What Are Possible Topics For A Feature Article

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What are possible topics for a feature article?

am to do an assignment at school which requires
me to research a topic that will interest the
public; expressing a specific opinion about
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What are possible topics for a feature article?
I am to do an assignment at school which requires me to research a topic that will interest the
public; expressing a specific opinion about that topic i.e. coming from a certain angle. It should
also be a piece of writing that would be suitable for a newspaper or magazine.
I was thinking something along the lines of Global Warming, Alternative Energy
Resources/Society's Dependence on Crude oil or something to do with Australian Politics (since
I'm Australian :)).
I would also like to know the possible viewpoints/opinions that I can express in the writing as
Thanks in advance.
Asked on July 23, 2010 at 4:28 AM by jiggle-boi
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8 Answers | Add Yours

litteacher8 | High School Teacher | (Level 3) Distinguished Educator
Posted on July 25, 2011 at 6:32 AM
Alternative energy is a hot button issue these days. The problem is that we depend too much on
oil. This makes us reliant on countries that are unstable in regions of the world that are corrupt.
We also damage the environment and waste resources. Yet though this has been discussed and
researched for years, the Holy Grail of invention, we still have no viable options.
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clairewait | High School Teacher | (Level 1) Educator Emeritus

Posted on July 23, 2010 at 4:50 AM

Can I be completely honest with you? How interested are you (really) in global warming? How
interested is anyone, at this point? It is one of the most overly debated topics in society right
now, and in a school newspaper, I simply can't see that being interesting - no matter how well
you write it. :) Sadly, the same thing is true for alternative energy and politics...
When writing feature articles in newspapers (or magazines, or any other publication really) the
first thing a good author thinks about is this: Who is my audience and what do they care about?
Well, who is your audience in a school newspaper? Students and teachers - and really, more
students than teachers.
Write about a social topic kids are currently living out - something that not only pertains directly
to them, but perhaps something they don't know about things they do EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Here are some things that come to mind:

Technology: dangers of cell phones, facebook, texting, etc. (trust me, not only do these
exist, but it would be easy to write about and easy to make relevant to your peers).


Relationships: are teens talking to their parents more or less these days? Why? Are most
teenagers happy/satisfied with their friendships/relationships at school? Why?


Body image: I know this one is border-line overdone, but the fact is, it is always relevant
to teenagers.


Stress: are graduation requirements creating more stress than good? What makes teenage
lives so stressful? Healthy ways of coping with teenage stress... etc.
Anyway, hope some of these things get your creative juices flowing. I personally think the best
research papers come from a topic that is immediately applicable to your life. Sure alternative
energy and global warming exist, but when you start researching you are going to find that these
topics are almost too big to make relevant at this point. I'd narrow it down to an age
demographic (yours) and go from there.

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jimmyanderson | eNotes Newbie

Posted on April 24, 2015 at 5:01 AM
Topics can be related to local issues.
1. Recent technology

2. Mobile usage in school

3. Drunk Driving
4. Art or Museum
5.Student Blogging.
These 5 topic are related to local issues and this is really easy assignment topics, many online
resources are providing high class research assistance to complete your assignment writing.
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Wiggin42 | Student, Undergraduate | (Level 2) Valedictorian

Posted on June 29, 2014 at 6:10 PM
Topics can be related to local issues.
1. Social media and technology
2. students and cell phone usage in school
3. Drunk Driving
4. Local authors.
5. Book Review
6. Local dining review.
7. Animal shelter
8. Art or Museum
9.Student Blog review.
10. Local sports events
11. small business interviews.
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mchandrea | Student, College Junior | (Level 1) Salutatorian

Posted on June 26, 2014 at 7:50 AM
I used to write feature articles in our school paper. Whenever I lack ideas, I always check out the
newspaper for current issues. What's happening in my city? Country? The world? There would
always be things people never stop talking about like global warming, globalization, corruption,
poverty, abortion, gay marriage, etc.
You could also feature someone, a person of importance that would interest your readers. Like
maybe your principal who has a secret hobby.
You can always talk about what's new with the school, the students, the teachers. "How students
deal with stress" or "Does relationships affect studies" or even "How facebook affects social
One thing I love about writing feature is that the author is allowed to write with an open mind
and there is a wide range of topics.
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user3161340 | eNotes Newbie

Posted on March 19, 2014 at 10:06 AM
we have been given the same homework and we are supposed to even take photos and
edit..so when i talk about relationships and abortion how am i supposed to find such
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kblakesley | High School Teacher | eNotes Newbie

Posted on August 3, 2010 at 3:20 PM
Researching an article to appear in a public newspaper or magazine is very different than
researching an article for a school newspaper. All feature articles should take into account the
audience they will reach and the specific interests of that audience.
Public newspapers and magazines feature topics on political issues, world disasters, world
hunger, world peace, current technology trends and articles on influence and important people.

Refine your search for a subject matter that is relevant to the people in your area. A good
example is the flooding that is taking place in many parts of the world. Refine your research to
one or more of the following:
1. Describe the area affected by the flood.
2. Describe the people in the area and how it has affected them.
3. Where to find assistance for flood victims.
4. Possible proactive ways to avoid flooding in the future.
5. Government reaction to the flood area and what they are doing for the people.
6. Insurance issues for individuals in the flood area. This would include could they buy flood
insurance, what insurance companies provide flood insurance, how good is the flood insurance
and so on.
Don't be afraid to go outside of the box and research controversial subjects such as gay rights,
abortion and other issues. Find a topic that is interesting to you. Expand on the topic using who,
what, when, where and how.
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jiggle-boi | Student, College Freshman | (Level 1) Honors

Posted on July 23, 2010 at 5:02 AM
Thank you so much :) I really appreciate the help; I think your suggestion about technology will
be a good topic for me to focus on. You've definitely got my creative juices flowing now :) haha.
Once again, thank you.
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