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Student Teacher: Lindsey Lampognana

Lesson Date: September 29, 2016

Grade Level: 4
Name of Lesson: Character Traits

Content Standard (This may include GLEs, District Power Standards, and/or CMT/CAPT Strand):

Correctly use frequently confused words (e.g., to, too, two; there, their).

Student Learning Objective(s)

What is the intended learning outcome of this lesson? Be sure it is observable and includes clear criteria.
NOTE: use Blooms Taxonomy to assist this work. Are there students who will require an accommodation or modification
to meet this lessons objective?

Students will be able to evaluate the meaning of a sentence ELL students will work with an ELL teacher to translate the
and select the correct homophone to complete the sentence meaning of the sentences and the problems posed.
with 85% accuracy.

Rationale for Objective: How does this lesson support previous and subsequent learning?
After observation, I have concluded that my host class struggles with commonly confused homophones. This lesson
supports previous and subsequent learning as it builds on their grammar skills to help improve future writing.

State the specific strategy (ies) and tool(s) used to collect the data for each SLO (i.e., essays, projects, quizzes, exit slip,
worksheet, etc.). Are there students who will require an accommodation or modification to this lessons assessment?

The students will use Plickers to answer a series of multiple ELL students will work with an ELL teacher to translate the
choice questions. Each student will be assigned a Plicker
meaning of the sentences and the problems posed.
card that allows the teacher to record their answers and see
where each individual struggles or thrives.

Materials/Resources needed for this lesson

Screen-cast made by teacher explaining the

difference between the commonly confused
homophones being focused on
Template for notetaking
A computer for each student
Plicker app downloaded on the iPad/iPhone
A Plicker card for each student

ELL teacher if applicable

Differentiating Instruction
How will you differentiate to meet the needs of your learners (i.e., what you teach, how you teach, or how you will assess).

Rev. 7/2015


I will be using a screen-cast to teach the meat of the lesson. By using a video I made personally, I am able to teach the
homophones of my choosing as well as focus the attention of my lesson as I please (as opposed to finding a video on
YouTube). By using a 5-10 minute screen-cast, students are also able to pause or rewind and re-watch different sections as
they need. Students are able to learn at their own speeds and by seeing (visual learners), hearing my voice explain the
material (auditory learners), and practicing after the screen-case lesson (learn through doing). Each portion of the lesson is
also hands-on to keep the students actively involved and interested.


Cite how you will engage learners, activate prior learning and present the lessons objective.
Explaining: A) What they will be doing and learning in the lesson; B) How they will demonstrate learning; C) Why it is
important to their everyday lives.
To initiate the lesson, I will simply explain how we will be reviewing the commonly confused homophones to help improve
the clarity of their writing. We will also be doing fun hands-on activities using technology to reinforce what we learn. The
students will demonstrate their learning through activities on Padlet and Plicker. This lesson is extremely important to their
everyday lives because students must be able to differentiate between the homophones in order to fully understand the
text they read as well as provide clarity in their own written work.

Lesson Development
Cite how you will provide opportunities for the students to construct meaning. List the steps/process you will follow. Be
sure to identify how you will check for understanding and collect formative data. Are there students who will require an
accommodation or modification in order to be active participants in this lesson?

Students will begin by watching a screen-cast made by me that explains the homophones we will be working on the
difference between each of them. Students will be provided with a template to fill in to keep as their notes.
Once all students have completed their templates, they will go on to The teacher will post fill-in-the-
blank statements (one at a time) and students must answer by creating their own text bubble on the screen with
the correct word. This is good practice because it allows the teacher to see where the class is struggling as a whole
and can review the material before the assessment. It also allows students to answer honestly because they can
post anonymously.

How will you question students in order to evaluate if the objective(s) was met? How will you help students to connect this
lesson to previous and subsequent lessons as well as connect to their own lives? How will you help the students see the
relevancy of the lesson by understanding the purpose/importance of the learning?

Once students are catching on and the teacher feels they have practiced enough, the students will use their Plicker
cards to answer a more formal assessment so the teacher will be able to see who is responding with which answers
and where particular individuals are struggling.
I will remind the students that it is important to mindful of their grammar when they write because incorrectly
spelling a word can dramatically alter the meaning of their sentences.

Rev. 7/2015

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