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Middle School Family Intake Form

*Please return with your student by Monday*

Student name:______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian names: _____________________________________
Siblings/other people that live with student:______________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________
Preferred Method of Contact:



Parent Box

Other (specify)

Does your student have any extracurriculars (or other important info.
about their schedule), and on what days and times? ________________

Are there any specific projects, lessons, trips, or other school functions
you and/or your student are interested in exploring this year? If you have
resources or connections to facilitate making these happen, do share!

What celebrations, strengths, and awesomeness about your child can you
share with our teaching team? Add paper as needed .
On what challenges and skills would you like to see your child focus?
They can be personal, academic, or extracurricular.
Any other information you would like to share?

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