportunities in an environment that is enjoyable, ever changing and one that | would be very proud to be a part of. “Tris answers shows: 1B You have done your research, 1m You respect their compary. You ara enthusiastic about working forthe compary. 1 You-can see yoursat fiting into the cuture ofthe company. FLUGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK «0: pix aara28 16 5. OTHER POWERFUL QUESTIONS “what do you hope to gain out of employment with us?” “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” “what is your ultimate goal with our airline?” “What are your expectations of working for us?” Be honest wth your anever without sounding too sash, Kanronparuntyimgin te poate spare to NEGATIVE STYLE company. This anger realy a combination of your answer {6 wry you went to werk for Us Be honest wih Row you So ee ee QUESTIONS Negative shy questons are thereto tp you up. You must Dover caret hot to tak about your current emnoyment Example inary way ft canbe looked upon ee negative, You could csi end up contacting youre fom what hae deed been cscuseed the nfoew. “1 hope to gain a iong-term stable waite forethought, here ere sore very easy answers career with a company that offers ‘to what can appear fo be extremely difficult questions. a variety of flying, both domestic and international with a variety of modern jet aircraft. | hope to gain Tips my Captaincy on the B737 and with my instructing background : possibly move into a position of check and training. | would also 1 Show postive and confident body language. look forward to going to work Bebris. each day knowing that | would | Don't justity, just state the tacts, be operating with crew that are asian : genuinely happy, triendly and eee Faiessionel.” |B Mention only positives about the compary Dont act dejected 1B Short, to the point and move on. “What don't you like about your current job?” For Example "Lam curenty fling the largest arcreft in the company. | nave achieved all {have set out to achiove within the ‘company, AS much as | love the company and the postion, feel now is an ial tee to move on in order to saisty my ‘career objectives and goais.” FLIGHTDEOK.- AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - 0 cunt Fins Cossng 29 7 ES “What would you change about the company you currently work for if you had the chance?” For this alle of question think about how you could improve the company in ordor to make it mare efficient and effective and improve ther bottom ine. 1, *l would implement a more structured rostering system, possbly a rfing four week roster, including a rotating Standby system, Not only would this improve pilot morale ‘and even out the work load, it would aso increase productivity thereby creating a more efficient and fective company.” 2." | would consider introducing basings at two of cur busiost ports. Currently we have several plots and crew that overnight in A.and B cfties with the added expense ‘of hotels, meals anc transport. we introduced basing, lwich | know would be a popular decison among the ‘rem, | boleve the company could make significantly savings. “if you had a job offer from both us and XYZ Airlines, which one would you choose?” “This is obviousyy a delicate question and one that wil require ot of thought on your behat before the interview. Stay Upbeat and postive, Heres an exameie. “if am fortunate to be offered positions with both companies | will stick to my original goal of working with Jetblue, Jetblue can offer me the opportunities to fly a range of aircraft both domestically and internationally and I believe has the right culture fit for me as a person” Word of WARNING! Avoid at all cost any situation or answer that may be consiruad as being negate. Focus on the positives of the company you are interviewing for. NOTE! In the example above thore was no mention of XYZ Aines, Short, tothe point and move on. “Tell us about a time recently you have been under stress, how did you recognize it and how did you cope with it?” or “How do you cope with stress in general?” ‘This dossn't specitialy have to be about aviation. What they are looking for is how you cope with stress in general ard how you analyze probleme fram the past, Be honest ‘bout the problem and how it affected you without going into too much detal, Remember to add in how you cope With stress in general “A time recently when you found yourself to be stressed?” 1. "We ware fast approaching an unrealistic deadiine and it ‘was clear to me that the project woul not bo fished 10 my. stancards i time” 2."My wife’ family wore struggling financaly vith their pbusinass and we had alot of money tied up wit it” 8,1 accepted anew basing wich came in conjunction with my upgrade to command on a new aircraft type. | had 10 Trove states, which involved renting out my own house, [ooking for a new house in a now city hat | was unfamiar vith whilst studying for my command on @ new aircraft ‘ype. Try an example for yourset. “How did you recognize 1m found | was lacking concentration. 1B beceme quite irtable, people commented on my ‘moods started to fose my appetite, I wasn't sleeping very wel FLUGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK = ©0:ps Fie xabro 2014 18 “How did you deal with it?” 1m I confronted the problem head cn. 1m loxgenized a pan of attack to eolve the probiom. mI wrote oul a schedule of "must do items” in order of priory. | admitted fault and communicated this to the ‘appropriate people invoNed. | opened up the communication tines. “How do you cope with stress in general?” 1 recognize the problem and make an effort to deal with at 1B spend time with my fiends, go to BBQ's and take time ‘ut for myself 1m take the famiy dog for a walk |B fed that by going surfing and mountain bike riding | can clear my mind, | g0 to the movies, read 2 book, meditate, tak wth my gitthendy wite/coleagues about the problem and ask for thair advice, opinion, Weaknesses What i a weakness of yours? Name three of your weaknesses? What would you say is your biggest weakness? What would your superior say is your biggest weakness? |When you mention weaknesses you wert to select those that are actualy similar to your sirengihs, or attributes. You should structure your erswer to include the folowing 1m What tis Why you baieveit is a weakness 1 That you are aware oft How you cope with it What you are doing about it Ityouhave mentioned that you are “very reliable” as one of ‘your strengtha, because you always ar'ewer the phone on days of, always extend duty when required and rerly cll sick ote, Thon you can use this as a weakness, For Example What it is “find t hard to say ‘No’ to poopie.” FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - ocx atx cneutng eo 4 Why it's a weakness ‘Sometimes | end up taking too much on, | don't end up getting the ime to do anything for myset or I don't end up ‘competing the task fo the manner in which | would have liked because | didn’t nave the ime/ or say yes to work ‘when they call on a day off wren | actually had plans wath family and fends.” “Lam aware oft What you are doing about it “1am learning to balance my lifestyle between work and pparsonal commitments and prioritising my time. Other ideas for weaknesses 1. Lam a perfectionist tends to take me longer to complete a task as [ want to co it tothe best of my abilies and get it right the fst time. For example, wher |lwash and clean one of our aircraft | toxd to take around {90 minutos, most guys take about haf that time, tha is just me, lam aware oft and when | take on a task ke that | ust make sure | have to time avaiable to doit to the standard Ike t0." ES 2. "My love and passion for aviation can also be a weekness. I tend to ‘ak too much about aviation, | ive and breath itand | know this can annoy those close to me. | am ‘aware off, 80 Ido try to make an effort to lit my talk of ‘vation, oat least keep my aviation tac contained within ‘the werk environment ony." 8. "em very open and honest, Sometimes | tend to engage my mouth before my bran. Sometimes this can come foress as rude or insensitive, when I certainly never intended it a be so. | am known ‘or caling 2 spade a ‘Spade, |am aware of it, so now | siow down and make Sur | think about things before | open my mouth!" Overcoming Negatives Most of us at some point in our careers have been let goo! had extended periods of unemeloymant or lft a job on bad terms, everyone has that skeleton in ther closet, including those who are conducting the interview ‘The important thing is how you deal with itn under the pressure of an interviow. I you go into the interview carrying Baggage from a previous situation the interdewers wil most certainly pick up on it and probe deeper untl your true ‘eelings are exposed for the world to see. Don't offer up any negate information, but at the same time don't avoid or fe about it. As a general rue if i's not a problem for you t wont be & problem for them, Tips: if you have had extended periods of unemployment highlight ppostively Row you filed your time. “During the downturn of 2008 | found myself un-employed for a period of six months. Whilst still actively job hunting | filled in my extra time by starting a fitness regime of cycling, swimming and yoga. For mental stimulation every Friday | worked as a volunteer at the local school library.” It you were let go by your last employer state what you learnt ‘rom the experiance. FLIGHTOECK- AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK ~0°: Higher Cero 201 «4. “with my cacetrae and positive happy go lucky arttude tend to lose things, | get so caught up in the moment vith ether work oF francs that when | eave a place | just simply forget tings tke my keys, or motile phone, Gosh, the number of phones | hve latin tax’! | am certainly ‘wate of it end | now make a conscious effort to check that | have these items before | move on.” ‘6. Lam very trusting, | have found in the past that | have ‘been taken advantage of because ofthis, | have lent ‘money to frends, never to see it again. {am learning to ‘say no and fo rust my instincts.” “Following a disagreement with my chief pilot over... I was let go of my position. It was a good learning experience for me. After much solf-analysis of the situation I came to the realization that by listening more carefully to my chief pilot | would have avoided the conflict and the end result.” In the previous example we have not avoided fault havent made excuses and have turned the situation nto @leaming experience, When adoressing negative questions itis best to Keep the information to a minimum, short and to the point. Don't labor the situation, you wil sound ike you are making excuses ard that you are tying to convince the interview team of your point of view, ths can only lead to a nagative outcome, ‘Ao acronym we encourage you to Use is SAS SUMMERISE AND STOP TELLUS ABOUT A TIME .....? “These type of questions are known as behavioral questions ‘and the theory, righty of wrongly is that how you have Denavad, reacted, managed, conducted yourself in the pest |g an ination of now you wil behave in the future. They fare a feature of the moder job interview and can be quite ‘daunting to the unpreparod. ‘Behavioral questions generally fll into three categories. 1. Example Based Questions 2. Negative or Difficult Questions 8, Open Ended Questions Write down & short exarnole for the folowing, 6. BEHAVIOURAL QUESTIONS In preparation for these questions we recommend putting together a list of at least five scenarios that you have PERSONALLY ben Invoived with. They must be aviation related. Once you have thought out and planned your ‘examples you can adapt ther to vitually any question that is thrown your wey. Ifthe interview is purely based on behavioral questions (No “Tactvical questions) itis advised to come up with at least ‘eight scenarios. ‘The folowing arcas must be covered: 1m Planning Teamwork 1m Confit Communication 1m Error making and recovery When have you been involved with a task that had a deadline? (Hint; ATPL’ or airraft conversions are good for this example.) An occasion when you worked successfully in a team environment. ‘Hint; toam can consist of yourslf, ground stl, loaders andl other crewmembers.) 3. Atime you have had difficulty working with a colleague? (Ht; Be honest, say what was ditfcll, don't offer excuses, end on how you dealt with it) FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - 0 cirya fii Cxaitne 201) 4, When you had to change your communication style to sult your audience. tins Soveone where Engish was ter second language, or non aiaioneer20n) 5, When have you have not performed to your manager's expectations? prt Ts shou be ear on in your carer when mtakos te expected tobe mace) iow thatyou nave your examples, when structing your The Action Taken sivers follow ths three-part process using the acronym: S = __ The Situation. A = __ The Action Taken. © = __ The Outcome. “give an example of a time you had to act quickly on your feet?” “This is an example:based question. ‘The Situation I was operating a charter fight from ‘Moree to Brisbane in a Cessna 310 with four passengers on board. On reaching the circuit area and lowering the landing ‘gear | received both visual and oral cues that the left gear was not fully extended. FUGHTDECK AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK = 0 ceramics I silenced the waming horn by retracting the flaps, which both calmed the passengers and allowed me to focus ‘on the task at hand. | actioned the ‘appropriate checklist which included manually extending the landing gear. This ‘gave me the required three green lights indicating the To further confirm the gear was down I requested a fly by of the tower. After confirmation by the tower | extended the landing flaps to ensure there was no warning horn. The Outcome I completed my landing checklist and ‘made a normal approach and landing. On disembarking the group leader ‘commented on my calm demeanor and professionalism during a tense situation. gear was down and locked. ‘Now use your examples to answer the folowing questions, Describe a time you used logic to solve an unusual situation? The Situation Your Actions ‘The Outcome FLIGHTDECK- AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK -© oxy ai Gran Describe to us a time you led a team to a successful outcome? The Situation The Outcome FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - eprops 26 Toll us about a time you have had a personal conflict with a work colleague? The Situation Your Actions The Outcome FUGHTDEGK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - 0 cinytrsguaskcoautns 20 When have you had to change your communication style to get your point across? The Situation Your Actions ‘The Outcome FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK = cpa) Figs Gatne at 26 26 Tell us about a time your performance was lacking? How did you recognize it and what did you do to resolve the situation? The Situation The Outcome FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - © xcamaeaz 27 More examples of behavioral question you should be prepared for, FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK ~ Describe a situation in which you were able to use rsuasion fo successfuly convince someone to see things your way. Describe a tme when you were faoad with a stress situation that demonstrated your coping skis. Give me a spectic example of atime when you used {good judgment an logic in solving a problem. Give me an example ofa time wihen you set a goal end were able to meet or achieve it. Tall me 2bout a time when you had to use your presentation sklls to infuence someone's opinion. Give me a specific exemple ofa time when you had to conform to a policy with weich you did not agree with, Please discuss an important wrillen cocumant you were required to complete, Tell me about a tie you had to do a monotonous task, how did you keep motivated. “ell me about a time when you had to go above and ‘beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done ‘Tel me about a timo when you had too many things to do and you were requiced to priortize your tasks. Give me an exemple of atime when you had to make a spit second decision. What is you typical way of dealing with contict? Give me fen example “ell me about a time you were able to successfully dea! with anothe” parson even when that individual may not have porsonally liked you (or vice versa) “Tal me about a dificult decision you've made in the last year, Give me an example ofa time when something you tried to accompli had faied apa ek Coeeg 2311 ‘Gwe me an example of when you showed sitiative and 100k the lead Tel me aout a recent situation in which you had to deal. with a very upset customer or co-worker, Give me an example of a time when you motivated others. Tell me about a ime when you delegated 2 project effective. Give me en example of atime when you used your fact finding sklls to solve @ problem. ‘Tel me about atime when you missed an obvious solution to a problem. Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems ‘nd developed preventive measures, Tall me ebout a tine when you were forced to make an unpopular decision. Pease tel me about a time you had to fe someone you were fond of Describe a time when you set your sights 109 high (or 100, low ‘Atime you had ta completa a task that was well below {your sil level, ow did you keap motivated? ‘A problem on the aircraft for which there were no ‘Standard Operating Procedures to folow. ‘A time you had to deal with a change in your work fervironment What is the longost duty you have had and now cid you prepare fri Most airlines will ask technical questions during the interview. The types of questions will range from Instrument Flight Rules, General Aeronautical Knowledge, Meteorology, and Aeradynamies etc. retions willbe When structuring your answers be sure to keep found in your own notes and manuals as wel as forums or response short and tothe point, Cont allow yourselt pilot chat webstos. As the range of technical questions isthe opportunly to get confusac! and tangled up. ifthe Yast its not the intention of this work booket to provide —_interviewer requires more detal let them ask frit. answers to all the questions but to provide you with {uidance on now to structure your answers. You wil be asked questions on your current aire type, routes and destinations you serve, Be sure you stucy up on these items. no best information avaliable on thes This is an open-ended question. “Describe to us what TCAS is?” “TCAS is an acronym for Traffic Collision Avoidance System. It provides coordinated maneuvers to the pilots of aircraft that are transponder equipped in order to avoid a collision”. Now wait for the interviewer to ask further questions. Another example. Why do some aircraft have winglets? “Winglets reduce drag by preventing the mixing of the upper and lower airflow" What type of drag does it reduce? “Induced Drag” OK, When is induced drag at its greatest? “During Take Off & Landing” FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK -©O::y/ Fx Connor) This is a far better way to structure your answer and avoid confusion than, “Some aircraft have winglets to reduce drag by preventing the mixing of the upper and lower airflow therefore reducing wingtip vortices therefore reducing induced drag, resulting in decreased fuel burn and therefore increase range, Induced drag is at its highest during take off and landing BLAH, BLAH, BLAH” Get the idea! ‘When answering open ended questions (hose that ask you helping to guide you through your answer, denser someting) Keep your answer Di’, Answer asf Sorneof the topies that can be aska have so much deoth He eeS ceplainn the Topic to someone who has no avon 0 them that tis hard to know where fo stat anc fish end Wisience: Te dea that you answer the question inbief therefore can open up the opportunity of igang yoursel {nd expec! the interviswer 10 ask furor cuestions, therefore into a hole! ‘One more example; “What is GPWS? “GPWS stands for Ground Proximity Warning System. It is a system built into the aircraft in order to aid the pilots to avoid Controlled Flight into Terrain”. How many alert modes are there? It consists of seven modes all of which have a voice announcement to bring the pilots attention to the immediate threat. Such as ‘Terrain, Pull Up.” (Ok, What is enhanced GPWS? “Enhanced GPWS uses a built in terrain database which combined with GPS allows the system to look forward rather than just vertically as is the case with traditional GPWS, ultimately giving the pilot's more time to react.” EXAMPLES OF COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS “What is the missed approach obstacle clearance?” “What happens to stall speed as load factor increases?” “what are your actions in the event of windshear on take off?” “Why does the B747 have wing tips and the B77 doesn’t? “Why does the airbus A330/A340 carry fuel in the tail?” “Deseribe to us the corioles effect?” “What do you know about typhoons in the Asia Pacific region?” “What is ETOPS?” FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK = 6 pg maton Pa Saree Building questions can play an important part in an interview, some airlines like to place the candidate under stress by asking a “no win situation” style of question. They want to see how you handle the stress and whether or not you dig yourself a hole and if so how you handle it? “Your Captain breaks a rule in flight, what do you do about it?” “1 would bring it to his attention, maybe he didn't realize he made the error.” “Ok now that you have brought it to his attention, he tells you he is a senior check Captain and to mind your own business, what will you do now?” “I would say that | was new in this position and that my understanding of the Standard Operating Procedures was ... | would explain that | have a command t0 look forward to and that | would like to keep a clean slate with work and not have any incidents on record, so whilst we fly together do you mind if WE stick to the normal procedures.” “How far would you take the matter?” “if it become a flight safety risk such as an unstable approach and no corrective action was taken | would firmly call "Go Around’, if there was stil no action taken I would be obliged to take over". “if it was a blatant act of breaking tules and he continued to do it on the following sectors | would advise him that if he didn't stop that | would be forced to submita flight safety report” \GHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - 6 cxnst Fane The best way around awiward situations is to point out the basic facts and the company procedures and then put the ‘onus back on the Captain ‘Always give someone the opportunity to own up to an incident batore you go and repor it to the chie! plat, always, inform the pereon you are going to report rim or her “You smell alcohol on the Captains breath, what are you going to do about it” “1 would take the Captain aside. | would explain that I can smell alcohol on his breath and that | was concerned. | would strongly advise him to report unfit for duty” “And if he refused or denied it “| would ask him not to put me into a position where | would have to report him" Exoiain the facts, the consequences and oifer a solution, ~ at 9. TOP 50 INTERVIEW USD 1m Tell us about your career to date? Why did you want to be a pilot? What do your parents think of your chosen career? ‘What motivates you? How do you motivate others? What goal are you yet to achieve? ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 yoars? How have you furthered your education, do you think ithas helped your career? Name a highlight of your career. What was the lowest point in your career? 1m Have you ever failed any aviation tests? Flight test, ‘written test? What did you do to pass it in the end? What is a weakness of yours? 1& How would your bestfriend describe you? 1 How would your Chief Pilot describe you? Does your Chief Pilot know you are here today? Do they support you being here? = What don’t you lke about your current position? |B How would you change the company you work for, now? What do you admire most about your immediate superiors and why? 1m Who do you admire most in your family, why? |m Who has been your biggest support? What sort of reference would they give you? What was your toughest subject at school/university/ aviation? Why? 1m What was your favourite subject, why? 1m What attributes do you possess that you believe will help our organisation. 1m Any accidents or incidents, tellus about thom? | Tell me about a dificult decision you had to make in the last year? FLUGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK ~ cp ts Conta 2011 What attributes do you believe a good airline captain possess? Why do you want to work for us? How do you see yourself helping our organisation? How important do you think on time performance is for our company? Who is the CEO, Chairman, Chief Pilot of our company? How many aircraft do we have, types, how many on order, types? What is our share price? What was our profit last year? Do you know what bases we have on offer to our pilot's? ‘Are you willing to live anywhere? ‘What are our destinations? Do you know anyone who works here? What would you say has been a challenge for our ‘compary in the last year? ‘What do you think will be a challenge for our company in the near future? In our companies history what do you consider is the lowest point? The highest point? What i the role of a First Officer? Bo you know how long you can expect be in our company before you can upgrade to Captain? We have a lot of young Captains in this company, how will you handle that? Do you think you will be happy living in this country? ‘What will you do during your time off? Why don't you want to live in your own country? ‘What do you see is the biggest personal challenge about joining our company? What do your family think of you working for our ‘company and moving to this country? What will you do if you don't get this position? 32 During the group exercises you will be separated into groups of 8-10 and assigned identical tasks to the other groups. There is normally a 3 limit and some form of a problem to solve. Sometimes you will be given a problem to solve without al of the information and other times it may require using your own experience and knowledge to complete a task, Use whatever facilities or equipment you have available to you in the classroom. A whiteboard/ chairs/ tables/ clock etc. Try to be as collaborative, organised and professional as possible.” You will be observed from a céstance by the faciitators. They wil Observe how you behave in a team envircrment The fanitaters ara looking fora variety of characteristics. ‘These can be summarized bolow, | Team interaction and participation, |B Ablty to speek up and voice your own opinion infront of the group, 1B Leadership sks without boing overbearing, 1 Ablty to folow orders 1m_Friondliness and respect towards your work colleagues. Your overall porsonalty. The faclitators on the day are looking for an overall behavior that wil sult thei alrines own areraw profle. Alvays 02 Upbeat and positive. Don’t be afr 10 speak up if recuted, however romembar to follow instructions and respect others inthe group. Balance is the key. FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK -. Tip: Remember your manners Pay attention, folaw the dractions and get involved, 00 build on something someone else has sald. Dol ion, be colaborative, de othars in the conver DO make your points andi ertoised, be preparad to stand up for yoursalf and diplomatically point out why you balieve your opinions are val. | DONOT intertupt someone wien they are expressing that ideas, DO NOT rejact someone else's idea without a good roason 1 DONOT be overbearing i DONOT sit quiaty wile other candidates make their pints without making your own DO help the group reach @ conclusion inthe time allocated, EXAMPLES 1. Complete a jigsaw puzzle whore other groups may have some of your ploces. Thereby looking at group to group interaction. 2. Emergency situation problem solving, tke baing stranded inthe south poe, what equpment would you take to walk ‘to base camp, choose only 20 itoms from the 40 tems avaiable? ‘Stranded in the desert, whet equipment would you tke To have i you could have 10 items, list them in order or Importance. 4, Job candidates and a postion sought Works out the best Candidate for the postion. Diferent information given (on diferent cards anc you are not informed of these ferences. 33. Group Exercise Detailed Example 1 (On your way back from a holiday in South America, your shutie fight to the airport is forced to make an emergency landing in @ smal clearing inthe Exazilan rainforest. You, the pilot, and your fellow passengers have only sustained ‘minor injuries but tho plane has broken into pieces and the communication equipment has been destroyed inthe imp. Before the plane crashed the pilot had reported a probiern with one of the engines, so there Is @ good chance that the authorities wil stat looking for you when you fall to arrive st your destination. However, the forest is vry den'so and it will take days to reach the edge of it on foot You cannot remain where you are as there is a danger that the aeroplane tual wil catch fe, On searching through the \wreckage ana the remains of your suitcases you fa the following tems: A guide to South American plant species 9 elasticated luggage straps 6 frozen airline meals 4 blankets from the plane A pack of 24 anti-malaria tablets A. metre square piece of opaque plastic sheeting Tourist map of Brazil 2 large bottles of factor 12 sunscreen ‘Mobile phone with GPS, fully charged 1 litre bottle of the local alcoholic spirit 3 boxes of chocolate chip cookies 4 current paperback novels First ald box ‘Compass Flare gun with one flare ‘A Swiss Army knife A book of matches from the hotel ‘You are unable to carry more then 7 items from this (tems containing more than one object stil count as one iter), Ths is an éxarnpie of one kind of group exercise that you ray encounter at an assessment cent: 1m You and your group have found yourselves in a perilous sstuation as described inthe above document. There ie along lst of tems that you can use to aid your survival, but you can only take a small number of these items with you (the numb will be specifi. 1B Your tasks to work out botween yourselves which tems you wil take, and explain why you have chosen these itome, The assessors wil normally watch from the edge of the room, with each assessor focusing on a specific FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK © cpr snr Coss ‘candidate, They wil play no part in the exercise and you will normaly forget they are there. There willbe no defiite right or wrong answer to this ask; the assessors ara interested more in how you work {8a team and the process through which you come to group consensus. Group members will be scored.on + their ncviduel input, rather than the overall result forthe group, so someone may stil do very wel in a team that has faied to reach a conclusion The exercise will usually last 15 to 20 minutos. At the ond of the exercise, a member ofthe group wal be asked to ‘write Ist of chosen tems on a fp chart. FRead through tha attached exercise, and i possible, ty it ‘out with some trends. Group Exercise Detailed Example 2 with answers Included is information rom the faciltatore point of view and handy tis. ‘You and your companions have just survived the crash of ‘a smal plane. Both the plot and co-pilot were lad inthe Crash, ILis mid-January, and you are n Northern Canada, “The cally tomperature Is 25 below zera, and the nighttime tompereturo is 40 below zero, There is snow on the ‘ground, and the countryside Is wooded with several creeks Crisscrossing the area. The nearest town is 20 miles away, You are all dressed in cly clothes appropiate for a business ‘meeting, Your group of survivors managed to savage the folowing items: Aball of stee! wool Asmall ax A loaded .45-caliber pistol Can of Crisco shortening Newspapers (one per person) Cigarette lighter (without fluid) Extra shirt and pants for each survivor 20 x 20 ft. plece of heavy-duty canvas A sectional air map made of plastic One quart of 100-proof whiskey Acompass Family-size chocolate bars (one per person) Your task as a group isto list the above 12 tems in orcer cof importance for your survival. List the uses for each. You MUST come to agraoment 2s a group, Your task 2s a group isto lst the above 12 items in order of imoortance for your survival. Lst the uses ‘or each. You MUST come to agreement as a group. EXPLANATION Mid-anuzry isthe coldest time of year in Norther Canada. ‘The fist problem the survivors fave is the preservation of body heat and the protection against ts loss. This problem can bo solved by building fre, Miewnzing movement and exertion, sing @s much insulation as possible, and constructing « sheter ‘The perticisants have just crash landed. Many individuals tend to overlook the enormous shock reaction this has fn the human body, and the deaths ofthe plot and co- pilot increases the shock, Decision-making under such Groumstances i extremely otfcut, Such a situation requires @ strong emphasis cn the Use of reasoning for making decisions end for reducing fear and panic. Shock would be shown inthe survivors by felings of helplessness, loneliness, hopelessness, ard feer, These feelings have ‘brought about more fatalities than perhaps any other cause in survival stuations, Certainy the state of shock means the ovement of the survivors sould be at a minima, an that fan attempt to calm them should be made, Belore taking off, a plot has to fie a fight plan which ‘contains vital information such as the course, speed festimated time of arrival, type of acral, and number o passengers, Search-ancd-tescve operations bagin shortly fatter the fala ofa plane to aopear at its destination at the estimated time of rival The 20 miles to the nearest town s along walk under even ideal conditions, partculaly fone Is not used to walking ‘such distances, In this stuation, the walk is even more lficult duo to shock, snow, dress, and water bamers. Itwould meen almost cortan death from freezing andl ‘exhaustion. At temperatures of minus 25 to minus 40, the toss of body heat through exertions 2 very serious matter. (Once the survivors have found ways to keep warm. their nt task isto attract the attention of search planes. Thus, all the tems the group has salvagod must be assessed for ther value in signaling the group's whereabouts. The ranking of the survivors items was made by Mar \Warnig, a former insituctor In survival training forthe Reconnaissance Schoo! cf the 10 1st Division of the US. ‘Amy. Mr, Wanvig curronty conducts wiemess survival traning program inthe Minnoapoits, Minnesota area, ‘This survival simulation game is used in mitary training classrooms. RANKINGS 1. Cigarette lighter (without fluid) The gravest danger facing the group is exposure to col. ‘The groatest need is for a sourca of warmth and the second greatest nead is for signaling devices. This makes bulking a ire the rst order of business. Without matches, something 'S needed to produce sparks, and even without fhid, a cigarette ighter can do that, 2. Ball of steo! woo! To make a fre, the survivors need a means of catching IGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK ~ cone Fete he sparks mada by the cigeret lohler. This i sSubstanoe for catching a spark and supporting a lame, even ifthe steal wool is. ite wet 3, Extra shirt and pants for each survivor Besides adding warmth tothe body, cloth be Used for shelter, sgnaling, bedding, bandages, string {when unraveled), and fuel forthe fre. 4, Can of Crisco shortening This has many uses. A mirror-ike signaling device can be made trom the lid. Ater shining the id with steel wo), t wil reflect sunlight and generate 5 to 7 milion canclepower. Ts is bright enough to be seen beyond the horizon. While this ‘could be limited sornewhat by the trees, a memiber of the ‘grOup could cimb a tree and! use the miored Id to signal Search planes, I thay had no other means of signaling than this, hey would have a better than €0% chance of being reoued within tho frst day. “There are other uses for ths item. It can be rubbed on exposed ski Tor protection against the coud. When melted Into an ol the shortening i helpful as fuel. When sosked into a piace of cloth, melted shortening wil act Ike @ candle, The empty ean fs useful in meiting snow for drinking water. It is much safer fo drink wermad water than to eat snow, since warn water wil hap retain body heat. Water is important because dehydration wil affect decision-making. The can is ‘also useful asa cup. 5. 20 x 20 foot piece of canvas. The cold makes sholtor necessary, and canvas would protect against wine and snow (canvas is used in making tents). Spread on a frame made of tres, it oui be used as tent or awn screen, might also be used as a ground ‘cover to keep the survivars cry. I'S shape, when contrasted wih the eurrounding terran, makes ita signaling device. 6. Small ax ‘Survivors need a constant supply of wood in order to ‘maintan the fre, The ax could be used for this as well as ‘or clearing a sheltered campsite, cuting tree branches for {ground insulation, and conetructing a frame for the canvas, ent 7. Family size chocolate bars (one per person) ‘Chocolate wil provide some food energy. Since it contains ‘mostly certohyorates, it suppies the energy without making digestive demands on the body. ‘8. Newspapers (one per person) “These aro usofulin starting a fe. They can aiso be used as inatition under clothing when roled up and placed around ‘a person’ arms and legs. A newspaper can also be used {a5 a verbal signaling device when rolled up in a megaphone- Shape. it could also provide reading matetal for recreatio 9. Loaded .45-caliber pisto! ‘The pistol provides a sound signaling dovice international cistress signal is shots fred in rapid secession), There have bean numerous cases of Sunivors (going undetected because they were too weak to make a leud enough noise to aract attention, The butt ofthe pistol Could be used as a hammer, and the powder from the shal wil assist in fre buldng, By placing a small bt of cloth in a cartidge emptied of its bulet, one can start a fro by fring the gun at dry wood on the ground. The pistol also hes some serious cisadvantages, Anger, frustration, impatience, inital, and lapses of rationality may increase as the group awaits rescue, The avalebily ofa letfial weapon Is a danger ta the group under these conditons. Although a pistol coult be used in hunting, t would take an expert marksman 10 kil an animal with ft, Thon the enimal would have to bo transported tothe crash site, which could prove dificult to Impossible depending on its siz. 10. Quart of 100 proof whiskey The only uses of whiskey are as an aid inte building and as 2 fuel fora torch (made by soaking a piece of clothing in the ‘whiskey and attaching it to a tree branch). The empty bottle ‘ould be used for string water. The danger of whiskey is that somaona might crink it, thinking it would bring warmth Alcohol takes on the temperatura it's exposed to, and a dlink of minus 30 degrees ahrenhet whiskey woud freeze a person's esophagus and stomach. Alcohol also dlates the blood vessels in the skin, resulting in chilled blood belong Ccartied back tothe heart, resulting ina rap loss of body heat. Thus, a drunk person is more ikely to get hypathermia than a sober person . FLUGHTDEOK- AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK 11. Compass Because @ compass might encaurage someone 10 ty to walk to the nearest town, iis @ dangerous ita. It's only reccering feature is that could be used as a retlector of sunlight (du to its lass top). 42, Sectional air map made of plastic This is also among the least desirable ofthe items because will encourage indviduass to try to walk to the nearest town. Ie’ only useful feature is as a ground cover to keep someone ay. How to score Each team shou list is top § choices in order prior to seeing the answer shest. To award points, fook atthe ranking numbers on ts answer sheet. Avard points to teach leam’s top choices accarding to the numbers here. For exemple, the map would earn 12 points, while the steel wool ‘would eam 2 ports, Lowest score wins (and survives). Oomph FapceckOestng 21 38 ‘any further help with your inter do rot hasta to contact us at consulting. We also offer one on one coaching sessions. Piease conta us for turther details, Best of luck with your airline interview. From the team at FLIGHTDECK CONSULTING. FLIGHIDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - 0 cspruytFityu: a7 Note: FLIGHTDECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - oc Notes DECK - AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - 0:59 rest “4 Notes ~~ AIRLINE PILOT WORKBOOK - 42 FugHtt The Complete Airline Pilot Interview Work Book has been designed by current airline pilots for future airline pilots. The authors have over 25 years of combined airline experience operating the B747-400, B777, A330, A340 and Embraer 170/190 as well as working in recruitment for a major international airline. Inside this work book we have covered every aspect of the airline pilot interview with examples and guidance on answering the toughest behavioral and technical questions” yh bill PAL Tete U UT Ce

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